Democrats freaking out about church voice regarding abortion

You think they are all myths, right?

Can you tell me what the "myth" of the account of the Tower of Babel is all about?
No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
The account of the Tower of Babel is in Genesis. Chapter 11 to be specific.

So are you saying you haven't read it?
Correct. I lost interest after Chapter 2 or 3.

So you never actually bothered reading it.
So you never actually bothered reading it.

No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.

there is a price to be had without consideration for reading your 4th century book of forgeries, avatar you are a good example of the consequences ...

that is not to say reading excerpts in finding truths is not possible for the discerning.

I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis ....

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

my experience was to read no further than the above quote ...

Well, we already know you don't know squat about it, no need for redundancy on your part re being an ignorant troll.
We are supposed to die. That’s the entire point of the plan
Shaman Avatar has spoken!

speaking is how people communicate. Listening helps too. I highly recommend that you try it one of these days

However, 'communicating' with assorted filthy degenerate deviants who aren't here for any reason other than trolling is merely playing their juvenile 'I Touched You Last !!!" games and spamming threads.
You think they are all myths, right?

Can you tell me what the "myth" of the account of the Tower of Babel is all about?
No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.
The account of the Tower of Babel is in Genesis. Chapter 11 to be specific.

So are you saying you haven't read it?
Correct. I lost interest after Chapter 2 or 3.

So you never actually bothered reading it.
So you never actually bothered reading it.

No, I cannot. I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis.
As is the case in legal matters, once discredited, believing a witness is hard to do.

there is a price to be had without consideration for reading your 4th century book of forgeries, avatar you are a good example of the consequences ...

that is not to say reading excerpts in finding truths is not possible for the discerning.

I stopped reading the Bible after Genesis ....

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

my experience was to read no further than the above quote ...

And yet you guys are we proud about what you don't know
We are supposed to die. That’s the entire point of the plan
Shaman Avatar has spoken!

speaking is how people communicate. Listening helps too. I highly recommend that you try it one of these days

However, 'communicating' with assorted filthy degenerate deviants who aren't here for any reason other than trolling is merely playing their juvenile 'I Touched You Last !!!" games and spamming threads.

I have more hope that anonymous third parties might read and learn something.
Have you any idea the so called ‘gospel of Jesus Christ’ is a mish mash of mistranslations, expurgations and deliberate distortions by the early church?
A passing acquaintance with the last several centuries of biblical studies may assist in your understanding. Thanks for the sermon anyway.

The Lord restored his gospel for a reason
How convenient. You claim to know god's plan, when it suits you. But, when babies are killed? "God works in mysterious ways!"

Babies are killed because God gives us our agency and evil men and women kill children.

Regardless, I’m glad to see that you see how evil abortion is

He may be trying to go with the "Babies die, which means God is killing babies, which means it's okay for ME to do it!" argument. Hard to tell with leftists which boilerplate talking point they're using sometimes.

Anything to justify unbelief eh?

Anything to justify the only lame shot he has at feeling good about having to be himself for his entire life.
Another factoid: conservatives think they're Christians.

Yea, I know, right.
I know, right?

How can confederate Republicans who have a hate list, don't have a problem with what's happening to children at the border, want to end programs like school lunch for poor children and believe tax cuts for billionaires is the best thing we can to do help the country claim to be "Christians"????

Have they ever read the Bible? I don't think so.

I once ask a conservative if he read the Bible and he said he didn't need to because his pastor tells him what it says. Not kidding. True story. I asked how do you know he's telling you the truth and he said because his pastor is a "man of God". You can't argue with that. Minds like that are shielded and encased in iron.
Magic? I think you're confused
No, you are. You believe a magical paradigm. You just don't like the word "magic", because you feel as though it puts your favorite little nugget of magic on the same shelf as all magic. And you are right, it does.

Actually, he doesn't like the word "magic" because you're using it as a childish insult. It's bad enough to have to debate with a fool like you just as if you were a real person deserving of notice; it's worse when you insist on reminding us of what a waste of oxygen you are with every childish word out of your droolhole.
If Only,

women could Only get pregnant by Mr. Right, regardless of how much she tries, with all of the other ones.
I don't like the word magic because no magic is involved.
Of course, that's nonsense. Magical sky daddies, zombie Kings, miracles....all magic.
No. Just spirit creating the material world.

You need to see it like Magical sky daddies, zombie Kings, miracles....all magic. But in reality it is just what is outside of our space and time. It isn't anything like matter or energy. It is more like a mind without form. You being a thing can't comprehend a no thing. So all you have left is a third graders understanding of ancient texts that originated 6000 years ago and were passed down orally for thousands of years before it finally got written down.
No. Just spirit creating the material world
Which is magic.

I know you religious types don't like that word, because you think your particular brand of magic is "special". Well, it isn't. Magical hooha is magical hooha....and yours is no different, in that respect.
No. Just spirit creating the material world
Which is magic.

I know you religious types don't like that word, because you think your particular brand of magic is "special". Well, it isn't. Magical hooha is magical hooha....and yours is no different, in that respect.
No. I don't believe it is. Its existence is perfectly natural for being outside of space and time. Do you not understand that matter and energy cannot exist outside of space and time? So your answer to the question of what exists outside of space and time is magic. My answer is "it" must be a no thing because a thing (i.e. matter and energy cannot exist outside of space and time. Therefore what exists outside of space and time must be something which can naturally exist outside of space and time. The only no thing that satisfies that condition that makes sense is consciousness without form. You being a thing can't possibly relate to what I am talking about. So you call it magic like a third grader.
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No. Just spirit creating the material world
Which is magic.

I know you religious types don't like that word, because you think your particular brand of magic is "special". Well, it isn't. Magical hooha is magical hooha....and yours is no different, in that respect.
Magical hooha is magical hooha....and yours is no different, in that respect.

and yours is no different ...

the desert religions lost their spirituality - long ago.

when referring to the metaphysical there may indeed exist magic, as you seem to know what you are expressing by using your descriptive term ...


Flora better illustrates the metaphysical as its progression is accomplished without there being a CNS, central nervous system used as a defection to describe the origin of the physiological makeup of Fauna by the deniers. the physiology of both Flora and Fauna is itself a metaphysical substance in physical form that disappears, magic when its spiritual content is removed.

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