Democrats funding pro-Hamas rallies.

So who is supporting, according to you (we still haven’t seen any figures), HAMAS if it’s not democrats? You sound confused. I guess when you make up stuff out of thin air, that tends to happen.

Carry on.
Actually, it's clear that Democrats are funding their Hamas heroes. Democrats are paying for the rise of the Democrat version of the Hitler Youth.

Anti-Israel activist hubs leading protests sympathetic to Hamas across the United States after the terror group’s recent deadly attack against the Jewish state can thank an influential left-wing dark money nexus for helping to keep their lights on, documents show.

The Tides Foundation and Tides Center, two affiliated deep-pocketed nonprofit organizations that have long shaped the progressive agenda with philanthropist backers such as George Soros and Bill Gates, granted at least $1 million combined in 2022 to groups behind demonstrations pushing for an Israel-Gaza conflict ceasefire and downplaying Palestinian terror in the Middle East, according to newly filed tax forms reviewed by the Washington Examiner.
As I stated yesterday.....many of these ingrates aren't students.
Many of them aren't even US citizens.

In the same vein of a blind squirrel finding an acorn, you’re right about this.

The students--the actual students--are nuts for buying into this garbage much like the MAGA dolts who believed an election was stolen from them in 9 swing states simultaneously with zero proof. Essentially they are one and the same; both don’t like America much and both are easily fooled into carrying the water for dumbfucks who seek to profit from it. Both groups are winding up in jail. Poetic justice.
Actually, it's clear that Democrats are funding their Hamas heroes.
The same ones who are booing Democrats and Biden at every turn?

Democrats are paying for the rise of the Democrat version of the Hitler Youth.
Not even remotely true. Nazis like all other white nationalists are a firm voting block of the MAGA folks.

Screen Shot 2024-04-23 at 4.37.15 PM.png

In the same vein of a blind squirrel finding an acorn, you’re right about this.

The students--the actual students--are nuts for buying into this garbage much like the MAGA dolts who believed an election was stolen from them in 9 swing states simultaneously with zero proof. Essentially they are one and the same; both don’t like America much and both are easily fooled into carrying the water for dumbfucks who seek to profit from it. Both groups are winding up in jail. Poetic justice.
The difference being these students don't even know why they're protesting.

If they did they wouldn't come near it.

How can they justify supporting the rape & murder of over 1200 Jewish men, women, and children in their own homes?
How can they support keeping the hundreds of hostages that are still imprisoned in Gaza?
Pretty disgusting if you ask me. These groups are calling for genocide against Jews, and Democrats are funding it.


The same ones who are booing Democrats and Biden at every turn?

Not even remotely true. Nazis like all other white nationalists are a firm voting block of the MAGA folks.

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No. The Democrats supporting their version of the Hitler Youth.

You should take the time to research The Tides. It's a dumping ground for Democrat money to push their Hitler inspired agenda.

As usual, you're completely inadequate at supporting your nonsense claims so you're reduced to cutting and pasting the same unsourced, undated photo you have littered other threads with.

Something of the expected pointlesness from someone like you chasing, "The Stupid,".

he he he
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The difference being these students don't even know why they're protesting.

If they did they wouldn't come near it.

How can they justify supporting the rape & murder of over 1200 Jewish men, women, and children in their own homes?
How can they support keeping the hundreds of hostages that are still imprisoned in Gaza?

These mindless drones are a product of the Democrat party and their ideological ties to Marxist / Leninist politics.

There's a certain comedy quotient in that the Stalinist / Leninist drones churned out by the Stalinist / Leftist addled universities are eating each other alive.
No. The Democrats supporting their version of the Hitler Youth.

You should take the time to research The Tides. It's a dumping ground for Democrat money to push their Hitler inspired agenda.

As usual, you're completely inadequate at supporting your nonsense claims so your reduced to cutting and pasting the same unsourced, undated photo you have littered other threads with.

Something of the expected pointlesness from someone like you chasing, "The Stupid,".

he he he
These Biden voters really can't see the correlation between their Hitler Youth and the white goose-stepping fascists that surfaced in Germany in the 30s.
Pretty disgusting if you ask me. These groups are calling for genocide against Jews, and Democrats are funding it.

Joey Xiden is trying to get your tax dollars to fund these pro-Hamas terrorist, by having their loans forgiven.

A vote for Joey Xiden is a vote to fund Hamas
The same ones who are booing Democrats and Biden at every turn?

Not even remotely true. Nazis like all other white nationalists are a firm voting block of the MAGA folks.

View attachment 941019

Here's another article on The Tides Foundation and its connections to Democrats.

It's really hilarious how you deny that Democrats are funding their version of the Hitler Youth when, as usual, you literally are brain dead.

Nearly $170 million in government grants has passed through a liberal dark money behemoth that houses numerous left-wing groups, including the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, tax forms show.
These Biden voters really can't see the correlation between their Hitler Youth and the white goose-stepping fascists that surfaced in Germany in the 30s.
Hitler wasn't so much a racist as he was a Nationalist. Hence, his politcal Party's name.

Hitler was just another third-way socialist. Just different in that he was a Nationalist, aka; a Patriotic socialist.

And one thing we can never, ever, ever-ever-ever accuse dimocrap FILTH of is -- Patriotism

dimocraps are scum. Every living, breathing one of them.
Hitler wasn't so much a racist as he was a Nationalist. Hence, his politcal Party's name.

Hitler was just another third-way socialist. Just different in that he was a Nationalist, aka; a Patriotic socialist.

And one thing we can never, ever, ever-ever-ever accuse dimocrap FILTH of is -- Patriotism

dimocraps are scum. Every living, breathing one of them.
nah, he was also a racist.
nah, he was also a racist.
Curious that his main Allies were Italy and Japan. But he invaded and killed millions of Blonde-Haired Blue-Eyed Russians, Poles, French, British, Lits, Lats, Ukes, etc.
Curious that his main Allies were Italy and Japan. But he invaded and killed millions of Blonde-Haired Blue-Eyed Russians, Poles, French, British, Lits, Lats, Ukes, etc.
Yeah but he believed his race was the superior race and wanted to murder people cause they are jewish
Nope, he thought all Jews were subhuman

This one looks real subhuman to me. But we both know that Hitler's followers would have murdered her in 2 seconds back in the day.

I submit, therefore, that he was more of a Nationalist than a racist.

Also, more of an anti-capitalist than anything. socialist scum, especially the ones of Hitler's day and the ones acting like idiots today, are virulenty anti-capitallist. It's what they spend 90% of their time on -- Being anti-capitalist.

Hitler despised capitalism, like all good little socialists.

And like all good little socialists, he blames Jews for Capitalism. Which proves their stupidity.

socialists, being the stupid scum they are, believe that if they can rid the world, one country at a time, of Jews that they can make the world safe for socialism. FACT.

So, you see, Hitler wasn't a racist and today's scumbag dimocrap FILTH aren't anti-Israel or pro Hamas.

They're socialists. Like Hitler. Very much like Hitler.


She is the only child of Rosellen (née Greenfield), a nursery school teacher, and Arthur Gellar, a garment worker.[5][6] Both of her parents are Jewish
This one looks real subhuman to me. But we both know that Hitler's followers would have murdered her in 2 seconds back in the day.

I submit, therefore, that he was more of a Nationalist than a racist.

Also, more of an anti-capitalist than anything. socialist scum, especially the ones of Hitler's day and the ones acting like idiots today, are virulenty anti-capitallist. It's what they spend 90% of their time on -- Being anti-capitalist.

Hitler despised capitalism, like all good little socialists.

And like all good little socialists, he blames Jews for Capitalism. Which proves their stupidity.

socialists, being the stupid scum they are, believe that if they can rid the world, one country at a time, of Jews that they can make the world safe for socialism. FACT.

So, you see, Hitler wasn't a racist and today's scumbag dimocrap FILTH aren't anti-Israel or pro Hamas.

They're socialists. Like Hitler. Very much like Hitler.

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Nope he was a racist too. I huge one. He believed the Ayran racist was rhe superior race and needed to be pure

That doesn’t mean he didn’t work with others like Italians, or Arabs.
Well that is a load of shit...

For starters it was a Pro Palestine rally, i.e. People that think Palestinians have the right to exist on the land they are from...
Yet, you don’t think Jews have the right…ironic…
You want to stop that... You are effectively saying that they don't have that right to exist on that land... You are defaming people who try and support them.
See above
There is no military solution to this problem, so why are they bombing areas with unguided bombs when they know there are civillans in the place?

If the citizens hide them, then they’re fair game.

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