Democrats Have Abandoned Their Principles


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Democrats have always been hypocritical, pretending to be for lower-class whites, while sabotaging them in busing, affirmative action, and opposition to law enforcement. But today’s Democrats have really gone over the cliff.

Now they claim to be the champions of women’s and gay rights. Problem is their hypocrisy reeks, as Democrat judges go out of their way to support the worst offenders of women and gays >>> Muslims.

They even nominated a presidential candidate who took $ 50 Million from countries among the most oppressive to women and gays in the whole world (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait).

Then there’s the outsourcing issue. 13 years ago, the Democratys presidential nominee, John Kerry, advanced the idea of harshly taxing companies who engage in international outsourcing. He even called them “Benedict Arnolds”.

But now when they finally get a real anti-outsourcing president (Donald Trump), who is really taking action against outsourcing (which Obama & the Clintons supported), they have nothing but contempt for him.

And Democrats’ hypocrisy really shows up where they support illegal immigration, which takes millions of jobs away from the American workers they pretend to support. This abandonement also extends to the long list of harms that Americans endure from this traitorous activity, including loss of $ 133 Billion/year from the US economy (in immigrant remittances).

Then there’s the safety issue. How can Democrats claim to be supporters of ANY Americans, when they endorse the immigration of ISIS killers embedded with refugees ? (who then take more jobs from American workers). And then with this increased danger, what do Democrats do ? They take guns out of the pockets of law-abiding gun owners, by banning CCW laws, and establishing gun-free zones, leaving Americans defenseless against Muslim jihadists (as in the cases of San Bernardino, Orlando, and Fort Hood).
Democrats will defend and support the America Hating Group de jour. Today it's Muslims who throw gay men odd rooftops and gave Hillary tens of million of dollars

Sick fucks
I don't believe liberals have abandoned their principles. They just lie about what their principles really are.
democrats never had any principles. The whole POINT of being a democrat is to reject all ethics and integrity. They are a party of demagogues and sociopaths.
As usual, another Democrat goes on the MSM and blabbers about Democrats being for “working people” How often have we heard that ? This time it was Chuck Schumer on the TV show This Week” on ABC.

Here’s the problem. The missing word from Schumer’s sentence >> AMERICAN. Oh yeah, the democrats are for working people all right >> Mexicans, Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Guatemalan – just about any working people, other than Americans. And in supporting immigration (including the illegal version), and giving American jobs away to all these foreigners, Democrats are stabbing AMERICAN workers in the back, in exchange for those immigrants’ VOTES.

They figure 100% of immigrants, whom they helped to come here, and then sheltered once they’re here (including the illegal ones), will vote for them, as opposed to only about 40% of AMERICAN voters.

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