Democrats Have an Integrity Problem...Why Trump Will Win 2020

Yep. Agreed. Dems have a serious lack of integrity. The GOP is a model of integrity right? I can't type that with a straight face. I'm calling out both corrupt's so liberating. You know it's the truth but I will wait for you to rationalize it.
Yep. Agreed. Dems have a serious lack of integrity. The GOP is a model of integrity right? I can't type that with a straight face. I'm calling out both corrupt's so liberating. You know it's the truth but I will wait for you to rationalize it.
Donald Trump won a free and fair constitutional election in 2016. Democratic Party wants to usurp democracy in this country. Rational enough for you?
I went through a quick thumbnail sketch of some strong/forced blue states. Corruption is rife within them. Democrats want to impeach Trump for corruption? American voters won’t go for it...not after looking how Democrats run their cities. Please. Trump 2020.
Debating Democrats tackle — and dodge — how money influences politics – Center for Public Integrity
Hilariously ironic for a tRumpkin to post about integrity.
Democrats have none. Winning issue for Trump in 2020.
Nothing is going to come of the impeachment stuff just relax. It does create good entertainment however. I do laugh at it on a daily basis as I ridicule all the various players on both sides of this debacle. Let's say I have lost all respect for all involved.
I went through a quick thumbnail sketch of some strong/forced blue states. Corruption is rife within them. Democrats want to impeach Trump for corruption? American voters won’t go for it...not after looking how Democrats run their cities. Please. Trump 2020.
Debating Democrats tackle — and dodge — how money influences politics – Center for Public Integrity
Hilariously ironic for a tRumpkin to post about integrity.
Democrats have none. Winning issue for Trump in 2020.
That was on of those "funny once" jokes Mike. Gotta get new material now.
Nothing is going to come of the impeachment stuff just relax. It does create good entertainment however. I do laugh at it on a daily basis as I ridicule all the various players on both sides of this debacle. Let's say I have lost all respect for all involved.
Helps Trump. Democrats look sorry assed, vindictive, and partisan.
I went through a quick thumbnail sketch of some strong/forced blue states. Corruption is rife within them. Democrats want to impeach Trump for corruption? American voters won’t go for it...not after looking how Democrats run their cities. Please. Trump 2020.
Debating Democrats tackle — and dodge — how money influences politics – Center for Public Integrity
You are right!

DEMOCRAT DISASTER: Focus Group Finds Former Obama Voters Now Firmly in Trump Camp

Axios reports:

Focus group: These Obama/Trump voters are just Trump voters now

Some swing voters here who voted for Barack Obama and then Donald Trump are firmly in Trump’s camp now — and they’re sick of impeachment.

Why it matters: The two-plus hour conversation revealed major warning signs for the Democratic Party in a crucial swing county that will be a pivotal area to win in 2020.

This was the biggest takeaway from our Engagious/FPG focus group last week, which included 10 voters who flipped from Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016.

These responses show how some voters are thinking and talking about the 2020 election in crucial counties.

Why Saginaw matters: Trump won Saginaw County by just over 1% in 2016, and Obama won by nearly 12% in 2012.

The big picture:

These voters hate the fact that House Democrats are moving toward impeaching the president. They call it a distraction from the issues that would actually improve their lives, like preserving Social Security, cracking down on illegal immigration, and keeping jobs in the U.S.

The Trump economy is undoubtedly a driving factor here. See the findings from a new Quinnipiac poll at the link.

Tired of Democrats Not accepting the election results and ready to just enjoy the great wage gains, near 30% market gains and the Santa Claus Rally that will bring in the Election Year Cheer!

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