Democrats have encouraged Mexican cartels to buy ‘grow houses’ in Mexifornia by legalizing weed.

Good point...those “red states” you speak of have lots of blacks and white trash stoners dragging good people down. Again, good point. BUT remember, Mexifornia has 12% of the nations population and 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Thank God for SillyCon Valley, Hollyweird and all those elites you hate for being able to keep spoon feeding the filth huh?
The red welfare states need to start reimbursing Cali and NY since they can't support themselves.
The title of the uop is misleading.

1. Drug cartels have been growing pot in California and other states well before it became legal in California. When pot became legal there the cartels just continued to ship weed from several north western states and northern California. The red states supply most of the illicit tax free revenue.

2. By legalizing pot, California has established some control in ensuring the growing process of the legal plants is safer for users and the environment. Contrary to what the op implies, it is the refusal of the red states to legalize marihuana that drives the negative environmental and health issues caused by illegal growers using powerful deadly toxicants to kill animals that eat their crops.

3. Cartel Grower houses would likely produce a safer product without pesticides as opposed to the illicit plants cartels grow in our national parks and forests where pesticides reek havoc on the wildlife and ecosystems; Not to mention the deleterious effects passed on to users when they smoke MJ or bake cookies with the pesticide laced produce.
Whoopsie....did their brilliant plan backfire?
Any filthy Liberal will tell you......“The legalization of marijuana in the states will put the cartels out of business.”
Hmmm.....or will it encourage the cartels to simply make the U.S. their home base?
Mexican drug cartels may use legal marijuana to increase their presence in Northern California
Cartels are growing marijuana illegally in California — and there's a war brewing
Typical treasonous bastards.
The title of the uop is misleading.

1. Drug cartels have been growing pot in California and other states well before it became legal in California. When pot became legal there the cartels just continued to ship weed from several north western states and northern California. The red states supply most of the illicit tax free revenue.

2. By legalizing pot, California has established some control in ensuring the growing process of the legal plants is safer for users and the environment. Contrary to what the op implies, it is the refusal of the red states to legalize marihuana that drives the negative environmental and health issues caused by illegal growers using powerful deadly toxicants to kill animals that eat their crops.

3. Cartel Grower houses would likely produce a safer product without pesticides as opposed to the illicit plants cartels grow in our national parks and forests where pesticides reek havoc on the wildlife and ecosystems; Not to mention the deleterious effects passed on to users when they smoke MJ or bake cookies with the pesticide laced produce.
Wow dude...your so right man...I just love when stoners try to be cool and explain just how cool smoking pot is. Government is like, all wrong and shit. Pot is the answer to all our problems and the cartels are heroes.
California was Mexican before.
And we kicked their fucking ass in 1848. Settlers and Mexicans living in California wanted a revolution against Santa Anna and his dictatorial rule. California Republic then voted to join the United States. Mexico has no claim to California.
The title of the uop is misleading.

1. Drug cartels have been growing pot in California and other states well before it became legal in California. When pot became legal there the cartels just continued to ship weed from several north western states and northern California. The red states supply most of the illicit tax free revenue.

2. By legalizing pot, California has established some control in ensuring the growing process of the legal plants is safer for users and the environment. Contrary to what the op implies, it is the refusal of the red states to legalize marihuana that drives the negative environmental and health issues caused by illegal growers using powerful deadly toxicants to kill animals that eat their crops.

3. Cartel Grower houses would likely produce a safer product without pesticides as opposed to the illicit plants cartels grow in our national parks and forests where pesticides reek havoc on the wildlife and ecosystems; Not to mention the deleterious effects passed on to users when they smoke MJ or bake cookies with the pesticide laced produce.
The cartels are real heroes.
The 8 Most Brutally Sadistic Execution Methods Mexican Cartels Use To Kill People
Good point...those “red states” you speak of have lots of blacks and white trash stoners dragging good people down. Again, good point. BUT remember, Mexifornia has 12% of the nations population and 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Thank God for SillyCon Valley, Hollyweird and all those elites you hate for being able to keep spoon feeding the filth huh?
The red welfare states need to start reimbursing Cali and NY since they can't support themselves.
Cali and New York are broke. Red states do fine and support themselves.
Good point...those “red states” you speak of have lots of blacks and white trash stoners dragging good people down. Again, good point. BUT remember, Mexifornia has 12% of the nations population and 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Thank God for SillyCon Valley, Hollyweird and all those elites you hate for being able to keep spoon feeding the filth huh?
The red welfare states need to start reimbursing Cali and NY since they can't support themselves.
Cali and New York are broke. Red states do fine and support themselves.
New York and California make up almost a quarter of the US economy themselves. They aren't broke and their taxes are supporting welfare red states. It's time for these welfare states to pay back the money they owe and stop being leaches on prosperous states.
Legal pot is insecticide free and safer.

The title of the uop is misleading.

1. Drug cartels have been growing pot in California and other states well before it became legal in California. When pot became legal there the cartels just continued to ship weed from several north western states and northern California. The red states supply most of the illicit tax free revenue.

2. By legalizing pot, California has established some control in ensuring the growing process of the legal plants is safer for users and the environment. Contrary to what the op implies, it is the refusal of the red states to legalize marihuana that drives the negative environmental and health issues caused by illegal growers using powerful deadly toxicants to kill animals that eat their crops.

3. Cartel Grower houses would likely produce a safer product without pesticides as opposed to the illicit plants cartels grow in our national parks and forests where pesticides reek havoc on the wildlife and ecosystems; Not to mention the deleterious effects passed on to users when they smoke MJ or bake cookies with the pesticide laced produce.

Haha...great theory fellas...following that awesome logic, it would only make sense to legalize heroin and cocaine as well...if it were legal it could be manufactured using safer more environmentally friendly methods....right?
Shit, while we’re at it, let’s also legalize rape...I’m sure we could make the act safer if we regulate it...right?
They're growing the weed that AmericanTs wont !. Now your masters are bringing in pickers from South Africa ( It's like Calumet City but with giraffes and stuff)
Good point...those “red states” you speak of have lots of blacks and white trash stoners dragging good people down. Again, good point. BUT remember, Mexifornia has 12% of the nations population and 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Thank God for SillyCon Valley, Hollyweird and all those elites you hate for being able to keep spoon feeding the filth huh?
The red welfare states need to start reimbursing Cali and NY since they can't support themselves.
Cali and New York are broke. Red states do fine and support themselves.
New York and California make up almost a quarter of the US economy themselves. They aren't broke and their taxes are supporting welfare red states. It's time for these welfare states to pay back the money they owe and stop being leaches on prosperous states.

Damn dude...I know you stoners are usually stupid and all but you should atleast know some basic shit...Mexifornia and Loon York are broke, disgusting shitholes...this isn’t an’s a FACT.
Whoopsie....did their brilliant plan backfire?
Any filthy Liberal will tell you......“The legalization of marijuana in the states will put the cartels out of business.”
Hmmm.....or will it encourage the cartels to simply make the U.S. their home base?
Mexican drug cartels may use legal marijuana to increase their presence in Northern California
Cartels are growing marijuana illegally in California — and there's a war brewing
You know who were some of the biggest objectors to legalized pot in California?
They're growing the weed that AmericanTs wont !. Now your masters are bringing in pickers from South Africa ( It's like Calumet City but with giraffes and stuff)

What? Are they growing that Mexican Dirt Weed they sell for 50 an OZ?
The title of the uop is misleading.

1. Drug cartels have been growing pot in California and other states well before it became legal in California. When pot became legal there the cartels just continued to ship weed from several north western states and northern California. The red states supply most of the illicit tax free revenue.

2. By legalizing pot, California has established some control in ensuring the growing process of the legal plants is safer for users and the environment. Contrary to what the op implies, it is the refusal of the red states to legalize marihuana that drives the negative environmental and health issues caused by illegal growers using powerful deadly toxicants to kill animals that eat their crops.

3. Cartel Grower houses would likely produce a safer product without pesticides as opposed to the illicit plants cartels grow in our national parks and forests where pesticides reek havoc on the wildlife and ecosystems; Not to mention the deleterious effects passed on to users when they smoke MJ or bake cookies with the pesticide laced produce.
Wow dude...your so right man...I just love when stoners try to be cool and explain just how cool smoking pot is. Government is like, all wrong and shit. Pot is the answer to all our problems and the cartels are heroes.
I'm not a user but i think the health of those who do use marihuana should be protected.
If a national referendum was implemented for universal legalizarion in that regard I'd be all for it.

The threat to health and the ecosystem is the use of perticides by itinerant cultivaters, not the MJ. Where ever prohibition occurs, a market for illicit weed thrives. THE SOLUTION? Eliminate the illicit market by legalization or, if that fails, use all the resouces available to focus public attention in the USA and throughout Latin America on the heath and environmental impacts of the pesticides cartels use in their operations.

My idea may not be an easy fix; but, the news has to saturate the airwaves to alert the average John, or Juan, about the real threat their illicit suppliers poses to them and the
ecosystem. Perhaps that approach will curtail the use of pesticides in the field and incentivize the Cartels to expand indoor plantations where pesticides are not needed.
Whoopsie....did their brilliant plan backfire?
Any filthy Liberal will tell you......“The legalization of marijuana in the states will put the cartels out of business.”
Hmmm.....or will it encourage the cartels to simply make the U.S. their home base?
Mexican drug cartels may use legal marijuana to increase their presence in Northern California
Cartels are growing marijuana illegally in California — and there's a war brewing

Keeping it illegal was obviously working so much better.

Taxing the daylights out of it like Cali is doing invites a low end black market to replace the high end black market.

Although I'm not sure the far smaller profit margins a low end black market intrinsically has would warrant the attention of criminal cartels.

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