Democrats have encouraged Mexican cartels to buy ‘grow houses’ in Mexifornia by legalizing weed.

One worry I have is if a mafia or cartel went to my friend and said "I want $5000 a month from your operation. If you go to the cops or if you quit I'll kill you and your family". What's to stop them from doing that to legal growers?

Jess Sessions and Trump. :lol:
Sorry..I couldn't resist...

In all sincerity though, I think that cops posing as growers or family members of legal growers would be a great deterrent. against cartels trying to extort legitimate operations.
Please point it out then. Or can't you? I think you said there was irony in my comment but you can't seem to point it out. Makes me think you don't know what the word irony means.

I can't seem to point it out?

What part of......"There's some SERIOUS irony here....for those who can find it"..... did you also not figure out?

You may not be able to see it or figure it out.
Doesn't necessarily mean you're an idiot.....from your post I gathered that you might have a bit of difficulty finding it. Others no problem.

People are different.
Similarly, I can't find any logical explanation for MANY things Leftys do and seem to be willing to die opening the borders or helping illegals vote....or Sanctuary cities (wtf!?)

Go figure. Beats me.
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 5.24.51 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 5.25.16 PM.png

Another one with art from this year.
Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 5.22.43 PM.png

More art work…

Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 5.15.33 PM.png

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 5.14.46 PM.png

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.


  • Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 5.25.30 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 5.25.30 PM.png
    8.3 KB · Views: 13
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.

too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.
A lot...
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.

I live here dipshit.
Whoopsie....did their brilliant plan backfire?
Any filthy Liberal will tell you......“The legalization of marijuana in the states will put the cartels out of business.”
Hmmm.....or will it encourage the cartels to simply make the U.S. their home base?
Mexican drug cartels may use legal marijuana to increase their presence in Northern California
Cartels are growing marijuana illegally in California — and there's a war brewing

Neither of your links support your claim.

Both of those stories are about trespass grow ops in national parks.
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.

I live here dipshit.

I can see why….

I lived there for several years myself. The cops used to take the lighting elements used to grow the pot and chunk them onto the lawn. Thom Dickerson on Channel 13 (before his death) was there during a bust one time on Live at 5 I think it was. As I recall, Shara Fryer was talking to him at the scene and this loud crash happens…Dickerson thinks something exploded; Houston’s finest tossing growing lights onto the sidewalk!!!
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.


What do you Trumpians say all the time…useful hyperbole!!! There. Anything I say is covered.
Good point...those “red states” you speak of have lots of blacks and white trash stoners dragging good people down. Again, good point. BUT remember, Mexifornia has 12% of the nations population and 33% of the nations welfare recipients. Thank God for SillyCon Valley, Hollyweird and all those elites you hate for being able to keep spoon feeding the filth huh?
The red welfare states need to start reimbursing Cali and NY since they can't support themselves.
Cali and New York are broke. Red states do fine and support themselves.
No the red states suck up most of the welare
doled out by he feds.
It's Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 'Moochers' in the Country!
Wow dude....the Mexican cartare better than our President, our nation. I love pot more than my country because I am an addict.
I thought republicans were all about states rights?
Let them, that shit hole deserves it
Crazy Cali should just become part of Mexico, I would love to see the reactions of the progressive elite...
I thought republicans were all about states rights?

They’re more about protecting good people from filthy Liberals though.
So not for state rights.

States use to govern on behalf of their best citizens and state rights were paramount...we’re in a new era now where certain states govern from the bottom know this. The Feds have to step in and protect its best, most productive, most moral’s become a necessary evil.
So you are not for states rights and for the federal govt overruling the states. Thanks.
Let Crazy Cali leave no harm done... lol
so what shithole do you live in?....
I thought republicans were all about states rights?
Let them, that shit hole deserves it
Crazy Cali should just become part of Mexico, I would love to see the reactions of the progressive elite...
I thought republicans were all about states rights?

They’re more about protecting good people from filthy Liberals though.
So not for state rights.

States use to govern on behalf of their best citizens and state rights were paramount...we’re in a new era now where certain states govern from the bottom know this. The Feds have to step in and protect its best, most productive, most moral’s become a necessary evil.
So you are not for states rights and for the federal govt overruling the states. Thanks.

Liberal states have continued to shit in the faces of their best citizens by perpetuating more filth and more indecency through poor legislation.
So NO, I am not for the rights of states ran by immoral Liberal filth.
you would think with all the bitching you do about california you would pack up and leave.....just sayin...
Whoopsie....did their brilliant plan backfire?
Any filthy Liberal will tell you......“The legalization of marijuana in the states will put the cartels out of business.”
Hmmm.....or will it encourage the cartels to simply make the U.S. their home base?
Mexican drug cartels may use legal marijuana to increase their presence in Northern California
Cartels are growing marijuana illegally in California — and there's a war brewing

There are a lot of American citizens working in good jobs because of legal marijuana. If you want those dollars to go back to Mexico all you need to do is keep marijuana illegal in this country. It will never s stop illegal weed from coming in though.

Mexico can grow weed on the cheap down there, then they bring it up here to sell, send the profits back so they can manufacture their more deadly addictive drugs, meth, heroin, crack/cocaine.

A few drug educational programs are in order for you, national geographic and others have these type programs.

You would make a lot of Mexican drug lords very happy just by doing what you're suggesting.

Marijuana is a gateway DRUG, fools know this...making a gateway drug easier to obtain and more accessible opens the flood gates to bigger things...again, third graders know this. Indecent lowlifes refuse to look past their nose on this...they want their weed, they love the lowlife won’t understand how good quality people see the issue.
are you related to tipsy? sound as uninformed as she is about pot........
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.

I live here dipshit.

I can see why….

I lived there for several years myself. The cops used to take the lighting elements used to grow the pot and chunk them onto the lawn. Thom Dickerson on Channel 13 (before his death) was there during a bust one time on Live at 5 I think it was. As I recall, Shara Fryer was talking to him at the scene and this loud crash happens…Dickerson thinks something exploded; Houston’s finest tossing growing lights onto the sidewalk!!! it.
While of course they "occasionally" bust a grow house it's very rare since the border is so close that it doesnt make it profitable.
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.


What do you Trumpians say all the time…useful hyperbole!!! There. Anything I say is covered.

So you're a liar.
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.


What do you Trumpians say all the time…useful hyperbole!!! There. Anything I say is covered.

So you're a liar.

No worse, than or no better than your messiah….

Would you have believed me if I said that there were thousands of Palestinians dancing in the street when HPD busted the grow houses over off of Long Point and back when Sharpstown was a decent place to live?
too damn funny; HPD used to raid grow houses daily in Houston….Reddest state in the union

Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.

I live here dipshit.

I can see why….

I lived there for several years myself. The cops used to take the lighting elements used to grow the pot and chunk them onto the lawn. Thom Dickerson on Channel 13 (before his death) was there during a bust one time on Live at 5 I think it was. As I recall, Shara Fryer was talking to him at the scene and this loud crash happens…Dickerson thinks something exploded; Houston’s finest tossing growing lights onto the sidewalk!!! it.
While of course they "occasionally" bust a grow house it's very rare since the border is so close that it doesnt make it profitable.

Clearly, you have zero idea of the nature of narcotics.

Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 6.46.42 PM.png

There is a checkpoint on the road to Houston (I-69) that is famous for drug seizures…it’s about 80 miles from the border and about 300 miles to Houston….

Strike two.
Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.


What do you Trumpians say all the time…useful hyperbole!!! There. Anything I say is covered.

So you're a liar.

No worse, than or no better than your messiah….

Would you have believed me if I said that there were thousands of Palestinians dancing in the street when HPD busted the grow houses over off of Long Point and back when Sharpstown was a decent place to live?

WTF does Palestine have to do with anything?
Pure unadulterated bullshit!

Except for the fact that what I said was true…. Here is the results from just one cursory search…

View attachment 190900
View attachment 190899

Another one with art from this year.
View attachment 190901

More art work…

View attachment 190903

$2.3 Million in Pot. Moonglow ; how many ounces is that? LOL
View attachment 190904

I’m sure there is some immigrant you guys can (and will) blame.

I live here dipshit.

I can see why….

I lived there for several years myself. The cops used to take the lighting elements used to grow the pot and chunk them onto the lawn. Thom Dickerson on Channel 13 (before his death) was there during a bust one time on Live at 5 I think it was. As I recall, Shara Fryer was talking to him at the scene and this loud crash happens…Dickerson thinks something exploded; Houston’s finest tossing growing lights onto the sidewalk!!! it.
While of course they "occasionally" bust a grow house it's very rare since the border is so close that it doesnt make it profitable.

Clearly, you have zero idea of the nature of narcotics.

View attachment 190931

There is a checkpoint on the road to Houston (I-69) that is famous for drug seizures…it’s about 80 miles from the border and about 300 miles to Houston….

Strike two.

So what does that have to do with grow houses in Houston?

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