Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

Hillary never saw a war she wouldn't support and promote. Wall Street was going to get something from all the money they gave her.

The GOP did not tell me that. History did.
She would have been so much better than Trump it's ridiculous. She was lied to on Iraq so blaming her's kind of ridiculous. Libya was a good job and not a war as far as America was concerned. Just a police action to save freedom fighters and the City of Benghazi from a total a****** dictator and terrorist.

Were those the freedom fighters that killed our ambassador, that you love so?

Do you understand the things we have done over there?

Oh, so our ambassador deserved to die?

If you do stupid things, bad things happen. Running arms out of a foreign country was a very stupid thing to do.
Everything you know is wrong. LOL aaarrrggghhh
he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.
Bernie says he has no problem being called a Communist, why do you care?
You are absolutely out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. LOL Democratic socialist immediately means you are nuts. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. The only people for communism are people in China North Korea and Cuba with a gun to their heads. It is totally discredited. Try reality and change the channel. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbag liars and obstructionists the GOP is. And Dupes like you of course
Bernie said himself he has no problem being called a Commie, take it up with him. Commie lover.

Much better if he would go on child like Twitter rants when someone says something about him I suppose.
Whatever he is lying about Sanders saying he had no problem being called a communist. Total balderdash propaganda like everything he believes, the ignoramus

It was best to simply dismiss it like I did. Even if he did say "whatever, you can call me what you want if it makes you feel better" that is more the sign of a leader than Trump's child like Twitter rants.
She would have been so much better than Trump it's ridiculous. She was lied to on Iraq so blaming her's kind of ridiculous. Libya was a good job and not a war as far as America was concerned. Just a police action to save freedom fighters and the City of Benghazi from a total a****** dictator and terrorist.

Were those the freedom fighters that killed our ambassador, that you love so?

Do you understand the things we have done over there?

Oh, so our ambassador deserved to die?

If you do stupid things, bad things happen. Running arms out of a foreign country was a very stupid thing to do.
Everything you know is wrong. LOL aaarrrggghhh

And yet you were unable to provide any sort of valid rebuttal to what I know as a fact.
Rush agrees with very little of what I believe. When did Rush become a big supporter of Sanders?

No, that is not what happened. He won "Lie of the Year" for that one.

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
And that is crap for the reasons I gave you.
So you are for Sanders? Call my basically yes, I voted for him against Hillary in the New York State primary in 2016. just because you like Sanders should not mean that you start believing all the crap we got from the GOP and corporate media for that matter about his opponents in the Democratic party. That's how Hillary lost in the general election and it's a damn shame. Breaking she is not corrupt poor owned by Wall Street is because she took a lot of money for speeches. GOP crap character assassination just like all the other phony scandals about her Obama Lois Lerner colder and on and on and on. All crap. Just like Sanders was cheated. Those superdelegates would have voted for him if he had beaten her in the primaries, which he did not.

Hillary never saw a war she wouldn't support and promote. Wall Street was going to get something from all the money they gave her.

The GOP did not tell me that. History did.
She would have been so much better than Trump it's ridiculous. She was lied to on Iraq so blaming her's kind of ridiculous. Libya was a good job and not a war as far as America was concerned. Just a police action to save freedom fighters and the City of Benghazi from a total a****** dictator and terrorist.

Libya was led by the French, British and Lebanese. Not Hillary.

Nothing happens in Libya without the US backing it and Hillary was a huge proponent of that. None of those countries forced us to run arms out of Libya either.
m'k.... a protest vote by going third party. look what that got america.

lol.... i voted for nader in 2000. i learned my lesson.

I will always vote for the best candidate. Period. There is an ever growing number just like me.

Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.

What the hell are you talking about....?

Ok, easy...What Socialist country of like size in population would you like to see us emulate? and why?
Population is irrelevant, but you could count the EU at 450 million. The question is why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share? Thanks GOP and silly dupes. Franco in my name stands for Francophile. Just because we have those benefits of citizenship does not mean we're going to turn into Frenchmen LOL. Just that we will have a healthy working and middle-class and our economy will work again for people beside the rich like The last 35 years. Everything you know is wrong, only the propaganda machine makes this GOP Mess possible. "We are all socialists now!"--the prime minister of Finland when ObamaCare passed... That is how scary socialism is in reality....

So you think that the EU is more prosperous than the US?

"Average gross domestic product (GDP) in the US is about 40% higher than average GDP of the EU-15 when measured at purchasing power parity (PPP). The gap is slightly greater if we consider either the twelve Eurozone members (EU-12) or add the accession states (EU-25). Although GDP is a poor indicator of measure of welfare or happiness, let’s agree to use it for the sake of comparison.
The main reason the US is richer is, first of all, because a higher proportion of Americans are in employment and, secondly, they work about 20% more hours per year than Europeans."


"When we compare the growth rate of GDP of the US and the EU-15, the US rate averaged over the past decade is about 1.2 percentage points higher than that of the EU-15."


"What is also true is that since the 2001 recession, the US has bounced back faster than the EU. At present, both GDP growth per head and labour productivity are growing faster in the US."


"The employment rates are 86 and 88 percent for the EU-15 and the US respectively. The US data show a higher employment rate for youth (15-24) and a much higher rate for preretirement (55-64) and post retirement (65 and over) groups."

Europe vs. USA: Whose Economy Wins?

So let's see,

1. larger economy

2. Bounced back faster since ressession

3. lower unemployment

Hmmmm....US wins in all three catagories...
Were those the freedom fighters that killed our ambassador, that you love so?

Do you understand the things we have done over there?

Oh, so our ambassador deserved to die?

Since I did not say that, you need to educate yourself on what our government has done over there.

Do I need to repost the crap you said? All I did was ask a question about what YOU posted, then you tried to get cute, and now your getting upset....Why don't you just answer the question....?

Are the so called "freedom fighters" that you speak of the same that killed our ambassador?
A fire was started and the ambassador died of smoke inhalation. If they'd had a fan installed it would not have happened. a tragedy and what the Republicans know about it is pure hogwash

What? are you fucking serious? What the hell man?
I will always vote for the best candidate. Period. There is an ever growing number just like me.

Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.

What the hell are you talking about....?

Ok, easy...What Socialist country of like size in population would you like to see us emulate? and why?
Population is irrelevant, but you could count the EU at 450 million. The question is why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share? Thanks GOP and silly dupes. Franco in my name stands for Francophile. Just because we have those benefits of citizenship does not mean we're going to turn into Frenchmen LOL. Just that we will have a healthy working and middle-class and our economy will work again for people beside the rich like The last 35 years. Everything you know is wrong, only the propaganda machine makes this GOP Mess possible. "We are all socialists now!"--the prime minister of Finland when ObamaCare passed... That is how scary socialism is in reality....

So you think that the EU is more prosperous than the US?

"Average gross domestic product (GDP) in the US is about 40% higher than average GDP of the EU-15 when measured at purchasing power parity (PPP). The gap is slightly greater if we consider either the twelve Eurozone members (EU-12) or add the accession states (EU-25). Although GDP is a poor indicator of measure of welfare or happiness, let’s agree to use it for the sake of comparison.
The main reason the US is richer is, first of all, because a higher proportion of Americans are in employment and, secondly, they work about 20% more hours per year than Europeans."


"When we compare the growth rate of GDP of the US and the EU-15, the US rate averaged over the past decade is about 1.2 percentage points higher than that of the EU-15."


"What is also true is that since the 2001 recession, the US has bounced back faster than the EU. At present, both GDP growth per head and labour productivity are growing faster in the US."


"The employment rates are 86 and 88 percent for the EU-15 and the US respectively. The US data show a higher employment rate for youth (15-24) and a much higher rate for preretirement (55-64) and post retirement (65 and over) groups."

Europe vs. USA: Whose Economy Wins?

So let's see,

1. larger economy

2. Bounced back faster since ressession

3. lower unemployment

Hmmmm....US wins in all three catagories...

We aren't "prosperous". The EU can't just print up billions every day like we do.

Odd how it's fine to do for useless wars but not for helping sick people here.

We build roads and bridges in Iraq with this money but when someone wants to help people here those like yourself yell "COMMUNIST".

What a joke.
he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.
Bernie says he has no problem being called a Communist, why do you care?
You are absolutely out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. LOL Democratic socialist immediately means you are nuts. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. The only people for communism are people in China North Korea and Cuba with a gun to their heads. It is totally discredited. Try reality and change the channel. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbag liars and obstructionists the GOP is. And Dupes like you of course
Bernie said himself he has no problem being called a Commie, take it up with him. Commie lover.

Much better if he would go on child like Twitter rants when someone says something about him I suppose.
Whatever he is lying about Sanders saying he had no problem being called a communist. Total balderdash propaganda like everything he believes, the ignoramus

I already posted where he said that, do you not read?
And that is crap for the reasons I gave you.
So you are for Sanders? Call my basically yes, I voted for him against Hillary in the New York State primary in 2016. just because you like Sanders should not mean that you start believing all the crap we got from the GOP and corporate media for that matter about his opponents in the Democratic party. That's how Hillary lost in the general election and it's a damn shame. Breaking she is not corrupt poor owned by Wall Street is because she took a lot of money for speeches. GOP crap character assassination just like all the other phony scandals about her Obama Lois Lerner colder and on and on and on. All crap. Just like Sanders was cheated. Those superdelegates would have voted for him if he had beaten her in the primaries, which he did not.

Hillary never saw a war she wouldn't support and promote. Wall Street was going to get something from all the money they gave her.

The GOP did not tell me that. History did.
She would have been so much better than Trump it's ridiculous. She was lied to on Iraq so blaming her's kind of ridiculous. Libya was a good job and not a war as far as America was concerned. Just a police action to save freedom fighters and the City of Benghazi from a total a****** dictator and terrorist.

Were those the freedom fighters that killed our ambassador, that you love so?

That's what we call them when it's convenient to us. ISIS in Syria were freedom fighters until they turned their US provided weapons against us.

Oh please show me where we ever called ISIS "freedom fighters"?
he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.

What the hell are you talking about....?

Ok, easy...What Socialist country of like size in population would you like to see us emulate? and why?
Population is irrelevant, but you could count the EU at 450 million. The question is why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share? Thanks GOP and silly dupes. Franco in my name stands for Francophile. Just because we have those benefits of citizenship does not mean we're going to turn into Frenchmen LOL. Just that we will have a healthy working and middle-class and our economy will work again for people beside the rich like The last 35 years. Everything you know is wrong, only the propaganda machine makes this GOP Mess possible. "We are all socialists now!"--the prime minister of Finland when ObamaCare passed... That is how scary socialism is in reality....

So you think that the EU is more prosperous than the US?

"Average gross domestic product (GDP) in the US is about 40% higher than average GDP of the EU-15 when measured at purchasing power parity (PPP). The gap is slightly greater if we consider either the twelve Eurozone members (EU-12) or add the accession states (EU-25). Although GDP is a poor indicator of measure of welfare or happiness, let’s agree to use it for the sake of comparison.
The main reason the US is richer is, first of all, because a higher proportion of Americans are in employment and, secondly, they work about 20% more hours per year than Europeans."


"When we compare the growth rate of GDP of the US and the EU-15, the US rate averaged over the past decade is about 1.2 percentage points higher than that of the EU-15."


"What is also true is that since the 2001 recession, the US has bounced back faster than the EU. At present, both GDP growth per head and labour productivity are growing faster in the US."


"The employment rates are 86 and 88 percent for the EU-15 and the US respectively. The US data show a higher employment rate for youth (15-24) and a much higher rate for preretirement (55-64) and post retirement (65 and over) groups."

Europe vs. USA: Whose Economy Wins?

So let's see,

1. larger economy

2. Bounced back faster since ressession

3. lower unemployment

Hmmmm....US wins in all three catagories...

We aren't "prosperous". The EU can't just print up billions every day like we do.

Odd how it's fine to do for useless wars but not for helping sick people here.

We build roads and bridges in Iraq with this money but when someone wants to help people here those like yourself yell "COMMUNIST".

What a joke.

So, you're saying that you need a handout to succeed, and are pissed that you can't do it yourself, even when the opprotunity is there for you....
So you are for Sanders? Call my basically yes, I voted for him against Hillary in the New York State primary in 2016. just because you like Sanders should not mean that you start believing all the crap we got from the GOP and corporate media for that matter about his opponents in the Democratic party. That's how Hillary lost in the general election and it's a damn shame. Breaking she is not corrupt poor owned by Wall Street is because she took a lot of money for speeches. GOP crap character assassination just like all the other phony scandals about her Obama Lois Lerner colder and on and on and on. All crap. Just like Sanders was cheated. Those superdelegates would have voted for him if he had beaten her in the primaries, which he did not.

Hillary never saw a war she wouldn't support and promote. Wall Street was going to get something from all the money they gave her.

The GOP did not tell me that. History did.
She would have been so much better than Trump it's ridiculous. She was lied to on Iraq so blaming her's kind of ridiculous. Libya was a good job and not a war as far as America was concerned. Just a police action to save freedom fighters and the City of Benghazi from a total a****** dictator and terrorist.

Were those the freedom fighters that killed our ambassador, that you love so?

That's what we call them when it's convenient to us. ISIS in Syria were freedom fighters until they turned their US provided weapons against us.

Oh please show me where we ever called ISIS "freedom fighters"?
he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.

What the hell are you talking about....?

Ok, easy...What Socialist country of like size in population would you like to see us emulate? and why?
Population is irrelevant, but you could count the EU at 450 million. The question is why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share? Thanks GOP and silly dupes. Franco in my name stands for Francophile. Just because we have those benefits of citizenship does not mean we're going to turn into Frenchmen LOL. Just that we will have a healthy working and middle-class and our economy will work again for people beside the rich like The last 35 years. Everything you know is wrong, only the propaganda machine makes this GOP Mess possible. "We are all socialists now!"--the prime minister of Finland when ObamaCare passed... That is how scary socialism is in reality....

So you think that the EU is more prosperous than the US?

"Average gross domestic product (GDP) in the US is about 40% higher than average GDP of the EU-15 when measured at purchasing power parity (PPP). The gap is slightly greater if we consider either the twelve Eurozone members (EU-12) or add the accession states (EU-25). Although GDP is a poor indicator of measure of welfare or happiness, let’s agree to use it for the sake of comparison.
The main reason the US is richer is, first of all, because a higher proportion of Americans are in employment and, secondly, they work about 20% more hours per year than Europeans."


"When we compare the growth rate of GDP of the US and the EU-15, the US rate averaged over the past decade is about 1.2 percentage points higher than that of the EU-15."


"What is also true is that since the 2001 recession, the US has bounced back faster than the EU. At present, both GDP growth per head and labour productivity are growing faster in the US."


"The employment rates are 86 and 88 percent for the EU-15 and the US respectively. The US data show a higher employment rate for youth (15-24) and a much higher rate for preretirement (55-64) and post retirement (65 and over) groups."

Europe vs. USA: Whose Economy Wins?

So let's see,

1. larger economy

2. Bounced back faster since ressession

3. lower unemployment

Hmmmm....US wins in all three catagories...

We aren't "prosperous". The EU can't just print up billions every day like we do.

Odd how it's fine to do for useless wars but not for helping sick people here.

We build roads and bridges in Iraq with this money but when someone wants to help people here those like yourself yell "COMMUNIST".

What a joke.

So, you're saying that you need a handout to succeed, and are pissed that you can't do it yourself, even when the opprotunity is there for you....

I'm doing OK. Yes though there are many not able to afford to get needed medical care.

Are you saying you still believe Iraq is a threat to us?

If so, perhaps you need to seek medical care.
And that is crap for the reasons I gave you.
So you are for Sanders? Call my basically yes, I voted for him against Hillary in the New York State primary in 2016. just because you like Sanders should not mean that you start believing all the crap we got from the GOP and corporate media for that matter about his opponents in the Democratic party. That's how Hillary lost in the general election and it's a damn shame. Breaking she is not corrupt poor owned by Wall Street is because she took a lot of money for speeches. GOP crap character assassination just like all the other phony scandals about her Obama Lois Lerner colder and on and on and on. All crap. Just like Sanders was cheated. Those superdelegates would have voted for him if he had beaten her in the primaries, which he did not.

Hillary never saw a war she wouldn't support and promote. Wall Street was going to get something from all the money they gave her.

The GOP did not tell me that. History did.
She would have been so much better than Trump it's ridiculous. She was lied to on Iraq so blaming her's kind of ridiculous. Libya was a good job and not a war as far as America was concerned. Just a police action to save freedom fighters and the City of Benghazi from a total a****** dictator and terrorist.

Were those the freedom fighters that killed our ambassador, that you love so?

That's what we call them when it's convenient to us. ISIS in Syria were freedom fighters until they turned their US provided weapons against us.
isis were never freedom fighters and we certainly did not provide them weapons, brainwashed functional moron.
What the hell are you talking about....?

Ok, easy...What Socialist country of like size in population would you like to see us emulate? and why?
Population is irrelevant, but you could count the EU at 450 million. The question is why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share? Thanks GOP and silly dupes. Franco in my name stands for Francophile. Just because we have those benefits of citizenship does not mean we're going to turn into Frenchmen LOL. Just that we will have a healthy working and middle-class and our economy will work again for people beside the rich like The last 35 years. Everything you know is wrong, only the propaganda machine makes this GOP Mess possible. "We are all socialists now!"--the prime minister of Finland when ObamaCare passed... That is how scary socialism is in reality....

So you think that the EU is more prosperous than the US?

"Average gross domestic product (GDP) in the US is about 40% higher than average GDP of the EU-15 when measured at purchasing power parity (PPP). The gap is slightly greater if we consider either the twelve Eurozone members (EU-12) or add the accession states (EU-25). Although GDP is a poor indicator of measure of welfare or happiness, let’s agree to use it for the sake of comparison.
The main reason the US is richer is, first of all, because a higher proportion of Americans are in employment and, secondly, they work about 20% more hours per year than Europeans."


"When we compare the growth rate of GDP of the US and the EU-15, the US rate averaged over the past decade is about 1.2 percentage points higher than that of the EU-15."


"What is also true is that since the 2001 recession, the US has bounced back faster than the EU. At present, both GDP growth per head and labour productivity are growing faster in the US."


"The employment rates are 86 and 88 percent for the EU-15 and the US respectively. The US data show a higher employment rate for youth (15-24) and a much higher rate for preretirement (55-64) and post retirement (65 and over) groups."

Europe vs. USA: Whose Economy Wins?

So let's see,

1. larger economy

2. Bounced back faster since ressession

3. lower unemployment

Hmmmm....US wins in all three catagories...

We aren't "prosperous". The EU can't just print up billions every day like we do.

Odd how it's fine to do for useless wars but not for helping sick people here.

We build roads and bridges in Iraq with this money but when someone wants to help people here those like yourself yell "COMMUNIST".

What a joke.

So, you're saying that you need a handout to succeed, and are pissed that you can't do it yourself, even when the opprotunity is there for you....

I'm doing OK. Yes though there are many not able to afford to get needed medical care.

Are you saying you still believe Iraq is a threat to us?

If so, perhaps you need to seek medical care.
at any rate I was talking about the original EU Scandinavia France Germany Netherlands Belgium basically. Now you are adding in Spain Italy Romania Poland Hungary....the difference between the EU and America is the we have ridiculous natural resources and screw over our workers. A huge giveaway to the rich and no investment in infrastructure. The EU would be more prosperous than us if the GOP would stop giving the EU world depressions based on corruption. That doesn't mean I want to be European oh, I just want to stop being screwed by the greedy idiot Rich GOP. We need a healthy working-class and middle-class to have a really healthy economy. The Trump economic miracle is a mirage only the brain wash makes possible
Population is irrelevant, but you could count the EU at 450 million. The question is why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share? Thanks GOP and silly dupes. Franco in my name stands for Francophile. Just because we have those benefits of citizenship does not mean we're going to turn into Frenchmen LOL. Just that we will have a healthy working and middle-class and our economy will work again for people beside the rich like The last 35 years. Everything you know is wrong, only the propaganda machine makes this GOP Mess possible. "We are all socialists now!"--the prime minister of Finland when ObamaCare passed... That is how scary socialism is in reality....

So you think that the EU is more prosperous than the US?

"Average gross domestic product (GDP) in the US is about 40% higher than average GDP of the EU-15 when measured at purchasing power parity (PPP). The gap is slightly greater if we consider either the twelve Eurozone members (EU-12) or add the accession states (EU-25). Although GDP is a poor indicator of measure of welfare or happiness, let’s agree to use it for the sake of comparison.
The main reason the US is richer is, first of all, because a higher proportion of Americans are in employment and, secondly, they work about 20% more hours per year than Europeans."


"When we compare the growth rate of GDP of the US and the EU-15, the US rate averaged over the past decade is about 1.2 percentage points higher than that of the EU-15."


"What is also true is that since the 2001 recession, the US has bounced back faster than the EU. At present, both GDP growth per head and labour productivity are growing faster in the US."


"The employment rates are 86 and 88 percent for the EU-15 and the US respectively. The US data show a higher employment rate for youth (15-24) and a much higher rate for preretirement (55-64) and post retirement (65 and over) groups."

Europe vs. USA: Whose Economy Wins?

So let's see,

1. larger economy

2. Bounced back faster since ressession

3. lower unemployment

Hmmmm....US wins in all three catagories...

We aren't "prosperous". The EU can't just print up billions every day like we do.

Odd how it's fine to do for useless wars but not for helping sick people here.

We build roads and bridges in Iraq with this money but when someone wants to help people here those like yourself yell "COMMUNIST".

What a joke.

So, you're saying that you need a handout to succeed, and are pissed that you can't do it yourself, even when the opprotunity is there for you....

I'm doing OK. Yes though there are many not able to afford to get needed medical care.

Are you saying you still believe Iraq is a threat to us?

If so, perhaps you need to seek medical care.
at any rate I was talking about the original EU Scandinavia France Germany Netherlands Belgium basically. Now you are adding in Spain Italy Romania Poland Hungary....the difference between the EU and America is the we have ridiculous natural resources and screw over our workers. A huge giveaway to the rich and no investment in infrastructure. The EU would be more prosperous than us if the GOP would stop giving the EU world depressions based on corruption. That doesn't mean I want to be European oh, I just want to stop being screwed by the greedy idiot Rich GOP. We need a healthy working-class and middle-class to have a really healthy economy. The Trump economic miracle is a mirage only the brain wash makes possible

My post had nothing to do with the EU. You can try again.
"This was a week that clearly wasn't good for the Democratic Party. It was there no good, terrible, rotten week." - CNN's Gloria Borger
m'k.... a protest vote by going third party. look what that got america.

lol.... i voted for nader in 2000. i learned my lesson.

I will always vote for the best candidate. Period. There is an ever growing number just like me.

Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.
Bernie says he has no problem being called a Communist, why do you care?

Bernie has never agreed to being called a communist you lying sack.
Hilarious how ignorant you Leftards are.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I don't mind people calling me a communist'
he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.
Bernie says he has no problem being called a Communist, why do you care?
You are absolutely out of your tiny little brainwashed mind, super duper. LOL Democratic socialist immediately means you are nuts. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. The only people for communism are people in China North Korea and Cuba with a gun to their heads. It is totally discredited. Try reality and change the channel. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he didn't realize what scumbag liars and obstructionists the GOP is. And Dupes like you of course
Bernie said himself he has no problem being called a Commie, take it up with him. Commie lover.
Total baloney. Communism is a dictatorship which I would immediately take up arms against. S*******
Name one difference between the agendas of the Democrats and Communists.

No one can. Because they are one in the same now.
he did not go after Sanders, he went after communism which is totally irrelevant. The USSR China North Korea Cuba are not socialist in the modern sense. They are socialists in the USSR communist sense. Socialism is always Democratic in one sense or another. And communism was discovered to be a fraud in that sense. In the 20s 30s most of the world. But English and American Savage capitalists love conflating the two so the English-speaking world is behind the times.

What the hell are you talking about....?

Ok, easy...What Socialist country of like size in population would you like to see us emulate? and why?
Population is irrelevant, but you could count the EU at 450 million. The question is why are we the only modern country without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share? Thanks GOP and silly dupes. Franco in my name stands for Francophile. Just because we have those benefits of citizenship does not mean we're going to turn into Frenchmen LOL. Just that we will have a healthy working and middle-class and our economy will work again for people beside the rich like The last 35 years. Everything you know is wrong, only the propaganda machine makes this GOP Mess possible. "We are all socialists now!"--the prime minister of Finland when ObamaCare passed... That is how scary socialism is in reality....

So you think that the EU is more prosperous than the US?

"Average gross domestic product (GDP) in the US is about 40% higher than average GDP of the EU-15 when measured at purchasing power parity (PPP). The gap is slightly greater if we consider either the twelve Eurozone members (EU-12) or add the accession states (EU-25). Although GDP is a poor indicator of measure of welfare or happiness, let’s agree to use it for the sake of comparison.
The main reason the US is richer is, first of all, because a higher proportion of Americans are in employment and, secondly, they work about 20% more hours per year than Europeans."


"When we compare the growth rate of GDP of the US and the EU-15, the US rate averaged over the past decade is about 1.2 percentage points higher than that of the EU-15."


"What is also true is that since the 2001 recession, the US has bounced back faster than the EU. At present, both GDP growth per head and labour productivity are growing faster in the US."


"The employment rates are 86 and 88 percent for the EU-15 and the US respectively. The US data show a higher employment rate for youth (15-24) and a much higher rate for preretirement (55-64) and post retirement (65 and over) groups."

Europe vs. USA: Whose Economy Wins?

So let's see,

1. larger economy

2. Bounced back faster since ressession

3. lower unemployment

Hmmmm....US wins in all three catagories...

We aren't "prosperous". The EU can't just print up billions every day like we do.

Odd how it's fine to do for useless wars but not for helping sick people here.

We build roads and bridges in Iraq with this money but when someone wants to help people here those like yourself yell "COMMUNIST".

What a joke.
We aren't "prosperous". The EU can't just print up billions every day like we do.

Because their socialism keeps them from being anything except second world.
So you are for Sanders? Call my basically yes, I voted for him against Hillary in the New York State primary in 2016. just because you like Sanders should not mean that you start believing all the crap we got from the GOP and corporate media for that matter about his opponents in the Democratic party. That's how Hillary lost in the general election and it's a damn shame. Breaking she is not corrupt poor owned by Wall Street is because she took a lot of money for speeches. GOP crap character assassination just like all the other phony scandals about her Obama Lois Lerner colder and on and on and on. All crap. Just like Sanders was cheated. Those superdelegates would have voted for him if he had beaten her in the primaries, which he did not.

Hillary never saw a war she wouldn't support and promote. Wall Street was going to get something from all the money they gave her.

The GOP did not tell me that. History did.
She would have been so much better than Trump it's ridiculous. She was lied to on Iraq so blaming her's kind of ridiculous. Libya was a good job and not a war as far as America was concerned. Just a police action to save freedom fighters and the City of Benghazi from a total a****** dictator and terrorist.

Were those the freedom fighters that killed our ambassador, that you love so?

That's what we call them when it's convenient to us. ISIS in Syria were freedom fighters until they turned their US provided weapons against us.
isis were never freedom fighters and we certainly did not provide them weapons, brainwashed functional moron.
isis were never freedom fighters and we certainly did not provide them weapons, brainwashed functional moron.

Most Democrats think they are freedom fighters.

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