Democrat's Irreversable March Deeper Into Madness


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Nancy Pelosi hoped that her media would once again bail her out when she ripped that speech in half on national television. Ask 100 women what they thought of this petulant act and 100 of them felt it was shocking and not a decent thing to do. But......and there's always a but....the media is going to try to invent reasons why this despicable act is justified.

Her immediate excuse is that it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives.

Excuse me? Courteous?

What in this women's demented mind would be discourteous?

Jumping on his back and beating him over the head?
Pulling out a gun and shooting him like John Wilkes Booth did to Abraham Lincoln?

Just how far are the Democrats willing to take their hatred of Trump?

Why do the Democrats really hate Trump?

The Iowa Caucus was a perfect example of why the DNC hates Trump. He gets things done and all they do is screw everything up. They're jealous of him. They are as corrupt and incompetent as the day is long. So they spend every waking hour dreaming up ways to either lie about him or set him up. But how many times do they have to fail before they learn their lesson. It's been said you learn nothing from a second kick of a Mule. But the Democrat Party has been kicked so many times and they keep coming back for more. What has caused them to go down this road into utter madness?

This is how people who aren't living in Washington are debating this mess:

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Speaking of madness......the madness isn't just going on in's going on wherever leftists are in charge of government.
You would not believe what they are trying to do to our country as we speak.

Nancy Pelosi thinks that murderous MS-13 gang members are redeemable....but not Donald Trump.
Her ripping the speech in half just shows HOW BEATEN she really is at this point............They have no real agenda other than GET TRUMP............Their Candidates all SUCK................

They know they are screwed and the last Hail Mary pass was intercepted................They are DONE.
Everyone loses it eventually. Pelosi is there now as she heads into her 80th year. She needs to remove herself from public office for the benefit of the country. We already have enough corrupt politicians without compounding the problem by adding dementia to that equation.
Everyone loses it eventually. Pelosi is there now as she heads into her 80th year. She needs to remove herself from public office for the benefit of the country. We already have enough corrupt politicians without compounding the problem by adding dementia to that equation.
It's not's ego.
Who provides oversight over Congress?

The courts.

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