Democrats massive butt hurt behavior


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
For over 2 years I have listened to democrats cry about any delusional political issue this can.
Excuse after excuse for Hillary's loss blame russia blame comey blame fox blame little nations .
I didnt hear them claiming aliens or witch craft were involved but that may come into the picture soon.
Then they cry collusion collusion now they're crying Mueller Mueller barr barr its looking for delusional excuses and delusional political hype.
Im reallt amused by these morons crying.
Are they all butt hurt That bad and still crying after the election like they did when hillary lost and she cryed and couldn't go on tv sobing on her knees drunk on vodka throwing a fit like a child.
I have never heard of such child like behavior happing in over 240 uears in america or any nation.
Now Democrats are crying for reparations for black people the leader is Al Sharpton.

Is there a end what about Romanians should they get reparations from Turkey or Americans Jews the French Russians reparations from there a end to how they would spend money at least 99 trillion for the green deal along add on open boarders reparations health care for all and you got some serious money
O by the way I cant stand al sharptons little narrow ass lying coke sniffing greedy little tax dodging bastard
For over 2 years I have listened to democrats cry about any delusional political issue this can.
Excuse after excuse for Hillary's loss blame russia blame comey blame fox blame little nations .
I didnt hear them claiming aliens or witch craft were involved but that may come into the picture soon.
Then they cry collusion collusion now they're crying Mueller Mueller barr barr its looking for delusional excuses and delusional political hype.
Im reallt amused by these morons crying.
Are they all butt hurt That bad and still crying after the election like they did when hillary lost and she cryed and couldn't go on tv sobing on her knees drunk on vodka throwing a fit like a child.
I have never heard of such child like behavior happing in over 240 uears in america or any nation.

'Democrats massive butt hurt behavior'

Ahhh yes, the well-educated-sounding and intellectually-fulfilling title that is eponymous with an Aponi thread. :haha:

And this is followed by a rambling diatribe of nonsensical blather...accentuated by the fact Aponi apparently has no idea what punctuation is for (and the less said about his spelling - the better). I take it a grade school education is not what it used to be.

Yes world...behold the classic Trumpbot in all his glory.

As for his OP?

Still wondering what the heck his point was...other then he thinks of other people's buttocks quite often and he apparently despises anyone who is not like him.
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Well they sure are butt hurt over the Mueller report. Now they are grasping and any and all straws and nit picking like crazy.

2020 is right around the corner and the Dem led House is a shit show of the first order. I'm wondering if they lose the House in 2020.

Hope they keep going with all those investigations they want to run. Trump will be winning in 2020.

Go Dems.
Well they sure are butt hurt over the Mueller report. Now they are grasping and any and all straws and nit picking like crazy.

2020 is right around the corner and the Dem led House is a shit show of the first order. I'm wondering if they lose the House in 2020.

Hope they keep going with all those investigations they want to run. Trump will be winning in 2020.

Go Dems.

We have not seen the Mueller report.
Trump has not pursued a positive agenda, instead he has opposed what the 2 establishment parties support! that's why Dems hate him
Trump has not pursued a positive agenda, instead he has opposed what the 2 establishment parties support! that's why Dems hate him

Actually he has pretty much opposed what the constitution supports.
Trump has not pursued a positive agenda, instead he has opposed what the 2 establishment parties support! that's why Dems hate him

Actually he has pretty much opposed what the constitution supports.
Trump is actually attempting to do what he said he was gonna do, he's rare in that sense, causing his critics to detest him, and his supporters to rejoice in their hatred!
Well they sure are butt hurt over the Mueller report. Now they are grasping and any and all straws and nit picking like crazy.

2020 is right around the corner and the Dem led House is a shit show of the first order. I'm wondering if they lose the House in 2020.

Hope they keep going with all those investigations they want to run. Trump will be winning in 2020.

Go Dems.

We have not seen the Mueller report.

The Mueller report exonerated Trump and the Russian collusion charges. What more do you need??

Oh wait. I forgot. Your a lefty butthurt loon. Never mind.
Well they sure are butt hurt over the Mueller report. Now they are grasping and any and all straws and nit picking like crazy.

2020 is right around the corner and the Dem led House is a shit show of the first order. I'm wondering if they lose the House in 2020.

Hope they keep going with all those investigations they want to run. Trump will be winning in 2020.

Go Dems.

We have not seen the Mueller report.

The Mueller report exonerated Trump and the Russian collusion charges. What more do you need??

Oh wait. I forgot. Your a lefty butthurt loon. Never mind.

We have not seen the Mueller report. The Barr summary exonerated no one.
Trump has not pursued a positive agenda, instead he has opposed what the 2 establishment parties support! that's why Dems hate him

Actually he has pretty much opposed what the constitution supports.
Trump is actually attempting to do what he said he was gonna do, he's rare in that sense, causing his critics to detest him, and his supporters to rejoice in their hatred!

Most sane presidents make honest promises on the trail. They get in the white house and see that some of what they promise will actually hurt more than help. Trumps keeps trying to do things that have been shown to him won't work.
For over 2 years I have listened to democrats cry about any delusional political issue this can.
Excuse after excuse for Hillary's loss blame russia blame comey blame fox blame little nations .
I didnt hear them claiming aliens or witch craft were involved but that may come into the picture soon.
Then they cry collusion collusion now they're crying Mueller Mueller barr barr its looking for delusional excuses and delusional political hype.
Im reallt amused by these morons crying.

Are they all butt hurt That bad and still crying after the election like they did when hillary lost and she cryed and couldn't go on tv sobing on her knees drunk on vodka throwing a fit like a child.
I have never heard of such child like behavior happing in over 240 uears in america or any nation.

"Butthurt" fucking original........

(above, yet another example why Trump stated that he LOVES the poorly educated.....LMAO)

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