Democrats Met With Russians

And Schumer's meeting was a matter of public record, and a transcript of what was said is available. The press was invited to document what happened. That's not what happened in all of the Trump campaign meetings.
Bullshit. Show us the link to this fabled transcript.

I have no idea where that transcript might be, but do you really think there was a public meeting between Putin and a prominent member of the senate without all our security departments FBI, CIA, etc., monitoring every word, burp and fart? The meetings Trump's campaign had weren't public.
You claimed a transcript of Chuckie's conferences with Putin were available, and now you are saying you have no idea if they are.
There was no conference. You are just making that up. This was a public meeting and photo op at a Russian-owned gas station in NYC, the first one being opened in the US. It was entirely covered live and on video by the media. It was an open and public meeting.
And Schumer's meeting was a matter of public record, and a transcript of what was said is available. The press was invited to document what happened. That's not what happened in all of the Trump campaign meetings.
Wait. I thought they had the goods on Sessions. So they don't know what was said.


I know Sessions felt the need to lie about the meetings happening.
What lie?
Chuck should not have lied about meeting with Putin...oh wait that wasn't chuck who got his balls in a jam lying about meeting with Russians while they were hacking DNC.

RWingers are pathetically inapt at making any legit arguments.
What lie? LWingers make shit up all the time.
This was a public meeting and photo op at a Russian-owned gas station in NYC....
So do liberals often meet Russian leaders at Russian-owned businesses to share a meal and a laugh...?

Did Schumer lie about having met with Putin or his staff or friends? Was Schumer running for President at the time he had a donut with Putin? Were US intelligence agencies sounding the alarm about Russia meddling in the US Presidential election when Schumer had that donut with Putin? Why didn't the media cover the donut scandal?
All good questions, and I agree with you that Chuckie's meetings with Russian officials should be investigated, but the problem is as a sitting senator, only the senate ethics committee can do it, and if they did, they would have to investigate most of the important people in the Senate for meeting with Russian officials.
Trump supporters are desperately trying to follow the WH talking points designed to change the narrative and direction of this scandal. A US Senator meeting with representatives of foreign countries is not the issue. The issue is Presidential campaign people meeting with foreign officials. Session's was both a campaign official and a Senator. He is in trouble not for meeting with the foreign official, but misleading a Senate hearing committee or lying about it.
So now you are saying there was nothing wrong with Sessions meeting with the Russian ambassador, but you are falsely claiming he misled a Senate committee meeting. There was nothing misleading about Session's answer to Franken's deliberately misleading question. Franken asked him in the context of false allegations of Russia blackmailing Trump if he said, no. Within that context, that was an honest answer. Why didn't Franken just ask if he had had any meeting with Russian officials in any context. You answered that question: because as a senator there would be nothing wrong with such a meeting.
And Schumer's meeting was a matter of public record, and a transcript of what was said is available. The press was invited to document what happened. That's not what happened in all of the Trump campaign meetings.
Wait. I thought they had the goods on Sessions. So they don't know what was said.


I know Sessions felt the need to lie about the meetings happening.

No you don't, because he didn't lie. He answered the question that was asked in the context of how it was asked. Only partisan hillarybots dispute that.

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

'Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.'

What can be heard from the Left on this most recent flaming bout of hypocrisy?

View attachment 115226

Only the ( deeply stupid ) would draw a comparison between this and the criminal act perpetrated by now Attorney General Session during his confirmation hearing.
And Schumer's meeting was a matter of public record, and a transcript of what was said is available. The press was invited to document what happened. That's not what happened in all of the Trump campaign meetings.
Bullshit. Show us the link to this fabled transcript.

I have no idea where that transcript might be, but do you really think there was a public meeting between Putin and a prominent member of the senate without all our security departments FBI, CIA, etc., monitoring every word, burp and fart? The meetings Trump's campaign had weren't public.
You claimed a transcript of Chuckie's conferences with Putin were available, and now you are saying you have no idea if they are.
There was no conference. You are just making that up. This was a public meeting and photo op at a Russian-owned gas station in NYC, the first one being opened in the US. It was entirely covered live and on video by the media. It was an open and public meeting.
Got a link?
Trump once had a vodka martini!!!! Holy fuck!!! IMPEACH NOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!
And Schumer's meeting was a matter of public record, and a transcript of what was said is available. The press was invited to document what happened. That's not what happened in all of the Trump campaign meetings.
Wait. I thought they had the goods on Sessions. So they don't know what was said.


I know Sessions felt the need to lie about the meetings happening.

No you don't, because he didn't lie. He answered the question that was asked in the context of how it was asked. Only partisan hillarybots dispute that.

So he recused himself for no reason? Is Sessions a Democrat now?
Only the ( deeply stupid ) would draw a comparison between this and the criminal act perpetrated by now Attorney a General Session during his confirmation hearing.
The deeply stupid act that is going on is this out-of-control BS liberal McCarthyism, P.

You want to attack anyone on the right who met a Russian, in the execution of their job or not, as a 'Commie' while hypocritically giving a pass to the left. Same ol' hypocritical BS from the left. Ya get really defensive when someone tries to 'play your game' and put it right back in the DNC's lap. Tough shit. Embrace the suck Obama and Democrats Started...
This was a public meeting and photo op at a Russian-owned gas station in NYC....
So do liberals often meet Russian leaders at Russian-owned businesses to share a meal and a laugh...?

Both liberals and conservatives have these kinds of meeting all the time. It is very common. A donut and coffee in not a meal, but officials do meet over meals all the time.
This was a public meeting and photo op at a Russian-owned gas station in NYC....
So do liberals often meet Russian leaders at Russian-owned businesses to share a meal and a laugh...?


Every time the first Russian gas station in our country opens, and Putin happens to be in the country.
Uh-huh. Because Putin comes to America and expects to meet with Democrats every time they open a gas station....


(Hey, did that plastic 'Reset' Prop Hillary gave the Russians have the passwords to all the DNC accounts that were hacked taped to the bottom of it - is that how they hacked the DNC's computers so easily? She sold them the access - I heard she was really good at selling access...until she just lost. :p )
And Schumer's meeting was a matter of public record, and a transcript of what was said is available. The press was invited to document what happened. That's not what happened in all of the Trump campaign meetings.
Bullshit. Show us the link to this fabled transcript.

I have no idea where that transcript might be, but do you really think there was a public meeting between Putin and a prominent member of the senate without all our security departments FBI, CIA, etc., monitoring every word, burp and fart? The meetings Trump's campaign had weren't public.
You claimed a transcript of Chuckie's conferences with Putin were available, and now you are saying you have no idea if they are.
There was no conference. You are just making that up. This was a public meeting and photo op at a Russian-owned gas station in NYC, the first one being opened in the US. It was entirely covered live and on video by the media. It was an open and public meeting.
Got a link?
You want a link denying something took place? How about if you supply a link about a "conference" or even meeting behind closed doors or in private. How would a person even find a link about a non-occurrence?
:rofl: TALK ABOUT A FAR, unsuccessful Reach!!!

Did Schumer LIE about it under oath or to the FBI?

Was this during a time when the Russians were hacking the DNC and trying to influence our elections?

Was Schummer running for President? With a platform of supporting the murderous thug over NATO, over our allies, and over US existing policy?

Did Scummr invite Russian operatives to the DNC Convention?

Did Schummer get the DNC to change their platform in SUPPORT of Russia?

get back with me, will ya?

Great points.

The right-wingers here are too embarrassed to admit they voted for Putin's puppet.
This was a public meeting and photo op at a Russian-owned gas station in NYC....
So do liberals often meet Russian leaders at Russian-owned businesses to share a meal and a laugh...?


Every time the first Russian gas station in our country opens, and Putin happens to be in the country.
Uh-huh. Because Putin comes to America and expects to meet with Democrats every time they open a gas station....


(Hey, did that plastic 'Reset' Prop Hillary gave the Russians have the passwords to all the DNC accounts that were hacked taped to the bottom of it - is that how they hacked the DNC's computers so easily? She sold them the access - I heard she was really good at selling access...until she just lost. :p )
No, only the very first one that opened the door for a Russian-owned business to begin operations in the USA, particularly one that sells Russia's most important export.
Only the ( deeply stupid ) would draw a comparison between this and the criminal act perpetrated by now Attorney a General Session during his confirmation hearing.
The deeply stupid act that is going on is this out-of-control BS liberal McCarthyism, P.

You want to attack anyone on the right who met a Russian, in the execution of their job or not, as a 'Commie' while hypocritically giving a pass to the left. Same ol' hypocritical BS from the left. Ya get really defensive when someone tries to 'play your game' and put it right back in the DNC's lap. Tough shit. Embrace the suck Obama and Democrats Started...

I what? You deeply stupid fuck. You're the one drawing bullshit comparisons and then you blame me for them! You need help. Big time
...and here it is folks. The efficiency of the Rat alert system. They came, crawled out immediately from under their rocks and started spinning the issue. :badgrin:
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