Democrats move to SILENCE America's Representative Marjoire Taylor Green

Seriously, there are two outcomes for the gop. Either they embrace QAnon/Trumpism fully, and lose more elections as evidenced by the past elections, where the more the party went all in with QAnonTrump, the worse candidates did with voters, OR the party finds a way to support enough of the less odious issues these folks have (tightening up mail in voting) to at least pacify them while maintaining some level of rationality and civility and not ransacking the capital

Obviously the gop wants door #2.

A third option is possible, but historically unlikely. the Trump/QAnon people will primary every sane republican. If that's the case, then we'll see something like Perot/Clinton TRBullMoose/Woodrow Wilson, and the dems will win more elections as they "assimilate" more middle of the road gopers. But eventually the dems will not be able to hold both progressives and centerright, and the gop will return as it did with both W and Harding
Trump's movement requires leaders to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop the pernicious march of factual correctness! Stand UP

I thought of the sarcasm board, but …. it's real.

They don't need to. Just tell her that the Jewish Space Lasers are tracking her and if she steps out of line Hillary Clinton will appear and rip her face off, eat it and drink her blood.

She'll buy it. :cuckoo:
I don’t care what she thinks about satellites and lasers, if Fartboy can have relations with Fang Fang and keep his committee appointment then so should Green.

OK I guess it's time to play "guess WTF the post is talking about". I was kind of hoping for a multiple choice but I'm guessing it's got something to do with Soupy Sales (?) :dunno:
Seriously, there are two outcomes for the gop. Either they embrace QAnon/Trumpism fully, and lose more elections as evidenced by the past elections, where the more the party went all in with QAnonTrump, the worse candidates did with voters, OR the party finds a way to support enough of the less odious issues these folks have (tightening up mail in voting) to at least pacify them while maintaining some level of rationality and civility and not ransacking the capital

Obviously the gop wants door #2.

A third option is possible, but historically unlikely. the Trump/QAnon people will primary every sane republican. If that's the case, then we'll see something like Perot/Clinton TRBullMoose/Woodrow Wilson, and the dems will win more elections as they "assimilate" more middle of the road gopers. But eventually the dems will not be able to hold both progressives and centerright, and the gop will return as it did with both W and Harding

And they actually already had a trial run at this with the whole Tea Party nonsense, in which a Teabagger got himself nominated as the Republican Senate candidate, and Lisa Murkowski defeated him as a write-in, the second time that ever happened (first being Strom Thurmond). Now nobody can even remember who that guy was. Joe Somebody.

The 3P runs of 1992 and 1912 were quite different though. TR actually won electoral votes, Perot did not. TR won enough to actually send the Republican to third place, the last time that ever happened. And on the exhaust end, Bush lost the popular vote and squeaked in with literally one EV over the minimum (271) while Harding, largely because Wilson was so despised by then, won what was then the biggest landsliide in modern history.

The other aspect of 1912 to note is that TR came to the convention with the lead in the primary vote, but the party sent him packing anyway as they wanted the establishment guy from Ohio. They could have done the same thing in 2016 but couldn't find the cojones.
Trump's movement requires leaders to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop the pernicious march of factual correctness! Stand UP

I thought of the sarcasm board, but …. it's real.
Democrats have no intention to allow free speech in America.
The one party government has partnered with Big Tec to shut down speech not sanctioned by the Commie Party USA

She is hardly the champion of Free Speech.

So she want to do to you what YOU want to do to her?


No. She does it to others. And now people are objecting that it is happening to her. No outrage over using the police to threaten and intimidate reporters. That is the literal definition of violating the First Amendment.
If she weren't so unAmerican, she'd have resigned by now.

Take a breather, and come back again in a couple of years when she'd have sobered up and is ready to serve her country.
Trump's movement requires leaders to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop the pernicious march of factual correctness! Stand UP

I thought of the sarcasm board, but …. it's real.
Democrats have no intention to allow free speech in America.
The one party government has partnered with Big Tec to shut down speech not sanctioned by the Commie Party USA

So-called big tech is not bound by freespeech requirements. Only government is bound by the 1st Amendment. They have every right to decise what goes on their platform.
Trump's movement requires leaders to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop the pernicious march of factual correctness! Stand UP

I thought of the sarcasm board, but …. it's real.
Democrats have no intention to allow free speech in America.
The one party government has partnered with Big Tec to shut down speech not sanctioned by the Commie Party USA
There's no "free speech" issue. The dems have no problem with her spewing her hateful and factually absurd conspiracy theories. Shining light on you cockroaches is the only solution to QAnon/Trumperism. The dems are insisting that the gop not allow her committee assignments to influence legislation. They are not attempting to undo any election, as you QAnon/Trumperism fools tried … with violence in the capital.
That’s censorship. Instead of discussion it’s speech-stifling because it doesn’t jibe with the demmunist narrative. Deliberation is the essence of congress but democrats will have none of it.
She said sandy hook was a hoax. There is so etching very wrong with her. I'm not for replacng her but surely there are better candidates than her out there.
If the Republicans take back the House in 2022 and start applying this standard to some of the wacko Democrats in Congress will the left be all in on that? Rhetorical question as we know they won’t there are nut jobs in Congress from both parties so just know what you do to others today can be done to you tomorrow something both parties seem to forget pretty easily.
Trump's movement requires leaders to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop the pernicious march of factual correctness! Stand UP

I thought of the sarcasm board, but …. it's real.

Republicans are absolutely stupid if they don't remove her from Congress. I hope they don't. I should send her flowers, she cost the Republican party the senate. It wasn't Trump, it was Greene. 75,000 less Republican votes in the runoff than the presidential election from her district. That loss of the senate rests squarely on her shoulders and it is only the beginning of the damage she is going to do to the Republican party if they don't shitcan her immediately.
If the Republicans take back the House in 2022 and start applying this standard to some of the wacko Democrats in Congress will the left be all in on that?
Republicans NEVER respond in kind, and I doubt the non Trump Party ever will.
Trump's movement requires leaders to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop the pernicious march of factual correctness! Stand UP

I thought of the sarcasm board, but …. it's real.
Ya...I don’t think this is a good move by the Dems. It should be up to the Republicans on whether to do anything and what.

Yet another BAD precedent...
Trump's movement requires leaders to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to stop the pernicious march of factual correctness! Stand UP

I thought of the sarcasm board, but …. it's real.
Yeah, cause the balless yellow cowardly GOP motherfuckers are to afraid of Trump nuts to do anything.....I hope they move that gorilla looking white bitch to the basement bathrooms and shove a roll of toilet paper up her ugly white ass.

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