Democrats Must Live with Consequences of Their Foolish Impeachment Farce


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Must Live with Consequences of Their Foolish Impeachment Farce
It’s showtime. Let the fools’ carnival of unfeasible candidates elevate the designated Democratic piñata for this successful if edgy president to hammer through the election campaign.​

Democrats Must Live with Consequences of Their Foolish Impeachment Farce
December 26, 2019 ~ By Conrad Black
The NeverTrump campaign has sputtered to a ludicrous and pitiful end with this year. Having dragged its media lackeys and the dwindling curiosity of the country through an absurd burlesque of a “solemn, sad,” impeachment process—without alleging any actual illegalities—the Never Trump campaign has rushed through in a procedural Star Chamber because of the “urgency” of removing the president before the country reelects him. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate until Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) promises to go to court and oblige administration witnesses to testify, a step the trained Democratic seals of the House declined to take because of the urgency of trial and removal of the president.
Finally, the revelation appears to have been noticed by the speaker, just ahead of the arrival of Santa Claus, that the Democrats have no case against the president, are slipping in the polls, and that the last stand of the argument that a moral imperative makes Trump clearly unfit to serve in the great office to which he was elected, has crumbled.

The consequence of concern is History. Trump has been impeached and forevermore will be stained with that appellation, yet it will also be noted that his achievements as president overshadowed the political pettiness and hatred of the Democratic Party...
It appears that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are always certain but routinely wrong and they know it but don’t care. PMS/DSA Democrats believe Trump needs to be removed any way possible, ethical or not. The Democrats believe lies about Trump justify the means so nothing is too extreme for them as long as they get Trump. This is why the Democrats must be voted into oblivion in November 2020. What the PMS/DA Left has achieved is that Impeachment has been turned into a Badge of Honor for Conservatives especially we Deplorables.
Separation of powers is at the heart of our government. Congress cannot make demands on the Executive Branch just as the Executive Branch cannot make demands on the Legislative Branch. If Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff were serious they would take the Trump administration to court to force compliance - but, they don't have the time for an "orderly" process. Courts are where disputes like this are decided, not a trial in the Senate. Dems will rue the day they pursued this bogus impeachment.
Schiff and Nadler both attempted to accuse Trump of exactly what Joe Biden boasted about and confessed to doing and both Congressional Committees, Intelligence and Judiciary failed to prove "Quid Pro Quo" --- "Bribery".
Is this the same Conrad Black that Trump pardoned?
The Trump impeachment will be lucky if it is ultimately compared with the Andrew Johnson impeachment: A heavy handed attempt to usurp power from the President. In reality, it has been nothing more than a strictly partisan freak show.
They haven't even dealt with the fact they lost the last election... and now the next election...

They won't accept it.
1st President ever impeached in his 1st term, 3rd President ever impeached, 2nd President without 3% GDP growth
1st President ever impeached in his 1st term, 3rd President ever impeached, 2nd President without 3% GDP growth

^^ Not going to accept the consequences.

1st President ever impeached in his 1st term, 3rd President ever impeached, 2nd President without 3% GDP growth

^^ Not going to accept the consequences.

Because of the broken EC, we will likely need 5-7 million more votes than your fat idiot this time to beat him. Should not be a problem.

It would not be a problem... if the election was held in Mexico. The people you promised free health care.
1st President ever impeached in his 1st term, 3rd President ever impeached, 2nd President without 3% GDP growth

^^ Not going to accept the consequences.

Because of the broken EC, we will likely need 5-7 million more votes than your fat idiot this time to beat him. Should not be a problem.

It would not be a problem... if the election was held in Mexico. The people you promised free health care.
^^^ We've entered the retard zone now, folks
How ironic is it that a guy who swindled his company out of millions of dollars, and then was let off the hook by his personal friend, is lecturing about paying the consequences of one's actions?

How DO these fucking scum stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?
1st President ever impeached in his 1st term, 3rd President ever impeached, 2nd President without 3% GDP growth

^^ Not going to accept the consequences.

Because of the broken EC, we will likely need 5-7 million more votes than your fat idiot this time to beat him. Should not be a problem.

It would not be a problem... if the election was held in Mexico. The people you promised free health care.
^^^ We've entered the retard zone now, folks

You think the leftist in the above picture is retarded? I am not so sure, s/he just hides his/her gender well. If you want to see a picture of true retardation, just look at what they vote for.


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