Democrats Must Rely on Young Voters to Win Elections

maybe CARE4 , but I wasn't unusual . If a kid / young adult wanted material things he got a job and he got material things . All my friends had cars , motorcycles , snow machines , etc . AND --- Thank you fer yer smile [icon] and assumption 'CARE4' !! As far as minimum wage , my wife and I rented a little tiny single with kitchen on first street 3 blocks from the ocean and dog track in Miami Beach for 40 bucks a month in the late 60s. We both made minimum wage and lived like king and queen !! We had no car but saved enough to buy the newly introduced to the USA [tiny] Honda Civic but I could not fit in it . Honda was about 2 thousand dollars if I recall correctly .
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yep , motorcycles and beer , a girlfriend , a fairly nice car after I had kids , a snow machine , a Mossberg 12 gauge , a .22 rifle , a boat . Mostly though I had INDEPENDENCE that I purchased on my own and that's wot made my success !! Better than living in yer parents basement Rdean !! --------- Wot else is more important than what I listed Rdean ??
I think that the OP was referring to mr. obamas election and coronation in 2008 and 2012 Carabineer . I think that the OP original post was spot on !!
yep MDK , get yer nose to that grindstone !! --- [funny] but just get to work fer maybe another 15 - 20 years !!
maybe CARE4 , but I wasn't unusual . If a kid / young adult wanted material things he got a job and he got material things . All my friends had cars , motorcycles , snow machines , etc . AND --- Thank you fer yer smile [icon] and assumption 'CARE4' !! As far as minimum wage , my wife and I rented a little tiny single with kitchen on first street 3 blocks from the ocean and dog track in Miami Beach for 40 bucks a month in the late 60s. We both made minimum wage and lived like king and queen !! We had no car but saved enough to buy the newly introduced to the USA [tiny] Honda Civic but I could not fit in it .
In the 80's, my first condo rented in a high rise in Miami on Biscayne Bay, was $675 A MONTH for a 1 bedroom, with a den and 2 baths. And that was A LOT of money back then....I had just been hired for a new, good paying job...(my first good paying job)

I searched for a deal like yours, or even 10 times the amount that you paid, but could not find one...and I was also looking for a safe place, that had under ground parking and security gates and guards.... But, I justified the amount, by knowing it was only 1 mile from where I worked at the time (saved on gas), I could walk, and it took only 5 minutes or so to get there, and 'time, was money' to me back then, (and now) the security was important, since I was single....

but when I made minimum wage, while in high school and a couple of years of college...I still had my own, paid for by moi, used car, paid my own insurance, then a little later shared an apartment with my best friend near the college, and had all the newest clothes and shoes a young girl could want!!! :D All with minimum wage or there abouts!
well , you know how its done and sounds like you know Miami , Miami Beach 'CARE4' . I remember Biscayne Bay and I think there was a causeway and I worked for GARLIC Enterprises pumping gas right at the end of the causeway going into Miami [I think] , hey it was 50 years ago . My wife worked as a downstairs maid in a mansion for a guy named Dan Topping and his wife Sonia Henning . Topping was rich , owned the NY Yankees at one time . Sonia was a famous ice skater at some time , 30s or 40s I think and was in the Nazi Olympics [I think] , anyway things were cool on Miami Beach , I really stood out as I was tall and big and there were lots of little tiny old Jewish people and Cubanos . I also worked as a handyman for old Jewish guys and ladies painting and fixing problems in their apartments . The old Jewish men would show me their Nazi tattoos and they / some said that the USA Boyscouts were similar or same as Nazi youth from the Nazi days in Germany . It was a good time and I liked the Cubans and learned to love Cuban coffee [expresso] and I hung around a little Cuban deli , grocery store drinking coffee and smoking Camel straights . I got along good with the Cubans and the Jews . I also worked at a kosher residential hotel , the RITZ PLAZA on Collins [think it was] , might still be there . Used to go to WOLFIES if you know that place if its still in existence . Miami Beach was cool but we went back to the U.P. of Michigan when my wife got pregnant . One time my wife walked into the hotel wearing shorts , the hotels RABBI just about had a heart attack as she was in the hotel or hotel Synagogue wearing shorts . I was the kitchens KITCHEN STEWARD [boss] because even though I was young I wasn't a drunk like the rest of the kitchen crew that lived in little basement rooms in the basement of the hotel . Yep , good times on minimum wage CARE4 !!
Dems have maxxed out their biggest constituents: Illegals Aliens and the Non-living
Those crafty illegal aliens. The biggest voting bloc and they have never been caught.

But one woman casts a bogus absentee ballot and WHAM!!!
common sense , experience and history Rdean !!


Republicans rewrite or know nothing about history - see Iraq.

Experience? Cutting off pig balls?

Common Sense - what does that common sense tell you about science, supply and demand, war in the Middle East, the Bush tax cuts (give money to billionaires and they will make jobs - in China) and so on.

Not a word about study, data or research.
IRAQ was fine and woulda remained fine except for policy changes brought about by yer guy Rdean !! I think that you just hate people that have money and you don't like good looking witty women like Ernst Rdean --- imo !! All I know is what I've seen in my family and families that I've known and most have done fine in America , most are still doing fine even with yer guy in office !!
and Rdean , you say study , research , data as if that stuff can't be manipulated . I'll just go by what I've seen in my and my parents and grandparents lifetimes and those lifetime started out POOR but rose as far as economics go . You remind me of people that are always looking for HARD PROOF when no hard proof exists !!
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studies , data and research is always manipulated , see algores global warming for proof of my statement RDean .
that's ok and I know that you were talking to Frank but the way I have things figgered is that repubs do halfway good for the next few elections and then the libs and progressives and assorted ilk can have their way with the USA . Don't want to see it that way but what the heck can I do Syriusly ??
well , you know how its done and sounds like you know Miami , Miami Beach 'CARE4' . I remember Biscayne Bay and I think there was a causeway and I worked for GARLIC Enterprises pumping gas right at the end of the causeway going into Miami [I think] , hey it was 50 years ago . My wife worked as a downstairs maid in a mansion for a guy named Dan Topping and his wife Sonia Henning . Topping was rich , owned the NY Yankees at one time . Sonia was a famous ice skater at some time , 30s or 40s I think and was in the Nazi Olympics [I think] , anyway things were cool on Miami Beach , I really stood out as I was tall and big and there were lots of little tiny old Jewish people and Cubanos . I also worked as a handyman for old Jewish guys and ladies painting and fixing problems in their apartments . The old Jewish men would show me their Nazi tattoos and they / some said that the USA Boyscouts were similar or same as Nazi youth from the Nazi days in Germany . It was a good time and I liked the Cubans and learned to love Cuban coffee [expresso] and I hung around a little Cuban deli , grocery store drinking coffee and smoking Camel straights . I got along good with the Cubans and the Jews . I also worked at a kosher residential hotel , the RITZ PLAZA on Collins [think it was] , might still be there . Used to go to WOLFIES if you know that place if its still in existence . Miami Beach was cool but we went back to the U.P. of Michigan when my wife got pregnant . One time my wife walked into the hotel wearing shorts , the hotels RABBI just about had a heart attack as she was in the hotel or hotel Synagogue wearing shorts . I was the kitchens KITCHEN STEWARD [boss] because even though I was young I wasn't a drunk like the rest of the kitchen crew that lived in little basement rooms in the basement of the hotel . Yep , good times on minimum wage CARE4 !!
Yes, I know of most all of the places you speak of, and I was there on the water, in the 80's, a decade or two after you...and yes, a Jewish girlfriend of mine turned me on to WOLFIES, (it was still there in the late 80's, not certain about now?) and one day a week we used to make it the norm, to get smoked lox on a bagel with cream cheese, a thick slice of a beef steak tomato on top, from there! Good times indeed!

And true with the Cubans as honestly didn't even dawn on me when I was so young, that any of them were not here legally, nor did I feel like they were stealing my job or diminishing my vote, or anything of the sort! They were just "people" to me....

I LOVED learning about their Cuban culture, (and I loved Cuban food) and most importantly, I too learned to love a Cuban coffee in the afternoon as a pick me up! I had a Cuban co-worker who used to make her close friends, which thankfully I was one, a Cuban coffee for our afternoon break every day at work.... life was simpler, and it was awesome.

And I suppose I stayed dumb and ignorant with politics for the next 20 years...I had no interest in it, and I simply didn't vote...didn't even think it was important, and never thought whatever our gvt did, really involved me, or my marital status, or my career path....

it actually was a prosperous and fruitful time, with no stress from politics what so ever...

I was blissfully ignorant! :D It wasn't until around 40, when I got involved and began paying attention...did I decide to inform myself!

and guess what?

We are on opposite sides of this 'proverbial' aisle, but that's okay!!! especially since it seems like your youthful experience was similar to mine! ;)

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