Democrats Must Rely on Young Voters to Win Elections

and to see these young voters with heads full of MUSH , watch the 'WATTERS WORLD' segments on bill o riely Fox news . Buncha YOUNG bonehead voters shown pretty much every evening on bills show Lakhota.

Only retards watch Fox News for facts and truth.
pretty funny and in the furst ladies own words , I like it Crusader !!
You mean vast knowledge and experience of the Baby Boomer generation that has saddled my generation with crushing debts and endless wars?Pardon us if we don't look to your generation for wisdom when it comes to running the nation. Not to worry though, my generation will have no other choice but to pick the tab for largesse of the "Me generation" long after ya'll have departed. Nothing like a haughty chiding from the most selfish and destructive generation in American history. Too funny.
like I said , bill oreily SHOW Lakhota . This JESSE WATTERS interviews people on the street to get their thoughts on all sorts of topics , mostly political so not really news but simply an opinion . Just the thoughts of people on colledge [sp] campus and quite often from the mush brains and mouths of colledge stewdents [sp] . Yep the best and the brightest with their opinions based on their experience and education !! [its really pretty funny]
Why? Because they have the least knowledge and experience, and are more easily swayed by simplistic emotional slogans. The sad thing is that many of them never grow up.

Because "I cut off pig balls" Ernst is a "grown up"!


Democrats rely on the young, blacks, Hispanics, gays, atheists, college professors and just about everyone not right winger white.

Republicans are 90% white. Who do they rely on?
ERNST's ad was good , comical and made a good point . Cutting balls off was just the catchline and I hope it works Rdean .
whats wrong with being 90 per cent white if that's a true number Rdean ? ALL ethnicities , races and religions , sexual preferences , sexes and variations are free to join in with the WHITE repubs and Conservatives if they like RDEAN . Just an example but Ben Carson ain't white and he's a repub I think .
How arrogantly stupid of you to make this claim.

Why? Because they have the least knowledge and experience, and are more easily swayed by simplistic emotional slogans. The sad thing is that many of them never grow up.
Now that Americans have "overcome their racism" and elected a Black President, maybe now they can "overcome their hatred of America" and elect leaders who will put the Consitution and the Rule of Law above personal wants and desires.

Or a right wing Christian Taliban.
I mean , wot countries are the best in the world . Look at those countries to see WHO built them Rdean !!
thing is that the young and uneducated are getting their REWARDS these last 6 years . Heck , I was on my own from 16 when I wanted to be . I had a brand new 650 Triumph and a 65 Ford Galaxy at 18 in 1970 , a job , a girlfriend and beer money . These inexperienced youngsters are driving skateboards and living with mom these last few years after voting fer their president !!

Wow, beer and bikes. You ARE a success.
Republicans, on the hand, must rely on old voters, because they're inflexible, out of touch, and unable to adjust to the modern world.
enjoy MDK !!


We don't have much of choice now do we? It's going to be my generation that picks up the tab for your generation's largesse. You should be thanking us instead of insulting us.
almost forgot , Also had a 1968 Rupp snowmachine a Mossberg 12 gauge and a .22 semi auto rifle , life was good in 1970 !! Plus fishing gear and a small aluminum boat . And I was just an average kid / young adult working as a dishwasher in a local hotel . Think I made a buck 50 an hour !!
I'm guessing minimum wage bought a lot more than it does now...?

In addition to you being a bright, ambitious, and responsible, young adult! ;)
well , my parents and grandparents and previous no matter their color , ethnicity or variation are the ones that built this country RDEAN and things were cool and improving for their generations and their kids and the rest of society .
The Democratic party relies on a lot of voting sectors in order to win

Just regular ole white people












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