Democrats Need rot Remember that President Carter Put Restrictions on Iranians

Oh, wow.

First, the rubes justify their fear with FDR's wrongful internment of Americans.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Now they are attempting to use the actions of ANOTHER Democrat to justify themselves!

Does anyone think I am kidding anymore when I say these pants shitters remind me of the whiny pants shitting liberals of the 70s? Serious question.

Speaking of Iranian terrorists and immmigration, here's what a Republican with titanium balls looks like: What Would Reagan Do?

Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.
But you lefties proclaim Supreme Court rulings make it right.
Carter restricted people from one country. RESTRICTED ... ONE COUNTRY

you know who wants to TOTALLY ban an entire religion .. IN THE ENTIRE WORLD .... BAN THE WORLD

shit like that is dumb enough to win the hearts and souls of every SCARED REPUBLICAN ALIVE.
Same concept though :thup:
If the problem was more spread out, so would the policy. THINK

Not the same concept. Checking to see if someone is an Iranian is not a religious test. THINK!

Do you know the difference between an apple and an orange? I think not.

And we still took in Iranian refugees during the hostage crisis.

You tards struck out.
It isn't just a COUNTRY that is the problem THINK
Although the Carter situation is different because Iranians weren't actively engaged in acts of terror at the time.
All through the 80s, the Iranians sponsored terrorism. They had terrorist training camps. They were behind the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon.

They bombed our embassy in Kuwait in 1983, killing five people. They bombed our embassy in Beirut in the same year, klling 62 people.

The financed and supplied Hamas and Hezbollah.

They had a long list of terrorist incidents to their credit.

And Reagan still decided to let in over 11,000 Iranian refugees, the largest refugee population of that period.

He didn't ban all Iranians "just to be safe". He didn't have the vetting abilities we have today at his disposal, either.

Reagan had balls. I don't know who these castrated people are today who call themselves Republicans.
Oh, wow.

First, the rubes justify their fear with FDR's wrongful internment of Americans.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Now they are attempting to use the actions of ANOTHER Democrat to justify themselves!

Does anyone think I am kidding anymore when I say these pants shitters remind me of the whiny pants shitting liberals of the 70s? Serious question.

Speaking of Iranian terrorists and immmigration, here's what a Republican with titanium balls looks like: What Would Reagan Do?

Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.
But you lefties proclaim Supreme Court rulings make it right.
I'm not a leftie, dipshit, and I have never claimed the internments were right.

You Gnu Right assholes are a special kind of retarded when you think the internments make it okay to make another dumbass fucking mistake.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Wing Fascist.
Carter restricted people from one country. RESTRICTED ... ONE COUNTRY

you know who wants to TOTALLY ban an entire religion .. IN THE ENTIRE WORLD .... BAN THE WORLD

shit like that is dumb enough to win the hearts and souls of every SCARED REPUBLICAN ALIVE.
Same concept though :thup:
If the problem was more spread out, so would the policy. THINK

Not the same concept. Checking to see if someone is an Iranian is not a religious test. THINK!

Do you know the difference between an apple and an orange? I think not.

And we still took in Iranian refugees during the hostage crisis.

You tards struck out.
It isn't just a COUNTRY that is the problem THINK
It isn't a REFUGEE that is the problem. THINK.

The refugees hate the terrorists more than you do, dumbass.

You fucking idiots are doing exactly what the monsters want you to do. You are being played like a fiddle.
Oh, wow.

First, the rubes justify their fear with FDR's wrongful internment of Americans.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Now they are attempting to use the actions of ANOTHER Democrat to justify themselves!

Does anyone think I am kidding anymore when I say these pants shitters remind me of the whiny pants shitting liberals of the 70s? Serious question.

Speaking of Iranian terrorists and immmigration, here's what a Republican with titanium balls looks like: What Would Reagan Do?

Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.
But you lefties proclaim Supreme Court rulings make it right.
I'm not a leftie, dipshit, and I have never claimed the internments were right.

You Gnu Right assholes are a special kind of retarded when you think the internments make it okay to make another dumbass fucking mistake.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
They're just trumpeting the Trump. It's no surprise that their trumpeting in nonsensical.
Carter restricted people from one country. RESTRICTED ... ONE COUNTRY

you know who wants to TOTALLY ban an entire religion .. IN THE ENTIRE WORLD .... BAN THE WORLD

shit like that is dumb enough to win the hearts and souls of every SCARED REPUBLICAN ALIVE.
Same concept though :thup:
If the problem was more spread out, so would the policy. THINK

Not the same concept. Checking to see if someone is an Iranian is not a religious test. THINK!

Do you know the difference between an apple and an orange? I think not.

And we still took in Iranian refugees during the hostage crisis.

You tards struck out.
It isn't just a COUNTRY that is the problem THINK
It isn't a REFUGEE that is the problem. THINK.

The refugees hate the terrorists more than you do, dumbass.
I didn't say otherwise. I just don't want to take any chances. I care about America more and we don't benefit AT ALL from that. We are in no position to rely on "feel good" bullshit.
Oh, wow.

First, the rubes justify their fear with FDR's wrongful internment of Americans.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Now they are attempting to use the actions of ANOTHER Democrat to justify themselves!

Does anyone think I am kidding anymore when I say these pants shitters remind me of the whiny pants shitting liberals of the 70s? Serious question.

Speaking of Iranian terrorists and immmigration, here's what a Republican with titanium balls looks like: What Would Reagan Do?

Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.
But you lefties proclaim Supreme Court rulings make it right.
I'm not a leftie, dipshit, and I have never claimed the internments were right.

You Gnu Right assholes are a special kind of retarded when you think the internments make it okay to make another dumbass fucking mistake.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
They're just trumpeting the Trump. It's no surprise that their trumpeting in nonsensical.
I have no doubt...none...that ISIS is using Trump clips as propaganda fodder.
I just don't want to take any chances.

And there it is. The cowering ISIS demands of you.


I just don't want to take any chances...
Carter restricted people from one country. RESTRICTED ... ONE COUNTRY

you know who wants to TOTALLY ban an entire religion .. IN THE ENTIRE WORLD .... BAN THE WORLD

shit like that is dumb enough to win the hearts and souls of every SCARED REPUBLICAN ALIVE.
Same concept though :thup:
If the problem was more spread out, so would the policy. THINK

Not the same concept. Checking to see if someone is an Iranian is not a religious test. THINK!

Do you know the difference between an apple and an orange? I think not.

And we still took in Iranian refugees during the hostage crisis.

You tards struck out.
It isn't just a COUNTRY that is the problem THINK

you should stick to crying about the big bad liberal media debate thugs .... and stay in your boundary.
I just don't want to take any chances.

And there it is. The cowering ISIS demands of you.
Im not cowering, asshole. Being a coward and being safe is too different things. Why do we have a responsibility to take care of those people? You can take your "American Exceptionalism" and shove it. Maybe we can talk when we are at the top of the food chain again.
You have a 20 million to one chance of being killed by a terrorist, cowards.

You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning, do don't ever go outside, mm-kay?

Of the fifteen to twenty thousands murders in America each year, more than half are by someone known to the victim, and a quarter by a relative. So don't go to grandma's house for Christmas.

We don't want you taking any chances...
I just don't want to take any chances.

And there it is. The cowering ISIS demands of you.
Im not cowering, asshole.

Yes. You are.

ISIS is winning, thanks to cowards like you.

Maybe we can talk when we are at the top of the food chain again.

Oh, wow. There's that defeated whiny liberal of the 70s of which I have spoken so much.

We ARE at the top of the food chain, coward. Get on your feet, and change your pants.
Carter restricted people from one country. RESTRICTED ... ONE COUNTRY

you know who wants to TOTALLY ban an entire religion .. IN THE ENTIRE WORLD .... BAN THE WORLD

shit like that is dumb enough to win the hearts and souls of every SCARED REPUBLICAN ALIVE.
Same concept though :thup:
If the problem was more spread out, so would the policy. THINK

Not the same concept. Checking to see if someone is an Iranian is not a religious test. THINK!

Do you know the difference between an apple and an orange? I think not.

And we still took in Iranian refugees during the hostage crisis.

You tards struck out.
It isn't just a COUNTRY that is the problem THINK

you should stick to crying about the big bad liberal media debate thugs .... and stay in your boundary.
Want to debate something, dumbass? Pick a subject and lets go!
Oh, wow.

First, the rubes justify their fear with FDR's wrongful internment of Americans.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Now they are attempting to use the actions of ANOTHER Democrat to justify themselves!

Does anyone think I am kidding anymore when I say these pants shitters remind me of the whiny pants shitting liberals of the 70s? Serious question.

Speaking of Iranian terrorists and immmigration, here's what a Republican with titanium balls looks like: What Would Reagan Do?

Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.
But you lefties proclaim Supreme Court rulings make it right.
I'm not a leftie, dipshit, and I have never claimed the internments were right.

You Gnu Right assholes are a special kind of retarded when you think the internments make it okay to make another dumbass fucking mistake.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
They're just trumpeting the Trump. It's no surprise that their trumpeting in nonsensical.
I have no doubt...none...that ISIS is using Trump clips as propaganda fodder.
The fact Obama lets ISIS even have electricity is most revealing.

Syrian refugee children.


Agggghhh! What is that! Get them away from me!
"NUKE IRAN" and "FUCK IRAN" T-shirts were the most popular T-shirts during Reagan's Administration.

Reagan still let in over 11,000 Iranian refugees. Not one of them has blown anything up.

Cowards. I don't know what you are, but you sure as shit aren't Reagan Republicans.

Syrian refugee children.


Agggghhh! What is that! Get them away from me!
Wasn't it Obama that said people were scared of women and children? You know, right before a woman suicide bomber in the ME killed a few people and one shot up San Bernardino?
They strap bombs to their kids. They put loaded AKs in their hands.

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