Democrats Need to Drop the Gun-Control Issue

So where did anyone actually say such a thing?

As is usual for you, you're just making shit up. And obsessing over your projection of what appear to be your own sexual inadequacies, on someone else.

I'm not the one fixating on guns every day.... so there's that.

You guys seem to be compensating, though.

Clearly, he thinks people should be locked up for merely possessing a gun. It's an idiotic position, mostly because, we just don't have the prison space. There are 400,000 gun crimes a year. If we locked up everyone charged with gun possession, we'd max out our prison space in 5 years. That assumes we don't lock anyone up for anything else.

Here's the thing. The police make 10 million arrests every year. We can't send all those people to jail. Some of them are going to get probation or suspended sentences. Most of them will get the idea and keep out of trouble.

Some will commit other infractions. Some might even commit real crimes, and then we'll have to deal with them.

You can't go with the position that "A Gun is a God Given right" and then bitch "Oh my god, he had a gun when we caught him on an unrelated incident."

If guns and prisons were the route to a safer society, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the Free World, not the highest.
So where did anyone actually say such a thing?

As is usual for you, you're just making shit up. And obsessing over your projection of what appear to be your own sexual inadequacies, on someone else.

I'm not the one fixating on guns every day.... so there's that.

You guys seem to be compensating, though.

Clearly, he thinks people should be locked up for merely possessing a gun. It's an idiotic position, mostly because, we just don't have the prison space. There are 400,000 gun crimes a year. If we locked up everyone charged with gun possession, we'd max out our prison space in 5 years. That assumes we don't lock anyone up for anything else.

Here's the thing. The police make 10 million arrests every year. We can't send all those people to jail. Some of them are going to get probation or suspended sentences. Most of them will get the idea and keep out of trouble.

Some will commit other infractions. Some might even commit real crimes, and then we'll have to deal with them.

You can't go with the position that "A Gun is a God Given right" and then bitch "Oh my god, he had a gun when we caught him on an unrelated incident."

If guns and prisons were the route to a safer society, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the Free World, not the highest.

We keep the ones who shoot people locked doofus.....we keep the felons caught with illegal guns locked doofus...that lowers the gun crime and gun murder rate 95%.....instead, the democrats keep letting those guys out...and they shoot people...
There is no issue. It's like immigration and abortion, everyone knows nothing is going to be done of any real difference.
It's a wedge issue used by the right to divide the American people and deflect from real issues Republicans have no answer for, like abortion.

We have an answer for can't kill your guys don't like that because you want to be able to have sex with all the women you want and you don't want to have to pay for the babies you create....that is why democrat party males support abortion so strongly...especially when it comes to raping interns...
In order for conservatives to keep the wedge issue of ‘gun control’ alive, they contrive and propagate lies about ‘confiscation’ and other like nonsense – such is the right’s dishonesty and contempt for the truth.
You should not have to have a license or permit to buy a Gun or Assault rifle. The constitution gives every adult citizen the right to bear arms. License, permits, or why do you need a gun, are all infringements on your 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

The courts have consistently held that licenses and permits to possess and carry guns are perfectly Constitutional.

The Supreme Court has never ruled to invalidate measures requiring a license or permit.

Gun licenses and permits are in no manner an ‘infringement’ in the Second Amendment right.
your way disarms normal Americans in the face of violent criminals and future, out of control government.
This is a lie.

No one advocates for ‘disarming’ anyone.

And although the Second Amendment codifies the right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense, it does not authorize insurrectionist dogma and the wrongheaded notion that citizens alone have the ‘right’ to overthrow a lawfully elected government reflecting the will of the people because a minority of gunowners incorrectly perceive that government to have become ‘out of control.’
I recently changed my stance on gun-control. I think it's a dead-end and only harms the Democratic Party.

Guns and the violence that accompanies it are too embedded in American culture, they enshrined it in their Constitution for Christ's sake.

Moreover, Americans are too fearful to ever put down their guns, so the Democrats need to wise up and just drop the issue.

At the very least change their stance and go full-bore in the opposite direction, I say flood the country w/guns and ammunition, let them buy weapons till their wallets burst.

However, at the same time, they need to promote gun safety and consequences for the lack thereof. Every gun owner should be insured, if not, they should be held financially and criminally liable if/when necessary.

Also, keep better track of them, that goes w/the previous sentence.

Let people get and keep their guns to theirheartscontent, but let's all be safe about it.
Marc, you are spot on. I was thinking the same thing. Dems should let the issue go. Gun control is dead in the water. If there is ever going to be a real movement against guns and gun violence it will come from the bottom up and not from the top down.

Even then it will not be the laws that will necessarily make the difference, just a change in attitudes.
It doesn’t make any difference what Democrats do, of course – conservatives will keep the ‘gun control’ lie alive, to keep their wedge issue viable, and propagate conspiracy theories about Democrats wanting to ‘disarm’ Americans.
Guns should be handled like cars. Maintain a registry, pass a basic gun safety and knowledge test, show you can hit something, and be licensed and insured.


Make sure government has records letting them know where every gun is, and who has them.

That way, when an administration comes into power that wants to take them all away, they'll know who to go after.

Better yet, just make every gun owner wear a yellow star, and have a number tattooed on his wrist.
Truly idiotic and ridiculous hyperbole – and comparing oneself to Holocaust victims is particularly reprehensible.
It's a wedge issue used by the right to divide the American people and deflect from real issues Republicans have no answer for, like abortion.

We most certainly do have an answer. Government must obey the law, especially the Constitution which is the highest law. And the Second Amendment, being part of that highest law, means that government is to keep its filthy hands away from the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Beyond that, what I would propose is a law to give the Constitution much-needed teeth. Any piece of shit who, while in public office, has any willing part in enacting, enforcing, or applying any blatantly unconstitutional action on behalf of government, needs to be removed from office, imprisoned for no less than twenty years consecutively per offence, and barred for life from ever again holding any job or position in government.
It’s a wedge issue – indeed, a non-issue – contrived by conservatives to use against political opponents and pander to the base, to deflect from the fact that conservatives have no solutions to real problems, and that Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.

“Hey, look over here! ‘Liberals’ are going to ‘take your guns.’”
Do you even comprehend how stupid that statement is?
Nope. Care to explain how?
The fact that you need it explained is sublime.
Here's your post regarding people buying guns and ammo:
let them buy weapons till their wallets burst.
What kind of idiot thinks that spending money causes a wallet to "burst"?
Plus, "till" is not a contraction of "until". That would be 'til.
Think about our weak leader we have today in Joe....China could invade the USA and walk right down Main street and Joe wouldn't stop them...what would happen if none of us had guns?....
The Chinese own Joe Biden because they bought him while he was Obama’s VP. One of the biggest problems in our nation is the people we elect tend to sell their influence in various “pay for play” games. Such games are not always illegal but they are definitely unethical. The Swamp got its name for good reason.
Think about our weak leader we have today in Joe....China could invade the USA and walk right down Main street and Joe wouldn't stop them...what would happen if none of us had guns?....

Nothing. You wouldn't have the guts to take on the Chinese with those relics of your grandfather's.
If they did invade, the military would kb oiw of it long before anyone else and would act accordingly as they should and will. You wouldn't get a look in.
So, don't give me that crap about your guns intended use.
I recently changed my stance on gun-control. I think it's a dead-end and only harms the Democratic Party.

Guns and the violence that accompanies it are too embedded in American culture, they enshrined it in their Constitution for Christ's sake.

Moreover, Americans are too fearful to ever put down their guns, so the Democrats need to wise up and just drop the issue.

At the very least change their stance and go full-bore in the opposite direction, I say flood the country w/guns and ammunition, let them buy weapons till their wallets burst.

However, at the same time, they need to promote gun safety and consequences for the lack thereof. Every gun owner should be insured, if not, they should be held financially and criminally liable if/when necessary.

Also, keep better track of them, that goes w/the previous sentence.

Let people get and keep their guns to theirheartscontent, but let's all be safe about it.

Guns should be handled like cars. Maintain a registry, pass a basic gun safety and knowledge test, show you can hit something, and be licensed and insured.

Yeah, no this point you guys won't try to ban and confiscate cars......that is for farther down the road..

You want to keep law abiding people from being able to own and carry guns and you will use prohibitive taxes, fees and training requirements to keep people from owning and carrying them...

Just like when guys like you passed Poll Taxes and Literacy tests to keep blacks from voting, you want to pass the Poll Taxes and Literacy tests for gun ownership...

Sorry, too bad...
Democrats are not attempting a gun control agenda. It wouldn't hurt if some restrictions to access of assault rifles etc be abuse no peaceful person has any use for them other than ego. That's a fact.

What would be wrong with more stringent background checks? The NRA vigorously opposed this because of fear too many of their suckers would be found insane.

No government has the courage to take on gun control period. Most gun owners still believe they are used for personal protection or eradicating tyrants.
Both are bullshit.
It's a state of mind by owners. It's that state of mind which has to change.

As I said before, what about the restriction on the sale of ammo? Laugh at it if you like but ammo is not mentioned in the 2nd amendment.
A gun is a tool that is all it is. it happens to be the best tool for self defense.

Uh, if that were the case, then why do we have 39,000 gun deaths a year, and very few of them are "Self-Defense"?

It's like saying your Pet Pit Bull is great at guarding the house, even though he's never chased away any burglars but he has managed to maul several of the neighborhood kids.

It seems your issue is with the background check system. All any dealer can do is follow the rules and regulations set out by the government.

Nope, my problem is with how the gun industry think up new ways to beat the background check system.

But I've got a great solution to that. The Gun Industry can totally run the background check system.

And then we allow families of gun violence victims to sue the gun industry.
You can't defend yourself from suicide

And why do you think a successful act of self defense must end in a person's death? Personally I think it's preferable that no one dies and the criminal is thrown in prison. The mere act of pointing a gun at someone is often all it takes to diffuse a situation.

And a gun is nothing like a dog since a gun can't do anything on its own

and gun dealers cannot get around the background check system unless they want to break the law and I'll wager that an extremely small percentage of FFL licensed dealers do that.

And gun manufacturers are not responsible for the crimes people commit.

But hey let's hold all manufacturers to the same standard and allow people to sue all manufacturers of products that cause harm to people in any way.
So where did anyone actually say such a thing?

As is usual for you, you're just making shit up. And obsessing over your projection of what appear to be your own sexual inadequacies, on someone else.

I'm not the one fixating on guns every day.... so there's that.

You guys seem to be compensating, though.

Clearly, he thinks people should be locked up for merely possessing a gun. It's an idiotic position, mostly because, we just don't have the prison space. There are 400,000 gun crimes a year. If we locked up everyone charged with gun possession, we'd max out our prison space in 5 years. That assumes we don't lock anyone up for anything else.

Here's the thing. The police make 10 million arrests every year. We can't send all those people to jail. Some of them are going to get probation or suspended sentences. Most of them will get the idea and keep out of trouble.

Some will commit other infractions. Some might even commit real crimes, and then we'll have to deal with them.

You can't go with the position that "A Gun is a God Given right" and then bitch "Oh my god, he had a gun when we caught him on an unrelated incident."

If guns and prisons were the route to a safer society, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the Free World, not the highest.
No you fixate on other men's penises.
You should not have to have a license or permit to buy a Gun or Assault rifle. The constitution gives every adult citizen the right to bear arms. License, permits, or why do you need a gun, are all infringements on your 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

The courts have consistently held that licenses and permits to possess and carry guns are perfectly Constitutional.

The Supreme Court has never ruled to invalidate measures requiring a license or permit.

Gun licenses and permits are in no manner an ‘infringement’ in the Second Amendment right.

They are not......the courts also thought separate but equal was Constitutional as they did slavery and returning slaves who escaped to free states....

In fact......the Supreme Court has ruled that charging a fee for the exercise of a Right is, in fact, any license or permit where you have to pay for them is unConstitutional....

what do you say about that Clayton? Clayton doesn't read my posts so someone please ask him/her/it that question...

And the Supreme Court found Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests unConstitutional as any tax on the Right to own a gun is unConstitutional as well as is any mandatory test to exercise a Right......explain that Clayton...

Clayton....please explain your last post in relation to this actual Supreme Court ruling....

Murdock v. Pennsylvania 319 U.S. 105 (1943)

- A municipal ordinance which, as construed and applied, requires religious colporteurs to pay
a license tax as a condition to the pursuit of their activities, is invalid under the Federal Constitution as a denial of freedom of speech, press and religion.

- A State may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution.

- The flat license tax here involved restrains in advance the Constitutional liberties of press and religion, and inevitably tends to suppress their exercise

.It is contended, however, that the fact that the license tax can suppress or control this activity is unimportant if it does not do so. But that is to disregard the nature of this tax. It is a license tax -- a flat tax imposed on the exercise of a privilege granted by the Bill of Rights. A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution....
... The power to impose a license tax on the exercise of these freedoms is indeed as potent as the power of censorship which this Court has repeatedly struck down...

... It is a flat license tax levied and collected as a condition to the pursuit of activities whose enjoyment is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Accordingly, it restrains in advance those constitutional liberties of press and religion, and inevitably tends to suppress their exercise...
Murdock v. Pennsylvania 319 U.S. 105 (1943)

A license tax don't know what you are talking about...
Since the vast majority of legal gun owners will never commit a crime or shoot anyone I would say violence does not accompany gun ownership. And violence is certainly not enshrined in the Constitution.

Most undocumented immigrants don't commit violent crimes... but you want to round them all up.
The crime and violence in this country are social ills and have nothing to do with people who legally own guns.

Again- most people who are killed with guns are killed by people they know. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

The thing is, I agree, if you limited gun ownership to responsible people, you wouldn't have a problem.

Except if you did that, most people wouldn't really want them.

The gun industry wants the bad guys in that three block radius to have lots of guns so you get scared and want them, too.
A lot of gang members know the person they're shooting at. So do drug dealers. Face it, take away criminal on criminal shootings and we're on par with the rest of the world, PLUS we still have guns.
The problem criminal related shootings....non-criminals get killed.

Other countries have equal rates of gangs and drug dealers....but not equal rates of deaths. Or police deaths.
Let's be realistic here. With the number of guns currently in circulation, a ban would only leave the law abiding unarmed. You could MAYBE have something different with a relative handful of guns out there, but not now. It's wishful thinking, and you would only make criminals out of a lot of otherwise completely law abiding citizens.
We keep the ones who shoot people locked doofus.....we keep the felons caught with illegal guns locked doofus...that lowers the gun crime and gun murder rate 95%.....instead, the democrats keep letting those guys out...and they shoot people...

They shoot people because the Gun Industry has flooded our streets with guns.

Other countries that ban guns... don't have to lock up millions of people.. and don't have five figure murder rates.

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