Democrats Need to Drop the Gun-Control Issue

Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.
Maybe if people were required to take a test in order to drive there wouldn't be auto accidents

Oh wait.....
Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia in 2014

You don't even just spew whatever left wing talking point they pump into your tiny brain...

FBI...gun murder 2014....


Gun accidental death....461

Car deaths....35,398....

Your post isn't even remotely true, you lying just repeated what the anti-gun extremists made up.....
I recently changed my stance on gun-control. I think it's a dead-end and only harms the Democratic Party.
Dems can't win on gun control because their proposals are beyond stupid! Heaping gun control laws onto already law abiding gun owners accomplishes none of the gun control objectives. Meanwhile the criminals and mentally ill IGNORE gun control laws. This is why law abiding gun owners tell gun control advocates to fuck off!
Meanwhile, 1 in 6 ADULTS are diagnosed with mental illness in this country. Many of them own guns, I suspect.

"Mental illnesses are common in the United States. Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (51.5 million in 2019). Mental illnesses include many different conditions that vary in degree of severity, ranging from mild to moderate to severe."

Or just druggies and alcoholics can go on a shooting spree or kill a spouse. I made the point when we first got married, no guns in the house.
If someone is a stalker, with a restraining order - can't infringe on his rights to get a gun.

If someone is mentally ill - can't infringe on his rights either.

Someone here had no problem with little kids having guns.

This is nuts.

I mean if Elon can have a gun then so can I

Not that complicated
A gun is a tool that is all it is. it happens to be the best tool for self defense.

Uh, if that were the case, then why do we have 39,000 gun deaths a year, and very few of them are "Self-Defense"?

It's like saying your Pet Pit Bull is great at guarding the house, even though he's never chased away any burglars but he has managed to maul several of the neighborhood kids.

It seems your issue is with the background check system. All any dealer can do is follow the rules and regulations set out by the government.

Nope, my problem is with how the gun industry think up new ways to beat the background check system.

But I've got a great solution to that. The Gun Industry can totally run the background check system.

And then we allow families of gun violence victims to sue the gun industry.
A gun is a tool that is all it is. it happens to be the best tool for self defense.

Uh, if that were the case, then why do we have 39,000 gun deaths a year, and very few of them are "Self-Defense"?

It's like saying your Pet Pit Bull is great at guarding the house, even though he's never chased away any burglars but he has managed to maul several of the neighborhood kids.

It seems your issue is with the background check system. All any dealer can do is follow the rules and regulations set out by the government.

Nope, my problem is with how the gun industry think up new ways to beat the background check system.

But I've got a great solution to that. The Gun Industry can totally run the background check system.

And then we allow families of gun violence victims to sue the gun industry.

Uh, if that were the case, then why do we have 39,000 gun deaths a year, and very few of them are "Self-Defense"?


Accidental gun death...


Gun murder....

10,235 (FBI homicide table 8)

So where is the rest of your number? Since gun deaths do not equal your number?

YOu have to lie, and use suicide to push your number up....

Gun suicide, 2019...


You can't get anywhere near the actual number 34, 657 without lying and using suicide.....and suicide isn't a gun issue, it is a mental health issue.....

The gun industry doesn't do anything to beat any background check system......criminals steal guns...defeating any background check system.....criminals use straw buyers who can pass any background check, defeating the background check system......mass public shooters have no criminal record, and therefore, the system does not stop them from getting guns...since they are not criminals at the time they bought the gun......
Uh, if that were the case, then why do we have 39,000 gun deaths a year, and very few of them are "Self-Defense"?
You can't get anywhere near the actual number 34, 657 without lying and using suicide.....and suicide isn't a gun issue, it is a mental health issue.....

Actually, the murder number is more like 14,500 a year. Which does push total deaths up to 39,000.

And yes, we'd have less suicides if guns were readily available.
I recently changed my stance on gun-control. I think it's a dead-end and only harms the Democratic Party.

Guns and the violence that accompanies it are too embedded in American culture, they enshrined it in their Constitution for Christ's sake.

Moreover, Americans are too fearful to ever put down their guns, so the Democrats need to wise up and just drop the issue.

At the very least change their stance and go full-bore in the opposite direction, I say flood the country w/guns and ammunition, let them buy weapons till their wallets burst.

However, at the same time, they need to promote gun safety and consequences for the lack thereof. Every gun owner should be insured, if not, they should be held financially and criminally liable if/when necessary.

Also, keep better track of them, that goes w/the previous sentence.

Let people get and keep their guns to theirheartscontent [sic], but let's all be safe about it.

Your kind spent much of the past year giving the American people a very vivid demonstration as to why we need to keep our right to keep and bear arms, and why we need government top keep its filthy hands off of this right.

Subhuman criminal/terrorist filth, under the banners of “Antifa” and “Black Lies Matter”, rampaging, rioting, looting, burning, destroying, and the authorities standing back and letting it happen, not lifting a finger to protect the safety, well-being, and interests of actual human beings against these subhuman animals; sometimes even openly giving aid and support to this filth.

You've shown us why we need to possess the very sort of weapons that your masters want to take away from us, to protect ourselves from you violent pieces of shit.
Guns should be handled like cars. Maintain a registry, pass a basic gun safety and knowledge test, show you can hit something, and be licensed and insured.


Make sure government has records letting them know where every gun is, and who has them.

That way, when an administration comes into power that wants to take them all away, they'll know who to go after.

Better yet, just make every gun owner wear a yellow star, and have a number tattooed on his wrist.
Guns should be handled like cars. Maintain a registry, pass a basic gun safety and knowledge test, show you can hit something, and be licensed and insured.


Make sure government has records letting them know where every gun is, and who has them.

That way, when an administration comes into power that wants to take them all away, they'll know who to go after.

Better yet, just make every gun owner wear a yellow star, and have a number tattooed on his wrist.
I have a drivers license. My car is registered. For that matter so are my dogs.

The government knows what cars and dogs I have and where they are. I don't have a yellow star or a tattoo.

Don't you think it's a bit pathetic to compare yourself to a victim of the Holocaust?
I recently changed my stance on gun-control. I think it's a dead-end and only harms the Democratic Party.

Guns and the violence that accompanies it are too embedded in American culture, they enshrined it in their Constitution for Christ's sake.

Moreover, Americans are too fearful to ever put down their guns, so the Democrats need to wise up and just drop the issue.

At the very least change their stance and go full-bore in the opposite direction, I say flood the country w/guns and ammunition, let them buy weapons till their wallets burst.

However, at the same time, they need to promote gun safety and consequences for the lack thereof. Every gun owner should be insured, if not, they should be held financially and criminally liable if/when necessary.

Also, keep better track of them, that goes w/the previous sentence.

Let people get and keep their guns to theirheartscontent, but let's all be safe about it.
i sense that you may be gradually becoming a conservative .. though you still have a long way to go .... the next step is when you stop sucking cock .
It's a wedge issue used by the right to divide the American people and deflect from real issues Republicans have no answer for, like abortion.

We most certainly do have an answer. Government must obey the law, especially the Constitution which is the highest law. And the Second Amendment, being part of that highest law, means that government is to keep its filthy hands away from the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Beyond that, what I would propose is a law to give the Constitution much-needed teeth. Any piece of shit who, while in public office, has any willing part in enacting, enforcing, or applying any blatantly unconstitutional action on behalf of government, needs to be removed from office, imprisoned for no less than twenty years consecutively per offence, and barred for life from ever again holding any job or position in government.
I have a drivers license. My car is registered. For that matter so are my dogs.

The government knows what cars and dogs I have and where they are. I don't have a yellow star or a tattoo.

Don't you think it's a bit pathetic to compare yourself to a victim of the Holocaust?

There is no credible movement trying to deprive you of your right to own a car or a dog.

The same is not true of arms.
If they are in the country illegally, they broke the law...they need to be arrestd [sic], sent home, and then they can actually use the legal process to enter the country....that is a hard concept for your tiny brain, but that is how it has to work.

I have to disagree with allowing those who have ever been caught illegally in this country ever being allowed legally to return.

As long as there is even one person waiting, going through the process to immigrate legally to this country, it is absolutely unjustifiable to allow an invading criminal to cut in line ahead of him,.
Who's preventing the woman from getting a gun to deal with the stalker?
extended waiting periods
Or simple refusal to give her the permit.......
They can't arbritrarily [sic] do that - there are very few restrictions.

And yet, in the case that was cited a few posts before yours, they did exactly that.

But of course, according to the Constitution, it's not legal to have even required that license in the first place; it's not legal for any level of government to have interfered in any way with that woman's rights to obtain and posses a a gun with which to defend herself.

But they did. Illegally, they required her to obtain a permit, and illegally, they dragged their feet in issuing that permit that they had no authority to require in the first place, and a a result, this woman was murdered.

Her blood is on their hands, and on your hands, and on the hands of everyone who advocates lawless disobedience to the Second Amendment.
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Your kind spent much of the past year giving the American people a very vivid demonstration as to why we need to keep our right to keep and bear arms, and why we need government top keep its filthy hands off of this right.

Subhuman criminal/terrorist filth, under the banners of “Antifa” and “Black Lies Matter”, rampaging, rioting, looting, burning, destroying, and the authorities standing back and letting it happen, not lifting a finger to protect the safety, well-being, and interests of actual human beings against these subhuman animals; sometimes even openly giving aid and support to this filth.

You've shown us why we need to possess the very sort of weapons that your masters want to take away from us, to protect ourselves from you violent pieces of shit.

Mormon Bob, you are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

So tell me, what did all the guns you all stockpiled do, exactly? Did you all launch a counter offensive to retake the cities? Nope.
Who is advocating that a man should be locked up if his only “crime” is “to have a gun on him while not being white?”
Well, apparently 2TinyGuy is. I mean, if he really thinks that owning a gun in a God Given right, why is he complaining anyone has one?

So where did anyone actually say such a thing?

As is usual for you, you're just making shit up. And obsessing over your projection of what appear to be your own sexual inadequacies, on someone else.

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