Democrats Need to Drop the Gun-Control Issue

Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.

We used to have gun safety classes in school.....guess who ended them.
Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.
Maybe if people were required to take a test in order to drive there wouldn't be auto accidents

Oh wait.....
I recently changed my stance on gun-control. I think it's a dead-end and only harms the Democratic Party.

Guns and the violence that accompanies it are too embedded in American culture, they enshrined it in their Constitution for Christ's sake.

Moreover, Americans are too fearful to ever put down their guns, so the Democrats need to wise up and just drop the issue.

At the very least change their stance and go full-bore in the opposite direction, I say flood the country w/guns and ammunition, let them buy weapons till their wallets burst.

However, at the same time, they need to promote gun safety and consequences for the lack thereof. Every gun owner should be insured, if not, they should be held financially and criminally liable if/when necessary.

Also, keep better track of them, that goes w/the previous sentence.

Let people get and keep their guns to theirheartscontent, but let's all be safe about it.

Guns should be handled like cars. Maintain a registry, pass a basic gun safety and knowledge test, show you can hit something, and be licensed and insured.

Driving isn't a right.
Doesn't matter.

NO right is unlimited.

How about not being a 2nd amendment zealot and consider some win win solutions? Nah. That would take common sense and I wouldn't expect that from someone who's only solution is MORE GUNS and MORE GUNS - it's a big industry after all.

We have win win solutions.....when someone uses a gun to commit a crime, we arrest them and put them in jail and then prison...

Win Win....what you want is to limit the Right of owning and carrying a gun to the point no one is capable of getting through the Red Tape, pay the taxes and fees and mandatory insurance and pass the massive training that few if any normal people can own and carry guns....that is what you mean by win win solutions.....

My way works, yours doesn' way targets and stops actual criminals, your way disarms normal Americans in the face of violent criminals and future, out of control government.
Ooops. You lose. Or rather someone loses, you know, the dead guy.

The one you have to WAIT until he's KILLED before you do anything.

Brilliant right?

But for some bizarre reason, you seem to think having a registry (which infringes on no right in away shape or form)...being required to display some basic knowledge that you know how to handle a deadly weapon (who's sole purpose is for killing something) safely - is an infringement.

Yet...hmmm....I'm not allowed to engage in bigamy, if my religion requires fact there are a lot of things I can't do in the name of religion. Either my rights are being infringed upon right is unlimited.

The purpose of my guns is to save my life and that of my you are just wrong and stupid.

Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year not to kill....but to save lives, from rape, brutal beatings, robberies and murders....often without firing a single shot...driving the criminals away, capturing the criminals and holding them for police or for the really stupid criminals wounding them.....of those 1.1 million times guns are used for self defense.....235 criminals pushed the attack to the point they had to be shot, and were unlucky in that the shots fired killed them..

Guns save lives. Guns save innocent lives.

The PURPOSE of guns is to do one thing: kill something. Animal or human.

If it "saves lives" it also "takes lives". And because of that, it behooves us to make sure people are as responsible and knowledgeable as possible. Doing so does not prevent you from buying a gun (frankly if you can't hit what you're aiming at with it you have no business shooting it and if you don't how to behave responsibly with a gun, you have no business owning one).

Then you should be happy that the vast majority of gun owners use their guns for some other purpose.

And purpose is defined by the user so if most people will never use a gun to kill anyone then they obviously think the purpose of a firearm isn't killing
I'm not the right. I don't vote for republicans.

Gun manufacturers are only allowed to sell wholesale to licensed dealers. Licensed dealers are only allowed to sell to people who pass BG checks.

Gun manufacturers only make money on their sales to licensed dealers. Licensed dealers only make money on the legal sales of guns

Any illegal sale does not increase the profit of the manufacturers.

Sure they do.

Why do people buy guns. I know I make a lot of jokes about people like 2Aguy compensating for their tiny dicks, but the reality is, most people buy guns because they are scared little shits who really believe that guns make them safer. (Shhh...Shhhh... go away, Kellerman!!! We don't want to hear the opposite is true.)

So fear creates a market demand for a product that frankly, most people really don't have a need for. How do you keep that fear going? By making sure that enough nuts can get guns to keep violence in the headlines. So you have shit like people from NY driving down to Florida or Virginia where the gun laws are lax and selling the guns at a profit. The gun companies still made their money on the deal, and the fear it creates means that the 2AGuys of the world want to buy more and more guns, so they feel really, really safe.

And to be fair, the media doesn't help, by putting the gang drive by and the mass shooter on the front page or the lede, while the much more common "domestic argument gone wrong" doesn't.

You talk about background checks, and I say, "What background checks?" Every time there is a mass shooting, we find out two things.

1) Everyone in this person's life knew he was nuts.
2) It was still way too easy for him to get a gun.

You know, because gun ownership is a right, bestowed by the fact that a bunch of slave rapists couldn't define a Militia clearly.
We have win win solutions.....when someone uses a gun to commit a crime, we arrest them and put them in jail and then prison...
We have 2 million people in prison. Prison isn't a deterrent.

Wrong.....90% of murderers have long histories of crime and violence that should have them locked up for life.......but democrats keep letting them out.
Do you have a cite from this from a non-crazy source.

We don't have enough prison space to lock people up. We have a shortage of prison guards because no one really wants to do that job.

So let's be blunt. We have 400,000 gun crimes in this country every year. Of those, only 14,500 are murders. Yes, we lock up the murderers, but does it make sense to lock up the guy who just happened to have a gun on him while not being white? We'd fill up our prisons pretty quickly.

We've quadrupled the prison population in the last 40 years? Feel any safer? Given how much time you spend obsessing on guns, I'm guessing probably not.
Good point. There are no "rights", there are only privileges that the rest of society has agreed are fairly reasonable. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" should look up "Japanese Americans, 1942". As long as we have an understanding.

So, case in point, after 9/11, we decided that we didn't have a right to just stroll on an airplane, and you got extra, extra scrutiny if you wanted to get on an airplane and your name was Mohammed. All because back in 2001, 3000 people were killed because a bunch of guys hijacked some airplanes and flew them into buildings.

yet, every year, 39,000 Americans die of gunshots. That's like 13 9/11's, EVERY YEAR. But do we make it harder to get a gun? Nope. Because unlike the airline industry, who realized that hijacking was probably bad for business, the gun industry has realized, gun violence is GREAT for business.

"See, See... the Second Amendment says, "Right to keep and bear arms"

"Um, yeah, it also says, "Well regulated militias"
Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.
Maybe if people were required to take a test in order to drive there wouldn't be auto accidents

Oh wait.....
Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia in 2014
Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.

Why not MANDATORY gun safety courses in the government schools instead of "optional"?

A lot of kids live in gun-free homes, but when they turn 18 they may make their own decision to have an arsenal in their domicile.

I've been a long time advocate for mandatory age appropriate gun safety training in the government schools from kindergarten through the penitentiary level.
Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.
Maybe if people were required to take a test in order to drive there wouldn't be auto accidents

Oh wait.....
Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia in 2014

Irrelevant statistic. Most gun deaths are suicides. I'd rather have someone shoot themselves in the head a couple of times to off themselves instead of throwing themselves in front of a train or taking a header off of a tall building and risking others.
I'm not the right. I don't vote for republicans.

Gun manufacturers are only allowed to sell wholesale to licensed dealers. Licensed dealers are only allowed to sell to people who pass BG checks.

Gun manufacturers only make money on their sales to licensed dealers. Licensed dealers only make money on the legal sales of guns

Any illegal sale does not increase the profit of the manufacturers.

Sure they do.

Why do people buy guns. I know I make a lot of jokes about people like 2Aguy compensating for their tiny dicks, but the reality is, most people buy guns because they are scared little shits who really believe that guns make them safer. (Shhh...Shhhh... go away, Kellerman!!! We don't want to hear the opposite is true.)

So fear creates a market demand for a product that frankly, most people really don't have a need for. How do you keep that fear going? By making sure that enough nuts can get guns to keep violence in the headlines. So you have shit like people from NY driving down to Florida or Virginia where the gun laws are lax and selling the guns at a profit. The gun companies still made their money on the deal, and the fear it creates means that the 2AGuys of the world want to buy more and more guns, so they feel really, really safe.

And to be fair, the media doesn't help, by putting the gang drive by and the mass shooter on the front page or the lede, while the much more common "domestic argument gone wrong" doesn't.

You talk about background checks, and I say, "What background checks?" Every time there is a mass shooting, we find out two things.

1) Everyone in this person's life knew he was nuts.
2) It was still way too easy for him to get a gun.

You know, because gun ownership is a right, bestowed by the fact that a bunch of slave rapists couldn't define a Militia clearly.
You opinions are just that yours. As for you obsession with the penises of strange men, I think it has to do with something other than guns.

A gun is a tool that is all it is. it happens to be the best tool for self defense.

It seems your issue is with the background check system. All any dealer can do is follow the rules and regulations set out by the government.
Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.
Maybe if people were required to take a test in order to drive there wouldn't be auto accidents

Oh wait.....
Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia in 2014
Not accidental gun deaths.

Suicide doesn't count and murders are crimes.
We have win win solutions.....when someone uses a gun to commit a crime, we arrest them and put them in jail and then prison...
We have 2 million people in prison. Prison isn't a deterrent.

Wrong.....90% of murderers have long histories of crime and violence that should have them locked up for life.......but democrats keep letting them out.
Do you have a cite from this from a non-crazy source.

We don't have enough prison space to lock people up. We have a shortage of prison guards because no one really wants to do that job.

So let's be blunt. We have 400,000 gun crimes in this country every year. Of those, only 14,500 are murders. Yes, we lock up the murderers, but does it make sense to lock up the guy who just happened to have a gun on him while not being white? We'd fill up our prisons pretty quickly.

We've quadrupled the prison population in the last 40 years? Feel any safer? Given how much time you spend obsessing on guns, I'm guessing probably not.

Actually, the crime rate has gone down since the 1970's pretty dramatically. Films like the Death Wish series and Taxi Driver were pretty accurate portrayals of life in New York and a lot of other Heck Holes.

Between things like the Biden Crime Bill aimed at super-predators and relaxed concealed carry laws, the crime rate was sinking. In recent years, however, its started heading in the opposite direction as cops are being persecuted and are a lot more timid about confronting thugs.
Good point. There are no "rights", there are only privileges that the rest of society has agreed are fairly reasonable. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" should look up "Japanese Americans, 1942". As long as we have an understanding.

So, case in point, after 9/11, we decided that we didn't have a right to just stroll on an airplane, and you got extra, extra scrutiny if you wanted to get on an airplane and your name was Mohammed. All because back in 2001, 3000 people were killed because a bunch of guys hijacked some airplanes and flew them into buildings.

yet, every year, 39,000 Americans die of gunshots. That's like 13 9/11's, EVERY YEAR. But do we make it harder to get a gun? Nope. Because unlike the airline industry, who realized that hijacking was probably bad for business, the gun industry has realized, gun violence is GREAT for business.

"See, See... the Second Amendment says, "Right to keep and bear arms"

"Um, yeah, it also says, "Well regulated militias"
Airplanes are private property and no one has any right to use the property of another without permission. Airlines have handed their security to the government and there is no violation of anyone's rights to deny them entry to an airplane.
I recently changed my stance on gun-control. I think it's a dead-end and only harms the Democratic Party.

Guns and the violence that accompanies it are too embedded in American culture, they enshrined it in their Constitution for Christ's sake.

Moreover, Americans are too fearful to ever put down their guns, so the Democrats need to wise up and just drop the issue.

At the very least change their stance and go full-bore in the opposite direction, I say flood the country w/guns and ammunition, let them buy weapons till their wallets burst.

However, at the same time, they need to promote gun safety and consequences for the lack thereof. Every gun owner should be insured, if not, they should be held financially and criminally liable if/when necessary.

Also, keep better track of them, that goes w/the previous sentence.

Let people get and keep their guns to theirheartscontent, but let's all be safe about it.
Marc, you are spot on. I was thinking the same thing. Dems should let the issue go. Gun control is dead in the water. If there is ever going to be a real movement against guns and gun violence it will come from the bottom up and not from the top down.

Even then it will not be the laws that will necessarily make the difference, just a change in attitudes.
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Don't blacks need guns to defend themselves against all the marauding bands of white supremacists out there anyway?
And the racist Asians. Yes.
Considering it's blacks who have been doing the bulk of attacks against Asians, wouldn't we need them to defend ourselves against you?
Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.

We used to have gun safety classes in school.....guess who ended them.

We have win win solutions.....when someone uses a gun to commit a crime, we arrest them and put them in jail and then prison...
We have 2 million people in prison. Prison isn't a deterrent.

Wrong.....90% of murderers have long histories of crime and violence that should have them locked up for life.......but democrats keep letting them out.
Do you have a cite from this from a non-crazy source.

We don't have enough prison space to lock people up. We have a shortage of prison guards because no one really wants to do that job.

So let's be blunt. We have 400,000 gun crimes in this country every year. Of those, only 14,500 are murders. Yes, we lock up the murderers, but does it make sense to lock up the guy who just happened to have a gun on him while not being white? We'd fill up our prisons pretty quickly.

We've quadrupled the prison population in the last 40 years? Feel any safer? Given how much time you spend obsessing on guns, I'm guessing probably not.

90% of murderers have long histories of crime and violence....and should have been in prison at the time they committed the murder...

The Criminology of Firearms
In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and some empirical research of its own about guns. The Academy could not identify any gun restriction that had reduced violent crime, suicide or gun accidents.

Why don't gun bans work? Because they rely on voluntary compliance by gun-using criminals. Prohibitionists never see this absurdity because they deceive themselves into thinking that, as Katherine Christoffel has said: "[M]ost shootings are not committed by felons or mentally ill people, but are acts of passion that are committed using a handgun that is owned for home protection."

Christoffel, et al., are utterly wrong. The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies.

Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."

It doesn't matter if we have prisons if the democrat party keeps letting the violent gun offenders who do 95% of all the shooting are released over and over again no matter how often they are arrested for crimes with guns......

1.1 million Americans use their legal guns to save lives each year according to the Centers for Disease Control....1.5 million according to the Department of Justice and that was back in the 90s before over 19.4 million Americans started carrying guns in public for self defense....

10,235 gun murders in 2019 according to the FBI and the majority of the victims are criminals......murdered during crimes or the lifestyle....
I'm not the right. I don't vote for republicans.

Gun manufacturers are only allowed to sell wholesale to licensed dealers. Licensed dealers are only allowed to sell to people who pass BG checks.

Gun manufacturers only make money on their sales to licensed dealers. Licensed dealers only make money on the legal sales of guns

Any illegal sale does not increase the profit of the manufacturers.

Sure they do.

Why do people buy guns. I know I make a lot of jokes about people like 2Aguy compensating for their tiny dicks, but the reality is, most people buy guns because they are scared little shits who really believe that guns make them safer. (Shhh...Shhhh... go away, Kellerman!!! We don't want to hear the opposite is true.)

So fear creates a market demand for a product that frankly, most people really don't have a need for. How do you keep that fear going? By making sure that enough nuts can get guns to keep violence in the headlines. So you have shit like people from NY driving down to Florida or Virginia where the gun laws are lax and selling the guns at a profit. The gun companies still made their money on the deal, and the fear it creates means that the 2AGuys of the world want to buy more and more guns, so they feel really, really safe.

And to be fair, the media doesn't help, by putting the gang drive by and the mass shooter on the front page or the lede, while the much more common "domestic argument gone wrong" doesn't.

You talk about background checks, and I say, "What background checks?" Every time there is a mass shooting, we find out two things.

1) Everyone in this person's life knew he was nuts.
2) It was still way too easy for him to get a gun.

You know, because gun ownership is a right, bestowed by the fact that a bunch of slave rapists couldn't define a Militia clearly.

We know that background checks have no effect when the person who buys the gun has no criminal record, you asshole.....

The Pulse Night Club shooter....

--passed a complete background check for his job as a security officer

--passed a federal background check for each of the gun he purchased...every single gun

--someone where he worked reported him as a possible terrorist....the FBI took the case....he was interviewed 3 times by trained FBI interrogators, he had another complete, total background check done directly by Federal agents.....he had an undercover approach by FBI agents

he passed everything.....then he went on to target the Pulse Night club, a gun free zone...his original target was Disneyland/World...but when he checked it out it had too many good guys with guns there......he didn't even know Pulse was a gay club......

Background checks do nothing to stop criminals since they steal their guns or use straw buyers who can pass any background check....and they don't stop mass public shooters because they have no criminal history before the attack....

And the mentally ill shooters? We know that most if not all of them were known to police and other authorities and the government failed.....

600 million guns in private hands.....over 19.4 million Americans can carry guns in public for self defense.....

How many mass public shootings?



How many killed?


More people die from lawn mowers....about 100 a year.....and falling off ladders, about 300 a year, than die in mass public shootings....

You have no rational argument for what you believe.....
Good point. There are no "rights", there are only privileges that the rest of society has agreed are fairly reasonable. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" should look up "Japanese Americans, 1942". As long as we have an understanding.

So, case in point, after 9/11, we decided that we didn't have a right to just stroll on an airplane, and you got extra, extra scrutiny if you wanted to get on an airplane and your name was Mohammed. All because back in 2001, 3000 people were killed because a bunch of guys hijacked some airplanes and flew them into buildings.

yet, every year, 39,000 Americans die of gunshots. That's like 13 9/11's, EVERY YEAR. But do we make it harder to get a gun? Nope. Because unlike the airline industry, who realized that hijacking was probably bad for business, the gun industry has realized, gun violence is GREAT for business.

"See, See... the Second Amendment says, "Right to keep and bear arms"

"Um, yeah, it also says, "Well regulated militias"


10,235 gun murders with majority of victims criminal engaged in crime or the criminal lifestyle...

23,941 gun suicides......

Suicide is not a gun issue....

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world.

According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.
Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).
Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).
Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)
Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.

Suicide rates: An overview

Methods of suicide vary by sex and age​

Over the past ten years, the most common method of suicide in Canada has been hanging (44%), which includes strangulation and suffocation; followed by poisoning (25%) and firearm use (16%).
Males were most likely to commit suicide by hanging (46%) while females most often died by poisoning (42%) (Chart 2). Males (20%) were far more likely to use firearms than females (3%).
Maybe if this idiot had been required to take a basic gun safety course, her kid might not have shot her other kid because he wouldn't have gotten ahold of the gun in the first place.

You could even treat it like you do driving - start in highschool, offer optional classes to learn to shoot, learn to be safe, learn the protocals.
Maybe if people were required to take a test in order to drive there wouldn't be auto accidents

Oh wait.....
Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia in 2014

You guys always have to mix suicide into the gun deaths to even get close to car kill more people than guns every single year when you don't dishonestly use suicide to pack your numbers......



Gun murder...10,235

Gun accidents....486

Fatal Injury and Violence Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC



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