Democrats need to push this.

Yep they knew that the Democrats would somehow make sure that the parents got citizenship too. Let's not forget about the cousins uncles aunts grandparents all those got to come here and have citizenship too.
Having read what's considered by Democrats and Republicans as the definitive treatise on the economic impacts of immigration -- legal and illegal -- I still think we have bigger fish to fry. Unless you can produce more germane, more comprehensive and more soundly credible empirical research on the matter, my view in that regard isn't going to change.
How about if they knew when they came over here and had a baby and it was subject to be deported chances are they wouldn't have and incentive to come with unborn
My bad I fixed it
TY. I think I know what you're asking me. I've reworded your question as shown below. Hopefully, the revisions accurately and completely reflect what you want to know.
Do you think that were the U.S. not to have a policy of birthright citizenship, material quantities of illegal immigrants would be dissuaded from illegally entering or illegally remaining in the U.S., regardless of whether they give birth to a child while in the U.S.
Assuming you are asking what I think you are, my answer is this: in some cases, it might, and in other instances it assuredly will, but for the large majority of them, no, I don't think it'll have much impact.
  • One cannot assume that the annual quantity of anchor babies born equates in a one-to-one way with the quantity of illegal immigrant mothers (or mother and father parent pairs) of those babies. [1]
  • Given that many illegal immigrants aren't even noticed as being illegally present in the country, there's no basis for presuming that a majority, or even material share, of illegal immigrant mothers conceive after entering the U.S. [1]
  • One cannot assume that anchor babies are conceived or born in the U.S. while a person's immigration status is that of illegal. For example, H1B visa holders (or wives of male ones) may become pregnant and give birth while legally in the U.S. I have no idea of how often that happens.
  • Among the primary reasons illegal immigrants remain in or enter the U.S. is because they construe life in the U.S., regardless of how hard, is better than is the life they left behind in their home country. I'm fairly certain they will think that and attempt to enter the U.S. regardless of whether they have a "bun in the oven" or not.
Am I suggesting that no quantity of illegal immigrants avail themselves of the U.S.' birthright citizenship provisions? No, of course not. I'm answering the question I think you asked, which is whether the absence of birthright citizenship would dissuade material quantities of illegal immigrants from coming to or, after having arrived legally, remaining in the U.S.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a group unsympathetic to illegal immigrants, the most abundant driver to illegal immigrant mothers wanting to have a child while in the U.S. is their perceiving, absent any awareness of U.S. birthright citizenship laws, that having a child will afford them a measure of what can only be described as moral leniency during immigration proceedings. Moreover, the CIS notes that more often than not, illegal immigrants' babies are conceived and born in the U.S. without any planning at all.

  1. There may be sound and credible evidence indicating what I've noted one cannot assume, but insofar as the anchor baby matter is your gripe, you will need to find that evidence.
Sorry people looks like that min's don't like the way I post they may be getting ready to scrap this one
If you put some content of your own devising in your OP, you'll be fine. If you don't or can't compose something that a moderator might be willing to insert for you, your thread will get closed.
Years ago this place used to be fun to come to
??? I'm sorry....The requirement that one must post some measure of original content of one's own in an OP has what to do with the "fun" obtained from participating in discourse on USMB?

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