Democrats Never Met A Communist....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....that they didn't adore.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
So saith the American philosopher George Santayana.

No where is that more clearly illustrated than in the beliefs and actions of American Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

As this thread will so demonstrate.

1. Communism, a political philosophy born of slaughter, bloodshed, genocide and oppression. Beyond evil, it's failures in economics and governance are well documented. So....who would endeavor to repeat it?
Answer: Liberals/Progressives/Democrats

2. A brief history of it's home-base, mother Russia, includes 9 million killed in the civil war, 1917-1922; Stalin's regime, 1924-1953, over 20 million slaughtered; (Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls

Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
And this is the hallmark of every totalist view, communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....the life of the individual may never be considered, only the collective, the state, the "general will" is paramount.

3. Under the auspices of Franklin Roosevelt, the United States drew closer, and embraced, the Communist regime of Joseph Stalin. FDR Democrats covered for, ignored, and made excuses for massacres, genocide, government instituted famines and lies of every variety. The same view of communism has persisted 'til this very day among Democrat elites and leaders.

a. When one of the many communist agents in his administration was identified, Alger Hiss, President Roosevelt promoted him.

b. January 25th, 1950 Alger Hiss sentenced for perjury for denying he was a Soviet spy
Dean Acheson, Truman’s Sec’y of State, said: “I do not intend to turn my back on Alger

4. One would be hard pressed to find any request by Joseph Stalin that did not find a willing response from FDR, from Lend-Lease to the direction of Allied military operations, and refusal to accept the surrender of Germany.

Just maybe, the Kravchenko case might be one time FDR hesitated to fulfill Stalin's commands.....

Roosevelt regularly lied to the American public about Russia having the same values as the United States, and censored any news to the contrary. Victor Kravchenko told the truth about Stalin's Russia.

a. Victor Kravchenko was one of the first and most influential Soviet defectors to the United States, who had written "I Chose Freedom," a searing account of life under Stalin, denouncing the Stalin regime for failure to grant political and civil liberties to the Russian people.
"The Anti-Communist Manifestos: Four Books That Shaped the Cold War," John Fleming, p. 182-183

b. Kravchenko wanted to shatter those illusions. His defection was front-page news and prompted debate at the highest levels of government, up to and including President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Stalin demanded that he be turned over as a traitor--an automatic death sentence.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover urged FDR to let him stay.
On April 13, 1945, the day after Roosevelt died, Kravchenko received notice that his application for asylum had been granted.
Searching for Tato - LA Times

Perhaps Roosevelt was ambivalent about sending Kravchenko back to the tender mercies of Uncle Joe, as Kravchenko was head-line news throughout the nation....and only after Roosevelt's death did Kravchenko receive notice of asylum.

Had Roosevelt lived.....who knows....
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
So you imagine it was communist bombs that turned Vietnam and Cambodia into graveyards?

"President Nixon and his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, discuss North Vietnamese sanctuaries and supply routes in the neutral border country of Cambodia. General Creighton Abrams, the US military commander in South Vietnam, wants those sites bombed, regardless of the fact that military strikes against locations in a neutral country would be flagrant violations of international laws and treaties."

Operation Menu
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
So you imagine it was communist bombs that turned Vietnam and Cambodia into graveyards?

"President Nixon and his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, discuss North Vietnamese sanctuaries and supply routes in the neutral border country of Cambodia. General Creighton Abrams, the US military commander in South Vietnam, wants those sites bombed, regardless of the fact that military strikes against locations in a neutral country would be flagrant violations of international laws and treaties."

Operation Menu
Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Take a walk down HISTORY LANE BITCH.
They still hate Reagan for calling the USSR an Evil Empire, promising to defeat it and collapsing their empire
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
And this is the hallmark of every totalist view, communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....the life of the individual may never be considered, only the collective, the state, the "general will" is paramount.

DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
So you imagine it was communist bombs that turned Vietnam and Cambodia into graveyards?

"President Nixon and his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, discuss North Vietnamese sanctuaries and supply routes in the neutral border country of Cambodia. General Creighton Abrams, the US military commander in South Vietnam, wants those sites bombed, regardless of the fact that military strikes against locations in a neutral country would be flagrant violations of international laws and treaties."

Operation Menu

what the communist supporting libs always understood, but pretended like they didn't, is if a country is being used by your enemy to stage attacks on you and your isn't a f*****g neutral country....even if the people of that country don't want your enemy there......but they supported the communists,during the the blood of the dead is on them......not the U.S.....
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
And this is the hallmark of every totalist view, communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....the life of the individual may never be considered, only the collective, the state, the "general will" is paramount.

DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

99.9% of all national Democrats are communist! The last REAL DemocRAT left when Zell shut the door on them!
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
And this is the hallmark of every totalist view, communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....the life of the individual may never be considered, only the collective, the state, the "general will" is paramount.

DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

99.9% of all national Democrats are communist! The last REAL DemocRAT left when Zell shut the door on them!

Yeah, Zell Miller, last of the old Southern conservative segregationist Democrats.
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
So saith the American philosopher George Santayana.
If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.
- George Bernard Shaw
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
And this is the hallmark of every totalist view, communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....the life of the individual may never be considered, only the collective, the state, the "general will" is paramount.

DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

99.9% of all national Democrats are communist! The last REAL DemocRAT left when Zell shut the door on them!

Yeah, Zell Miller, last of the old Southern conservative segregationist Democrats.

Yes, last DemocRAT patriot! But YOU, scum bucket say NOTHING about KKK Robert Byrd!!!
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
So saith the American philosopher George Santayana.
If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.
- George Bernard Shaw

Yeah...Shaw may not be the best guy to quote....he was a progressive who supported ugenics and the nazis.....
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
And this is the hallmark of every totalist view, communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....the life of the individual may never be considered, only the collective, the state, the "general will" is paramount.

DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

99.9% of all national Democrats are communist! The last REAL DemocRAT left when Zell shut the door on them!

Yeah, Zell Miller, last of the old Southern conservative segregationist Democrats.

Yes, last DemocRAT patriot! But YOU, scum bucket say NOTHING about KKK Robert Byrd!!!

or the racists in the democrat party...the Congressional black caucus, la rasa. The naacp.....and all the other openly racist groups that make up the party of racism....the democrat party......
Democrats side with soviets against Ronald Reagan..

Kennedy believes that, given the current state of affairs, and in the interest of peace, it would be prudent and timely to undertake the following steps to counter the militaristic politics of Reagan and his campaign to psychologically burden the American people. In this regard, he offers the following proposals to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Y.V. Andropov:

1. Kennedy asks Y.V. Andropov to consider inviting the senator to Moscow for a personal meeting in July of this year. The main purpose of the meeting, according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA. He would also like to inform you that he has planned a trip through Western Europe, where he anticipates meeting England’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and French President Mitterand in which he will exchange similar ideas regarding the same issues.

If his proposals would be accepted in principle, Kennedy would send his representative to Moscow to resolve questions regarding organizing such a visit.

Kennedy thinks the benefits of a meeting with Y.V.Andropov will be enhanced if he could also invite one of the well known Republican senators, for example, Mark Hatfield. Such a meeting will have a strong impact on American and political circles in the USA (In March of 1982, Hatfield and Kennedy proposed a project to freeze the nuclear arsenals of the USA and USSR and pblished a book on the theme as well.)

2. Kennedy believes that in order to influence Americans it would be important to organize in August-September of this year, televised interviews with Y.V. Andropov in the USA. A direct appeal by the General Secretary to the American people will, without a doubt, attact a great deal of attention and interest in the country. The senator is convinced this would receive the maximum resonance in so far as television is the most effective method of mass media and information.

If the proposal is recognized as worthy, then Kennedy and his friends will bring about suitable steps to have representatives of the largest television companies in the USA contact Y.V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interview. Specifically, the president of the board of directors of ABC, Elton Raul and television columnists Walter Cronkite or Barbara Walters could visit Moscow. The senator underlined the importance that this initiative should be seen as coming from the American side.

Letter Details Kennedy Offer To USSR Sweetness Light
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
And this is the hallmark of every totalist view, communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....the life of the individual may never be considered, only the collective, the state, the "general will" is paramount.

DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

99.9% of all national Democrats are communist! The last REAL DemocRAT left when Zell shut the door on them!

Yeah, Zell Miller, last of the old Southern conservative segregationist Democrats.

Yes, last DemocRAT patriot! But YOU, scum bucket say NOTHING about KKK Robert Byrd!!!

Segregation is patriotic?

Damn, I should start saving these USMB RWnut gems.
The Democrat party of old is dead and gone. they should just come out and call themselves what they are:

The Socialist/communist party of the United States

and people better wake up to it
Add in the communist spin-offs in China, Cambodia, Cuba, Viet Nam, etc., and the number goes well beyond 100 million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lives counted as less important than the victory of communism.
And this is the hallmark of every totalist view, communism, Nazism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism.....the life of the individual may never be considered, only the collective, the state, the "general will" is paramount.

DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

99.9% of all national Democrats are communist! The last REAL DemocRAT left when Zell shut the door on them!

That's retarded.

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