DEMOCRATS Now On Trial - The Tables Are Suddenly Turned...You Asked For It, Democrats

Dems strategy like always is to conveniently blackout censor the rebuttle and hope nobody sees the refutation of their charges.
I know of 2 Dems who never got to see todays Trump Lawyers turn, The lady who gorilla glued her hair and was having it removed from her head by a physician at a hospital and the guy who didn't believe that viral video and gorilla glued
a red solo cup to his mouth and had to have it surgically removed. *L*

BUH-BAM! Impechment Hearing Bombshell - VP Kamala Harris' raising bail for violent foreign-funded domestic terrorists perpetrating billions of dollars of damage to Democrat-run cities across the country, thereby encouraging even more, was brought up on Thursday.

Harris' support for and 'Incitement of Violence and Insurrection', far surpassing anything President Trump ever did, was presented to the WORLD.

The Democrats called down the thunder, and the newly elected VP was blasted for aiding and abetting foreign-funded domestic terrorists who have waged a destructive war against Americans, businesses, communities, and police while proclaiming about our got/ democracy, "BURN IT ALL DOWN!"

The GOP schooled Democrats on the definition of 'Inciting Insurrection' while making the new VP the 'poster child' for it.
He should never be able to run for office again.

He said he wasn't going to run again in 2024 when that question was asked by a reporter.
He said he'd be to old.
So don't worry about it.

Yes because Donald Trump has never ever in his entire life said one thing and then turned around and done the exact opposite. Never.

And Donald Trump would never ever lie to a reporter about his intentions.

And you wonder why we called the Trump cult stupid and gullible.
No they really didn’t.

Yeah, they really did.

Take Communist Chinese spy Eric Swalwell, for instance;


The House Impeachment team is being accused of doctoring evidence amid recent revelations involving a presentation by Rep. Eric Swalwell at Donald Trump’s Senate trial.

The allegation stems from a tweet by Jennifer Lynn Lawrence which was used by Democrats to allege she was calling for an insurrection. In reality, Lawerence says the tweet was a reference to a prayer vigil and had nothing to do with the violence at the Capitol.

She also makes another, perhaps even more damning charge that appears to be completely backed up by the facts. Namely, that the House impeachment team doctored her tweet.


Trumps lawyers looked incompetent or drunk. The arguments didn’t even pertain to the issue of the of the insurrection.

I'm not sure you of all people should accuse others of being drunk.

Further, you seem to have missed today completely.

Spoiler Alert, you of the Reich were destroyed.

The comparison to things that Democrats have said merely drove home the point that no Democrat has ever incited an insurrection. They ignored them more than 30 times that Trump told his supporters they had to fight and focussed and stood on the one time he said to march peacefully.

The refusal to answer questions about Trump’s behaviour during the insurrection and his failure to get help to the Capitol, confirms Trump’s intention that they do harm to the government leaders who were doing the peoples business there.

You Nazis sure do lie a lot..

Once again you post pictures of the women hanging out the windows - none of which are broken, - waving those outside. No reports of any police officer who was injured, much less killed. No violence among the protestors at all.

No one was threatened, killed, or injured. How many times are you going to continue to make the case against your seditious con man for us?

No one puts the lie to everything you post, like YOU do.

Once again you lie.

democrat brown shirts said they would "occupy every floor, every hallway."

Own what you did. Stop lying that the 1/6 Reichstag Fire is any different than what you Nazis have been doing for years.
Trolls lie, especially Canadian ones. Try not to punish a 'door knob' for being a 'door knock.


BUH-BAM! Impechment Hearing Bombshell - VP Kamala Harris' raising bail for violent foreign-funded domestic terrorists perpetrating billions of dollars of damage to Democrat-run cities across the country, thereby encouraging even more, was brought up on Thursday.

Harris' support for and 'Incitement of Violence and Insurrection', far surpassing anything President Trump ever did, was presented to the WORLD.

The Democrats called down the thunder, and the newly elected VP was blasted for aiding and abetting foreign-funded domestic terrorists who have waged a destructive war against Americans, businesses, communities, and police while proclaiming about our got/ democracy, "BURN IT ALL DOWN!"

The GOP schooled Democrats on the definition of 'Inciting Insurrection' while making the new VP the 'poster child' for it.
And CNN covered it.... I bet they are wishing they hadn't now.. their viewers actually got facts from that network for the first time in a long time.
The GOP put an EPIC public beat-down on Democrats today by playing a 13-minute video montage of Demofrats spewing hate, violence, threats, and incitement of violence and continued terrorism...

The GOP put an EPIC public beat-down on Democrats today by playing a 13-minute video montage of Demofrats spewing hate, violence, threats, and incitement of violence and continued terrorism...

I watched this beat down and the faces of those in the room that were exposed was priceless.. It was epic!
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


Shes too stupid to be in politics, but her district is dumber than her
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

Trump's lawyers butt f'ed the Dems today. Once again Trump beats and humiliates the Democrats :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You really are out of touch with reality. When did Demoxcrats attempt to kidnap a Republican governor? When did Democrats storm the capitol? That was Republicans.
The capital was mobbed "on his say so"? What exactly did he say?

He said the election was being stolen, that Democracy was in jeopardy, that the mob needed to do something about it.
What did he say the mob should do?
Stop the steal, take their country back, fight like hell, be wild, march down to the capitol, stop the RINOs and Pence, the weak ones, etc etc

It was an hour's worth of inciting and an overload of incitement weeks and months leading up to the 1/6 rally of tweets, and ads, and rallies promoting the insurrection.

And then the President Sat back and watched gleefully on tv, and did not send help or speak against it for over 2 1/2 hours.
When are you going to quote him telling people to attack the capital? "Take the country back" and "fight" is very typical and completely acceptable political speech that has been used for decades, maybe even centuries. Unless there was a specific call to violence, what the fuck is this impeachment for?
and China Joe and Kameltoe have said the same thing and worse.
Did they advertise their insurrection, did they invite the most dangerous followers they have to the insurrection, did they pay for bus loads of insurrectionists to come, did they tell them to March down to the Capitol and they have to stop their country from being stolen from them by stopping the steal OF the joint session of Congress?
Neither did Trump.
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

Trump's lawyers should be golfing and enjoying themselves without a care in the world. It's dipshit Democrats that made a mountain out of nothing and created this idiotic spectacle. But don't worry. 2 years will go by fast and the voters won't be kind these impeachment buffoons. Hell, in one year 80% of the people will have had quite enough of the idiot in chief as well.

Well, you're correct about the lawyers not being necessary. Fortunately for tRump, the republican side of the senate is composed of cowardly weasels with a light sprinkling of whack-job conspiracy theorists. They were never gonna convict him no matter what.

On the other hand, it does put them in the position of both showing how cowardly/crazy they are or pissing off tRump, which I think is pretty amusing.
The democrats have been calling for violence ever since Trump got elected. Remember their careless rhetoric (Biden said he would like to take Trump behind the gym and beat him). Maxine Watters urged folks to get up in the face of duly appointed Cabinet members. Pelosi called Trump a traitor, the Democrat leadership characterized Trump as 'dangerous', etc. They should all be held on criminal incitement charges.

BUH-BAM! Impechment Hearing Bombshell - VP Kamala Harris' raising bail for violent foreign-funded domestic terrorists perpetrating billions of dollars of damage to Democrat-run cities across the country, thereby encouraging even more, was brought up on Thursday.

Harris' support for and 'Incitement of Violence and Insurrection', far surpassing anything President Trump ever did, was presented to the WORLD.

The Democrats called down the thunder, and the newly elected VP was blasted for aiding and abetting foreign-funded domestic terrorists who have waged a destructive war against Americans, businesses, communities, and police while proclaiming about our got/ democracy, "BURN IT ALL DOWN!"

The GOP schooled Democrats on the definition of 'Inciting Insurrection' while making the new VP the 'poster child' for it.
And this impeachment becomes evidence from accusations out of their own mouths, "at her impeachment", after Biden gets run out by his China money scandals. Must take back the house though and make sure the majority leader third in line is presidential material.:rolleyes-41:
He should never be able to run for office again.

He said he wasn't going to run again in 2024 when that question was asked by a reporter.
He said he'd be to old.
So don't worry about it.

Yes because Donald Trump has never ever in his entire life said one thing and then turned around and done the exact opposite. Never.

And Donald Trump would never ever lie to a reporter about his intentions.

And you wonder why we called the Trump cult stupid and gullible.

There is no need for him to run again.
He did what he was elected to do, expose the corruption.
Trump didn't expose any corruption. Look at all of trump's cohorts going to prison, getting pardoned etc. Trump might be facing trying to defend himself against past corruptive activities now the he's not the president any more and hallelujah to that. Obama had a perfect record. Clinton got dinged getting a blow job. Total corruption on the republican side since Nixon.
He exposed a lot of corruption.
We have corruption in the Repubs and Orwellian controlling Dems.
Not a great choice but I'd rather weed out the corruption than have big government control.
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

Trump's lawyers butt f'ed the Dems today. Once again Trump beats and humiliates the Democrats :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You really are out of touch with reality. When did Demoxcrats attempt to kidnap a Republican governor? When did Democrats storm the capitol? That was Republicans.

So its okay for Dems to attack common citizens and the police, got it. :rolleyes:
I haven't much interest in the impeachment trial, but to the point of this topic, the rhetoric does indeed abound. But that seems to side-step the issue of how much responsibility does the speaker bear if that rhetoric subsequently turns into undesired actions? In this case I'd say Trump was right on the edge but didn't cross the line.
That's many Capitols were rushed because of their rhetoric? How many rioters claimed they broke the law because those Democrats told them to?

How many Dem Capitols were rushed because the 'authorities' didn't stop them?

Speaking of Portland, Oregon this time .... they are STILL rioting.
Not sure if these links have been on this thread but here they are.


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