DEMOCRATS Now On Trial - The Tables Are Suddenly Turned...You Asked For It, Democrats

So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

In your country, law is whatever the rulers say. Until Obama, in America we at least attempted to have equal justice under the law, where that which was legal for Crips queen Mad Max is legal for Trump.

Now, you're here to stir up shit, to try and make America like your country, like Communist China. But a lot of Americans still remember the concepts of one law that applies to all. Hamulating the Reich by demonstrating that top Nazi rulers did exactly the same as they want to lynch Trump for is the obvious move.

If one law applied to all, Donald Trump would’ve been in jail years ago. Trump has bought his way out of every legal scrape he’s ever been and now he’s trying to bully his way out of this one.
And he will succeed. The senatorial republicans are a bunch of cowardly weasels with a light sprinkling of utter whack-jobs.
So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

What desperate, pathetic snowflakes like you call 'whatabouting' is the complete destruction of the criminally treasonous Democrats' 2nd (SECOND) admitted politically partisan coup attempt by exposing the fact that the Democrats - as usual - cntinue to accuse others of being whoTHEY are and or doing what THEY have done and continue to do....far worse than President Trump EVER did.

Democrats' violent, derange politically partisan rhetoric incited an assassination attempt against GOP politicians in a public park, criminal harassment and engagement of GOP politicians and Trump team members, and issued ADMITTED threats against Trump suporters, Republicans, the President, and the President's staff.


Need a tissue, snowflake?
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

Your post isnt a good defense of your parties violent rhetoric. Would you like to try again?

I ain't defending shit, I'm laughing at your side.

Get it straight.

No you arent. Youre making ineffective arguments and youre being called out on them. Would you like to try again or should we just start mocking you now?

I'm laughing even harder now.
The capital was mobbed "on his say so"? What exactly did he say?

'We're going to peacefully walk down to the Capitol and cheer on poiticians.....'

Don't feed the Canadian Troll....
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

Your post isnt a good defense of your parties violent rhetoric. Would you like to try again?

I ain't defending shit, I'm laughing at your side.

Get it straight.

No you arent. Youre making ineffective arguments and youre being called out on them. Would you like to try again or should we just start mocking you now?

I'm laughing even harder now.

Retards do that a lot. It must be nice to be stupid and therefore easily amused.
And he will succeed. The senatorial republicans are a bunch of cowardly weasels with a light sprinkling of utter whack-jobs.
Democrats are lying, viloent rhetoric-spewing pu$$ies who incite and support violence, call on people to criminallyharass and attack conservatives / Republicans, about threatening Trump supporters all the time (Mad Max)...and then they accuse others of doing what THEY do while cowering away from their existing documented record of doing so.
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.


Is that how you see it?

They are not saying "string them up"...they are simply showing how such is normal political rhetoric and if you hold it against your political opponent, you are a hypocrite.

Nothing to see here.

Countless lefties use rhetoric that is just as threatening as the rhetoric right wingers use. Partisans on either side point fingers at each other while ignoring what happens on their side of the fence. There is no moral consistency among partisans.
Name the most violent rhetoric used by a high profile Republican. I guaran-fucking-tee you i will find far worse things that democrats have said.
So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

In your country, law is whatever the rulers say. Until Obama, in America we at least attempted to have equal justice under the law, where that which was legal for Crips queen Mad Max is legal for Trump.

Now, you're here to stir up shit, to try and make America like your country, like Communist China. But a lot of Americans still remember the concepts of one law that applies to all. Hamulating the Reich by demonstrating that top Nazi rulers did exactly the same as they want to lynch Trump for is the obvious move.
It's too early for you to be this stoned.

You should lay off the crack for a while.
You really need better arguments.
No, I don't.
Name the most violent rhetoric used by a high profile Republican. I guaran-fucking-tee you i will find far worse things that democrats have said.

I actually agree that the Democrats get away with more provocative language. Both sides are quite guilty though.
The capital was mobbed "on his say so"? What exactly did he say?

He said the election was being stolen, that Democracy was in jeopardy, that the mob needed to do something about it.
What did he say the mob should do?
Stop the steal, take their country back, fight like hell, be wild, march down to the capitol, stop the RINOs and Pence, the weak ones, etc etc

It was an hour's worth of inciting and an overload of incitement weeks and months leading up to the 1/6 rally of tweets, and ads, and rallies promoting the insurrection.

And then the President Sat back and watched gleefully on tv, and did not send help or speak against it for over 2 1/2 hours.
Bring it on
Your whines of .....they did it too
Fall flat
They're desperate to equate Trump's daily words and tweets -- over four years of them, multiple times a day -- with sporadic, specific, individual statements.

They're desperate to equate the words of individual congressmen and congresswomen with the President of the United States.

They don't see how feeble this is, but it helps them with their feelz. I'm glad they feel they have to cover for their savior. They know.
Name the most violent rhetoric used by a high profile Republican. I guaran-fucking-tee you i will find far worse things that democrats have said.

I actually agree that the Democrats get away with more provocative language. Both sides are quite guilty though.
Yeah, both sides are guilty. Republicans contributed 5%, while democrats contributed 95% of that violent rhetoric.
So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

What desperate, pathetic snowflakes like you call 'whatabouting' is the complete destruction of the criminally treasonous Democrats' 2nd (SECOND) admitted politically partisan coup attempt by exposing the fact that the Democrats - as usual - cntinue to accuse others of being whoTHEY are and or doing what THEY have done and continue to do....far worse than President Trump EVER did.

Democrats' violent, derange politically partisan rhetoric incited an assassination attempt against GOP politicians in a public park, criminal harassment and engagement of GOP politicians and Trump team members, and issued ADMITTED threats against Trump suporters, Republicans, the President, and the President's staff.


Need a tissue, snowflake?
You're still doing it.
Yeah, both sides are guilty. Republicans contributed 5%, while democrats contributed 95% of that violent rhetoric.

Those idiots that took it too far at the capitol building really fucked things up when it comes to the right's present image.
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


That's many Capitols were rushed because of their rhetoric? How many rioters claimed they broke the law because those Democrats told them to?

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