DEMOCRATS Now On Trial - The Tables Are Suddenly Turned...You Asked For It, Democrats

Name the most violent rhetoric used by a high profile Republican. I guaran-fucking-tee you i will find far worse things that democrats have said.

I actually agree that the Democrats get away with more provocative language. Both sides are quite guilty though.
Yeah, both sides are guilty. Republicans contributed 5%, while democrats contributed 95% of that violent rhetoric.
Did they advertise their insurrection, did they invite the most dangerous followers they have to the insurrection, did they pay for bus loads of insurrectionists to come, did they tell them to March down to the Capitol and they have to stop their country from being stolen from them by stopping the steal OF the joint session of Congress? Did they get their followers so roused up against the vice president that they shouted HANG MIKE PENCE and set up a gallows for them?

The "Mommy, mommy, Joey did it too defence...." just doesn't cut it.

Trump defense team, has no defence for Trump' s planned insurrection....thus the flailing, Joey did it too defence, which would be laughed out of court if in a trial.
"Did they"? "They" who? What the fuck are you talking about?
The capital was mobbed "on his say so"? What exactly did he say?

He said the election was being stolen, that Democracy was in jeopardy, that the mob needed to do something about it.
What did he say the mob should do?
Stop the steal, take their country back, fight like hell, be wild, march down to the capitol, stop the RINOs and Pence, the weak ones, etc etc

It was an hour's worth of inciting and an overload of incitement weeks and months leading up to the 1/6 rally of tweets, and ads, and rallies promoting the insurrection.

And then the President Sat back and watched gleefully on tv, and did not send help or speak against it for over 2 1/2 hours.
Yeah, Democrats who illegally spied oneveryone, colluded with our enemies in an anttempt to overthow the govt by removing tee newly elected President from office, continued to attempt repeated failed coup attempts for 4 straight years, who were proven to have violate federal and state Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the last election, who have supported, protected , and encouraged foreign-funded domestic terrorists to continue carrying out violence againstAmericans - resulting in BILLIONS of dollars in damage throughout Democrat-run communities throughout the US, who - for a 2nd election in a row - ran a proven criminal and national security threat as President, who secure the election win for a man who the DHS, FBI, and Treasury Departments say they have irrefutable evidence proving committed financial crimes and treasonous scandals to include Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP jus thate when anyone opposes their Socialist ideology and America-destroying policies.
Short impeach Kamala video (like the Dems' Hollywood production)....

Makes a good point and makes me chuckle since it's a low-dollar video edit that mocks the dramatic movie the Dems paid for with unlimited taxpayer money. She says the Antifa/BLM rioters "shouldn't stop."
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Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

Your post isnt a good defense of your parties violent rhetoric. Would you like to try again?

I ain't defending shit, I'm laughing at your side.

Get it straight.

No you arent. Youre making ineffective arguments and youre being called out on them. Would you like to try again or should we just start mocking you now?

I'm laughing even harder now.

Retards do that a lot. It must be nice to be stupid and therefore easily amused.

Happy, amused people laugh a lot. It must suck to live in your world where that's only "retards".

I didnt say "only retards". Im just saying you are retarded and therefore easily amused.

Lol, am I easily amused, or are you just that amusing?

I know which way I'm betting.
The capital was mobbed "on his say so"? What exactly did he say?

He said the election was being stolen, that Democracy was in jeopardy, that the mob needed to do something about it.
What did he say the mob should do?
Stop the steal, take their country back, fight like hell, be wild, march down to the capitol, stop the RINOs and Pence, the weak ones, etc etc

It was an hour's worth of inciting and an overload of incitement weeks and months leading up to the 1/6 rally of tweets, and ads, and rallies promoting the insurrection.

And then the President Sat back and watched gleefully on tv, and did not send help or speak against it for over 2 1/2 hours.
When are you going to quote him telling people to attack the capital? "Take the country back" and "fight" is very typical and completely acceptable political speech that has been used for decades, maybe even centuries. Unless there was a specific call to violence, what the fuck is this impeachment for? are saying that when trump says fight, that means pick up your keyboard and write STERN posts on social BOLD and ALL IN CAPS!!!!
View attachment 456221
Worse! In Comic Sans!
The capital was mobbed "on his say so"? What exactly did he say?

He said the election was being stolen, that Democracy was in jeopardy, that the mob needed to do something about it.
What did he say the mob should do?
Stop the steal, take their country back, fight like hell, be wild, march down to the capitol, stop the RINOs and Pence, the weak ones, etc etc

It was an hour's worth of inciting and an overload of incitement weeks and months leading up to the 1/6 rally of tweets, and ads, and rallies promoting the insurrection.

And then the President Sat back and watched gleefully on tv, and did not send help or speak against it for over 2 1/2 hours.
When are you going to quote him telling people to attack the capital? "Take the country back" and "fight" is very typical and completely acceptable political speech that has been used for decades, maybe even centuries. Unless there was a specific call to violence, what the fuck is this impeachment for? are saying that when trump says fight, that means pick up your keyboard and write STERN posts on social BOLD and ALL IN CAPS!!!!
Oh shit! Someone needs to call the cops on the Beastie Boys. Remember when they told people to "fight for your right to party"?
And DID people? Link the attacks on the seats of government based on that.
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


Ah, the Tu Quoque/Red Herring/Waddaboutism/False Comparison approach. That always works. But let's not tell 'em in what way it always works, just for entertainment.

The bag o' fallacies sitting in the corner dressed as a clown, muttering to itself. "if they thought they saw bad lawyering at the outset, wait'll they get a load o' me". Oughta be a hoot. :popcorn:
The capital was mobbed "on his say so"? What exactly did he say?

He said the election was being stolen, that Democracy was in jeopardy, that the mob needed to do something about it.
What did he say the mob should do?
Stop the steal, take their country back, fight like hell, be wild, march down to the capitol, stop the RINOs and Pence, the weak ones, etc etc

It was an hour's worth of inciting and an overload of incitement weeks and months leading up to the 1/6 rally of tweets, and ads, and rallies promoting the insurrection.

And then the President Sat back and watched gleefully on tv, and did not send help or speak against it for over 2 1/2 hours.
When are you going to quote him telling people to attack the capital? "Take the country back" and "fight" is very typical and completely acceptable political speech that has been used for decades, maybe even centuries. Unless there was a specific call to violence, what the fuck is this impeachment for? are saying that when trump says fight, that means pick up your keyboard and write STERN posts on social BOLD and ALL IN CAPS!!!!
Oh shit! Someone needs to call the cops on the Beastie Boys. Remember when they told people to "fight for your right to party"?
And DID people? Link the attacks on the seats of government based on that.
Surely someone got into a fight at a party because they were being kicked out of the party. There needs to be investigations!
Now On Trial - The Tables Are Suddenly Turned...You Asked For It, Democrats
There is no such trial, nor any motion by any Republican in the Senate or the House to initiate such a proceeding because no Democrat incited goons to attack Congress in a craven attempt to thwart the will of the People as expressed in a free and fair election.

Your desperate attempt at another "What about..?" diversion fails.

Your Loser cannot escape responsibility by fake claims that someone else did what he did. No one else did.
You are so driven by irrational hate, rality denial, and stupidity that you don;t even realize the Democrats do not have the voted to getthe Impeachment, that they NEVER had the vpotes to do so, that this Impeachment was always about 2 things:

1. Attempting to eliminate Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond


2. A distraction to make sure the attention deserved is not given to Biden's tyrannical, dictatorial destruction og the US through more personal edicts issued in his 1st 10 days thn the last 6 Presiewnts combined, edicts that have sacrificed our energy independence while making our enemies stronger, put thousands of the Americans he swore to help while campaigning out of work in the middle of a pandemic just to advance socialist ideology and programs, made the country less safe by opening up our borders to not TOO violent / criminal illegal aliens, gave the CCP access to our power grid, and more...
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


They can't be impeached, they can be expelled through something in their rules called expulsion.
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


So the best tRump's lawyers can do is whatabouting?

That's just sad.

Your post isnt a good defense of your parties violent rhetoric. Would you like to try again?

I ain't defending shit, I'm laughing at your side.

Get it straight.

No you arent. Youre making ineffective arguments and youre being called out on them. Would you like to try again or should we just start mocking you now?

I'm laughing even harder now.

Retards do that a lot. It must be nice to be stupid and therefore easily amused.

Happy, amused people laugh a lot. It must suck to live in your world where that's only "retards".

I didnt say "only retards". Im just saying you are retarded and therefore easily amused.

Ah...personal attack. trump loves you. You're very special.

Huh? :cuckoo:

Lol, dude can't follow the conversation, yet calls other people retards.

And wonders why I find him funny.
Ah, the Tu Quoque/Red Herring/Waddaboutism/False Comparison approach. That always works. But let's not tell 'em in what way it always works, just for entertainment.

The bag o' fallacies sitting in the corner dressed as a clown, muttering to itself. "if they thought they saw bad lawyering at the outset, wait'll they get a load o' me". Oughta be a hoot.

You're such a democrat nut sac-hugging troll. LOL

The FBI proved the Capitol riot was a pre-planned event, the planning of which was conducted on Big Tech Socialist Twitter and facebookdays prior to the event, destroying the false narrative of a spontaneous incited insurrection.

The FBI put out a warning priot to the event sating the extremists were coming to DC to 'WAGE WAR', yet the FBI, Capitol Police, and Pelosi did not take any action to prepare, prevent, protect, and / or defend the Capitol and politicians.

The Capitol Police are shown on multiple videos facilitating the riot and guding the rioters throughthe Capitol

...yet the Democrats who bragged about threatening Trump Supporters, Gop members, and Trump's team..who incited violence and an assassination attempt of GOP politicians, whose VP encouraged foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists - whpohave already caused BILLIONS in damage - t ocontinue their violence after the election...are claiming the President's call for peaople to peacefully walk tthe Capitol and cheer on politicians is somehow worse than anything they have done and deserves Impeachment after leaving office.

Jonathon Gruber was right - 'Snowflakes are STUPID, and Democrats rely on their stupidity to getaway with what they do'.
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


They can't be impeached, they can be expelled through something in their rules called expulsion.

They can be charged with 'Sedition' and 'Inciting Insurrection', which is what they continuously did for 4 years.
Now On Trial - The Tables Are Suddenly Turned...You Asked For It, Democrats
There is no such trial, nor any motion by any Republican in the Senate or the House to initiate such a proceeding because no Democrat incited goons to attack Congress in a craven attempt to thwart the will of the People as expressed in a free and fair election.

Your desperate attempt at another "What about..?" diversion fails.

Your Loser cannot escape responsibility by fake claims that someone else did what he did. No one else did.
You are so driven by irrational hate, rality denial, and stupidity that you don;t even realize the Democrats do not have the voted to getthe Impeachment, that they NEVER had the vpotes to do so, that this Impeachment was always about 2 things:

1. Attempting to eliminate Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond


2. A distraction to make sure the attention deserved is not given to Biden's tyrannical, dictatorial destruction og the US through more personal edicts issued in his 1st 10 days thn the last 6 Presiewnts combined, edicts that have sacrificed our energy independence while making our enemies stronger, put thousands of the Americans he swore to help while campaigning out of work in the middle of a pandemic just to advance socialist ideology and programs, made the country less safe by opening up our borders to not TOO violent / criminal illegal aliens, gave the CCP access to our power grid, and more...
Talk about irrational. That's a whole lotta delusions in one post.

You should get that looked at.
You are so driven by irrational hate, rality denial, and stupidity that you don;t even realize the Democrats do not have the voted to getthe Impeachment, that they NEVER had the vpotes to do so

Actually they already did that. Not the Democrats --- the House. That's who's empowered to impeach. They did that January 13, literally a week after the Insurrectariot, and they did it with both Democrats and Republicans. Sorry you missed it.

this Impeachment was always about 2 things:

1. Attempting to eliminate Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

Rump is already toast, that's not even necessary. His approval ratings, which literally never even touched 50%* (much like his 2016 vote totals in Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania not to mention those in Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and Utah) started dropping precipitously into the 30s and 20s following the Insurriot, following which zero has occurred to bolster them and lots of video to drive them further down. Any attempt by Rump to waddle into a campaign again will carry ALL of the baggage being played out right now, and that ain't gonna sway another 48% of the Michiconsinvania vote. This is an orange-painted clown who lost the popular vote TWICE, by a combined total of over seventeen million votes.

*Literally the ONLY POTUS who never once hit 50% approval in the history of POTUS approval polling

2. A distraction to make sure the attention deserved is not given to Biden's tyrannical, dictatorial destruction og the US through more personal edicts issued in his 1st 10 days thn the last 6 Presiewnts combined, edicts that have sacrificed our energy independence while making our enemies stronger, put thousands of the Americans he swore to help while campaigning out of work in the middle of a pandemic just to advance socialist ideology and programs, made the country less safe by opening up our borders to not TOO violent / criminal illegal aliens, gave the CCP access to our power grid, and more...


BZZZZZZZT I'm sorry, the correct answer is it's the REQUIRED response to a public official brazenly violating his own Oath of Office. That's why it was done. Oh and by the way both the event that triggered it, and the impeachment itself, happened BEFORE Biden was in office, so no.
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Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric
Trump's impeachment defense team to highlight top Democrats who used combative rhetoric

"Democratic elected officials who've previously used objectionable rhetoric who are expected to be featured on Friday may include Reps. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., among others. "


Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Nothing speaks more to the presidents four your long campaign for promoting violence than the fact that the Capital was mobbed, on his say so, and by his people.

Well Trump’s defence team can point to combative rhetoric, to “fight for your rights”, There is not a single case of Democrats inciting a riot in which people were attacked, brutalized or killed.

Such a defence will only drive home how cynical, corrupt and venal the actions of the former president and his enablers, have been.


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