Democrats on Ukraine: Do Dems love and expect freedom again?

Wait, is that the end result in Ukraine? You said they were the same. Because as far as I can tell, the end result of Ukraine is a bit worse than “insolvency”.
The means to bring a country down are different but the end result of a nations people overtaking another is the same you idiot....

Just go ahead and say it, you are for the overthrow of the United States...
Wait, is that the end result in Ukraine? You said they were the same. Because as far as I can tell, the end result of Ukraine is a bit worse than “insolvency”.
Americans have always been Americas keeper….you have shit on America… are not Ukraine‘s keeper.
The means to bring a country down are different but the end result of a nations people overtaking another is the same you idiot....

Just go ahead and say it, you are for the overthrow of the United States...
How does this result in the government being overthrown?
Americans have always been Americas keeper….you have shit on America… are not Ukraine‘s keeper.
The American first crowd wouldn’t give a shit about Ukraine just like they don’t give a shit about any other country (with one exception)
The American first crowd wouldn’t give a shit about Ukraine just like they don’t give a shit about any other country (with one exception)
Hahaha….you’re confused. American’s have ALWAYS been America first….that’s what you’re supposed to do.
Hahaha….you’re confused. American’s have ALWAYS been America first….that’s what you’re supposed to do.
Americans defend freedom and democracy around the world.

The American first crowd turns their back on our commitment to these ideals.
2 million in one year....That's an invasion....What we should do is pass them right on through to your country, then we'd see what you think about it....

2 million refugees from famine and political violence and you call it an "invasion". Look at how the Europeans are treating refugees from their neighbouring countries. Even worse, American climate change denial, and cutting funding for the anti-gang programs in Central American countries, has only increased the number of people seeking asylum in the USA. You broke it, you own it, but Americans are in denial that they created that they are in any way responsible for these refugees. Shame on YOU.

When Donald Trump took office, you had the lowest number of illegal border crossings in 50 years. 2 years later, under Trump's leadership, you were building prison camps on the Southern Border housing 40,000 people awaiting hearings.

Trump wanted to build his Wall and in true Republican tradition, he needed to manufacture a crisis on the Southern Border as an excuse to make that happen. Donald Trump destroyed all legal avenues of immigration at the Southern Border, and then complained about rising illegal crossings, all to get his Wall.

When he left office, Joe Biden has had to deal with all of the problems Donald Trump created at the Southern Border, and then did nothing about.

But like the useful idiot you are, you keep parroting Republican lies about illegal immigration, without really looking at which party has an illegal immigration problem. 300,000 Mexican illegal self-deported under Barrack Obama because he prosecuted their employers.

Every Republican Administration sees the numbers of illegal border crossings rise as Republicans refuse to prosecute employers and the "NOW HIRING ILLEGALS" notices go out throughout the Southern Meat Packing Industry. Donald Trump pulled 600 illegals out of Tyson Foods and Koch Foods chicken processing plants in one day, and locked them up, but he didn't prosecute either company for hiring them.

THAT is why you have an illegal immigration problem with a Republican in the White House. Clinton and Obama both went after the employers. Obama got 450 orders against employers in his first year in the White House, and Clinton was even more aggressive in going after the employers.

When our 3rd floor tenant was feeding the raccoons and our property was overrun with them, I threatened to evict her if she ever put food out for them again. Problem solved.
Hahaha….you’re confused. American’s have ALWAYS been America first….that’s what you’re supposed to do.

Bullshit. You were all for regime change in Chile, Nicaragua, the Philipines, and any other country where leftists were taking over (see entire African continent), to prevent the "spread of communism". You propped up some of the worst right wing dictatorships in the world, like the Shah of Iran, who killed 100,000 of his own people, Manuel Noriega - a drug dealing right wing dictator, and Ferdinand Marcos in the Philipines.

It was all about power and control, and always has been with right wingers.
The end result is America in insolvency over benefits exploited by the illegal invaders...When? We are seeing some of this now, only the beginning, but continued, this would end up in a United States looking more like Venezuela than America....

The end result for America is insolvency over your military industrial complex, which has completely overtaken your economy since WWII, just as it bankrupted the Soviet Union in the 1980's.

The Roman Republican fell because of the expense of its massive military as well, but it took 500 years for it to happen, not 70.

Stop listening to Republicans on the Economy. They're the idiots who crashed it 3 times in 40 years, and economically destroyed the entire continent of South American through their proxies, the IMF and the World Bank.

Democrats on Ukraine: Do Dems love and expect freedom again?​

Don’t be silly, those sons of bitches only love corrupt governments (which differentiates them very little from the GOPers) and their pet Ukronazis are amongst the most corrupt.
The right needs to figure out what side of this thing they are going to be on and quickly.
The problem for conservatives is that they’re more concerned about attacking President Biden than being concerned about the Ukrainian people – or doing the right thing, for that matter.
After years of championing loss of freedom/liberty Democrats seem to be coming back around with their support for Ukraine and their freedom.
For years Dems have been begging Father Government to revoke their 2nd Amendment right, they have fought against free speech and for speech suppression under the guise of “misinformation/disinformation”, they celebrated as conservative voices were “cancelled”, they happily supported government imposed vaccine mandates, mask mandates and lockdowns.
Now here we are….it seems like all Democrats are behind Ukraine in their fight for freedom and liberty….they’re celebrating their willingness to die for freedom.
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This fails as a false comparison fallacy, a strawman fallacy, and a red herring fallacy.

Well done.
Does that mean you can’t or won’t address the premise of the thread?
It means the thread premise compares two dissimilar issues one having nothing to do with the other.

Such dishonest rightwing nonsense doesn’t merit a response.
Did it ever occur to you that as free men we are not compelled to take a side? I can sit and watch them kill each other off in wholesale lots while eating my lunch.

I think dems are just desperate to use the troubles in the Ukraine to deflect from the inflation hole they have dug here over the past year.

Oh yeah, gas went up another 10-cents a gallon in my AO last night.....That is what the American people are paying attention to, not the troubles 4800 miles away from DC.
That is so sad, more worried about a dime hike in gas than dead women & children or free & Democratic nations.
Every demofk in here can kiss our asses. They hate freedom! Been plentiful attacks on Americans for daring to invoke freedom. They don’t get to speak for Ukraine’s
That is so sad, more worried about a dime hike in gas than dead women & children or free & Democratic nations.
Says the demofk who didn’t care about Americans dead due to xiden and demofks here. Fk you. You don’t have a right to complain asshole
We could really make this easy for your confused little mind and ask you this two part question….
”How many Russians have killed Americans on our soil and how many illegal Mexicans have killed Americans on our soil” but you’d avoid giving a legitimate answer just as you always do, so we won’t bother asking.
Your thread premise is a failed attempt to deflect from the right’s failure to condemn Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and to shamelessly use the invasion as a partisan attack on President Biden.
That is so sad, more worried about a dime hike in gas than dead women & children or free & Democratic nations.
A dime? Try 60-cents a gallon for regular corn gas within a week. What rock have you been hiding under?

That and I see you are buying into the "small sacrifice for democracy" the dems, media, and gop neocons, would have you believe.....You might want to check the history of the region....It might not repeat exactly the same but it sure rhymes real good.

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