DEMOCRATS Once Again in Full Display of What Kind of TRASH They Are...


Fuck Trump and his policies of weakening America...You pieces of shit want on against Obama for 8 years and you have the nerve to question to fight for what we believe in? lol
This IS who and what the DEMOCRATS truly are... human FILTH. The GARBAGE of society...

CA Dem Chair: ‘All Together Now: F*ck Donald Trump!’ as Crowd Holds Up Two Middle Fingers (VIDEO)
Fuck democracy!

- Democrat party, 2017.

You don't understand the meaning. People disagreeing with you is what democracy is all about.

Holy freaking irony.


That was exactly my point. Once democrats were dealt a result they didn't like, they immediately organized massive protest marches against the result of a functioning democracy.

Coming from the people who think you are literally a Hitler for disagreeing with them... my lord.
We see the same trashy democrats here so... the evidence of democrats being vile, filthy, low life trash is abundant. They don't even try and hide it anymore. The fun part is they can't figure out why they've been getting their asses handed to them in elections since 2010 when it's right in front of their faces... I call that fucking retarded...

Liberalfilth remind me of Bugs Bunny's Tasmanian Devil; everywhere they go is a whirlwind of mindless destruction. If you step back and look objectively, the Democratic sewer has NOTHING positive to offer America (even the minorities to which it panders), the entire party is an exercise in rage, cruelty, violence and destruction. This current abomination of a party offers nothing to improve American society - just every loathsome quality known to man and even discovered a few new ones.

Before the election, one of the lowest points of liberalfilth is a new form of child-abuse they discovered: anti-Trump parents would tell their 4-5 year old children horror stories about Trump, get them terrified and crying, then record the child begging for Trump's mercy and putting it online. Just to make Trump look bad. These liberal, iridium-isotope-speckled pieces of meteorite SHIT hate Trump more than they love their own children. They traumatize them and post the trauma online.....I swear, liberal THINGS that do that to children are NOT human and need to die of the most agonizing form of cancer a body can experience.

Fuck Trump and his policies of weakening America...You pieces of shit want on against Obama for 8 years and you have the nerve to question to fight for what we believe in? lol

Hey shit for brains, our opposition to BO pales in comparison to what you blood suckers have been doing the 8 months.
All I can say is that at least we have our answer.




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