Democrats or Democratic President not the answer for America


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I must say Barack Obamma or any other Democratic President is not the fix it
all problem solver that many American may think they will be.What Barack Obamma is proposing,economically, domestically and internationally, will
only place America in a more dangerous position.Please let us all think,before
we vote some one into office,that may put the economy into a more perillous
and unstable condition,and or may endanger the United States, and or embolden terrorist overseas,with his policy of American isolationism.
The problem is Bush has been so bad, many people have forgot that true conservatives can be good for us all.

Bush is not really all that bad.He just became a victim of the times.
What other president sends out Economic Stimulus Checks. I think he
may be one of the best so far.I never got a Check from Jimmy Carter or
Bill Clinton!.

Thank you President Bush, I need the money.Think about the money,everybody.
Bush is not really all that bad.He just became a victim of the times.
What other president sends out Economic Stimulus Checks. I think he
may be one of the best so far.I never got a Check from Jimmy Carter or
Bill Clinton!.

Thank you President Bush, I need the money.Think about the money,everybody.

OMFG.. you dumbfucking partisan hack... you shmucks had your chance with both houses and the senate.. you had washington carte blanche.. what did you do... you should vote for the democratic candidate for pennance...
Bush has not been so bad? what planet are you living on man. The guy has ruined just about everything he touched. He spends like a drunken sailor, He never sent enough troops to afghan, he took a smashing military success in Iraq and turned it into the mess it is today. I could go on, but I am afraid it is a lost cause.

I am sorry I ever voted for the man.
Bush has not been so bad? what planet are you living on man. The guy has ruined just about everything he touched. He spends like a drunken sailor, He never sent enough troops to afghan, he took a smashing military success in Iraq and turned it into the mess it is today. I could go on, but I am afraid it is a lost cause.

I am sorry I ever voted for the man.

Bush and our military were undermined at every turn.

You don't remember Bob Torricelli do you?

He was one of my Senators.

He made it harder for CIA agents to deal with less than savory characters in order to get vital information.

This lunacy cost us 3000 on 9-11-01

And 5000 and counting.

So when you want to talk about messes, You can point at almost every liberal Democrat on capital hill and shove the blame in their face.

Bush committed to protecting us against attack and he has done fine despite the lack of cooperation from the left.

Oh and oil is the key to this war.

If we don't drill, we'll be paying $10 a gallon.

We'll have a war here at home if that happens.

Bush and our military were undermined at every turn.
Im sure that Hitler said the same of his opposition until he had them killed...

You don't remember Bob Torricelli do you?

He was one of my Senators.

He made it harder for CIA agents to deal with less than savory characters in order to get vital information.
Hmm.. I not sure of his full testimony or its effects but he did say this...

"The CIA organized the death squads in these countries, financed them, equipped them, trained them, and consulted with them on individual cases of torture and assassination. These are the facts. That's what the CIA does. The CIA knows it. The Pentagon knows it. The State Department knows it. The President knows it. Congress knows it. And no one does anything about it."
Now... if you take into consideration that the CIA participated in coups in 63 and 68 and put saddam in power... then maybe he was right about the CIA needing to be reigned in....

Oh.. and how can we forget this wonderful CIA action... that lead to the downfall of a popular nationalistic leader in Iran...

Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran ...Iranians and non-Iranians both played crucial parts in the coup's success. The CIA, with help from British intelligence, planned, funded and implemented the operation. When the plot threatened to fall apart entirely at an early point, U.S. agents on the ground took the initiative to jump-start the operation, adapted the plans to fit the new circumstances, and pressed their Iranian collaborators to keep going. Moreover, a British-led oil boycott, supported by the United States, plus a wide range of ongoing political pressures by both governments against Mosaddeq, culminating in a massive covert propaganda campaign in the months leading up to the coup helped create the environment necessary for success."

I wonder if we'd even be in the Middle east now if we werent mopping up the Messes created by the CIA... Would Hugo Chavez even be a threat had it not been for the CIA down there in Central and South America... Who was involved in the training of Castro and Alqueda

This lunacy cost us 3000 on 9-11-01

And 5000 and counting.
Ignorant to look at it that way when it was the CIA that trained those that trained led the attackers on 9/11.

So when you want to talk about messes, You can point at almost every liberal Democrat on capital hill and shove the blame in their face.
Really.. guess its hard to see the real picture when you have a rather large log in your eye.

Bush committed to protecting us against attack and he has done fine despite the lack of cooperation from the left.
HUH... he has done fine.. really.. Please do explain..

Oh and oil is the key to this war.
Hmmm.. Now your a left wingnut....

If we don't drill, we'll be paying $10 a gallon.
Crack smoker...

We'll have a war here at home if that happens.

The only sense of urgency is being parroted by the putz in chief that has caused this fuel crisis through dollar devaluation and energy trading deregulation.... how many times can you right fucks get bamboozled .... smell the fucking coffee guys.. wake up...
Sorry, I do not deny Bush has faced massive opposition at every turn, but I do not excuse him for it. Mostly it came because he is such an arrogant ass, He is the main culprit in just about everything that has gone wrong, Either by making poor decisions, or by not putting up a fight when he was at rare times right about something.

The Republicans in general have gotten so far away from Conservative Values, that I am going to vote for BOB BARR, and watch Obama sweep into power. It will not make me happy to see Democrats run everything, but I will not vote for McCain. I just can't, I will wait until Conservatives are actually represented again, then I will vote for them.
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OMFG.. you dumbfucking partisan hack... you shmucks had your chance with both houses and the senate.. you had washington carte blanche.. what did you do... you should vote for the democratic candidate for pennance...

You have a point. I can't help you on the penance part, but I'm doing as Charles is and voting for Barr. At least it won't be my fault and I'll still have my bitching rights.
Hmm.. I not sure of his full testimony or its effects but he did say this...

Now... if you take into consideration that the CIA participated in coups in 63 and 68 and put saddam in power... then maybe he was right about the CIA needing to be reigned in....

Oh.. and how can we forget this wonderful CIA action... that lead to the downfall of a popular nationalistic leader in Iran...

I wonder if we'd even be in the Middle east now if we werent mopping up the Messes created by the CIA... Would Hugo Chavez even be a threat had it not been for the CIA down there in Central and South America... Who was involved in the training of Castro and Alqueda

Ignorant to look at it that way when it was the CIA that trained those that trained led the attackers on 9/11.

Really.. guess its hard to see the real picture when you have a rather large log in your eye.

HUH... he has done fine.. really.. Please do explain..

Hmmm.. Now your a left wingnut....

Crack smoker...

The only sense of urgency is being parroted by the putz in chief that has caused this fuel crisis through dollar devaluation and energy trading deregulation.... how many times can you right fucks get bamboozled .... smell the fucking coffee guys.. wake up...

And who's responsible for the falling dollar?

Both parties.

The bottom line is we have too much social spending and not enough defence spending.

You think the CIA was involved with the Shah losing power in Iran?

Who was president then?

CARTER. another fool with a D next to his name.

If we really wanted to we wouldn't have to deal with any of those despots.

Drill here and it's over, but no! we have to worry about a hundred Caribu.

You're retarded. And I'm from South Jersey you know God's country? the last frontier.
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Just remember this

If it wasn't for Bush and the grossly incompetent and corrupt Republican Congress, nobody would have ever heard of Barack Obama.

So suck it up Republicans. You reap what you sow.

And who's responsible for the falling dollar?

Both parties.

Yeah, but mainly Republicans if you're going to assign blame to government.

The day after the 2002 Congressional elections, I was in the market buying gold stocks hand over fist because the GOP told you exactly that they were going to debase the dollar. When the very top of the government tells you "deficits don't matter," well that staggering ignorance is like putting in a lay-up with a 4 foot high hoop.

So thank you, Bush and Republican Congress. I made good money off you guys.
There are many external factors that we all should factor in ,before we blame all of America's problems on President Bush!.There were many foreign Terrorists that,infiltrated Iraq.Americas economy,has many foreign investors,who can pull out large sums of money,
at any given time,thus affecting American and international markets.Terrible, and incompetant performance by former Fed Chairman Allan Greenspan, he brainwashed the entire nation into the current mortgaget crisis we now find ourselves in.CIA, and FBI lack
of communication before sept 11, 2001.It is illogical and absurd to Blame it all of George W. Bush. He was just the President at the time.It is not all his fault.!!
And we have not had another Terrorists Attack on American soil, since President Bush initiated military operations against the Global Terrorists netowrks.!
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You have a point. I can't help you on the penance part, but I'm doing as Charles is and voting for Barr. At least it won't be my fault and I'll still have my bitching rights.

Just becuse Bush got it wrong, is no reason to jump ship and for the left. NEWSFLASH: Bush aint running this time. And John McCain is certainly no Bush.

Jumping ship to the other side because of what the last guy did is about as stupid as it gets. It's essentially blaming McCain (see not Bush) for the sins of Bush. So you didn't like what Bush did, so you're going to vote vore Barrack mainly because he's not a Republican? That's logical. Enjoy you're higher tax rates.
Voting for Barr is hardly jumping ship to the other side. Oh and I am not doing it because of Bush, I am doing it because of McCain. Don't get me wrong I like him as a person, he is a hero and all that, but what he is not is a Conservative, and I can't bring myself to support him because of that. Has nothing to do with Bush.
Bush has not been so bad? what planet are you living on man. The guy has ruined just about everything he touched. He spends like a drunken sailor, He never sent enough troops to afghan, he took a smashing military success in Iraq and turned it into the mess it is today. I could go on, but I am afraid it is a lost cause.

I am sorry I ever voted for the man.

I have a lot of respect for you for admitting that. You are the only person I have seen with the guts to say that.

And who's responsible for the falling dollar?

Both parties.

The bottom line is we have too much social spending and not enough defence spending.

You think the CIA was involved with the Shah losing power in Iran?

Who was president then?

CARTER. another fool with a D next to his name.

If we really wanted to we wouldn't have to deal with any of those despots.

Drill here and it's over, but no! we have to worry about a hundred Caribu.

You're retarded. And I'm from South Jersey you know God's country? the last frontier.

yes, drilling in anwar would solve all our problems [rolls eyes].
Study: ANWR oil would have little impact - Environment -
Real Time Economics : Don't Expect Too Much From ANWR
yes, some people say there could be far more there, and that with future technology we could recover much more. but is there proof? not that i'm aware of.

too much social spending and not enough on defense? what exactly do we need to spend more money on for defense? we're already leading the world in spending. what, will a big army solve all our problems?

(insert jersey joke here)
Our military spending exceeds the rest of the world's spending combined, and we spend almost 10 times what the second-place country, China, spends. "Only" about $150 billion of the total U.S. amount is attributable to the two active wars we're fighting, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thus, even if one wants to excludes those amounts, the basic picture remains the same. Nor do these amounts include the billions of dollars in military aid we give to fund the armies of other countries, such as Israel and Egypt, which alone comprise substantial portions of those countries' defense budgets.

And this gap between us and the rest of the world has widened considerably over the last 10 years. That's true because our own military spending, in absolute terms, has increased wildly during that time:

And it's also true because, even though we were already spending many times more than everyone else in the world during the mid-1990s, the explosion in our military spending over the last 10 years has far outpaced the rest of the world, resulting in a larger gap than ever before:

The US military budget was almost 29 times as large as the combined spending of the six "rogue" states (Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria) who spent $14.65 billion.
In indisputable sum, we are the world's empire, in a state of permanent war readiness. In American politics and policy, there is no distinction between "peacetime" and "war." We're the most militarized country in the world by far, on permanent war footing, far beyond what anyone could ever remotely argue is necessary for "defense" or a "strong defense," no matter how broad a definition one wants to adopt for those terms.

Our permanent war culture not only means that we fight far more wars than anyone else, with far less of a threat required to trigger such wars, though that is true. It is also the case that the opportunity costs for this state of affairs are enormous:

It is, of course, possible to argue that the U.S. should maintain the strongest military force in the world but that we need not spend more than the rest of the world combined, nor increase what we spend every year, yet those issues can't even be broached in good company. "Reducing defense spending" has become as much of a bipartisan, toxic position as "increasing taxes." They both can only go in one direction.

None of this is to suggest that there are no differences between the parties, etc. Plainly, there are, and -- as even Ralph Nader and Dennis Kucinich now seem to realize -- some of those differences are meaningful. Although one can only speculate, it seems highly unlikely, for instance, that a President Gore would have invaded Iraq or ushered in most of the repugnant abuses that have degraded every aspect of our country over the last 7 years. Even if those differences are piecemeal rather than fundamental, they still matter, and at times, they can matter a lot.

Nonetheless, it's still worth noting (as Matt Stoller recently documented) that despite all the incessant chatter about "change" and the intensity of election conflicts, our most significant, dubious policies -- the ones that actually shape what kind of country we are and how we are perceived around the world -- don't really get debated at all. Those who try to are quickly and widely dismissed as fringe, insane, angry, deranged "crazies."

It's a genuinely good thing that we continue to elect our leaders by voting, but one is remiss if one fails to take note of just how profoundly limited and lacking is the discourse that surrounds that process. There really is an almost complete, inverse relationship between a policy's significance and the level of debate to which it's subjected: that is, the more significant the policy is, the less political debate and media attention it receives. So not only do our most destructive policies continue regardless of the outcome of our elections, they continue without any real democratic deliberation at all.
The problem is Bush has been so bad, many people have forgot that true conservatives can be good for us all.

You need to point some out? Examples please.

Bush cut taxes - conservatives cheered
Bush invaded a country - conservatives cheered
Bush selected ideologues to the SC - conservatives cheered
Bush vetoed child care - conservatives cheered
Bush started faith based initiatives - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced aid to our veterans - conservatives cheered
Bush engaged in illegal wire tapping - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced environmental regulations - conservatives cheered
Bush tried to outsource SS - conservatives cheered
Bush reduced taxes - conservatives cheered

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