Democrats Overwhelmingly Believe U.S. Has Only 12 Years to Fight Climate Change

And in the 70's 100% of the studies said cooling.

The graph was too complicated for you I see.

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Ah, another gullible puppet who believes the 97% myth.

Leftists are so gullible. They even think jokes from their puppet masters are scientific fact.

so, again the graph was too complicated for you. It does not even have anything to do with the 97%.

You just really are not a very smart person.

He's small bus smart.

that is sort of mean. Those on the short bus at least try to think, Weatherman2020 just parrots every talking point he gets emailed and does not even know what they mean.
Thank you Leftards for displaying how gullible you are. A graph CREATED by liars who quote the 97% lie.

What stupid stooges you are. You’re Stalins useful idiots.
What are we waiting for?

well lets see:

in the 1970s the "experts" told us we were entering a new ice age
in the early 2000s the prophet algore said that florida and much of the east coast would be under water by 2005
algore also said that there would be no polar ice by 2005.
now, the young prophet AOC tells us that the world will end in 12 years unless we do ??????? to stop "climate change" she cant tell us what to do but we gotta do it or else

Its all bullshit, winger. 100% of it
Things have gotten significantly worse since the 70s
Expert Republicans have said climate change is a myth

We should have listened to Jimmy Carter

what, specifically, is worse? our rivers and lakes are cleaner, we have found ways to use coal, oil, and gas with much lower pollution rates, we are investing in solar and wind (although those investments are not yet financially profitable), We are not using as much plastic, and guess what, its still hot in the summer and cold in the winter and there are still storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, dry spells, wet spells, and honey bees.

So tell us, what is worse?
Carbon emissions are still creating irreparable damage

Actually, the earth will survive just fine
The people? Not so much

The people will do what they always have done. They will adapt to the situation at hand.

Some will

Increased temperatures will bring famine, more severe hurricanes and tornadoes, flooding

The earth doesn’t care....we should
The graph was too complicated for you I see.

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Ah, another gullible puppet who believes the 97% myth.

Leftists are so gullible. They even think jokes from their puppet masters are scientific fact.

so, again the graph was too complicated for you. It does not even have anything to do with the 97%.

You just really are not a very smart person.

He's small bus smart.

that is sort of mean. Those on the short bus at least try to think, Weatherman2020 just parrots every talking point he gets emailed and does not even know what they mean.
Thank you Leftards for displaying how gullible you are. A graph CREATED by liars who quote the 97% lie.

What stupid stooges you are. You’re Stalins useful idiots.

Then disprove it.

Stalin is dead btw, do some research.
The tax cuts are creating the highest Federal Tax REVENUE we have ever seen. Tax cuts stimulate economic growth so more taxes are generated at lower tax rates, but I can't expect a retired Fed bureaucrat, and other liberals to understand that.

So yes, they pay for themselves, actually they more than pay for themselves. We have a spending problem which Trump is partially responsible, NOT a revenue problem.
well lets see:

in the 1970s the "experts" told us we were entering a new ice age
in the early 2000s the prophet algore said that florida and much of the east coast would be under water by 2005
algore also said that there would be no polar ice by 2005.
now, the young prophet AOC tells us that the world will end in 12 years unless we do ??????? to stop "climate change" she cant tell us what to do but we gotta do it or else

Its all bullshit, winger. 100% of it
Things have gotten significantly worse since the 70s
Expert Republicans have said climate change is a myth

We should have listened to Jimmy Carter

what, specifically, is worse? our rivers and lakes are cleaner, we have found ways to use coal, oil, and gas with much lower pollution rates, we are investing in solar and wind (although those investments are not yet financially profitable), We are not using as much plastic, and guess what, its still hot in the summer and cold in the winter and there are still storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, dry spells, wet spells, and honey bees.

So tell us, what is worse?
Carbon emissions are still creating irreparable damage

Actually, the earth will survive just fine
The people? Not so much

The people will do what they always have done. They will adapt to the situation at hand.

Some will

Increased temperatures will bring famine, more severe hurricanes and tornadoes, flooding

The earth doesn’t care....we should

Care all you want. There is absolutely nothing we can do that will "fix" climate change, man made or otherwise. If the entire world ceased contributing carbon to the atmosphere by year's end, it would take a minimum of sixty years just to measure a reduction in atmospheric carbon.
The tax cuts are creating the highest Federal Tax REVENUE we have ever seen. Tax cuts stimulate economic growth so more taxes are generated at lower tax rates, but I can't expect a retired Fed bureaucrat, and other liberals to understand that.

So yes, they pay for themselves, actually they more than pay for themselves. We have a spending problem which Trump is partially responsible, NOT a revenue problem.

Bullshit. The Treasury took in less in 2018 than it did in 2017.

Monthly Treasury Statement

CY18 total tax revenue:$3,330,470,000,000
CY17 total tax revenue:$3,343,634,000,000

$13,164,000,000 less

but you are right about one thing, it is more of a spending problem than a revenue problem.
Damn right, no time left! Bomb all coal plants in China and India NOW to save Mother Gia!
It is not getting any better. What possible advantage is there to do nothing other than shift the problem to our ancestors?
Our ancestors??? Most of my ancestors (and yours) are long dead. How is it you leftards are so uniformly STUPID? Is it the climate or something you get from your ancestors?
If the dems believe this, they are fools. If they don’t, but say these things anyway, then they are unpatriotic, partisan hacks.
12 years or a hundred years, we still have to do something about climate change

Why are conservatives blocking it?

no one is blocking efforts to reduce pollution, NO ONE. But the left wing fantasy that pollution is changing the climate and that the world will end because of it is simply a load of bullshit designed to control the actions of people, not address the problem.

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