Democrats Pass Sweeping Gun Control

Nor would I want to. He's really not the problem I'm worried about.

I'm worried about the crazy guy who goes on a rampage in a school or parade or theater.

You love those guys......they murder the children you exploit to push gun control........

12 individuals out of over 350 million Americans and you want to ban are insane.

The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones......

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation





2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


School shootings...

2015....1 (community college)

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Deer kill 200 people a year.....

Lawn mowers between 90-100 people a year....

Ladders 300 people a year....

bathtubs 350 people a year...

Cars killed over 39,000 people in 2019...

Total number of people killed in mass public shootings by year...


2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1985...(none listed)
1983 (none listed)
You love those guys......they murder the children you exploit to push gun control........

12 individuals out of over 350 million Americans and you want to ban are insane.

The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones......
600 Mass shootings
19,000 gun homicides
25,000 gun suicides
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes.

We've become so used to this that it's only the mass shooter who kills a lot of white people who gets any attention.
You lie again.....

Read more: CDC’s Antigun Agenda On Display: So-Called Experts Abuse Our Trust
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In 1993,Dr. Kellermann, who was funded in 1991 by a CDC grant, had to soften the ’43 times’ number to ‘2.7 times.’ He concluded, “Rather than confer protection, guns kept in the home are associated with an increase in the risk of homicide by a family member or intimate acquaintance.” Kellerman thought the 2.7 number would not sound quite so impossible.
These papers, and many others from the medical community, were criticized by researchers who statistically showed that Kellermann’s conclusions were wildly wrong. Kellermann used a technique that depended on matching subjects and controls, except that the subject and control groups did not match. The subject group lived a very high-risk, alcohol and drug-filled lifestyle, while the controls did not.
Kellermann had singled out people who exist at the edges of society. Kellermann did not study normal gun owners, just criminals who had guns, but he exaggerated his findings.

Despite these serious methodological problems, Kellermann’s results are still widely accepted in the public health field.

Public-health advocates appear willing to run with any published study, regardless of how weak its methods, just so long as the findings are congenial to their assumption that guns are dangerous.
Then, in 1996, after Congress requested Kellermann’s original data, which he failed to release, Congress cut funding to the CDC for advocacy research. No funding was cut for medical research, just advocacy research.

CDC’s Antigun Agenda On Display: So-Called Experts Abuse Our Trust

Gun in the home?

Whose gun?

In a letter to the editor in the New England Journal of Medicine, "The students of Dr. Mark Ferris's Mathematical Statistics 460" class ask, "In how many of the homicides was the victim killed with a gun that was kept in the house rather than a gun that was brought to the house by the perpetrator?" The question is a relevant one since, as the letter also notes, the study's authors had stated in part based on their findings that "people should be strongly discouraged from keeping guns in their homes [p. 1090]." In other words, advising people against keeping a gun in the home doesn't make sense unless it causes an increase in homicide risk.
Kellermann's first response to the students was incorrect: "Ninety-three percent of the homicides involving firearms occurred in homes where a gun was kept, according to the proxy respondents." In a follow-up letter(four years later) Kellermann acknowledges his error, but still fails to directly answer the question.
Kellermann's own data suggests that for all gun homicides of matched cases no more than 34% were murdered by a gun from the victim's home. (GunCite's analysis of Kellermann's data.) (The data, such as it is, is available at 34% is probably on the charitable side since it assumes all family member or intimate homicides were commited by offenders living with the victim which is highly unlikely given that not all intimates (as defined in the Kellermann dataset: spouse, parents, in-laws, siblings, other relatives, and lovers) were likely to have lived with an adult victim.
A subsequent study, again by Kellermann, of fatal and non-fatal gunshot woundings, showed that only 14.2% of the shootings involving a gun whose origins were known, involved a gun kept in the home where the shooting occurred. (Kellermann, et. al. 1998. "Injuries and deaths due to firearms in the home." Journal of Trauma 45:263-267) ("The authors reported that among those 438 assaultive gunshot woundings, 49 involved a gun 'kept in the home where the shooting occurred,' 295 involved a gun brought to the scene from elsewhere, and another 94 involved a gun whose origins were not noted by the police [p. 252].") (Kleck, Gary. "Can Owning a Gun Really Triple the Owner's Chances of Being Murdered?" Homicide Studies 5 [2001].)

Kellermann-Gun Ownership as a Risk Factor for Homicide in the Home
Recently, in the sewer some gunophobe was trying to pass off one of those studies. One of the first questions I asked was "what areas and who were studied".

Seems I now have my answer.
It's just all a show because some part of the gun nuts will file a court thingy and it'll all be kicked out as unconstitutional.

Until the 2ndA is deleted, America will never get a grip on gun violence. You guys need guns because America allowed all the nutters to have guns. Also, those that are the "good guys" have the mentality that they have the gun to shoot others.

So America is kinda up shit creek without a paddle with guns because the gun nuts are nuts with guns and all the nutters have the Right to guns.
We love ours guns. You dont like that go pound sand.
600 Mass shootings
19,000 gun homicides
25,000 gun suicides
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes.

We've become so used to this that it's only the mass shooter who kills a lot of white people who gets any attention.

Nope....12 mass public shootings in 2022, the majority of the reat are gangs released by democrats over and over again.

Japan, china, South Korea have more suicides than we do and extreme gun control along with most of Europe and even Canada.

Americans use their legal guns 1.2 millon times a year to stop violent criminals according to the Centers For Disease control

Israel learned the sad lesson of gun control amd innocent mureder on Oct. 7.
I don't think fining is appropriate. Jail time is better, after all they take an oath to uphold the Constitution. Jail them for perjury.
For the first offense I think a fine is appropriate. The person could have had bad advice and should be given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and better represent their constituents. However if you are continually supporting laws that are unconstitutional then yeah totally lock their ass up for breaking their oath and being a danger to this country
We have guns too. We're just safer with them and try to stop the clowns of society having access to them. Give it a go sometime, kids might get through their school years without having to dodge bullets.
Apparently that is rapidly changing since your criminals are importing fully automatic weapons from Europe and the Mid East.
NRA-ILA | Massachusetts: Anti-Gun Bill Passes House

H.4135 re-writes gun laws in the Commonwealth and imposes unprecedented gun-control. This is an ominous bill that includes the worst anti-gun legislation in the country, including:

  • Widespread bans on commonly owned firearms,
  • Eliminating due process through expanded “Red Flag” laws,
  • Implementing new “safe storage” mandates in and out of your home,
  • Instituting expanded gun registry
  • Placing an extreme financial burden on gun-owners to price them out of being able to exercise their Second Amendment rights,
  • And much more.

And here again the lefts push to ban law abiding citizens 2 nd Amendment rights at every turn
“Democrats Pass Sweeping Gun Control”

…reflecting the will of the people of the state; measures that are perfectly Constitutional having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.

Conservatives were once advocates of states’ rights and respecting the will of the people – clearly that’s no longer the case.
“Democrats Pass Sweeping Gun Control”

…reflecting the will of the people of the state; measures that are perfectly Constitutional having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.

Conservatives were once advocates of states’ rights and respecting the will of the people – clearly that’s no longer the case.
2nd Amendment is a basic right explicit ij the Constitution
This is a lie.

Extreme risk protection orders afford comprehensive due process to gun owners.
STFU. The constitution is Very Clear on the 2nd. And we understand your side will not stop til guns are banned in this country.

Just like Europe and Canada
We have guns too. We're just safer with them and try to stop the clowns of society having access to them. Give it a go sometime, kids might get through their school years without having to dodge bullets. have increasing gun crime now that you have imported violent 3rd world muslims into Britain....who now control your drug gangs.
Not by that much, actually.

The National Gang Taskforce estimates only 2300 homicides a year are "gang related". usual....

Gangs and Violence

Armstrong: Let’s turn to questions of where crime is coming from in our country. How much violent crime takes place in the subset of the population we would typically associate with the gang culture?

Kleck: In places like Chicago or Los Angeles, it’s a huge fraction of it. It varies enormously from place to place. It may well be that half or more of the gun homicides in those cities are gang related. But in most places in America, it’s a somewhat more modest fraction.

We don’t have national figures that are of any use.

For what it’s worth, in the FBI uniform crime reports data, they do have a category for the circumstance in which the crime was committed.

One possible box that local police can check in filling out the homicide reports for the FBI could indeed be for gang-related. But the problem is that the FBI forms require police to check just one circumstance.

So if a guy belongs to a gang, and he was selling drugs, and he has a dispute with his customer over the price, and then they get into an argument and one shoots the other, that could go into any of three or four different categories, only one of which is gang-related. So those data are useless.

What we’re stuck with are local estimates, and, as I say, it varies enormously from one locality to another. It’s a huge percentage in a couple of cities. Chicago and Los Angeles have really bad street-gang problems. On the other hand, in Peoria it’s probably a relatively small fraction, certainly well under half.

Criminologist Gary Kleck on Guns, Crime, and Their Study - Ari Armstrong

Youtube interview.....

Kleck on anti-gun methods in research, talks about finding gun use


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