Democrats, Please Explain


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I'm sorry but my brain can't seem to follow Joe's "logic" and I need someone to explain to me exactly why he doesn't think it's a problem that Iran is so quickly stockpiling fissile material.
I'm sorry but my brain can't seem to follow Joe's "logic" and I need someone to explain to me exactly why he doesn't think it's a problem that Iran is so quickly stockpiling fissile material.

Because you are lying.

It's a problem, but not worth starting ANOTHER WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST OVER.
The same intelligence people that told him about the embassy tells him Iran is not a threat.

Guess they'll learn after the fact that they are.
The same intelligence people that told him about the embassy tells him Iran is not a threat.

Guess they'll learn after the fact that they are. they can make a's so difficult to get a delivery system......which is not true.... and hey if they need a quick missle, maybe they're Russian friends will sell them a few they can make a's so difficult to get a delivery system......which is not true.... and hey if they need a quick missle, maybe they're Russian friends will sell them a few

I suggest you volunteer right now to be in the first wave of troops that goes into Iran.
The problem of a reliable delivery system that is foolproof from accidental detonation and will sit at the ready is a least as big a problem as getting the uranium 235 up to a concentration that will work in a bomb, Iran is not there yet and will not be anytime soon, certainly not enough to warrant an attack in the short term. Biden urged the warhawks to calm the fuck down, it's not the immediate crisis that many make it out to be.
I'm sorry but my brain can't seem to follow Joe's "logic" and I need someone to explain to me exactly why he doesn't think it's a problem that Iran is so quickly stockpiling fissile material.

Because you are lying.

It's a problem, but not worth starting ANOTHER WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST OVER.

Did you not listen to the debate? Joe says that it doesn't matter cause the same intelligence that he claims was so wrong in Benghazi, is going to let him know BEFORE Iran has the bomb.
Don't worry Lefties, ImaDinnerJacket will just buy what he needs from Pakistan...

One bomb, coming up!!

I'll bet it gets to Tel Aviv, too...
The problem of a reliable delivery system that is foolproof from accidental detonation and will sit at the ready is a least as big a problem as getting the uranium 235 up to a concentration that will work in a bomb, Iran is not there yet and will not be anytime soon, certainly not enough to warrant an attack in the short term. Biden urged the warhawks to calm the fuck down, it's not the immediate crisis that many make it out to be.

Iran test-fires missiles, sinks warship-sized target - CBS News
The problem of a reliable delivery system that is foolproof from accidental detonation and will sit at the ready is a least as big a problem as getting the uranium 235 up to a concentration that will work in a bomb, Iran is not there yet and will not be anytime soon, certainly not enough to warrant an attack in the short term. Biden urged the warhawks to calm the fuck down, it's not the immediate crisis that many make it out to be.

Iran test-fires missiles, sinks warship-sized target - CBS News

You are not getting it but that is hardly surprising.
The problem of a reliable delivery system that is foolproof from accidental detonation and will sit at the ready is a least as big a problem as getting the uranium 235 up to a concentration that will work in a bomb, Iran is not there yet and will not be anytime soon, certainly not enough to warrant an attack in the short term. Biden urged the warhawks to calm the fuck down, it's not the immediate crisis that many make it out to be.

Iran test-fires missiles, sinks warship-sized target - CBS News

That would have been newsworthy if those missiles were capable of delivering a nuclear payload.

Oh and that Ryan ceded the fact that they were a ways off.
The same intelligence people that told him about the embassy tells him Iran is not a threat.

Guess they'll learn after the fact that they are.

Hopefully, that won't be an option. Joe and teeth will be out of here.
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