Democrats' Primary Goal....Fleecing The Middle-Class


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Democrats all over the country are oppressing the Middle-Class. They say one thing and do another. They claim they want to tax the rich (who are their best buddies) but they only end up taxing into poverty the massive Middle-Class in this country. If you wonder why there are so many homeless people these's because of drug addiction and high taxes. Many of the homeless are veterans who got hooked on pain-killers and can't work anymore. My brother was one of these...until he died a couple of years ago...addicted to pain-killers.

Democrats have looked at the numbers. Their base is the extremely wealthy or the poor. Most of the Republican base is the Middle-Class. So....Democrats are at war with the people who make between $30k-150K.

The wealth and the productivity in this country is it's Middle-Class.....and that's why the Socialist Democrats are after them. Oppressing them with a pandemic lock down that has gone on way too long. They want to turn America into a place like other countries, filled with the haves....and the have nots. A two-classed system.


Democrats have taken donations from the Communist Chinese. They are the primary producers of products sold in America.....and we are simply consumers. Trump was reversing that.....and the Democrats couldn't stand that situation any longer. So they stole an election and got their retard rubber-stamp president who didn't know what he was signing. Now they're busy making sure that even if we all get wise to their malfeasance we can't do anything to stop them.

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Democrats all over the country are oppressing the Middle-Class. They say one thing and do another. They claim they want to tax the rich (who are their best buddies) but they only end up taxing into poverty the massive Middle-Class in this country. If you wonder why there are so many homeless people these's because of drug addiction and high taxes. Many of the homeless are veterans who got hooked on pain-killers and can't work anymore. My brother was one of these...until he died a couple of years ago...addicted to pain-killers.

Democrats have looked at the numbers. Their base is the extremely wealthy or the poor. Most of the Republican base is the Middle-Class. So....Democrats are at war with the people who make between $30k-150K.

The wealth and the productivity in this country is it's Middle-Class.....and that's why the Socialist Democrats are after them. Oppressing them with a pandemic lock down that has gone on way too long. They want to turn America into a place like other countries, filled with the haves....and the have nots. A two-classed system.

View attachment 476792

Democrats have taken donations from the Communist Chinese. They are the primary producers of products sold in America.....and we are simply consumers. Trump was reversing that.....and the Democrats couldn't stand that situation any longer. So they stole an election and got their retard rubber-stamp president who didn't know what he was signing. Now they're busy making sure that even if we all get wise to their malfeasance we can't do anything to stop them.

Amen. The middle class is the enemy of the Democrat party. Democrats like to keep the people poor, pissed off and dependent on government. They're especially insistent on destroying all hope for the American dream.
The democrats' primary goal is to get more power and keep it, same as the repubs. They seem to be using different methods to do it though, with different consequences in the short and long run. I daresay the consequences for what the democrats are doing in both policies and methods and intend to do are more dire than that for the repubs, and personally I do not like where this nation is headed. Giving the democrats control of the Senate and Biden in the WH, along with Pelosi and the dems control of the House looks to me like impending disaster that will be very hard to undo and recover from.

The deplorables.

Democrats are snobs and hate nearly everyone who isn't bicoastal or urbanite.
The most effective way to jumpstart this shift would be for Biden to promote a 40% tax on those corporations that import more than 50% of their products. Likewise, the government should impose a 40% tax on corporations that have over 1,000 jobs abroad.

Not no, but hell no! More laws is not the answer- nor is collecting more money for a bureaucracy going to fix anything. Corporations pass on the tax to the consumer. It's a cost of doing business assumed by the consumer, not the corporation- tax LAW!

Laws, especially economic. ALWAYS favor one over another.
THE answer, to our woes, all of them, is free trade- what authority does either Party presume to have (or assume) to tell citizens who or what they can purchase from whom? Restricting, by law, is not securing anything but more intrusive interventionist gov't, funded by, take a guess-
Democrats all over the country are oppressing the Middle-Class. They say one thing and do another. They claim they want to tax the rich (who are their best buddies) but they only end up taxing into poverty the massive Middle-Class in this country. If you wonder why there are so many homeless people these's because of drug addiction and high taxes. Many of the homeless are veterans who got hooked on pain-killers and can't work anymore. My brother was one of these...until he died a couple of years ago...addicted to pain-killers.

Democrats have looked at the numbers. Their base is the extremely wealthy or the poor. Most of the Republican base is the Middle-Class. So....Democrats are at war with the people who make between $30k-150K.

The wealth and the productivity in this country is it's Middle-Class.....and that's why the Socialist Democrats are after them. Oppressing them with a pandemic lock down that has gone on way too long. They want to turn America into a place like other countries, filled with the haves....and the have nots. A two-classed system.

View attachment 476792

Democrats have taken donations from the Communist Chinese. They are the primary producers of products sold in America.....and we are simply consumers. Trump was reversing that.....and the Democrats couldn't stand that situation any longer. So they stole an election and got their retard rubber-stamp president who didn't know what he was signing. Now they're busy making sure that even if we all get wise to their malfeasance we can't do anything to stop them.

While I agree with the article, people need to remember democrats are assisted by republicans who did nothing to prevent the things that are taking place when they held power. Republicans whining about China is a joke when they fought TRUMP over trade deals every step of the way along side democrats. The uniparty GOP is really no different than the MLB when it comes to caving to the liberal left.
Democrats all over the country are oppressing the Middle-Class. They say one thing and do another. They claim they want to tax the rich (who are their best buddies) but they only end up taxing into poverty the massive Middle-Class in this country. If you wonder why there are so many homeless people these's because of drug addiction and high taxes. Many of the homeless are veterans who got hooked on pain-killers and can't work anymore. My brother was one of these...until he died a couple of years ago...addicted to pain-killers.

Democrats have looked at the numbers. Their base is the extremely wealthy or the poor. Most of the Republican base is the Middle-Class. So....Democrats are at war with the people who make between $30k-150K.

The wealth and the productivity in this country is it's Middle-Class.....and that's why the Socialist Democrats are after them. Oppressing them with a pandemic lock down that has gone on way too long. They want to turn America into a place like other countries, filled with the haves....and the have nots. A two-classed system.

View attachment 476792

Democrats have taken donations from the Communist Chinese. They are the primary producers of products sold in America.....and we are simply consumers. Trump was reversing that.....and the Democrats couldn't stand that situation any longer. So they stole an election and got their retard rubber-stamp president who didn't know what he was signing. Now they're busy making sure that even if we all get wise to their malfeasance we can't do anything to stop them.

While I agree with the article, people need to remember democrats are assisted by republicans who did nothing to prevent the things that are taking place when they held power. Republicans whining about China is a joke when they fought TRUMP over trade deals every step of the way along side democrats. The uniparty GOP is really no different than the MLB when it comes to caving to the liberal left.
You might as well forget about political parties....because both are in the same club. Republicans are members of the Deep State just like Democrats.
Destroy the middle class, and mass import 3rd world labor, consumers, and replacements (who could care less what the Constitution is).
President Joe Biden has restarted a number of visa programs, allowing United States companies to more readily outsource jobs, even as about 17 million Americans remain jobless.

In June 2020, Trump signed an executive order halting H-1B visas, H-4 visas, H-2B visas, L visas, and J-1 visas while tens of millions of Americans were jobless or underemployed due to economic lockdowns as a result of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

At the end of 2020, Trump renewed the order to continue prioritizing Americans for U.S. jobs, though corporate interests continuously sued and lobbied for an end to the order.

On Thursday, Biden let the order expire, announcing via the State Department:

Many in the gop denounce Medicare and social security...two things that make the nation great. So they have no use for the middle class either.
Many in the gop denounce Medicare and social security...two things that make the nation great. So they have no use for the middle class either.
Yeah leftists want to give it away to illegals.
It's just too bad there's not a viable opposition party to the democrats. It's time for a powerful third party that excludes the wealthy.

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