Bidenomics Devastation: 5,500 Store Closures in '23 – Up 30% - Is Your Favorite Next?

There we go....thanks for confirming you’ve got nothing.

Care to address the 9300 stores that closed under your blob in 2019--a year before Covid?


I didn’t think so.

Thanks for the batting practice.


Thanks for confirming you're relegated to spamming the thread.

Read the thread title. Read it out loud.

Because you will still be befuddled, try again when you emerge from your coma.
The retailers who are abandoning Dem / Socialist Hell holes are not blaming Biden.

They are blaming Dem / Socialist policies that promote crime, theft and decay.

You can choose to ignore what the retailers are saying but that doesn't change their reasons for leaving.

The retailers may not be blaming Biden, but you seem to be with your thread title.

Additionally, at least per your linked article, the retailers are not blaming Dem / Socialist policies. Walgreens is the only retailer even mentioned as blaming crime. In fact, if you follow the link within the article discussing a CVS store closure, it's pointed out that CVS very much did NOT blame crime. So which is it? Do we listen to what the retailers are saying? Walgreens may be blaming crime, but CVS apparently isn't. I haven't seen anything indicating that Bed, Bath, and Beyond blamed crime for it's bankruptcy. Which retailers are actually blaming crime and/or Democrat policies for store closures?

And to be clear: I'm not defending Democrat policies. I'm just pointing out that your claims don't seem to have the basis you think they do, or at least you haven't provided much evidence of it.
The retailers may not be blaming Biden, but you seem to be with your thread title.

Additionally, at least per your linked article, the retailers are not blaming Dem / Socialist policies. Walgreens is the only retailer even mentioned as blaming crime. In fact, if you follow the link within the article discussing a CVS store closure, it's pointed out that CVS very much did NOT blame crime. So which is it? Do we listen to what the retailers are saying? Walgreens may be blaming crime, but CVS apparently isn't. I haven't seen anything indicating that Bed, Bath, and Beyond blamed crime for it's bankruptcy. Which retailers are actually blaming crime and/or Democrat policies for store closures?

And to be clear: I'm not defending Democrat policies. I'm just pointing out that your claims don't seem to have the basis you think they do, or at least you haven't provided much evidence of it.

From the third paragraph of the OP;

“Stores such as Walgreens point the finger at rising theft rates for their high closure rates,noting that crime has been having major negative ramifications on locations’ profitability.”

My comments specifically addressed Dem / Socialist policies.
From the third paragraph of the OP;

“Stores such as Walgreens point the finger at rising theft rates for their high closure rates,noting that crime has been having major negative ramifications on locations’ profitability.”

My comments specifically addressed Dem / Socialist policies.

Yes, one retailer mentioned crime as being part of why they are closing. Are all 5500 closed stores Wallgreens?
Yes, one retailer mentioned crime as being part of why they are closing. Are all 5500 closed stores Wallgreens?

No it wasn’t just one retailer.

I’m not going to copy and paste a dozen links to the same insanity that afflicts Dem / Socialist run Hell holes.
And whose policies....Biden's

Fuck, at least have the balls to stand by your own words.

Biden's policies are obviously a component. 17% to 20% inflation of prices has an obvious affect.

Maybe you should learn to understand the words others use?
It's a pattern that no amount of Dem / Socialist sidestepping can deny. Leftist policies that promote crime, decay and make criminals a protected class ruin cities.

It's just a fact that retail stores can't survive when they are subjected to rampant theft, drug addicts on the streets and shoplifters given a free hand to steal.

What does economic growth look like? New jobs, businesses expanding, growth of the middle class?

For the Democratic Party, economic growth is apparently the mass closure of retail stores throughout the country.

Stores such as Walgreens point the finger at rising theft rates for their high closure rates,noting that crime has been having major negative ramifications on locations’ profitability.

Well if your point is that Biden invented conviniences and efficiencies of internet shopping then....GOOD ON BIDEN!

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It's a pattern that no amount of Dem / Socialist sidestepping can deny. Leftist policies that promote crime, decay and make criminals a protected class ruin cities.

It's just a fact that retail stores can't survive when they are subjected to rampant theft, drug addicts on the streets and shoplifters given a free hand to steal.

What does economic growth look like? New jobs, businesses expanding, growth of the middle class?

For the Democratic Party, economic growth is apparently the mass closure of retail stores throughout the country.

Stores such as Walgreens point the finger at rising theft rates for their high closure rates,noting that crime has been having major negative ramifications on locations’ profitability.
I never patronize those establishments.
Well if your point is that Biden invented conviniences and efficiencies of internet shopping then....GOOD ON BIDEN!


Biden never invented anything. In fact, he was a less than mediocre student who graduated near the bottom of his class. He has been a career, substandard politician with a history of serial plagiarism.
Biden never invented anything. In fact, he was a less than mediocre student who graduated near the bottom of his class. He has been a career, substandard politician with a history of serial plagiarism.

Then quit trying to have it both ways.

Either Biden caused ecommerce to put pressure on brick and mortar stores or he didn't and should not be blamed for it.
It's a pattern that no amount of Dem / Socialist sidestepping can deny. Leftist policies that promote crime, decay and make criminals a protected class ruin cities.

It's just a fact that retail stores can't survive when they are subjected to rampant theft, drug addicts on the streets and shoplifters given a free hand to steal.

What does economic growth look like? New jobs, businesses expanding, growth of the middle class?

For the Democratic Party, economic growth is apparently the mass closure of retail stores throughout the country.

Stores such as Walgreens point the finger at rising theft rates for their high closure rates,noting that crime has been having major negative ramifications on locations’ profitability.
/——/ More outrage over Bidenomics.
It's a pattern that no amount of Dem / Socialist sidestepping can deny. Leftist policies that promote crime, decay and make criminals a protected class ruin cities.

It's just a fact that retail stores can't survive when they are subjected to rampant theft, drug addicts on the streets and shoplifters given a free hand to steal.

What does economic growth look like? New jobs, businesses expanding, growth of the middle class?

For the Democratic Party, economic growth is apparently the mass closure of retail stores throughout the country.

Stores such as Walgreens point the finger at rising theft rates for their high closure rates,noting that crime has been having major negative ramifications on locations’ profitability.
/——/ democRATs saddened to learn, we Americans aren’t as stupid and gullible as they need us to be.

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