Democrats Put On Rudest, Most Unethical, Most Un-American Character Assassination of Witnesses In Desperate Attempt To Kill Govt Twitter Silencing Sca

Funny that a MAGA would whine about disrespectful questions. There was no reason to accuse them of wearing tinfoil hats. It's well known that the two witnesses employ the top aluminum foil milliners in the country.

I've seen several videos of the hearing. The behavior of the Democrats on that panel was despicable.
Why is it that the Dems call for censorship every time the truth is revealed by the press?

Twitter files, 41,000 hours of Jan 6th video filmed on public ground.

Even other media outlets call out Fox for showing Americans facts about events they have been lied to about...

View attachment 764476

This is nonsense. MSM has become a propaganda arm of the Administration.
And of that 41,000 hours of video, Carlson couldn't come up with a full 4 minutes of previously unseen video to support his claim. Go back and rewatch his show. 3 minutes and a few secconds is all he could come up with.
And of that 41,000 hours of video, Carlson couldn't come up with a full 4 minutes of previously unseen video to support his claim. Go back and rewatch his show. 3 minutes and a few secconds is all he could come up with.
Prove it liar without out using the democrat propaganda talking points. Because we already heard you repeat those lies that you got from the media.
Prove it liar without out using the democrat propaganda talking points. Because we already heard you repeat those lies that you got from the media.
Not a problem. Here's a link to his entire broadcast. Watch it with a stopwatch, and time how much previously unseen footage he showed. Are you gonna claim his entire show is a Democratic propaganda talking point?
And of that 41,000 hours of video, Carlson couldn't come up with a full 4 minutes of previously unseen video to support his claim. Go back and rewatch his show. 3 minutes and a few secconds is all he could come up with.
He doesn't show long videos on his show, silly. He shows a portion needed to support his claims.

No one wants to watch hours of video of people peacefully walking around anyway.

Oh, but you paint is that his video clips were short??? That's a joke. People in the clips are only visible for seconds! For example, the Hawley video. Your silly argument has no merit whatsoever.

He made three claims...
- That Josh Hawley was not running like a coward in fear for his life as the Jan 6th committee claimed, but that he was being escorted out of the Capitol with other lawmakers and he was last to leave.
- That the DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence which showed QAnon Shaman, Jacob Chansley, was peacefully escorted by multiple Capitol Police officers around the Capitol, and they even opened doors for him. This alone is enough to exonerate him.
-That Officer Sidnick appeared perfectly fine when Democrats said he was already dead from being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher.

And he supported his claims with video evidence. He proved the Jan 6th narrative was full of deliberate lies from the Dems which gullible people believed without question.

Tucker did fail on one point, though. He said that we really don't know why Officer Sidnick died. Well the autopsy says he died of "natural causes," and this means, indisputably, that he did not die as the result of any injuries from Jan 6th.

"Taibbi and Shellenberger had not even uttered a word yet when the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-U.S. Virgin Islands, referred to the witnesses as "so-called journalists" in her opening statement.

Plaskett FTW.

She got it right.
Funny that a MAGA would whine about disrespectful questions. There was no reason to accuse them of wearing tinfoil hats. It's well known that the two witnesses employ the top aluminum foil milliners in the country.
They are known as liberal journalists. Why are you lying? Your abject stupidity does not cut it anymore.
They all have better things to do than appear in some MAGA game show.
Musk bought this on. Musk is not MAGA.

Elon Musk


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I’m not part of MAGA, but I do believe in fairness of justice. Chansley was falsely portrayed in the media as a violent criminal who tried to overthrow the state and who urged others to commit violence. But here he is urging people to be peaceful and go home. And the other video shows him calmly walking in the Capitol building, being escorted by officers and then thanking the officers.
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He wasn't falsely accused of anything. He was convicted of federal crimes in a United States court. There's nothing false about that - his conviction happened.
He was set up and used to promote hate and division. What else is new?

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