Democrats attack journalists for covering Deep State’s censorship of Twitter

Why didn't Taibbi investigate the many, many times that the wildly conservative Twitter shilled for Republicans? Why did he just fake one story about liberal bias?
You missed the boat. Twitter wasn't 'wildly conservative' ask Trump....LOL

"Both parties had access to these tools. For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored," he said, adding that "celebrities and unknowns alike could be removed or reviewed at the behest of a political party."
Taibbi wrote that the request and remove system "wasn't balanced" and favored Democrats, citing campaign donations made by Twitter staff. He did not provide evidence the system favored Democrats or that tweets were removed that did not violate the terms of service.

You act like Schumer was threatening legal action, instead of just stating what any honest fascist-hating person would state. Wildly dishonest of you.
No he wasn't, he demanded Carlson be removed from the air now. A blatant violation by the government of freedom of the press......and you support it.

And why are all of you lying and claiming that Twitter, Trump's bestest buddy and favorite lie-spreader for many years, hasn't been wildly conservative in its bias?

Twitter, until recently, has been a tool of the left, censoring conservative thought and ideas.Not sure if you noticed, but the left went into a full meltdown when Musk bought the lefts favorite playground.
A distinction without a difference.

Perhaps forced or compelled are better?

Demand doesn't necessarily mean a punishment or consequence.
Demands usually come with an incentive.....implied or inferred.
Perhaps forced or compelled are better?
Basically mean the same thing as demand or asked.

You can't make someone do something by demanding, asking, compelling or forcing them if they do not want to.
Basically mean the same thing as demand or asked.

You can't make someone do something by demanding, asking, compelling or forcing them if they do not want to.
That's what I am saying.

Someone could demand something but not force or compell so what lawyer will not likely use that word in a courtroom.

Are you saying you don't know of any government official who tried to force Twitter to remove or not post something?
Then why did you come back with this?
Ah, I misread your post. My bad.

Ultimately it shouldn't be demand since it isn't black and white. You would end up playing semantics with wording and both sides would point to the other and say they were forcing.
Not one of them dealt with reality of the twitter files content, only attacks on the journalists......LOL
That's the same thing they did when the wiki guy (Julian Assange?), was laying out the bombshell's on them... They attacked the messenger's but stayed as far away from the content within the messages that were explosive as they could. Talk about a slam dunk on their bull shite WOW 😲.

Never once did they address the content, but immediately went after the messenger's in hopes to discredit them.

They fool no one.
If there was any doubt that the Twitter Files have struck a nerve and deep fear in the Powers That Be, Thursday’s disgraceful behavior by Democrats in a hearing featuring journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger eviscerated it.

Taibbi and Shellenberger had not even uttered a word yet when the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-U.S. Virgin Islands, referred to the witnesses as "so-called journalists" in her opening statement. The pair glanced at each other, clearly surprised and confused by the utterly unprovoked attack.

From there it only got worse. Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas, asked the pair of scribes if they were being paid to testify, again to an absolutely shocked response from them. She went on to try to force Taibbi to reveal information about his sources, a journalistic Rubicon he rightfully refused to cross.

The chilling message, and one meant for all journalists, was crystal clear: if you report uncomfortable facts that Democrats don’t like, they will attack you and try to discredit you and your work.

The true nature of Democrats is being revealed for all to see, they are masters of deception that have no real interest in the citizens that elect them.

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