Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander the Police, Defund the Police, Close Prisons and Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander the Police, Defund the Police, Close Prisons and Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
What could the Democrats possibly be thinking? Their new policy for social justice is to slander the police, defund the police, close prisons and set criminals free.
What could possibly go wrong?

On July 8th we reported that radical leftists have pushed through a proposal to shut down one of two St. Louis City jails labeled ‘The Workhouse’. They claimed this will save money but these radical liberal socialists never care about taxpayers’ money nor do they care about the safety of local citizens.
This appears to be a trend and a priority for Democrats today. They want to slander the hard work and integrity of police officers, defund the police so they can’t do their jobs, close prisons and set criminals free.
This will no doubt result in an increase in crime and the further destruction of great US cities.

We have seen how Democrats want to slander the police around the country as being murderers and criminals – nothing could be further from the truth. The police across this great nation are some of the most honest, hardest working, God-fearing and just members or our society.
The Democrats then use these lies to promote policies to defund the police allowing for more crime going unchecked. This is happening around the country and specifically in Los Angeles and New York, two of America’s largest cities.
Democrats also want to set criminals free. They are using the China coronavirus to do so currently. Of course unless your name is Roger Stone and you are a friend of President Trump, in that case Obama judges like Amy Berman Jackson mandate you go to prison.
Finally, Democrats want to close prisons. We saw this in St. Louis. Now Seattle is pushing the same.

While watching this Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist horror show proceed within Democrat held Blue Plantataion Cities, I have to stop and wonder how they can turn around and blame Republicans for the generations of "Democrat" led cities rebelling against their "Democrat" masters.
PMS/DSA Democrats have bet the farm on thinking the vast majority of us want to de-fund the police, close our courts and empty our prisons. I think most of us support our police officers.
I think PMS/DSA Leftists "hate police" movement is going to blow up in their faces and they will lose in a masive landslide for President Trump and Republicans who support and will re-elect him on November third.
The antics of the PMS/DSA Democrat Communist Left by funding these mobs attacking Police Departments, Public buildings and Federal installations is boomeranging on them.
Citizens of these cities seeing these attacks and deprived of access to shops, grocery stores, pharmacies and yes, even liquor stores are fed up and will vote against those that have allowed these atrocities to occur and continue.
Hitler did not defund the police
By BEATRICE DUPUYJune 13, 2020

CLAIM: Hitler also defunded the police and installed his own enforcers.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Hitler did not defund the police.

THE FACTS: As protesters around the nation call for defunding the police in response to police brutality, social media users are sharing posts saying that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler also wanted to defund the police.
Historians say the posts, which have garnered thousands of likes online, are false. The Nazis expanded funding for police, the number officers and their powers, said Christopher Browning, a Holocaust scholar and retired University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor.

“Hitler did not disband or defund the police,” he said in an email. “The Fire Decrees of February 1933 gave the Nazis the power to take over all state governments, which meant also the power to take over each state police.”

What could go wrong?
Message to travelers.
Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander the Police, Defund the Police, Close Prisons and Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
What could the Democrats possibly be thinking? Their new policy for social justice is to slander the police, defund the police, close prisons and set criminals free.
What could possibly go wrong?

On July 8th we reported that radical leftists have pushed through a proposal to shut down one of two St. Louis City jails labeled ‘The Workhouse’. They claimed this will save money but these radical liberal socialists never care about taxpayers’ money nor do they care about the safety of local citizens.
This appears to be a trend and a priority for Democrats today. They want to slander the hard work and integrity of police officers, defund the police so they can’t do their jobs, close prisons and set criminals free.
This will no doubt result in an increase in crime and the further destruction of great US cities.

We have seen how Democrats want to slander the police around the country as being murderers and criminals – nothing could be further from the truth. The police across this great nation are some of the most honest, hardest working, God-fearing and just members or our society.
The Democrats then use these lies to promote policies to defund the police allowing for more crime going unchecked. This is happening around the country and specifically in Los Angeles and New York, two of America’s largest cities.
Democrats also want to set criminals free. They are using the China coronavirus to do so currently. Of course unless your name is Roger Stone and you are a friend of President Trump, in that case Obama judges like Amy Berman Jackson mandate you go to prison.
Finally, Democrats want to close prisons. We saw this in St. Louis. Now Seattle is pushing the same.

While watching this Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist horror show proceed within Democrat held Blue Plantataion Cities, I have to stop and wonder how they can turn around and blame Republicans for the generations of "Democrat" led cities rebelling against their "Democrat" masters.
PMS/DSA Democrats have bet the farm on thinking the vast majority of us want to de-fund the police, close our courts and empty our prisons. I think most of us support our police officers.
I think PMS/DSA Leftists "hate police" movement is going to blow up in their faces and they will lose in a masive landslide for President Trump and Republicans who support and will re-elect him on November third.
The antics of the PMS/DSA Democrat Communist Left by funding these mobs attacking Police Departments, Public buildings and Federal installations is boomeranging on them.
Citizens of these cities seeing these attacks and deprived of access to shops, grocery stores, pharmacies and yes, even liquor stores are fed up and will vote against those that have allowed these atrocities to occur and continue.

The problem that Trump has this campaign, is that you are going to see this very argument bring fiscal conservatives, libertarians and just people who look at their poverty in their city and question resource spending to potentially vote Dem. No matter how much some unions scream bloody murder when there are cuts to their forces, I think all Western citizens are asking for changes, especially post pandemic. Trump has to work both sides of the aisle, he can't lose those who want police reform.

I wouldn't want policing to go away, as a fiscal conservative however I believe it is ALWAYS valid to question taxpayer expenses. We have Canadian cops making 6-7x what the average citizen makes. Plus, a massive pension, complete job security that sees guys stick around 35+ years in the height of their earnings, with a gold plate benefit package. If cops were making $60k in Canada, even with their massive pension and benefits, we could live with it. When you have the most on the $100K+ government payroll being cops for the last 20 years, there's a serious problem (especially, as I always say, with the unaccountable, B.S covert apparatus).

Nobody will be able to convince me that some plain clothed wanker chasing low level criminals is worth that kind of money and resources, unless your name is Donnie Brasco. It ensures the poor remain trapped as they milk the system .
Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander the Police, Defund the Police, Close Prisons and Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
What could the Democrats possibly be thinking? Their new policy for social justice is to slander the police, defund the police, close prisons and set criminals free.
What could possibly go wrong?

On July 8th we reported that radical leftists have pushed through a proposal to shut down one of two St. Louis City jails labeled ‘The Workhouse’. They claimed this will save money but these radical liberal socialists never care about taxpayers’ money nor do they care about the safety of local citizens.
This appears to be a trend and a priority for Democrats today. They want to slander the hard work and integrity of police officers, defund the police so they can’t do their jobs, close prisons and set criminals free.
This will no doubt result in an increase in crime and the further destruction of great US cities.

We have seen how Democrats want to slander the police around the country as being murderers and criminals – nothing could be further from the truth. The police across this great nation are some of the most honest, hardest working, God-fearing and just members or our society.
The Democrats then use these lies to promote policies to defund the police allowing for more crime going unchecked. This is happening around the country and specifically in Los Angeles and New York, two of America’s largest cities.
Democrats also want to set criminals free. They are using the China coronavirus to do so currently. Of course unless your name is Roger Stone and you are a friend of President Trump, in that case Obama judges like Amy Berman Jackson mandate you go to prison.
Finally, Democrats want to close prisons. We saw this in St. Louis. Now Seattle is pushing the same.

While watching this Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist horror show proceed within Democrat held Blue Plantataion Cities, I have to stop and wonder how they can turn around and blame Republicans for the generations of "Democrat" led cities rebelling against their "Democrat" masters.
PMS/DSA Democrats have bet the farm on thinking the vast majority of us want to de-fund the police, close our courts and empty our prisons. I think most of us support our police officers.
I think PMS/DSA Leftists "hate police" movement is going to blow up in their faces and they will lose in a masive landslide for President Trump and Republicans who support and will re-elect him on November third.
The antics of the PMS/DSA Democrat Communist Left by funding these mobs attacking Police Departments, Public buildings and Federal installations is boomeranging on them.
Citizens of these cities seeing these attacks and deprived of access to shops, grocery stores, pharmacies and yes, even liquor stores are fed up and will vote against those that have allowed these atrocities to occur and continue.
The Republicans’ ‘strategy’: engage in demagoguery, propagate lies, spread misinformation – this thread being one of many examples.
Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander the Police, Defund the Police, Close Prisons and Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
What could the Democrats possibly be thinking? Their new policy for social justice is to slander the police, defund the police, close prisons and set criminals free.
What could possibly go wrong?

On July 8th we reported that radical leftists have pushed through a proposal to shut down one of two St. Louis City jails labeled ‘The Workhouse’. They claimed this will save money but these radical liberal socialists never care about taxpayers’ money nor do they care about the safety of local citizens.
This appears to be a trend and a priority for Democrats today. They want to slander the hard work and integrity of police officers, defund the police so they can’t do their jobs, close prisons and set criminals free.
This will no doubt result in an increase in crime and the further destruction of great US cities.

We have seen how Democrats want to slander the police around the country as being murderers and criminals – nothing could be further from the truth. The police across this great nation are some of the most honest, hardest working, God-fearing and just members or our society.
The Democrats then use these lies to promote policies to defund the police allowing for more crime going unchecked. This is happening around the country and specifically in Los Angeles and New York, two of America’s largest cities.
Democrats also want to set criminals free. They are using the China coronavirus to do so currently. Of course unless your name is Roger Stone and you are a friend of President Trump, in that case Obama judges like Amy Berman Jackson mandate you go to prison.
Finally, Democrats want to close prisons. We saw this in St. Louis. Now Seattle is pushing the same.

While watching this Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist horror show proceed within Democrat held Blue Plantataion Cities, I have to stop and wonder how they can turn around and blame Republicans for the generations of "Democrat" led cities rebelling against their "Democrat" masters.
PMS/DSA Democrats have bet the farm on thinking the vast majority of us want to de-fund the police, close our courts and empty our prisons. I think most of us support our police officers.
I think PMS/DSA Leftists "hate police" movement is going to blow up in their faces and they will lose in a masive landslide for President Trump and Republicans who support and will re-elect him on November third.
The antics of the PMS/DSA Democrat Communist Left by funding these mobs attacking Police Departments, Public buildings and Federal installations is boomeranging on them.
Citizens of these cities seeing these attacks and deprived of access to shops, grocery stores, pharmacies and yes, even liquor stores are fed up and will vote against those that have allowed these atrocities to occur and continue.
When you're as disparate as today's demodumbasses, any straw will do and worth grasping when the options are so limited.
GOP Strategy: SOS.

Like the old generals in Vietnam advising the presidents who didn't understand that TV new coverage and it's imagines resonated poorly with middle class American values.

Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander the Police, Defund the Police, Close Prisons and Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
What could the Democrats possibly be thinking? Their new policy for social justice is to slander the police, defund the police, close prisons and set criminals free.
What could possibly go wrong?

On July 8th we reported that radical leftists have pushed through a proposal to shut down one of two St. Louis City jails labeled ‘The Workhouse’. They claimed this will save money but these radical liberal socialists never care about taxpayers’ money nor do they care about the safety of local citizens.
This appears to be a trend and a priority for Democrats today. They want to slander the hard work and integrity of police officers, defund the police so they can’t do their jobs, close prisons and set criminals free.
This will no doubt result in an increase in crime and the further destruction of great US cities.

We have seen how Democrats want to slander the police around the country as being murderers and criminals – nothing could be further from the truth. The police across this great nation are some of the most honest, hardest working, God-fearing and just members or our society.
The Democrats then use these lies to promote policies to defund the police allowing for more crime going unchecked. This is happening around the country and specifically in Los Angeles and New York, two of America’s largest cities.
Democrats also want to set criminals free. They are using the China coronavirus to do so currently. Of course unless your name is Roger Stone and you are a friend of President Trump, in that case Obama judges like Amy Berman Jackson mandate you go to prison.
Finally, Democrats want to close prisons. We saw this in St. Louis. Now Seattle is pushing the same.

While watching this Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist horror show proceed within Democrat held Blue Plantataion Cities, I have to stop and wonder how they can turn around and blame Republicans for the generations of "Democrat" led cities rebelling against their "Democrat" masters.
PMS/DSA Democrats have bet the farm on thinking the vast majority of us want to de-fund the police, close our courts and empty our prisons. I think most of us support our police officers.
I think PMS/DSA Leftists "hate police" movement is going to blow up in their faces and they will lose in a masive landslide for President Trump and Republicans who support and will re-elect him on November third.
The antics of the PMS/DSA Democrat Communist Left by funding these mobs attacking Police Departments, Public buildings and Federal installations is boomeranging on them.
Citizens of these cities seeing these attacks and deprived of access to shops, grocery stores, pharmacies and yes, even liquor stores are fed up and will vote against those that have allowed these atrocities to occur and continue.

Liberals need to blame someone for how their policies have screwed up black urban communities across the country so they've decided that the Police will be their scapegoats.
GOP Strategy: SOS.

Like the old generals in Vietnam advising the presidents who didn't understand that TV new coverage and it's imagines resonated poorly with middle class American values.

Do you really think that the average American citizen watching this continued insurrection and reading Blue City mayors and even Congress persons claiming that this violent insurrection is peaceful believes them.
Would the average married man allow his wife or kids to travel in these cities at night?
These are the people that will be voting for the presidency in less than 100 days, do you really believe they will vote for Biden?
Even if by remote chance Biden is elected the insurrection will continue.. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left has opened Pandora's box and cannot put back what has escaped.
There are no "urban predators" that is a racist lie.
The police are the problem, not urban crime, we need to eliminate the police.
Cash bail is a problem, we need to let criminals back on the streets as soon as possible.
DAs need to prosecute white gun owners, not murderous "gang bangers".
Cities need more riots to burn out tax paying urban businesses, big corporations even contribute to make that happen.

In November you can either vote with the police, or if the above list makes sense to you, you can vote with the criminals.
Democrats’ Radical Strategy – Slander the Police, Defund the Police, Close Prisons and Set Criminals Free – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

26 Jul 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
What could the Democrats possibly be thinking? Their new policy for social justice is to slander the police, defund the police, close prisons and set criminals free.
What could possibly go wrong?

On July 8th we reported that radical leftists have pushed through a proposal to shut down one of two St. Louis City jails labeled ‘The Workhouse’. They claimed this will save money but these radical liberal socialists never care about taxpayers’ money nor do they care about the safety of local citizens.
This appears to be a trend and a priority for Democrats today. They want to slander the hard work and integrity of police officers, defund the police so they can’t do their jobs, close prisons and set criminals free.
This will no doubt result in an increase in crime and the further destruction of great US cities.

We have seen how Democrats want to slander the police around the country as being murderers and criminals – nothing could be further from the truth. The police across this great nation are some of the most honest, hardest working, God-fearing and just members or our society.
The Democrats then use these lies to promote policies to defund the police allowing for more crime going unchecked. This is happening around the country and specifically in Los Angeles and New York, two of America’s largest cities.
Democrats also want to set criminals free. They are using the China coronavirus to do so currently. Of course unless your name is Roger Stone and you are a friend of President Trump, in that case Obama judges like Amy Berman Jackson mandate you go to prison.
Finally, Democrats want to close prisons. We saw this in St. Louis. Now Seattle is pushing the same.

While watching this Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftist horror show proceed within Democrat held Blue Plantataion Cities, I have to stop and wonder how they can turn around and blame Republicans for the generations of "Democrat" led cities rebelling against their "Democrat" masters.
PMS/DSA Democrats have bet the farm on thinking the vast majority of us want to de-fund the police, close our courts and empty our prisons. I think most of us support our police officers.
I think PMS/DSA Leftists "hate police" movement is going to blow up in their faces and they will lose in a masive landslide for President Trump and Republicans who support and will re-elect him on November third.
The antics of the PMS/DSA Democrat Communist Left by funding these mobs attacking Police Departments, Public buildings and Federal installations is boomeranging on them.
Citizens of these cities seeing these attacks and deprived of access to shops, grocery stores, pharmacies and yes, even liquor stores are fed up and will vote against those that have allowed these atrocities to occur and continue.
Another clear example of how Leftist policies ALWAYS lead to Death and Destruction !!

"Though months of Black Lives Matter protests have brought the Defund the Police debate to the fore, the notion of slashing and re-allocating police funds is far from universally popular. According to an Axios-SurveyMonkey poll, just 34% of Americans have a favorable view of the movement, while 53% do not. Some are pointing to recent spikes in gun violence in cities nationwide, including New York and Chicago, as reasons why police funding should not be decreased. Several cities have moved to raise police spending, including Houston; San Diego; Durham, North Carolina; and Nashville, Tenn."

We can see the effects of defunding and restricting police in their lawful duties to protect and serve the people in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Baltimore, Minneapolis, St Louis and now Kenosha....
Defunding police departments, closing jails give the terrorists more ammunition to destabilize towns and cities, especially the Blue Plantation Sanctuary cities.

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