Democrats renew push for amnesty

No doubt in this new and false claim of another leftist Utopia,
you will have to keep some conservatives around

after all, someone has to pay for all the freeloaders

speaking of freeloaders ... their are more people on welfare freeloading as you say in the red states then the blue states ... cause in the red states that's where the real freeloaders live ... in large numbers that vote republican ...

Right wing CNBC

Biggest Welfare states

Rhode Island
New Mexico
New York
District of Columbia

How many of these voted for Papa Obama and the rest of the radical left

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Man, this is like fish in a barrel

all of them hope... other wise they would be voting against there self interest ... I don't have a problem with that ... seems you do ... you do realize the shoe could have been on the other foot, now don't ya??? but you repub-lie-tards love to demonize the welfare voter ... they are voters you know ... unlike these welfare people, that hates you repub-lie-tards, they don't vote against there self interest, where you repub-lie-tards do ... but you republicans would rather pay for all of the corporate welfare in this country who hasn't any voting block to speak of, then you repub-lie-tards whine about welfare voters, voting ... just because you lost another presidential election again...

if you sharpened up your comprehension skills, I said there are blue welfare states too ... that means, according to your list here, that their are 35 red welfare states ... you win... there are more red welfare states ... you're not doing to well here are ya ...
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Papa Obama's Top Contributors

University of California $1,799,460
Goldman Sachs $1,034,615
Harvard University $900,909
Microsoft Corp $854,717
JPMorgan Chase & Co $847,895
Google Inc $817,855
Citigroup Inc $755,057
US Government $638,335
Time Warner $617,844
Sidley Austin LLP $606,260
Stanford University $603,866
National Amusements Inc $579,098
Columbia University $570,839
Skadden, Arps et al $554,439
WilmerHale Llp $554,373
US Dept of Justice $540,636
IBM Corp $534,470
UBS AG $534,166
General Electric $532,031
Morgan Stanley $528,182
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Opportunism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Typical of legal opportunists is that they accept or approve of the application of legal rules when it suits their own interest but reject or disapprove of the application when the rules are against their interest (or if taking self-interested action would mean breaking the law).[38] The law should serve them, and not the other way around; or, there is "one rule for them, and another rule for other people." Often, legal opportunism is enabled because a rule must be interpreted in order to apply it, where the chosen interpretation is precisely the one that favours one's self-interest. Since there are many dubious ways to manipulate the applicability of legal rules and procedures for selfish purposes, a general definition of legal opportunism (one which covers all cases) is exceptionally difficult. Legal opportunism can involve practices such as the following:

Making or changing laws not for the good of the country as a whole, but to benefit a particular interest group in the country.

Making or changing laws, primarily to benefit the position of the law-makers themselves.[39]
Applying or referring to legal procedures not for the sake of obtaining justice (or so that justice is served), but mainly with the aim of making money out of it, or promote one’s own position, or to place competitors at a disadvantage.

Exploiting legal loopholes or ambiguities for personal gain or to the advantage of a particular organization.

In some cases, "tinkering with" bad legislation, formalities or rulings "after the fact": after it is proved that a legal rule previously established is definitely unjust, wrong, inapplicable, mistaken etc. or incriminating someone using a new rule adopted only after the alleged crime was committed.

Deliberately "embellishing" selective evidence relevant to a legal situation, to benefit one's own position, in ways that are not strictly illegal.

Trying to sway legal opinion about a case by using arguments or utterances that appeal to the audience, but have substantively nothing to do with the case at hand.

"Cherry-picking" pieces of evidence, rules or precedents to construct a justification for the policy option that favour's one's own interest.
here's the thing ....when republicans are confronted with reality, they try to demonize it just like you have here today ... for instance illegals you know as well as I know they are going to be let in and allowed to become citizens ... whether its now or in 1 year from now ... especially when the dems take control of the congress ... it will happen .... instead of helping their way in, you on the right would rater demonize them try to make the out to be drug cartel ... I guarantee you the drug cartel may come into the US but not long enough for them to be caught ... so stop the demonizing of the illegals and welfare people woman and so on ...

so what you republicans do is try to shame us lefty liberals into believing that welfare voters haven't any value, that illegals haven't any value, that blacks haven't any value, that woman haven't any value, so when they come and vote for the party that supports their values, their wants and needs, just like republicans do who support corporations wants and needs ... you try to degrade us ... you do realize they do vote for us and you don't think those voters don't see this crap that your putting out here ??? then you republicans get pissed because there are more voters in our voting block then there is in a corporations voting block??? so you keep shooting yourselves in your foot all you want, I on the other hand don't care ...
Opportunism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Typical of legal opportunists is that they accept or approve of the application of legal rules when it suits their own interest but reject or disapprove of the application when the rules are against their interest (or if taking self-interested action would mean breaking the law).[38] The law should serve them, and not the other way around; or, there is "one rule for them, and another rule for other people." Often, legal opportunism is enabled because a rule must be interpreted in order to apply it, where the chosen interpretation is precisely the one that favours one's self-interest. Since there are many dubious ways to manipulate the applicability of legal rules and procedures for selfish purposes, a general definition of legal opportunism (one which covers all cases) is exceptionally difficult. Legal opportunism can involve practices such as the following:

Making or changing laws not for the good of the country as a whole, but to benefit a particular interest group in the country.

Making or changing laws, primarily to benefit the position of the law-makers themselves.[39]
Applying or referring to legal procedures not for the sake of obtaining justice (or so that justice is served), but mainly with the aim of making money out of it, or promote one’s own position, or to place competitors at a disadvantage.

Exploiting legal loopholes or ambiguities for personal gain or to the advantage of a particular organization.

In some cases, "tinkering with" bad legislation, formalities or rulings "after the fact": after it is proved that a legal rule previously established is definitely unjust, wrong, inapplicable, mistaken etc. or incriminating someone using a new rule adopted only after the alleged crime was committed.

Deliberately "embellishing" selective evidence relevant to a legal situation, to benefit one's own position, in ways that are not strictly illegal.

Trying to sway legal opinion about a case by using arguments or utterances that appeal to the audience, but have substantively nothing to do with the case at hand.

"Cherry-picking" pieces of evidence, rules or precedents to construct a justification for the policy option that favour's one's own interest.

there you go again alienating the voters some more .... keep up the good work ... don't forget to tell us how they kill american voters ...
here's the thing ....when republicans are confronted with reality, they try to demonize it just like you have here today ... for instance illegals you know as well as I know they are going to be let in and allowed to become citizens ... whether its now or in 1 year from now ... especially when the dems take control of the congress ... it will happen .... instead of helping their way in, you on the right would rater demonize them try to make the out to be drug cartel ... I guarantee you the drug cartel may come into the US but not long enough for them to be caught ... so stop the demonizing of the illegals and welfare people woman and so on ...

so what you republicans do is try to shame us lefty liberals into believing that welfare voters haven't any value, that illegals haven't any value, that blacks haven't any value, that woman haven't any value, so when they come and vote for the party that supports their values, their wants and needs, just like republicans do who support corporations wants and needs ... you try to degrade us ... you do realize they do vote for us and you don't think those voters don't see this crap that your putting out here ??? then you republicans get pissed because there are more voters in our voting block then there is in a corporations voting block??? so you keep shooting yourselves in your foot all you want, I on the other hand don't care ...

I don't care what you think either. Isn't that how it works....................

Your policies are destroying the nation. Poverty is at the highest levels since the Great Depression. Economic Growth is stagnant. Household incomes are going lower and lower, and it is because of your anti business policies.

Your policies create a Part Time Workforce. Perhaps you should continue the rant that now Americans only have to work 30 hours or some shit like that. You ignore REALITY.

You wouldn't know Reality if it came up and bit you in the ass.
Fuck it. Stop the hate...............

There is a line in the sand. You are on one side or the other. No compromise from either side.

While this is not the solution that is needed, neither side is willing to budge. So until your side actually negotiates, you can take your views and simply shove them where the suns doesn't shine.

That's the deal, and how this shit works.

BTW. The Dems only have 17 State Legislatures in this country. So much for the people are with you BS.
Bringing in people who drag down the economy and vote themselves the spoils of government until it collapses. Where did I hear that before? Oh yeah, Detroit


thats not what caused detroits problem... it was cause from people like mit wit romney that cause detroit problem ... .not the peopl on government assistance ... according to the CBO they said for every dollar spent by a welfare person the govern made back a $1.70 in taxes... I take that deal for every dollar I spent ... I might get 15% back on my trades but 70 cents common republicams
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Detroit was destroyed by Dems. They had majority control there for Decades.

The Unions and the hand outs there were mind boggling. Not just at the auto makers but in Gov't in General.

Now it's a wasteland as shown in the picture. Over a Million people have left the city.

In California, businesses have been leaving the State for decades, and the budget deficits continue to grow. Liberal Utopia is a GARBAGE HEAP. It doesn't work, and never has. You say FUCK THE CORPS AND BUSINESS. You attack them, and then go, WHY DID THEY LEAVE US.........

Because your side is ruled by emotion and not facts. Your side are fucking economic midgets, and your side has spent more on nothing than any other Gov't in our history for no results.

The economy is shitty. While you can claim the first few years to the crash, you can't claim it forever. 5 years and the economy still sucks. After throwing Trillions at it.

A fucking 5 year old could have done better than that.
Fuck it. Stop the hate...............

There is a line in the sand. You are on one side or the other. No compromise from either side.

While this is not the solution that is needed, neither side is willing to budge. So until your side actually negotiates, you can take your views and simply shove them where the suns doesn't shine.

That's the deal, and how this shit works.

BTW. The Dems only have 17 State Legislatures in this country. So much for the people are with you BS.
that will change this next election... you can count on that

aaah I see now... its your way or the highway again ... when these house republicans learns what to negotiate means, what compromise means, then you won't have a gripe ... so far the republicans have said and this is the tea bagger republicans and some of the conservatives have said, we won't compromise or negotiate at all ... so when they took themselves over the cliff, where they said we would rather see the country go belly up then compromise or negotiate with dems .... that was the straw that broke the republicans back ... like I said republican now don't know the meaning of negotiate.... its not that we didn't try to n negotiate with you republicans ... look at all the things obama gave up in 2010, 2011, and LOST, a lot of voters for doing that ... things the republicans wish they have now... the republicans didn't win the 2010 election because of their great Ideas ... they won because of pissed off voters who vote for Obama and didn't vote in the 2010 election ... a mistake they've learned ... the republicans refuse to negotiate or compromise, their only thing was to dump health care at all cost ... to hell with negotiation ... when you beat a dog as much as we dems have been beat in the last 2 decades ,sooner or later that dogs is going to attack you ... consider your republicans bit ... bit real hard... you guys fucked yourselves over health care, then whine about us not wanting to negotiate .... really!!!! you really want to keep kicking that dog ??? when republicans become reasonable then thing will change ... we aren't going to dump health care, social security, medicare medicaid, as soon as you republicans get this through your thick skulls the better off you'll be ....
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Bringing in people who drag down the economy and vote themselves the spoils of government until it collapses. Where did I hear that before? Oh yeah, Detroit


thats not what caused detroits problem... it was cause from people like mit wit romney that cause detroit problem ... .not the peopl on government assistance ... according to the CBO they said for every dollar spent by a welfare person the govern made back a $1.70 in taxes... I take that deal for every dollar I spent ... I might get 15% back on my trades but 70 cents common republicams

^ Exhibit A Why every Progressive run economy Fails 100% of the time
Fuck it. Stop the hate...............

There is a line in the sand. You are on one side or the other. No compromise from either side.

While this is not the solution that is needed, neither side is willing to budge. So until your side actually negotiates, you can take your views and simply shove them where the suns doesn't shine.

That's the deal, and how this shit works.

BTW. The Dems only have 17 State Legislatures in this country. So much for the people are with you BS.
that will change this next election... you can count on that

aaah I see now... its your way or the highway again ... when these house republicans learns what to negotiate means, what compromise means, then you won't have a gripe ... so far the republicans have said and this is the tea bagger republicans and some of the conservatives have said, we won't compromise or negotiate at all ... so when they took themselves over the cliff, where they said we would rather see the country go belly up then compromise or negotiate with dems .... that was the straw that broke the republicans back ... like I said republican now don't know the meaning of negotiate.... its not that we didn't try to n negotiate with you republicans ... look at all the things obama gave up in 2010, 2011, and LOST, a lot of voters for doing that ... things the republicans wish they have now... the republicans didn't win the 2010 election because of their great Ideas ... they won because of pissed off voters who vote for Obama and didn't vote in the 2010 election ... a mistake they've learned ... the republicans refuse to negotiate or compromise, their only thing was to dump health care at all cost ... to hell with negotiation ... when you beat a dog as much as we dems have been beat in the last 2 decades ,sooner or later that dogs is going to attack you ... consider your republicans bit ... bit real hard... you guys fucked yourselves over health care, then whine about us not wanting to negotiate .... really!!!! you really want to keep kicking that dog ??? when republicans become reasonable then thing will change ... we aren't going to dump health care, social security, medicare medicaid, as soon as you republicans get this through your thick skulls the better off you'll be ....

You can take a hike with your rant. I really don't care what you think.

Your side has taken the non negotiation path. You refuse to stop the out of control spending and larger Gov't.

So we are opposed. That's how this shit works.

Now you can tell me off, and I'll do the same. You vote, and I cancel your vote. Then we see where it leads.

Your not as popular as you think. Obamacare will cost you.
here's the thing ....when republicans are confronted with reality, they try to demonize it just like you have here today ... for instance illegals you know as well as I know they are going to be let in and allowed to become citizens ... whether its now or in 1 year from now ... especially when the dems take control of the congress ... it will happen .... instead of helping their way in, you on the right would rater demonize them try to make the out to be drug cartel ... I guarantee you the drug cartel may come into the US but not long enough for them to be caught ... so stop the demonizing of the illegals and welfare people woman and so on ...

so what you republicans do is try to shame us lefty liberals into believing that welfare voters haven't any value, that illegals haven't any value, that blacks haven't any value, that woman haven't any value, so when they come and vote for the party that supports their values, their wants and needs, just like republicans do who support corporations wants and needs ... you try to degrade us ... you do realize they do vote for us and you don't think those voters don't see this crap that your putting out here ??? then you republicans get pissed because there are more voters in our voting block then there is in a corporations voting block??? so you keep shooting yourselves in your foot all you want, I on the other hand don't care ...

I don't care what you think either. Isn't that how it works....................

Your policies are destroying the nation. Poverty is at the highest levels since the Great Depression. Economic Growth is stagnant. Household incomes are going lower and lower, and it is because of your anti business policies.

Your policies create a Part Time Workforce. Perhaps you should continue the rant that now Americans only have to work 30 hours or some shit like that. You ignore REALITY.

You wouldn't know Reality if it came up and bit you in the ass.

Our policies !!!! really !!! our policy wasn't to cut taxes, remove banking regulations that was the reppublican policies ... then when everything goes to hell in an hand basket you want to say our policies ??? from day one we wanted to remove the bush tax cuts ... we have establish some regulaltion on the banks ... but not enough were put on do to republican interfering by filibustering every bill we tried to pass ... give me a break ...we wanted to have a large stimulus... I believe it was 1.3 trillion ... but your republicans worked it down to 790 billion .... not enough ... then you republicans insisted that there was 300 billion dollars in tax cut in the stimulus ... then had the gual to say to us dems see it failed... give me a break ... when you say our policies that too will bit you in the ass.. you just can't make it up as you go.... this mess was cause totally by the republicans and they fought tooth and nail to try and stop us dems from our ability to turn it around ... that's something you can't deny ...
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No it's the Tea Party's fault.

They want to kill grandma and grandpa. Lions, Tigers and Bears...........

Mutant Zombies walking the earth. Cannibalism...............We are all going to die..........

Hide, run for your lives......................................

Typical Liberal Rants...................So substance, just pure BS. Their party symbol is quite correct.

They are a bunch of ASSES.
Bringing in people who drag down the economy and vote themselves the spoils of government until it collapses. Where did I hear that before? Oh yeah, Detroit


thats not what caused detroits problem... it was cause from people like mit wit romney that cause detroit problem ... .not the peopl on government assistance ... according to the CBO they said for every dollar spent by a welfare person the govern made back a $1.70 in taxes... I take that deal for every dollar I spent ... I might get 15% back on my trades but 70 cents common republicams

^ Exhibit A Why every Progressive run economy Fails 100% of the time

Well should give Papa Obama credit for listening to the Republicans advice and keeping most of the Bush tax cuts.
At least then he appreciated, his betters

After all, he saw how bad his economic policies were doing
and he couldn't afford to make more mistakes by getting rid of the cuts
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It is Bush's fault

finally you get it ....
it was bush fault ..he sign the American dream downpayment Bill he sign the bush taxs cuts ... he sign all the regulalition to banking to be removed.. then started 2 wars on top of that ... spent trillions of dollars ... you finally get it
it was bush's fault ...

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