Democrats renew push for amnesty

here's the thing ....when republicans are confronted with reality, they try to demonize it just like you have here today ... for instance illegals you know as well as I know they are going to be let in and allowed to become citizens ... whether its now or in 1 year from now ... especially when the dems take control of the congress ... it will happen .... instead of helping their way in, you on the right would rater demonize them try to make the out to be drug cartel ... I guarantee you the drug cartel may come into the US but not long enough for them to be caught ... so stop the demonizing of the illegals and welfare people woman and so on ...

so what you republicans do is try to shame us lefty liberals into believing that welfare voters haven't any value, that illegals haven't any value, that blacks haven't any value, that woman haven't any value, so when they come and vote for the party that supports their values, their wants and needs, just like republicans do who support corporations wants and needs ... you try to degrade us ... you do realize they do vote for us and you don't think those voters don't see this crap that your putting out here ??? then you republicans get pissed because there are more voters in our voting block then there is in a corporations voting block??? so you keep shooting yourselves in your foot all you want, I on the other hand don't care ...

I don't care what you think either. Isn't that how it works....................

Your policies are destroying the nation. Poverty is at the highest levels since the Great Depression. Economic Growth is stagnant. Household incomes are going lower and lower, and it is because of your anti business policies.

Your policies create a Part Time Workforce. Perhaps you should continue the rant that now Americans only have to work 30 hours or some shit like that. You ignore REALITY.

You wouldn't know Reality if it came up and bit you in the ass.

Our policies !!!! really !!! our policy wasn't to cut taxes, remove banking regulations that was the reppublican policies ... then when everything goes to hell in an hand basket you want to say our policies ??? from day one we wanted to remove the bush tax cuts ... we have establish some regulaltion on the banks ... but not enough were put on do to republican interfering by filibustering every bill we tried to pass ... give me a break ...we want to have a large stimulus I believe it was 1.3 trillion but your republicans worked oit down to 790 billion not enough then you republicans insisted that there was 300 billion dollars in tax cut in the stimulus then said to us dems see it failed... give me a break ... when you say our policies that too will bit you in the ass.. you just can't make it up as you go.... this mess was cause totally by the republicans and they fought tooth an nail to try and stop us dems ability to turn it around ... that's something you can't deny ...

Cherry Picking data.


Your side had the House and Senate under Bush. In committee, your side laughed at what was going on with Sallie Mae...........The very instrument of the failure was run BY LIFE LONG DEMS. They cooked the books and said ALL IS WELL. This is a waste of our time.

They weren't right.

Clinton signed the Leahy Graham Act. It was pushed for by Republicans and supported by Dems tied to the hip of the Political Machine.

So spare me your BS. Your side is guilty. Our side is guilty. Both sides are guilty.

The current economy is yours. You own it. After 5 years you still blame others for your Miserable achievements. Your laws, passed with a Super Majority for a period of 2 years, didn't fix the real problems. It made them worse.

Yours is a PARTY OF EXCUSES. We don't NEED POLITICIANS WHO RULE VIA EXCUSES. We need those who fix shit.

Obviously, by the dismal economy, your side is BS.

It is Bush's fault

finally you get it ....
it was bush fault ..he sign the American dream downpayment Bill he sign the bush taxs cuts ... he sign all the regulalition to banking to be removed.. then started 2 wars on top of that ... spent trillions of dollars ... you finally get it
it was bush's fault ...

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thats not what caused detroits problem... it was cause from people like mit wit romney that cause detroit problem ... .not the peopl on government assistance ... according to the CBO they said for every dollar spent by a welfare person the govern made back a $1.70 in taxes... I take that deal for every dollar I spent ... I might get 15% back on my trades but 70 cents common republicams

^ Exhibit A Why every Progressive run economy Fails 100% of the time

Well should give Papa Obama credit for listening to the Republicans advice and keeping most of the Bush tax cuts.
At least then he appreciated, his betters

After all, he saw how bad his economic policies were doing
and he couldn't afford to make more mistakes by getting rid of the cuts
he kept the bush tax cuts so the government wouldn't default ... he kept the bush tax cuts so people who were unemployed got their unemployment extended ... not because the bush tax cuts was a great Idea, oboma did what???? he negotiated with the republicans to get what he believed was a greater good... and you republicans lost 9 republicans in the next election ... 2011

sounds great to me ... hey repub-lie-tards keep up the good work, on trying to stop the immigration issue ... nothing like more beaner references or taco bender references ... pushing more Latinos from 70% voting block for us dems to 98 % over to voting block for us democrat .. how about some jungle bunny references about Obama ???? that way 98% black voting block will be for us dems ... and while you're at it repub-lie-tards, how about degrading woman some more ... or tell them they don't have any rights when it comes to their bodies ... nothing like moving 80% of the womans voting block to the dems ... that's right repub-lie-tards Keep up the good work ... nothing like alienating your voters ... I know I'm glad

billyboy, it is you "dems" who have been fucking over the black community for years, promising them everything under the Sun, but giving nothing but more promises and 98% of the blacks are stupid enough to suck up on those promises and continue to vote for the very people who want to keep them in the chains of poverty..., just for their vote !! :up:
what a bunch of scam artists you liarberals are :up:
The title "Democrats renew push for amnesty" should be changed to "Democrats renew push to politically rape America for their own benefit"

Much more accurate.
I'd consider "illegals' that have degree's in science or tech. Maybe doctors...

More the better ;)

What about Americans with those kinds of degrees? Or do you not care about your fellow Americans?

sounds great to me ... hey repub-lie-tards keep up the good work, on trying to stop the immigration issue ... nothing like more beaner references or taco bender references ... pushing more Latinos from 70% voting block for us dems to 98 % over to voting block for us democrat .. how about some jungle bunny references about Obama ???? that way 98% black voting block will be for us dems ... and while you're at it repub-lie-tards, how about degrading woman some more ... or tell them they don't have any rights when it comes to their bodies ... nothing like moving 80% of the womans voting block to the dems ... that's right repub-lie-tards Keep up the good work ... nothing like alienating your voters ... I know I'm glad

Just keep on sucking Jose's weenie like a good Liberal, Billy Boy. Don't forget to wipe your chin off once in a while.
yes that 99.95 who will become citizen, who will remember how they were treated by the repub-lie-tards in this country ... so when they get the chance to vote you repub-lie-tards will be trying to pass more voting laws cause you just can't seem to win any major election ... yes Neotrotsky, keep up the good work piss them mexicans off beyond belief ...

Which is why you want amnesty...................The votes. Sounds good to me ... why wouldnt we want their votePlain and simple. It's not about how you love the Mexicans or immigration at all. I haven't any dislike towards mexicans ... it appears you do ... cause you keep posting anti-mexican shit like this ... how better to piss of a race then post shit like this It's all about power, and how to maintain it. sounds good to me Amnesty could give you 20 million more likely Dem voters. if you had a brain in your head they could be 20 million voters for your repub-lie-tards but you choose to hate mexicans voters keep up the good work... You could possibly take over the electoral votes in Texas as a result. sounds grate to me ... I see no problem with that ... less republicans is fine with me... like I said, keep up the good work with more racist shit Then in the Presidential election you would have New York, California, and Texas. A lot of votes. and the problem with that iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis ??? you repub-lieitards hate Mexcian voters .... believe me they get it and we Lefty liberals know that ... you watch Texas will turn blue this nex major election in 2016

You don't care that they are using our welfare system that others have to pay for.
if you look at the welfare system then you would know that .11% of the nation budget goes to welfare which is a non- issue to us lefty liberals ... it only bothers you repub-lie-tards ... when they can't win a debate or election its guns, fag, abortion, and welfare mooches to rile up a base for you ...when the real facts come out you repub-lie-tards even lose more races which even sounds better to me
You don't care that they are causing great financial problems for the States and on the Gov't. thats in you mind not reality

You don't care that they violate our laws to come here, and there is a legal system for working in this country. A system which is very lax compared to other countries. nope I don't care as long as they vote dems when they become citizens... that.s fine with me ... you do realize the law they violate is no more of a violation the getting a speeding ticket don't you ... I sure you had many sppeding tickets ...does that make you a evil person in the eyes of everyone ??? you tell me
You don't care that the border is bringing in drugs and guns. Currently Mexico has been at War with the Cartel's. They've been at war for over a decade, and the last figure I've seen was 80000 deaths.

No. You don't care about our laws. You only care about the votes.
sounds good to me ... just because we have establish that you don't like mexicans ... that you will try and blame all the violence in mexico on the mexican ... when all of this violence was cause by you repub-lie-tards not wanting to pay for health care benefits, social security, medicaid,medicare, all the taxes that a working stiff pays ... you repub-lie-tards want the cheep way out ... then when it over ran you in numbers now you bring up the bad shit ... like all mexicans are druggies and are trying to steel everything we have ... if you had a brain in your head, which we established you don't, you would have known this would happen ... Just because of your repub-lie-tard greed of not wanting to pay taxes ... now you want to demonize the mexican people as murders, rapist, and what ever evil thing you can come up with to justify why we should give them amnesty ... the problem you have is they know it and so do we...

Is it me, or is Billy worse then Franco?
Amnesty is a winner for democrats.
The more violent illegals are the more Americans will support them.

Pass it on.
I'd consider "illegals' that have degree's in science or tech. Maybe doctors...

More the better ;)

What about Americans with those kinds of degrees? Or do you not care about your fellow Americans?

I agree about the American people. BUT if America was 25% scientist = I'd approve. ;) One opens up their own business and that would be good for this country.
I don't care what you think either. Isn't that how it works....................

Your policies are destroying the nation. Poverty is at the highest levels since the Great Depression. Economic Growth is stagnant. Household incomes are going lower and lower, and it is because of your anti business policies.

Your policies create a Part Time Workforce. Perhaps you should continue the rant that now Americans only have to work 30 hours or some shit like that. You ignore REALITY.

You wouldn't know Reality if it came up and bit you in the ass.

Our policies !!!! really !!! our policy wasn't to cut taxes, remove banking regulations that was the reppublican policies ... then when everything goes to hell in an hand basket you want to say our policies ??? from day one we wanted to remove the bush tax cuts ... we have establish some regulaltion on the banks ... but not enough were put on do to republican interfering by filibustering every bill we tried to pass ... give me a break ...we want to have a large stimulus I believe it was 1.3 trillion but your republicans worked oit down to 790 billion not enough then you republicans insisted that there was 300 billion dollars in tax cut in the stimulus then said to us dems see it failed... give me a break ... when you say our policies that too will bit you in the ass.. you just can't make it up as you go.... this mess was cause totally by the republicans and they fought tooth an nail to try and stop us dems ability to turn it around ... that's something you can't deny ...

Cherry Picking data.


Your side had the House and Senate under Bush. In committee, your side laughed at what was going on with Sallie Mae...........The very instrument of the failure was run BY LIFE LONG DEMS. They cooked the books and said ALL IS WELL. This is a waste of our time.

They weren't right.

Clinton signed the Leahy Graham Act. It was pushed for by Republicans and supported by Dems tied to the hip of the Political Machine.

So spare me your BS. Your side is guilty. Our side is guilty. Both sides are guilty.

The current economy is yours. You own it. After 5 years you still blame others for your Miserable achievements. Your laws, passed with a Super Majority for a period of 2 years, didn't fix the real problems. It made them worse.

Yours is a PARTY OF EXCUSES. We don't NEED POLITICIANS WHO RULE VIA EXCUSES. We need those who fix shit.

Obviously, by the dismal economy, your side is BS.

ACTUALLY, supermajority for less than 6 months- if you subtract days with Teddie OUT and out of session, 13 DAYS. BUT CARRY ON, BRAINWASHED CHUMP OF THE GREEDY IDIOT RICH...:badgrin:

And Fannie and Freddie went from 75 to 25 per cent of the market under corrupt Bush regulators, STUPID...
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Speaking of corrupt regulators

[ame=]McCain's Early Recognition of Fannie/Freddie Crisis - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Don't Regulate Fannie Mae or Freddy Mac - YouTube[/ame]
its not amnesty.

"amnesty" means all is foregiven.

they have to pay back taxes, pay a fine, stay out of trouble, etc etc...

violate these provisions and they get deported.

that's not amnesty.
its not amnesty.

"amnesty" means all is foregiven.

they have to pay back taxes, pay a fine, stay out of trouble, etc etc...

violate these provisions and they get deported.

that's not amnesty.

Sure they do

In the current 'banana republic' we have,
Papa Obama enforces the laws unequally

Why should anyone believe that these promised new laws will
be enforced any better than the current?
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its not amnesty.

"amnesty" means all is foregiven.

they have to pay back taxes, pay a fine, stay out of trouble, etc etc...

violate these provisions and they get deported.

that's not amnesty.

If it looks and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

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