Democrats renew push for amnesty

yes that 99.95 who will become citizen, who will remember how they were treated by the repub-lie-tards in this country ... so when they get the chance to vote you repub-lie-tards will be trying to pass more voting laws cause you just can't seem to win any major election ... yes Neotrotsky, keep up the good work piss them mexicans off beyond belief ...

Which is why you want amnesty...................The votes. Plain and simple. It's not about how you love the Mexicans or immigration at all. It's all about power, and how to maintain it. Amnesty could give you 20 million more likely Dem voters. You could possibly take over the electoral votes in Texas as a result. Then in the Presidential election you would have New York, California, and Texas. A lot of votes.

You don't care that they are using our welfare system that others have to pay for.

You don't care that they are causing great financial problems for the States and on the Gov't.

You don't care that they violate our laws to come here, and there is a legal system for working in this country. A system which is very lax compared to other countries.

You don't care that the border is bringing in drugs and guns. Currently Mexico has been at War with the Cartel's. They've been at war for over a decade, and the last figure I've seen was 80000 deaths.

No. You don't care about our laws. You only care about the votes.
No doubt in this new and false claim of another leftist Utopia,
you will have to keep some conservatives around

after all, someone has to pay for all the freeloaders

speaking of freeloaders ... their are more people on welfare freeloading as you say in the red states then the blue states ... cause in the red states that's where the real freeloaders live ... in large numbers that vote republican ...

Right wing CNBC

Biggest Welfare states

Rhode Island
New Mexico
New York
District of Columbia

How many of these voted for Papa Obama and the rest of the radical left

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Man, this is like fish in a barrel
Let's say we give all non-gang members amnesty. If we gave them education would we get economic growth from it 10-15 years down the road?

I agree


you are correct

you were wrong with thinking 4.7 million signed up

it is hard to keep all you reactionary leftists, straight

tap !!! tap !!!tap !!!tap !!!tap !!! tap !!! tap !!! tap !!! that's Neotrotsky tap dancing around his mistake ... nothing like you making a fool of your self .... Keep up the great work... BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... What a loser you are ...

loser, indeed...

The Hill

In addition to the 4.7 million Web hits, HHS logged 190,000 calls to enrollment hotlines and 104,000 requests for live Web chats, Peters said.
The department has not said how many of those people successfully enrolled in coverage.

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Race card, still your best bet

Don't fret, no doubt concerned trolls will try to help you

when confronted with facts we're troll ... isn't that special ...
HEY loser, We don't need to play the race card do that all by yourself very well, without any help from us lefty liberals ... you guys love to say racist shit ... then say ooops we didn't mean it ... like I said Keep up the racist shit you're doing fine for us lefty liberals... we couldn't buy better political ads :clap2::D
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tap !!! tap !!!tap !!!tap !!!tap !!! tap !!! tap !!! tap !!! that's Neotrotsky tap dancing around his mistake ... nothing like you making a fool of your self .... Keep up the great work... BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... What a loser you are ...

loser, indeed...

The Hill

In addition to the 4.7 million Web hits, HHS logged 190,000 calls to enrollment hotlines and 104,000 requests for live Web chats, Peters said.
The department has not said how many of those people successfully enrolled in coverage.

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Race card, still your best bet

Don't fret, no doubt concerned trolls will try to help you

the HILL

nothing like a right wing rag for your source of information ... got to have their daily Koolaid ...drink up repub-lie-tard !!!!! what next
whirlynutdaily ???


the bold print has convinced me, you are correct
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Let's say we give all non-gang members amnesty. If we gave them education would we get economic growth from it 10-15 years down the road?

Considering that the US spends more on education then most Western nations
and we get some of the worst results

I suspect growth would be little, at least in terms of economic.
The Dems have a solution to immigration. It's effective. Pass job killing legislation, put those who work full time to part time, and our economy doesn't have the jobs to justify coming over the border anymore. Over the last few years less Mexicans have been coming over the border because it's too damn hard to find a job.

Nice job Libs. You've handled the influx of Mexicans by killing our economy. That's your immigration policy.
Which is why the reactionary left is pushing for amnesty...
They know the failed economic programs of Papa Obama will have
a lasting negative effect on the US economy for years

so they need something else to bring the illegals back
Which is why the reactionary left is pushing for amnesty...
They know the failed economic programs of Papa Obama will have
a lasting negative effect on the US economy for years

so they need something else to bring the illegals back

THis is more about Obama voters self validation relative to the failure they enabled by voting for an incompetent candidate in Obama.

They are running out of areas for which to help him find anything, and I mean anything, to hang his hat on as an accomplishment over an 8 year period when he is finally gone.

You know, like in little league now that everyone get's a trophy.

Obama has to have a library as well, but it will be filled with text of his epic failed presidency and scandals

I think the formation of a union between America and Mexico would be a better solution. Conservatives, Mexico is more conservative then America. I am not kidding.

-Very limited welfare towards the poor
-rich get to keep their money
-educational system just had conservative reform ;) Some stuff conservatives wish for.
-Both are federal republics with a general similar form of government.
It would work
but only if ..

We adopt their immigration policies
and their social net policies

Otherwise, it would just be another big California or New York
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I think the formation of a union between America and Mexico would be a better solution. Conservatives, Mexico is more conservative then America. I am not kidding.

-Very limited welfare towards the poor
-rich get to keep their money
-educational system just had conservative reform ;) Some stuff conservatives wish for.
-Both are federal republics with a general similar form of government.

We should just give the California back...

Their fiscal stature are in agreement


yes that 99.95 who will become citizen, who will remember how they were treated by the repub-lie-tards in this country ... so when they get the chance to vote you repub-lie-tards will be trying to pass more voting laws cause you just can't seem to win any major election ... yes Neotrotsky, keep up the good work piss them mexicans off beyond belief ...

Which is why you want amnesty...................The votes. Sounds good to me ... why wouldnt we want their votePlain and simple. It's not about how you love the Mexicans or immigration at all. I haven't any dislike towards mexicans ... it appears you do ... cause you keep posting anti-mexican shit like this ... how better to piss of a race then post shit like this It's all about power, and how to maintain it. sounds good to me Amnesty could give you 20 million more likely Dem voters. if you had a brain in your head they could be 20 million voters for your repub-lie-tards but you choose to hate mexicans voters keep up the good work... You could possibly take over the electoral votes in Texas as a result. sounds grate to me ... I see no problem with that ... less republicans is fine with me... like I said, keep up the good work with more racist shit Then in the Presidential election you would have New York, California, and Texas. A lot of votes. and the problem with that iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis ??? you repub-lieitards hate Mexcian voters .... believe me they get it and we Lefty liberals know that ... you watch Texas will turn blue this nex major election in 2016

You don't care that they are using our welfare system that others have to pay for.
if you look at the welfare system then you would know that .11% of the nation budget goes to welfare which is a non- issue to us lefty liberals ... it only bothers you repub-lie-tards ... when they can't win a debate or election its guns, fag, abortion, and welfare mooches to rile up a base for you ...when the real facts come out you repub-lie-tards even lose more races which even sounds better to me
You don't care that they are causing great financial problems for the States and on the Gov't. thats in you mind not reality

You don't care that they violate our laws to come here, and there is a legal system for working in this country. A system which is very lax compared to other countries. nope I don't care as long as they vote dems when they become citizens... that.s fine with me ... you do realize the law they violate is no more of a violation the getting a speeding ticket don't you ... I sure you had many sppeding tickets ...does that make you a evil person in the eyes of everyone ??? you tell me
You don't care that the border is bringing in drugs and guns. Currently Mexico has been at War with the Cartel's. They've been at war for over a decade, and the last figure I've seen was 80000 deaths.

No. You don't care about our laws. You only care about the votes.
sounds good to me ... just because we have establish that you don't like mexicans ... that you will try and blame all the violence in mexico on the mexican ... when all of this violence was cause by you repub-lie-tards not wanting to pay for health care benefits, social security, medicaid,medicare, all the taxes that a working stiff pays ... you repub-lie-tards want the cheep way out ... then when it over ran you in numbers now you bring up the bad shit ... like all mexicans are druggies and are trying to steel everything we have ... if you had a brain in your head, which we established you don't, you would have known this would happen ... Just because of your repub-lie-tard greed of not wanting to pay taxes ... now you want to demonize the mexican people as murders, rapist, and what ever evil thing you can come up with to justify why we should give them amnesty ... the problem you have is they know it and so do we...
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Bringing in people who drag down the economy and vote themselves the spoils of government until it collapses. Where did I hear that before? Oh yeah, Detroit

I think the formation of a union between America and Mexico would be a better solution. Conservatives, Mexico is more conservative then America. I am not kidding.

-Very limited welfare towards the poor
-rich get to keep their money
-educational system just had conservative reform ;) Some stuff conservatives wish for.
-Both are federal republics with a general similar form of government.

We should annex Mexico
I think the formation of a union between America and Mexico would be a better solution. Conservatives, Mexico is more conservative then America. I am not kidding.

-Very limited welfare towards the poor
-rich get to keep their money
-educational system just had conservative reform ;) Some stuff conservatives wish for.
-Both are federal republics with a general similar form of government.

We should annex Mexico

Better yet

Just give Mexico the state of California
it would be a win win

yes that 99.95 who will become citizen, who will remember how they were treated by the repub-lie-tards in this country ... so when they get the chance to vote you repub-lie-tards will be trying to pass more voting laws cause you just can't seem to win any major election ... yes Neotrotsky, keep up the good work piss them mexicans off beyond belief ...

Which is why you want amnesty...................The votes. Sounds good to me ... why wouldnt we want their votePlain and simple. It's not about how you love the Mexicans or immigration at all. I haven't any dislike towards mexicans ... it appears you do ... cause you keep posting anti-mexican shit like this ... how better to piss of a race then post shit like this It's all about power, and how to maintain it. sounds good to me Amnesty could give you 20 million more likely Dem voters. if you had a brain in your head they could be 20 million voters for your repub-lie-tards but you choose to hate mexicans voters keep up the good work... You could possibly take over the electoral votes in Texas as a result. sounds grate to me ... I see no problem with that ... less republicans is fine with me... like I said, keep up the good work with more racist shit Then in the Presidential election you would have New York, California, and Texas. A lot of votes. and the problem with that iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis ??? you repub-lieitards hate Mexcian voters .... believe me they get it and we Lefty liberals know that ... you watch Texas will turn blue this nex major election in 2016

You don't care that they are using our welfare system that others have to pay for.
if you look at the welfare system then you would know that .11% of the nation budget goes to welfare which is a non- issue to us lefty liberals ... it only bothers you repub-lie-tards ... when they can't win a debate or election its guns, fag, abortion, and welfare mooches to rile up a base for you ...when the real facts come out you repub-lie-tards even lose more races which even sounds better to me
You don't care that they are causing great financial problems for the States and on the Gov't. thats in you mind not reality

You don't care that they violate our laws to come here, and there is a legal system for working in this country. A system which is very lax compared to other countries. nope I don't care as long as the vote dems when they become citizens... that.s fine with me ... you do realize the law they violate is no more of a violation the getting a speeding ticket do you ... I sure you had many sppeding tickets does that make you a evil person in the eyes of everyone ??? you tell me
You don't care that the border is bringing in drugs and guns. Currently Mexico has been at War with the Cartel's. They've been at war for over a decade, and the last figure I've seen was 80000 deaths.

No. You don't care about our laws. You only care about the votes.
sounds good to me ... just because we have establish that you don't like mexicans ... that you will try and blame all the violence in mexico on the mexican ... when all of this violence was cause by you repub-lie-tards not wanting to pay for health care benefits, social security, medicaid,medicare, all the taxes that a working stiff pays ... you repub-lie-tards want the cheep way out ... then when it over ran you in numbers now you bring up the bad shit ... like all mexicans are druggies and are trying to steel everything we have ... if you had a brain in your head, which we established you don't, you would have known this would happen ... Just because of your repub-lie-tard greed of not wanting to pay taxes ... now you want to demonize the mexican people as murders, rapist, and what ever evil thing you can come up with to justify why we should give them amnesty ... the problem you have is they know it and so do we...

I'll sum up your rant.

You don't give a fuck about enforcing the laws the land. You ignore them when it suits your mantra.

You don't give a fuck that it causes more debt, and causes financial problems to states.

You play the race card and say we hate Mexicans. I work with Mexicans all the time that would even say our immigration policy is stupid. We have no problem working together.

You don't care about the path we are on, which leads to a LOWER STANDARD OF LIVING for ALL AMERICANS. You only give a shit about power and control. Getting your way, and shoving your views down the throats of the rest of us and saying you will agree or else. A TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY.

A TYRANNY who wants the POWERS TO BE CONSOLIDATED BY THE FEW. Which is exactly why the Founding Fathers threw Britain out of this country.

Your side spits on the Constitution. Your ideals to transformation in America, is basically to burn the Constitution and it's principles. A larger Gov't.

Anyone who has read the Federalist papers would understand the path we are on is completely wrong, but YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

You don't care if you destroy America to get your way. You offer free shit to get votes because your TRACK RECORD SUCKS. What have you accomplished..............

Part Time America. Increased Poverty. Stagnant economic Growth. Higher insurance rates. More debt. And bigger Gov't.
I think the formation of a union between America and Mexico would be a better solution. Conservatives, Mexico is more conservative then America. I am not kidding.

-Very limited welfare towards the poor
-rich get to keep their money
-educational system just had conservative reform ;) Some stuff conservatives wish for.
-Both are federal republics with a general similar form of government.

We should annex Mexico

Better yet

Just give Mexico the state of California
it would be a win win


Southern California, sure, and they can keep CA "Balanced budget" too

Actually better to send in 101st, 82nd and a few Marine Brigades, knock the Mexican government out in 5 minutes. They've had it coming for a while because their state sponsorship of the "reconquest" is an act of war. Better to end it favorable -- for us, not so much for the Democrats

when they run of conservatives and have their leftist utopia,
who is going to pay for all the freeloaders?

Somebody has to pull the cart
they all can't be in it
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