Democrats Rewarding Criminals: Voter Fraud Convict Welcomed Home By Al Sharpton

They didn't catch her, stupid.

She outed HERSELF publicly.

That's why voter ID laws are essential. Voter fraud is IMPOSSIBLE to find and even more impossible to prosecute.

But you just keep playing stupid.

Speaking of stupid, please explain how Voter ID would have prevented Melowese Richardson from using her position as a poll worker to vote more than once.

Voter I.D.s are just one aspect. They also were purging old voter records that were ether deceased or had moved to another district.

If you use your I.D. and go to the wrong polling place they will tell you which one is the correct one.

I've gone to the wrong one and this happened. They directed me to the proper place.

They also can set up voting to only allow you one vote by using the scan-bar on the back of the license.


Course you could always cheat, but this woman got caught.

This practically erases much of the cheating. They can do it at banks or the grocery, why not at the ballot box.

Democrats have been trying to give illegals drivers licenses so they can sneak them into the polls. Motor-voter laws make this easier.

Whoops, we made a mistake and allowed millions of illegals to vote.

Just sloppy paperwork folks......nothing to see here. :D
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so you must have proof that type of voter fraud destroys elections?

can you go get that proof?
so you must have proof that type of voter fraud destroys elections?

can you go get that proof?

Any type of voter fraud De-legitimizes elections.

Obama sitting in the White House is the proof.
Im glad they caught her.

the reverend AL Sharpton has religious standards of forgivenance to uphold.

He represents a church that has deep religious convictions of forgiving people of their sins.

He will forgive all the people who go to jail when they cheat voters out of their votes to win like the republican party has provabley done for decades and the court record proves.

weird thing they NEVER have to go to prison for it

LOL, even convicted Democrats prove to you it's Republicans who cheat...
Voting Rights Forum - YouTube

March 19, 2012

Al Sharpton spoke at Harris-Stowe University to oppose voter-ID requirement as well as to energize opponents to fight against such proposals on Friday, March 16th. Sharpton was introduced by Congressman Lacy Clay. During the introduction, Clayton argued that since thousands of voters don't have photo ID, they will be turned away form the polls if they are required to show a state ID.

Supporters argue that voter-ID requirement is needed to prevent voter fraud. A recent Pew study pointed out that about 24 million voter registrations are not valid. Sometimes voters move without changing their address and sometime voters die. Decease and relocated voters contribute to the invalidity; however, Sharpton argued that there was no proof that voters show up to the polls impersonating voters.

In Judith Dianis explain in her article, Five myths about voter fraud, that the photo ID laws will prevent more legitimate votes then illegitimate ones and will have a negative effect on students, minorities and seniors. Sharpton opposed voter ID proposal at Harris-Stowe University. - St. Louis Political Buzz |
Wow good speech by Al Sharpton, this is the first time I ever listened to him, since I don't pay attention to the MSM. thanks for sharing
If she was WHITE, would Muddy be:

A. More outraged

B. Less outraged.

C. Confused.

D. Never know about the story at all.

How about some outrage over this…?

What began last week as a trickle—a report from the Palm Beach Post that the Florida Republican Party was cutting ties with a firm that turned in "questionable" voter-registration forms in one county—has now grown into a pretty ugly flood. Turns out the Florida GOP paid the firm, Strategic Allied Consulting, to do voter registration, while the Republican National Committee paid the same firm millions to register voters in four other battleground states: Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, and Colorado. The group allegedly submitted forms with dead voters' information and fake information—and in some cases, may have changed voters' party affiliations to Republican without alerting the voters. More disturbing, the firm the Republicans were paying, Strategic Allied Consulting, is one of several that GOP consultant Nathan Sproul has run over the last decade. Along the way, Sproul's companies have been accused of everything from refusing to register Democratic voters to shredding the voter-registration forms of Democrats. Yet Sproul continued to get lucrative contracts from the GOP. And the conservative media has had precious little to say about it.

The Sound of Crickets: Conservative Sites Silent about GOP Voter-Registration Fraud
please prove it was a stolen election.

can you provide some facts to prove that claim?

Dear TM:
I would say it is about the same as the equivalent
arguments that Bush stole the election.

We may not be able to prove either one,
but starting with Clinton's presidency,
I have seen plenty of proof that each President
did NOT represent the full public, but pushed
partisan agenda that did NOT represent the consent of taxpayers
and were not properly checked for abuses.

I believe this trend of pushing partisan agenda and favoritism
would end by holding BOTH major parties accountable for
paying back the public and funding costs of their party-line agenda
that should not be imposed on the public except by consent of all people.

Just like how religion has no place in federal govt and policy,
so should both parties be treated as "political religions" where
their members should be responsible for funding their own biases in their beliefs,
and not impose this on dissenters by abusing majority rule and government offices.

Both sides are equally guilty of this.
You just have to interview people, to see how
Bush did not represent all taxpayers forced to pay for military actions they protested and "don't believe in,"
and Obama does not represent all taxpayers forced to pay mandates they protest and "don't believe in."

When people tell me they don't believe in and aren't represented by these policies pushed by govt,
by majority rule based on partisan and political force,
that's enough proof of "taxation without representation" and
"involuntary servitude" where the labor/tax dollars are mandated by law
under conditions the working citizens DID NOT AGREE to in their names.

That is abuse of govt power and position, their protests are enough proof for me.

It is politically fraudulent to claim to enforce a Constitutional contract
protecting people "equally under law" "without discrimination by creed,"
when in reality only the people whose "party gets the majority votes"
have their interests represented in policy while the dissenters' beliefs are excluded.

So they take turns getting represented while the other gets denied,
because we keep using "majority rule" to decide policy at the expense of
the dissenting side (instead of addressing and resolving ALL conflicts and objections
from ALL sides, so EVERYONE'S views are equally included and represented, as our laws call for).

I truly hope this is nearing the end of this stage or cycle of political development,
and more people figure out we need to solve problems together
instead of taking turns bullying down each other to compete for control.

When people do this in a moving car, fighting over the steering wheel,
it is considered reckless driving. What ever happened to agreeing in
advance what the plan is, what map or direction we agree to go,
and THEN writing and enforcing legislation that represents public agreement.

Wouldn't that end any need to outvote the other side,
and arguing over who cheated or who stole which election?

if all elected officials, and all people inside or outside govt,
still had to reach AGREEMENT on policies in order to consider those laws.

Wouldn't that compel and reward people in working together on solutions that satisfy and include everyone,
instead of encouraging and rewarding bullying and manipulative behavior to try to win at all expense?
When is this game over? When will we get tired of these losing battles and look for ways we can all win instead?

Again I hope this is at the end.
So sick of this Bush/Obama blame game.
Please let us get past this, and go on to the next stage in reforming government to be
more effective, sustainable and inclusive of all people and parties of all views.
America needs to grow up, get our act together, and knock it off with
the childish games of trying to get the parents to take our side
so we can get our way. When all the kids do the same thing,
it tears the household apart, and that's what we are seeing now.

Just destroying our relations and economy, and think we are right and deserved to be
rewarded with victory while the other side should suffer punishment and loss. And they think the same of us.
Round and round, back and forth. How long can this go on?
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If she was WHITE, would Muddy be:

A. More outraged

B. Less outraged.

C. Confused.

D. Never know about the story at all.

How about some outrage over this…?

What began last week as a trickle—a report from the Palm Beach Post that the Florida Republican Party was cutting ties with a firm that turned in "questionable" voter-registration forms in one county—has now grown into a pretty ugly flood. Turns out the Florida GOP paid the firm, Strategic Allied Consulting, to do voter registration, while the Republican National Committee paid the same firm millions to register voters in four other battleground states: Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, and Colorado. The group allegedly submitted forms with dead voters' information and fake information—and in some cases, may have changed voters' party affiliations to Republican without alerting the voters. More disturbing, the firm the Republicans were paying, Strategic Allied Consulting, is one of several that GOP consultant Nathan Sproul has run over the last decade. Along the way, Sproul's companies have been accused of everything from refusing to register Democratic voters to shredding the voter-registration forms of Democrats. Yet Sproul continued to get lucrative contracts from the GOP. And the conservative media has had precious little to say about it.

The Sound of Crickets: Conservative Sites Silent about GOP Voter-Registration Fraud

I don't care what color she is.

That's the problem with you folks.

Everything's racial.

Maybe I should tell my wife, who is black, that she needs to leave me cuz I'm a racist.
please prove it was a stolen election.

can you provide some facts to prove that claim?

Dear TM:
I would say it is about the same as the equivalent
arguments that Bush stole the election.

We may not be able to prove either one,
but starting with Clinton's presidency,
I have seen plenty of proof that each President
did NOT represent the full public, but pushed
partisan agenda that did NOT represent the consent of taxpayers
and were not properly checked for abuses.

I believe this trend of pushing partisan agenda and favoritism
would end by holding BOTH major parties accountable for
paying back the public and funding costs of their party-line agenda
that should not be imposed on the public except by consent of all people.

Just like how religion has no place in federal govt and policy,
so should both parties be treated as "political religions" where
their members should be responsible for funding their own biases in their beliefs,
and not impose this on dissenters by abusing majority rule and government offices.

Both sides are equally guilty of this.
You just have to interview people, to see how
Bush did not represent all taxpayers forced to pay for military actions they protested and "don't believe in,"
and Obama does not represent all taxpayers forced to pay mandates they protest and "don't believe in."

When people tell me they don't believe in and aren't represented by these policies pushed by govt,
by majority rule based on partisan and political force,
that's enough proof of "taxation without representation" and
"involuntary servitude" where the labor/tax dollars are mandated by law
under conditions the working citizens DID NOT AGREE to in their names.

That is abuse of govt power and position, their protests are enough proof for me.

the court records in this country PROVE the republican cheating for decades.

YOU have no proof of your claim
They didn't catch her, stupid.

She outed HERSELF publicly.

That's why voter ID laws are essential. Voter fraud is IMPOSSIBLE to find and even more impossible to prosecute.

But you just keep playing stupid.

Speaking of stupid, please explain how Voter ID would have prevented Melowese Richardson from using her position as a poll worker to vote more than once.

Voter I.D.s are just one aspect. They also were purging old voter records that were ether deceased or had moved to another district.

I'm all for proper purging of voter lists. But Edgetho made it clear this particular case of fraud made Voter ID necessary.

He's quite wrong.

Also, purging voter lists of the dead and those who have moved would also not have stopped this crime.

If you use your I.D. and go to the wrong polling place they will tell you which one is the correct one.

I've gone to the wrong one and this happened. They directed me to the proper place.

Completely unrelated to Voter ID! In states where there is no voter ID, if you announce yourself and are not on that precinct's voter registration list, they ALSO send you to the right place.

No Voter ID necessary.

They also can set up voting to only allow you one vote by using the scan-bar on the back of the license.

Or the poll worker can simply put a check mark next to your name on the registered voter list when you vote, which is what has been done for a very long time.
Speaking of stupid, please explain how Voter ID would have prevented Melowese Richardson from using her position as a poll worker to vote more than once.

Voter I.D.s are just one aspect. They also were purging old voter records that were ether deceased or had moved to another district.

I'm all for proper purging of voter lists. But Edgetho made it clear this particular case of fraud made Voter ID necessary.

He's quite wrong.

Also, purging voter lists of the dead and those who have moved would also not have stopped this crime.

If you use your I.D. and go to the wrong polling place they will tell you which one is the correct one.

I've gone to the wrong one and this happened. They directed me to the proper place.

Completely unrelated to Voter ID! In states where there is no voter ID, if you announce yourself and are not on that precinct's voter registration list, they ALSO send you to the right place.

No Voter ID necessary.

They also can set up voting to only allow you one vote by using the scan-bar on the back of the license.

Or the poll worker can simply put a check mark next to your name on the registered voter list when you vote, which is what has been done for a very long time.

I've had to sign next to my name for close to 20 years. I've been living in the same home for at least that long. The problem is keeping track of movers and transients. Can't expect the government to do it right because they always turn everything into a mess.

It's clear that voter laws are too lax and need to be changed. Just saying this is the way we've always been doing it doesn't cut it anymore.
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If she was WHITE, would Muddy be:

A. More outraged

B. Less outraged.

C. Confused.

D. Never know about the story at all.

How about some outrage over this…?

What began last week as a trickle—a report from the Palm Beach Post that the Florida Republican Party was cutting ties with a firm that turned in "questionable" voter-registration forms in one county—has now grown into a pretty ugly flood. Turns out the Florida GOP paid the firm, Strategic Allied Consulting, to do voter registration, while the Republican National Committee paid the same firm millions to register voters in four other battleground states: Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, and Colorado. The group allegedly submitted forms with dead voters' information and fake information—and in some cases, may have changed voters' party affiliations to Republican without alerting the voters. More disturbing, the firm the Republicans were paying, Strategic Allied Consulting, is one of several that GOP consultant Nathan Sproul has run over the last decade. Along the way, Sproul's companies have been accused of everything from refusing to register Democratic voters to shredding the voter-registration forms of Democrats. Yet Sproul continued to get lucrative contracts from the GOP. And the conservative media has had precious little to say about it.

The Sound of Crickets: Conservative Sites Silent about GOP Voter-Registration Fraud

I don't care what color she is.

That's the problem with you folks.

Everything's racial.

Maybe I should tell my wife, who is black, that she needs to leave me cuz I'm a racist.
Hazlnut has to make points for his Democrats who have decided divide and conquer is the easiest way to keep their devil-may-care billionaire sponsors sending them fat checks. Their only platform is to paint a falsetto picture of Republicans and all fiscal conservatives whose advice is consistently the same message, "be careful about overspending and borrowing from foreign powers."

You're not racist. People who only care about their own race are that. The native American in me gets it. The race card Democrats are playing is becoming a stacked deck, and it's all they have anymore. The Dutch in me thinks they should pay for their own pet rocks. I'm sorry they use it to lie, cheat, and steal from other human beings. They've worn the race card so very, very thin. They're demanding special privileges for one segment of society. That leads to nepotism, which leads to monarchy.

That is not what my ancestors on all sides fought for in America--freedom and justice for all. For that to take place, Miss Justice has to keep her eyes hidden from the color of a man's skin and their focus if not onus upon the facts. This is highly displeasing to real racists, Mudwhistle. They can't bear being called on their using anything and everything to legally pick other people's pockets by buying politicians. I'm sorry I'm out of rep for 24. A rep is coming your way when the forum nanny lightens up on the clock. :badgrin:
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If she was WHITE, would Muddy be:

A. More outraged

B. Less outraged.

C. Confused.

D. Never know about the story at all.

How about some outrage over this…?

What began last week as a trickle—a report from the Palm Beach Post that the Florida Republican Party was cutting ties with a firm that turned in "questionable" voter-registration forms in one county—has now grown into a pretty ugly flood. Turns out the Florida GOP paid the firm, Strategic Allied Consulting, to do voter registration, while the Republican National Committee paid the same firm millions to register voters in four other battleground states: Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, and Colorado. The group allegedly submitted forms with dead voters' information and fake information—and in some cases, may have changed voters' party affiliations to Republican without alerting the voters. More disturbing, the firm the Republicans were paying, Strategic Allied Consulting, is one of several that GOP consultant Nathan Sproul has run over the last decade. Along the way, Sproul's companies have been accused of everything from refusing to register Democratic voters to shredding the voter-registration forms of Democrats. Yet Sproul continued to get lucrative contracts from the GOP. And the conservative media has had precious little to say about it.

The Sound of Crickets: Conservative Sites Silent about GOP Voter-Registration Fraud

Sounds to me as if the Republicans are cutting ties with a company that their officials should go to jail. I found this interesting:

The efforts by the Republican Party and Sproul are significantly more disturbing than ACORN's error-prone registration cards, primarily because these incidents could affect election outcomes. The consultant, Nathan Sproul, had already established himself as a shady character in 2004, when one of his previous

Sure, when it is Republicans that are accused it is major when democrats, not so much. Besides this is registration not voting. Not that it makes it any better it just doesn't prove voter fraud during actual voting.

Hiring someone to register voters is not new and if they violated the law then the law should come down on them hard, which is what Republican are aways for doing, Democrats, not so much.
so you must have proof that type of voter fraud destroys elections?

can you go get that proof?
Proof of Omeurta, TM? No, but we can start a civil war if that's what it takes to get rid of cheating at the voting booth through allowing Democrat college trainees to win Omeurta voting contests on giving the one who votes the most times a $10,000 check and distributing multiple ids on the spot, Obama phones, and free clothing store changes to disguise their identities.

I'm onto your side. I took a year of drama, plus I was a Union member and heard the preaching from hard-nosed redistributors-of-wealth buffs. When I married a Republican, the Union wives disinherited me for their own good of dissociation from conservatives or take a black eye.

Omeurta sucks and secrecy to death is almost impossible to trace. Just one person's opinion.

That's why this bullshit the DNC pumps out will result in a war. Being a DNC member means never having to say you're sorry. It also makes civil war inevitable and assured, because there are more good people than bad, and good people eventually come together to take care of situations created by the stagnancy of political corruption that promotes slavery of innocent people to suit the whims of people so bent on being parasites you wonder how they came to be old enough to reproduce.

/wah-wah trumpet

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