Democrats say NO to 1 year extension on payroll tax cut.

You're the least civil perhaps on the entire board, and you don't even have the excuse of testosterone or being young and immature - fail.

I don't even know why you, and many others here even bother acknowledging that old crank's presence. Such a waste of keystrokes..

Ewe dig?
Clemintine. I hoped what you gleaned from the responses you got about civillity is this... You don't owe a single liberal on this board civillity. You've have to give back in great measure that which they try to feed you. They will at some point call for civillity but don't be fooled by that. They just gotta reap what they sow.

You're the least civil perhaps on the entire board, and you don't even have the excuse of testosterone or being young and immature - fail.

The only excuse I work on is the un civility of the left wing retarded lunatic asswiping dipshits.

I must agree. Democrats should be treated as they treat others. Unfortunately we still remain behind in the assaults. They more then deserve those too.
You're the least civil perhaps on the entire board, and you don't even have the excuse of testosterone or being young and immature - fail.

I don't even know why you, and many others here even bother acknowledging that old crank's presence. Such a waste of keystrokes..

Ewe dig?

awwww,, had your ass kicked one too many times huh? Just say UNCLE.
I don't know enough about the pipeline to pretend I'm for or against it - but let it stand on its own merits. Enough of this grimy bullshit.

As a result of the weenies in Washington playing games, the Middle Class takes a hit. Yay.

That's the point I was making in post #20. If it's good now it will still be good after a study is done.

I don't know enough about the pipeline to pretend I'm for or against it - but let it stand on its own merits. Enough of this grimy bullshit.

As a result of the weenies in Washington playing games, the Middle Class takes a hit. Yay.

That's the point I was making in post #20. If it's good now it will still be good after a study is done.


Nope,, Canada won't wait for a thousand years.
Clemintine. I hoped what you gleaned from the responses you got about civillity is this... You don't owe a single liberal on this board civillity. You've have to give back in great measure that which they try to feed you. They will at some point call for civillity but don't be fooled by that. They just gotta reap what they sow.

You're the least civil perhaps on the entire board, and you don't even have the excuse of testosterone or being young and immature - fail.

The only excuse I work on is the un civility of the left wing retarded lunatic asswiping dipshits.

^ still acting 13. My nephew is more mature than your stale ole' ass.

The wouldn't send them clean food if given the chance, let alone a clean bill.

Again,, hypocrites! How much extraneous bullshit was packed into the Health Care Bill?

Mostly put there by Republicans, who wound up not voting for it.

that's bullshit. Republicans weren't even allowed in the room much less to offer amemdments to that piece of shit legislation. That's got Pelosi's ass prints all over it. fact of the matter is if ewe recall she said.. "Ya gotta pass the thing before you know what's in it." Not that's some goddamn stupid legislating ain't it demoncrats?
You're the least civil perhaps on the entire board, and you don't even have the excuse of testosterone or being young and immature - fail.

I don't even know why you, and many others here even bother acknowledging that old crank's presence. Such a waste of keystrokes..

Ewe dig?

truth, ewe hit the nail on the head, duncha knowwit
Again,, hypocrites! How much extraneous bullshit was packed into the Health Care Bill?

Mostly put there by Republicans, who wound up not voting for it.

that's bullshit. Republicans weren't even allowed in the room much less to offer amemdments to that piece of shit legislation. That's got Pelosi's ass prints all over it. fact of the matter is if ewe recall she said.. "Ya gotta pass the thing before you know what's in it." Not that's some goddamn stupid legislating ain't it demoncrats?

They weren't allowed in the room? Funny, I saw them sit with Democrats and the President for 6 hours straight and discuss the healthcare bill - before it was passed. You missed that? I could link it.
The GOP sent the Senate a clean bill extending the payroll tax cut?


Well the GOP did add in the Keystone pipeline--actually a bill that actually CREATES private sector jobs without costing taxpayers a dime. Maybe that's what democrats and Obama didn't like-- :badgrin:

Real private sector job growth would inhibit Obama's insatiable appetite to expand the size and scope of the Federal Government.

Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.

Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.

Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

the Keystone and OTHER poison pills, silly ignorant Pub Dupes. IDIOCY as always...

Agreed: The Keystone pipeline--Obama threatened to veto if it was in the bill--well it was--and the 2 month extension they want--is so they can bring up class warfare in a couple of months again. REAL PRIVATE sector job growth is the enemy of this administrations agenda.

You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

Is there something in the liberal handbook about always lowering yourself to call people names? I believe that sinking to that level during a debate is to make up for the fact that one doesn't have anything of substance to say. You know you've won the argument when the opposition either storms off mad, is rendered silent or resorts to name calling.

The Dems just voted down extensions for a year. To do so because they don't want a job creating plan is unacceptable. I think they would rather do some creative math and make the unemployment appear lower, when we know it really isn't, than to actually get people back to work. Obama has stated that capitalism has never worked and he supports the OWS who held a sea of signs calling for socialism. It stands to reason that they would want desperate people running to government for aid. That is the boost Obama needs to fundamentally change America. When he stated he wanted to do that, he meant capitalism into socialism and that is becoming crystal clear. No more denying.

His policies have been very unfriendly to capitalism. He has increased the number of people on welfare and hasn't done anything that would encourage job creation in the private sector. Healthcare alone is a job killer because it turns each employee into a huge burdern for employers. I don't think that was by accident. He doesn't like capitalism and he has stated in the past he has issues with our constitution, namely that it gives too much power to the people and not enough to government.

The biggest lie he ever told was when he took the oath of office and promise to uphold and defend our constitution. He has no intention of doing that and he's made it clear with his own words. Can't blame TOTUS for that.

You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

Is there something in the liberal handbook about always lowering yourself to call people names?

No, I've had wonderfully civil discussions here across the political spectrum.

But when you spout intellectually bankrupt verbal diarrhea like this:
Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work. don't deserve civil discussion. You deserve, and receive, condescension and ridicule.


The biggest lie he ever told was when he took the oath of office and promise to uphold and defend our constitution. He has no intention of doing that and he's made it clear with his own words. Can't blame TOTUS for that.

you get called names for writing brain dead idiocy like the above.

Is there something in the liberal handbook about always lowering yourself to call people names?

No, I've had wonderfully civil discussions here across the political spectrum.

But when you spout intellectually bankrupt verbal diarrhea like this:
Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work. don't deserve civil discussion. You deserve, and receive, condescension and ridicule.




Is there something in the liberal handbook about always lowering yourself to call people names?

No, I've had wonderfully civil discussions here across the political spectrum.

But when you spout intellectually bankrupt verbal diarrhea like this:
Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work. don't deserve civil discussion. You deserve, and receive, condescension and ridicule.



You're retarded. Both of you.

A sharp drop in UE would guarantee his re-election. How by any metric would that not be in his best interests?

Your thread title is disingenuous. Pubs shouldn't need to use this as a bargaining chip. They should be in favor of a tax cut to begin with.

Bullshit--there's nothing wrong with the title of this thread--that is exactly what happened and Democrats just pulled one of their cut and run routines. THEY'RE not there--they LEFT--they went on Christmas break.

"That's exactly what happened?"

They ask for a clean tax break extension, and receive back a tax break extension PLUS an unrelated go-ahead for a controversial project whose feasability is currently under debate... And to you, "Democrats say NO to 1 year extension on payroll tax cut" is "Exactly what happened?"

Like I said... Retarded.

Mostly put there by Republicans, who wound up not voting for it.

that's bullshit. Republicans weren't even allowed in the room much less to offer amemdments to that piece of shit legislation. That's got Pelosi's ass prints all over it. fact of the matter is if ewe recall she said.. "Ya gotta pass the thing before you know what's in it." Not that's some goddamn stupid legislating ain't it demoncrats?

They weren't allowed in the room? Funny, I saw them sit with Democrats and the President for 6 hours straight and discuss the healthcare bill - before it was passed. You missed that? I could link it.

I'd rather you list ALL the amendments the Republicans were allowed to add. Go.
Well the GOP did add in the Keystone pipeline--actually a bill that actually CREATES private sector jobs without costing taxpayers a dime. Maybe that's what democrats and Obama didn't like-- :badgrin:

Real private sector job growth would inhibit Obama's insatiable appetite to expand the size and scope of the Federal Government.

Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.

that's bullshit. Republicans weren't even allowed in the room much less to offer amemdments to that piece of shit legislation. That's got Pelosi's ass prints all over it. fact of the matter is if ewe recall she said.. "Ya gotta pass the thing before you know what's in it." Not that's some goddamn stupid legislating ain't it demoncrats?

They weren't allowed in the room? Funny, I saw them sit with Democrats and the President for 6 hours straight and discuss the healthcare bill - before it was passed. You missed that? I could link it.

I'd rather you list ALL the amendments the Republicans were allowed to add. Go.

Well, off the top of my head the Mandate was invented by the Heritage Foundation.

Other GOP ideas in the bill, (not all inclusive, mind you)

•Allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do
•Give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower healthcare costs
•End junk lawsuits
•Let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines

Repeal and Replace the Job-Destroying Health Care Law - A Pledge to America -
Creating jobs would get people independent again and not having to rely on government. That is not what the Dems want and they just proved it by refusing the payroll tax cut because the bill contained - gasp - something that would get people back to work.

They weren't allowed in the room? Funny, I saw them sit with Democrats and the President for 6 hours straight and discuss the healthcare bill - before it was passed. You missed that? I could link it.

I'd rather you list ALL the amendments the Republicans were allowed to add. Go.

Well, off the top of my head the Mandate was invented by the Heritage Foundation.

Other GOP ideas in the bill, (not all inclusive, mind you)

•Allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do
•Give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower healthcare costs
•End junk lawsuits
•Let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines

Repeal and Replace the Job-Destroying Health Care Law - A Pledge to America -

that's their plan? meaning it not in the health care bill. you're as retarded as you seem to think everyone else is.. try again.
Mostly put there by Republicans, who wound up not voting for it.

that's bullshit. Republicans weren't even allowed in the room much less to offer amemdments to that piece of shit legislation. That's got Pelosi's ass prints all over it. fact of the matter is if ewe recall she said.. "Ya gotta pass the thing before you know what's in it." Not that's some goddamn stupid legislating ain't it demoncrats?

They weren't allowed in the room? Funny, I saw them sit with Democrats and the President for 6 hours straight and discuss the healthcare bill - before it was passed. You missed that? I could link it.

6 whole hours? WOW! The GOP must have written the entire bill then, huh.

Dipshit. Do you realize how many hours went into the bill? thousands! And the GOP got to sit with the Dems for 6 of them.
Again,, hypocrites! How much extraneous bullshit was packed into the Health Care Bill?

Mostly put there by Republicans, who wound up not voting for it.

that's bullshit. Republicans weren't even allowed in the room much less to offer amemdments to that piece of shit legislation. That's got Pelosi's ass prints all over it. fact of the matter is if ewe recall she said.. "Ya gotta pass the thing before you know what's in it." Not that's some goddamn stupid legislating ain't it demoncrats?

And that is the fairy tale you guys like to tell. The FACT is..the Obama Health Care plan is the one initially offered up as an alternative to HillaryCare by Republicans. It was endorsed by the Heritage Foundation and used in Massachuettes by Willard Mitt Romney. The Republicans got to add all sorts of provisions..but they wouldn't stop at that. They wanted to turn the Health Care package into brand new law that stopped a woman's right to choose. THAT's when they were stopped.

Thier plan.
Thier provisions.
Not thier votes.

The Republicans are like scorpions.
Last edited:
I'd rather you list ALL the amendments the Republicans were allowed to add. Go.

Well, off the top of my head the Mandate was invented by the Heritage Foundation.

Other GOP ideas in the bill, (not all inclusive, mind you)

•Allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do
•Give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower healthcare costs
•End junk lawsuits
•Let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines

Repeal and Replace the Job-Destroying Health Care Law - A Pledge to America -

that's their plan? meaning it not in the health care bill. you're as retarded as you seem to think everyone else is.. try again.

no, it's from their plan things that ARE in the bill, oh dumb one.
that's bullshit. Republicans weren't even allowed in the room much less to offer amemdments to that piece of shit legislation. That's got Pelosi's ass prints all over it. fact of the matter is if ewe recall she said.. "Ya gotta pass the thing before you know what's in it." Not that's some goddamn stupid legislating ain't it demoncrats?

They weren't allowed in the room? Funny, I saw them sit with Democrats and the President for 6 hours straight and discuss the healthcare bill - before it was passed. You missed that? I could link it.

6 whole hours? WOW! The GOP must have written the entire bill then, huh.

Dipshit. Do you realize how many hours went into the bill? thousands! And the GOP got to sit with the Dems for 6 of them.

Yes, and do you realize that I wasn't stating that the 6 hours was the entire planning of the bill, either, dipshit?
Well, off the top of my head the Mandate was invented by the Heritage Foundation.

Other GOP ideas in the bill, (not all inclusive, mind you)

•Allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do
•Give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower healthcare costs
•End junk lawsuits
•Let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines

Repeal and Replace the Job-Destroying Health Care Law - A Pledge to America -

that's their plan? meaning it not in the health care bill. you're as retarded as you seem to think everyone else is.. try again.

no, it's from their plan things that ARE in the bill, oh dumb one.

as far as I know we are not able to buy insurance across state lines. is this correct asswipe?
They weren't allowed in the room? Funny, I saw them sit with Democrats and the President for 6 hours straight and discuss the healthcare bill - before it was passed. You missed that? I could link it.

6 whole hours? WOW! The GOP must have written the entire bill then, huh.

Dipshit. Do you realize how many hours went into the bill? thousands! And the GOP got to sit with the Dems for 6 of them.

Yes, and do you realize that I wasn't stating that the 6 hours was the entire planning of the bill, either, dipshit?

spin it all you want. the demoncrats own that piece of shit legislation. and everyone knows it.

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