Democrats Spooked by Drop in Colorado Voter Registration Amid Trump Probe Into Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
So ain investigation of voter fraud causes Democrat registrations to drop. What do you suppose is causing that? And get this, the DNC chairman is going to fight the investigation! He apparently objects to having honest elections! You can't make this stuff up, folks.

Democrats are apparently spooked by a sudden drop in voter registrations in the key swing state of Colorado, with Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez arguing that it is connected to President Trump’s investigation into electoral fraud in the 2016 election — and promising to fight back against it.

According to the Denver Post, approximately 3,400 Colorado voters canceled their registrations after the Trump administration sought voter info from the states. The Post notes that the number is hardly enormous, representing only 0.09 percent of the state’s 3.7 million voters.

Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has asked states to hand over data from their voter rolls, reportedly including felony convictions, military status, and voter history. The move has seen pushback from a number of liberal states such as California, New York, Virginia, and Connecticut, as well as some red states such as Oklahoma and Kentucky.
The voter fraud needs stopped, seriously. When they're busing 5 loads of Mexicans to polling places, that's not cool.

Last election it was minivan convoys. Despite all the fraud, Trump still won!

Ha ha!
Right wing conservative, republican spokespeople and media are reporting they have discovered Aliens, they think Martians and several million sasquatch voters on the rolls in several states. Kris Kobach was seen interviewing a bigfoot like voter and the National Inquirer has photos on their front page of one voting in Texas. Conservatives are elated they finally have proof of voter fraud and many are signing up for swampland that will be sold soon by Trump's son. Stay tuned, the right wing is on to something here folks. Congrats righties finally proof you can hold on to, oh and make sure you buy into that swamp. Real bargain.

Funny how the number of actual voters drops when someone threatens to REALLY look into voter fraud, weeding out illegals, dead people, pets, etc...

If this keeps up, Democrats may have a problem in 2018/2020. :p
Right wing conservative, republican spokespeople and media are reporting they have discovered Aliens, they think Martians and several million sasquatch voters on the rolls in several states. Kris Kobach was seen interviewing a bigfoot like voter and the National Inquirer has photos on their front page of one voting in Texas. Conservatives are elated they finally have proof of voter fraud and many are signing up for swampland that will be sold soon by Trump's son. Stay tuned, the right wing is on to something here folks. Congrats righties finally proof you can hold on to, oh and make sure you buy into that swamp. Real bargain.
Just admit that without voter fraud Democrats couldn't win an election.

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