Democrats Still Clueless


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It’s absolutely astounding to hear Democrats talking about the issues in America today. Interviewed on Meet the Press, 2 Democrats (Ryan-Ohio and Ingalls-Michigan) both claim they are for the working people of their district. Excuse me ?

Do these 2 really know how detached they are from that ? How can they be for jobs for their people, when they support millions of illegal aliens in sanctuary cities, amnesty, and birthright citizenship, taking millions of jobs away from them ? And how can they be for a strong US economy ?...when their crazy immigration is an acceptance of Mexican, Chinese, et al imperialism, that is pillaging that economy for $133 Billion/year.

They say they want their district’s people to be safe. How can they support that, when the millions of illegal aliens they allow to immigrate, have violent criminals among them ? And the “Syrian” refugees they’ll allow in, will have ISIS killers (the ISIS Trojan Horse) embedded among them. And how can their people be safe in the nutty gun-free zones they support (open invitations to crooks and terrorists). And how can their people be safe, being required to walk around without a gun in their pocket ?

Thy also claim to be for “tolerance” (as if everyone and anything ought to be tolerated). EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: No, not everyone or everything should be tolerated. We wouldn’t tolerate Japanese imperialists in the 1940s, invading and grabbing our wealth, and likewise, we shouldn’t be tolerating Mexican ones doing that now. We didn’t tolerate German Nazis coming here to kill us, and likewise we shouldn’t be tolerating Muslim jihadists trying to do that now.

We didn’t tolerate the idea of Nazi supremacism in the 1940s, and we shouldn’t be tolerating Islam’s supremacism and lawbreaking culture, now either

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