Democrats Suppressing Republican Vote in Virginia By Illegally Turning Away Voters For Not Wearing Masks

If the state requires masks in public buolding, they have the authority to enforce that policy in polling places. Ifsome moron would rather not vote than wear a mask, thats on them.
it apparently it too much not to ask you dembots not to step on people’s constitutional rights, i suppose we should be happy you aren’t lynching people…but i’ll give it a few

same old dems…the party of the Byrd machine in VA
You weren't too worried about The Constitution on 1/6 were ya, retard?
This is the 3rd dumb piece of shit on here TODAY that I've seen ask to prove something didnt happen. Now we know why these nut cases are so susceptible to conspiracy theories. They lack basic knowledge of logic.
“This is the third piece of” information that is so vexing and frustrating and I can’t refute it so I will lash out and name call.
Thank you for your self identification. Now spittle and froth some more. It’s fun watching agitators who are helpless flail.!
Yeah, it's just Democrats.... :auiqs.jpg:

Voter turned away for wearing BLM mask | What you can and cannot wear at polling places​

Attire rules vary by state and sometimes locality.

In Virginia, a voter may wear political attire, including things like shirts, buttons, or hats for a candidate on the ballot, as long as one is not a candidate oneself or a representative of a candidate. You aren't allowed to actively campaign for anyone verbally though, nor solicit or delay another voter.

Masks are not required. My family voted maskless today. Few people wore them. A couple of election officials did. One had his nose out the whole time. He chatted to me about how important it is to vote with the world turning to crap.
If the state requires masks in public buolding, they have the authority to enforce that policy in polling places. Ifsome moron would rather not vote than wear a mask, thats on them.
Incorrect. They have no effect of law to back that. The right to vote easily trumps the “need” to mask.
Yeah, it's just Democrats.... :auiqs.jpg:

Voter turned away for wearing BLM mask | What you can and cannot wear at polling places​

That's actually called electioneering, and if you wear a candidate T-shirt of any stripe they ask you to take it off or cover it.

False equivalency is false.
The dems back to their old voter suppression tactics

not surprised


One must ask....."are the poll workers in Virginia all going to simultaneously get exhausted at 9 PM tonight - and have to rest until 3AM? "

Even in Blue Blue NYC the sign says masks encouraged, not required, and they had a box out for people.
Encouragement is a feeling that agenda driven lib loons have Frankensteined into a “mandate” which they feel is Law.
That's actually called electioneering, and if you wear a candidate T-shirt of any stripe they ask you to take it off or cover it.

False equivalency is false.
I think you are right. I would be unable to wear into the voting area a McAuluffe sucks don’t vote for him shirt and I actually agree with that.

One must ask....."are the poll workers in Virginia all going to simultaneously get exhausted at 9 PM tonight - and have to rest until 3AM? "

Bad precedent on that one. No one has even yet been able to explain how voting counting stopped for several hours in the wee hours yet Biden gained half million votes during the “not counting” period
You are not required to wear a mask to vote. Voting cannot be denied. The article at RedState has a link to the Virginia government's website which says that masks are encouraged, but not required, for in-person voting.

They know only left wing Karen’s will comply.
Democrats are trying to steal this election also.

What a surprise, actual voter suppression being committed by Democrats.
Bad precedent ob that one. No one has even yet been able to explain how voting counting stopped for several hours in the wee hours yet Biden gained half million votes during the “not counting” period

Sure it's a bad precedent.... it's more than that it's a freaking joke.:mad:
The link in the OP said the polling places had mask for people that wanted them. nobody was turned away
It does not say that nor is that what is being reported. 6pm news trying to spin it into people thought they were being denied access but were incorrect. More liberal gobbledegook.
You weren't too worried about The Constitution on 1/6 were ya, retard?
i was…i also was when the demafacist brownshirts fire bomb court houses, attempted to break in the white house, broke in the dept of tres, looted, burnt churches etc

but that has nothing to do with what you dembots are doing now
“This is the third piece of” information that is so vexing and frustrating and I can’t refute it so I will lash out and name call.
Thank you for your self identification. Now spittle and froth some more. It’s fun watching agitators who are helpless flail.!
You were one of the dumbasses that asked me to prove a negative. god you fucks are so stupid.

EDIT: And I'll add, you are so fucking dumb you have not even the slightest inclination of what I'm talking about.
It does not say that nor is that what is being reported. 6pm news trying to spin it into people thought they were being denied access but were incorrect. More liberal gobbledegook.
So in other words it didnt happen. Gotcha.

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