Democrats think they’re morally superior, but....

best unemployment numbers, rebuilt military all done with this phony watch hunt.

its Trump whose morally superior
Worst inequality ever and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world both. And just getting worse. Thanks scumbag GOP giveaway to the rich and screw everyone else for 35 years now. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.
best unemployment numbers, rebuilt military all done with this phony watch hunt.

its Trump whose morally superior
Worst inequality ever and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world both. And just getting worse. Thanks scumbag GOP giveaway to the rich and screw everyone else for 35 years now. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.
Sure as Hell happy that the Ds voted with the Rs.
best unemployment numbers, rebuilt military all done with this phony watch hunt.

its Trump whose morally superior
Worst inequality ever and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world both. And just getting worse. Thanks scumbag GOP giveaway to the rich and screw everyone else for 35 years now. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.
Sure as Hell happy that the Ds voted with the Rs.
when was that LOL?
best unemployment numbers, rebuilt military all done with this phony watch hunt.

its Trump whose morally superior
Worst inequality ever and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world both. And just getting worse. Thanks scumbag GOP giveaway to the rich and screw everyone else for 35 years now. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.
Sure as Hell happy that the Ds voted with the Rs.
when was that LOL?
During GW’s Globalism Reign of Terror.
best unemployment numbers, rebuilt military all done with this phony watch hunt.

its Trump whose morally superior
Worst inequality ever and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world both. And just getting worse. Thanks scumbag GOP giveaway to the rich and screw everyone else for 35 years now. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.
Sure as Hell happy that the Ds voted with the Rs.
when was that LOL?
During GW’s Globalism Reign of Terror.
globalism is not a conspiracy it is simply the results of the age of information transportation you name it. The American problem with it is the GOP will not give us cheap college and training for the good jobs these new markets give us. 6 million jobs going begging because we don't have trained employees.of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.
Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.

Alt Right is alt Right. Pejorative to some but compliment to them. You’re a progressive Leftist. Embrace it. You believe biological males can identify as females.

For the record: I'm a liberal Democrat who is socially liberal and fiscally responsible. Alt. Right is authoritarian, anti democratic and 99.9% white male (BTW, I'm a white mail).
Compared to Republicans

Democrats are morally superior

Democrats openly side with homosexuals, transsexuals, and other sick sexual deviants.

Democrats openly support allowing the previously-mentioned perverts to have their sick agenda taught to young children in public schools, and promoted in public libraries.

Democrats openly take the side of invading foreign criminals, against that of their own country, and their own fellow Americans.

Democrats openly support the savage, cold-blooded murder of unborn children, thousands of them every day, over a million every year.

Everywhere that political controversies line up with matters of good versus evil, Democrats are found solidly on the side of evil.
It is one of the things that make us morally superior to Republicans

Standing up for gays, immigrants, women, working class Americans

God is behind the Democratic Party

I’m an immigrant myself. The democrats, by standing up for lawlessness and illegal aliens spit on all the sacrifices my family made to coming here and living a better life. As far as standing up for gays, good for you, but gays mostly have the same rights and freedoms as straight people. You “stand up for women” at the expense of men. Your party has destroyed work class people. GTFOH with that.
If you don’t like my posts, go back where you came from
Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.

Alt Right is alt Right. Pejorative to some but compliment to them. You’re a progressive Leftist. Embrace it. You believe biological males can identify as females.

Actually he believes that biological males that identify as female, are actually females.

In his world, saying something, and believing it, defines reality.

If you are the right type of person.
Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...

So, Obama had the option to address the issue, but couldn't be bothered. OK.

Kind of undermines Seely's blame the GOP for it point. Which was my point.
Obama did all he could with executive orders, but was totally obstructed by the scumbag racist GOP.

Really? What executive orders did he use to try to reverse these policies, and what did the GOP do to stop him?

Also, please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it from. And double also, fuck you, you race baiting piece of cowardly shit.
Which policies exactly? At any rate they obstructed everything and he put out executive orders on everything after 6 years of waiting for the GOP to act reasonably.

The policies seely was referring to. If you didn't know what he was talking about, then what the fuck were YOU talking about, when you jumped in, and started spouting off?

Also, if you don't know what people are talking about, that seems like a very bad time to cut down the quote tree.
Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...

So, Obama had the option to address the issue, but couldn't be bothered. OK.

Kind of undermines Seely's blame the GOP for it point. Which was my point.
Obama did all he could with executive orders, but was totally obstructed by the scumbag racist GOP.

Really? What executive orders did he use to try to reverse these policies, and what did the GOP do to stop him?

Also, please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it from. And double also, fuck you, you race baiting piece of cowardly shit.
Go out and beat up some gays why don't you may be a Muslim.

I'm not the bad guy here, you are, you race baiting asshole.
Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.

Alt Right is alt Right. Pejorative to some but compliment to them. You’re a progressive Leftist. Embrace it. You believe biological males can identify as females.

For the record: I'm a liberal Democrat who is socially liberal and fiscally responsible. Alt. Right is authoritarian, anti democratic and 99.9% white male (BTW, I'm a white mail).

Alt Right has been abused as a term to the point that it should not be used, as it can mean almost anything.

Paleoconservatives have been defined as part of the alt-right, yet are not authoritarian, nor anti-Democratic.

For one example.
best unemployment numbers, rebuilt military all done with this phony watch hunt.

its Trump whose morally superior
Worst inequality ever and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world both. And just getting worse. Thanks scumbag GOP giveaway to the rich and screw everyone else for 35 years now. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.
Sure as Hell happy that the Ds voted with the Rs.
when was that LOL?
During GW’s Globalism Reign of Terror.
globalism is not a conspiracy it is simply the results of the age of information transportation you name it. The American problem with it is the GOP will not give us cheap college and training for the good jobs these new markets give us. 6 million jobs going begging because we don't have trained employees.of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.
Both parties imported incompetent, cheap, 24/7, compliant slaves that got virtually nothing done considering how long it took to get basic web commercial sites running.
You’re a D dick sucker.
Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.

Alt Right is alt Right. Pejorative to some but compliment to them. You’re a progressive Leftist. Embrace it. You believe biological males can identify as females.

For the record: I'm a liberal Democrat who is socially liberal and fiscally responsible. Alt. Right is authoritarian, anti democratic and 99.9% white male (BTW, I'm a white mail).

Oh I know exactly who you are. White “mail”? LOL.
I am a Libertarian. To me you people are nuts. Sorry but you are.
"the Democrats have nothing. now they have less than nothing...this has been...COLUSSION, by the Dems with the media and other countries" - President Trump
If worthless lying scum POS Trump says it, you know it is NOT true!
I bet you are an angry white guy.
Anyway, the GOP are primary white. Independents and Democrats are much more diverse but still a majority are white. So all those who are to the left of you and are white, are against themselves?
Did you know the Bible supported diversity over hating everybody who is not like you?
Then why do libs hate everyone?
STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.

Alt Right is alt Right. Pejorative to some but compliment to them. You’re a progressive Leftist. Embrace it. You believe biological males can identify as females.

For the record: I'm a liberal Democrat who is socially liberal and fiscally responsible. Alt. Right is authoritarian, anti democratic and 99.9% white male (BTW, I'm a white mail).

Oh I know exactly who you are. White “mail”? LOL.
I am a Libertarian. To me you people are nuts. Sorry but you are.

Libertarians are also often lumped in with the Alt Right. They are also not Authoritarian, nor generally anti-democratic.

Wry Catcher, really does not know what he is talking about.
1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.

Alt Right is alt Right. Pejorative to some but compliment to them. You’re a progressive Leftist. Embrace it. You believe biological males can identify as females.

For the record: I'm a liberal Democrat who is socially liberal and fiscally responsible. Alt. Right is authoritarian, anti democratic and 99.9% white male (BTW, I'm a white mail).

Oh I know exactly who you are. White “mail”? LOL.
I am a Libertarian. To me you people are nuts. Sorry but you are.

Libertarians are also often lumped in with the Alt Right. They are also not Authoritarian, nor generally anti-democratic.

Wry Catcher, really does not know what he is talking about.

100% agree.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...

So, Obama had the option to address the issue, but couldn't be bothered. OK.

Kind of undermines Seely's blame the GOP for it point. Which was my point.
Obama did all he could with executive orders, but was totally obstructed by the scumbag racist GOP.

Really? What executive orders did he use to try to reverse these policies, and what did the GOP do to stop him?

Also, please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it from. And double also, fuck you, you race baiting piece of cowardly shit.
Which policies exactly? At any rate they obstructed everything and he put out executive orders on everything after 6 years of waiting for the GOP to act reasonably.

The policies seely was referring to. If you didn't know what he was talking about, then what the fuck were YOU talking about, when you jumped in, and started spouting off?

Also, if you don't know what people are talking about, that seems like a very bad time to cut down the quote tree.
maybe if you quoted back to what he said, dingbat. At any rate my comment stands for everything and anything the last 50 years except for Obamacare.... You know every detail of phony scandals about Democrats are pure propaganda but you don't know that amazing, super duper
Worst inequality ever and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world both. And just getting worse. Thanks scumbag GOP giveaway to the rich and screw everyone else for 35 years now. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible.
Sure as Hell happy that the Ds voted with the Rs.
when was that LOL?
During GW’s Globalism Reign of Terror.
globalism is not a conspiracy it is simply the results of the age of information transportation you name it. The American problem with it is the GOP will not give us cheap college and training for the good jobs these new markets give us. 6 million jobs going begging because we don't have trained employees.of course no sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.
Both parties imported incompetent, cheap, 24/7, compliant slaves that got virtually nothing done considering how long it took to get basic web commercial sites running.
You’re a D dick sucker.
I give up, what are you babbling about?. You talking about illegals oh, the Democrats have always suggested the only solution, an ID card to end illegal work like other modern countries have, dingbat. The wall is a joke. The GOP keeps that scam going like all the others.

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