Democrats think they’re morally superior, but....

Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King
Afraid of losing your freedom to suppress minorities?

When racists are called out, they are invariably white and used to smearing minorities with impunity. When sexists are called out, they are invariably men who are used to repressing women's rights. When religious bigots are called out, they are invariably bigots who use Christianity the same way the Taliban uses Islam. As an aegis to justify hatred.

And, invariably, racist squeal like a stuck pig whenever their resentment and hatred is called out as racism. What defense to they mount? Why, the old 'so's yer old man' defense. Pathetic. They don't recognize their racism, but like to see what they perceive as racism in others.

Shallow minds offer shallow arguments

Yes, you are a shallow mind with shallow arguments.

I’ve never suppressed any minority. No one in this country has the freedom to do so. Yo make sweeping generalizations about whites and Christians with no factual evidence supporting them. Everyone can be racist and bigoted. You’re the one who wants immunity for your bigotry. Racism against whites has become part of the democrat foundation. Your victims aren’t just limited to whites, your racism of low expectations applied to blacks is sickening. To you twisted minded, sheeplike creatures equality is a zero sum game. You create protected classes that you want to prop up and apply different rules and behaviors to at the expense of other people. Nowhere is your bigotry more obvious than with the distain you have for people who do not agree with your flawed ideology. You’re not the party of tolerance and justice, but in fact the opposite.
What was that about sweeping generalizations again?

I’m making generalizations about democrats that are true. The evidence is in this thread and all over all of these threads.

"My personal anecdotes are truer than your personal anecdotes because... ...MAGA!!!!"

How does it feel to be a brainwashed deplorable idiot?
gender fluidity nonsense

A bunch of jocks are cumming in the locker room and arranging dates and set-ups for their girlfriends to "press charges" on false pretenses for unspecified or vaguely specified sex crimes — the story keeps changing — in some federal district pussy court or another.
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King
Afraid of losing your freedom to suppress minorities?

When racists are called out, they are invariably white and used to smearing minorities with impunity. When sexists are called out, they are invariably men who are used to repressing women's rights. When religious bigots are called out, they are invariably bigots who use Christianity the same way the Taliban uses Islam. As an aegis to justify hatred.

And, invariably, racist squeal like a stuck pig whenever their resentment and hatred is called out as racism. What defense to they mount? Why, the old 'so's yer old man' defense. Pathetic. They don't recognize their racism, but like to see what they perceive as racism in others.

Shallow minds offer shallow arguments

Yes, you are a shallow mind with shallow arguments.

I’ve never suppressed any minority. No one in this country has the freedom to do so. Yo make sweeping generalizations about whites and Christians with no factual evidence supporting them. Everyone can be racist and bigoted. You’re the one who wants immunity for your bigotry. Racism against whites has become part of the democrat foundation. Your victims aren’t just limited to whites, your racism of low expectations applied to blacks is sickening. To you twisted minded, sheeplike creatures equality is a zero sum game. You create protected classes that you want to prop up and apply different rules and behaviors to at the expense of other people. Nowhere is your bigotry more obvious than with the distain you have for people who do not agree with your flawed ideology. You’re not the party of tolerance and justice, but in fact the opposite.
What was that about sweeping generalizations again?

I’m making generalizations about democrats that are true. The evidence is in this thread and all over all of these threads.

"My personal anecdotes are truer than your personal anecdotes because... ...MAGA!!!!"

How does it feel to be a brainwashed deplorable idiot?

Why don’t you tell me you blithering idiot?!

I held my nose and voted for Trump because the alternative was unbearable. To my surprise he’s actually been more good than bad. If you had one iota of intellectual fiber you wouldn’t be badmouthing the President considering who the democratic nominees are, and in consideration to the democrats holding office now.
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King

My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.
16 years of democratic rule since then to reverse his policies.
Name them

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

I mean, seriously? Are you on crack?
They had to deal with asshole republicans in Congress

Same assholes who tried to impeach Clinton

Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...

So, Obama had the option to address the issue, but couldn't be bothered. OK.

Kind of undermines Seely's blame the GOP for it point. Which was my point.
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King

My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.
Name them

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

I mean, seriously? Are you on crack?
They had to deal with asshole republicans in Congress

Same assholes who tried to impeach Clinton

Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...

So, Obama had the option to address the issue, but couldn't be bothered. OK.

Kind of undermines Seely's blame the GOP for it point. Which was my point.
Obama did all he could with executive orders, but was totally obstructed by the scumbag racist greedy idiot rich GOP.
Last edited:
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King
CRCs have worked very very hard in the last few years to show that everyone, not just libs, is morally superior to them.
My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.

1. Seriously? You're confused because he combines two pejoratives? Imagine in your mind, the meanings of both pejoratives, and now, in your mind, COMBINE THEM. That was his meaning. Glad to help.

2. Err, you just stated that you cannot walk in her shoes. So, my pointing out that you can, is relevant, not "d'uh".

3.a. Understanding does not require agreement.

3b. And got it. YOu never attack them, because you always agree with them. Does not reflect well on you, but your words.
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

I mean, seriously? Are you on crack?
They had to deal with asshole republicans in Congress

Same assholes who tried to impeach Clinton

Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...

So, Obama had the option to address the issue, but couldn't be bothered. OK.

Kind of undermines Seely's blame the GOP for it point. Which was my point.
Obama did all he could with executive orders, but was totally obstructed by the scumbag racist GOP.

Really? What executive orders did he use to try to reverse these policies, and what did the GOP do to stop him?

Also, please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it from. And double also, fuck you, you race baiting piece of cowardly shit.
Dems are morally superior

Republicans hate

Non Christians
Poor people
That's a very short CON$ervoFascist hate list!
You can add:
The liberal news

The liberal schools

The liberal courts

The liberal press

The liberal movies

The liberal trial lawyers

The liberal environmentalists

The liberal scientists

The liberal professors

The liberal Hollywood

The liberal judges
best unemployment numbers, rebuilt military all done with this phony watch hunt.

its Trump whose morally superior
I bet you are an angry white guy.
Anyway, the GOP are primary white. Independents and Democrats are much more diverse but still a majority are white. So all those who are to the left of you and are white, are against themselves?
Did you know the Bible supported diversity over hating everybody who is not like you?
"the Democrats have nothing. now they have less than nothing...this has been...COLUSSION, by the Dems with the media and other countries" - President Trump
My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

1. I've certainly seen "progressive leftist" before this. But even if you haven't, it is just "leftist" with an adjective. Why is that worthy of comment?

2. But you can "walk in her shoes". It is called "empathy". You can use your mind to imagine what it is like in her shoes.

3. And that is his point, you agree with them and do not attack them, even when they are obviously in the wrong.

1a. Because it uses progressives as a pejorative, since "leftist' is a term used by the Right Wing as a pejorative.

2a. Duh.

3a. I didn't write they were wrong. When one has empathy they can feel what the other person feels - waking in their shoes suggests one understands the circumstances of their being.

Alt Right is alt Right. Pejorative to some but compliment to them. You’re a progressive Leftist. Embrace it. You believe biological males can identify as females.
"the Democrats have nothing. now they have less than nothing...this has been...COLUSSION, by the Dems with the media and other countries" - President Trump
DOJ: Mueller, we’d like you to answer the following equation without using the number 4:

2 + 2 =

Mueller: I can definitively state that the answer is a whole number less than 5 and more than 3.

Dems: So the answer is 4, right?

Mueller: I am unable to come to that conclusion, but I stand by my statement.

Barr: I have read Muellers work, and can conclude that he never uses the number 4. Therefore that is not the answer to that equation.

Dems: Thank you for coming in to settle this Mueller. Can you please just say that the answer is four so we can end this?

Mueller: that answer is outside the scope I was given.

Dems: if you were able to use the number 4, would 4 be the answer?

Mueller: Yes.

GOP: Mr Mueller, I’m sure you are aware that this equation is based off Arabic numerals. Can you definitively state that these symbols were not used by anyone prior to their use in Arabic math?

Mueller: um, no..

GOP: Gotcha! The credibility of the entire number system has now come into question, and has proven that the equation is a lie and a waste of time.
They had to deal with asshole republicans in Congress

Same assholes who tried to impeach Clinton

Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...

So, Obama had the option to address the issue, but couldn't be bothered. OK.

Kind of undermines Seely's blame the GOP for it point. Which was my point.
Obama did all he could with executive orders, but was totally obstructed by the scumbag racist GOP.

Really? What executive orders did he use to try to reverse these policies, and what did the GOP do to stop him?

Also, please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it from. And double also, fuck you, you race baiting piece of cowardly shit.
Which policies exactly? At any rate they obstructed everything and he put out executive orders on everything after 6 years of waiting for the GOP to act reasonably.
They had to deal with asshole republicans in Congress

Same assholes who tried to impeach Clinton

Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...

So, Obama had the option to address the issue, but couldn't be bothered. OK.

Kind of undermines Seely's blame the GOP for it point. Which was my point.
Obama did all he could with executive orders, but was totally obstructed by the scumbag racist GOP.

Really? What executive orders did he use to try to reverse these policies, and what did the GOP do to stop him?

Also, please shove your race baiting back up your ass, where you pulled it from. And double also, fuck you, you race baiting piece of cowardly shit.
Go out and beat up some gays why don't you may be a Muslim.
"the Democrats have nothing. now they have less than nothing...this has been...COLUSSION, by the Dems with the media and other countries" - President Trump
DOJ: Mueller, we’d like you to answer the following equation without using the number 4:

2 + 2 =

Mueller: I can definitively state that the answer is a whole number less than 5 and more than 3.

Dems: So the answer is 4, right?

Mueller: I am unable to come to that conclusion, but I stand by my statement.

Barr: I have read Muellers work, and can conclude that he never uses the number 4. Therefore that is not the answer to that equation.

Dems: Thank you for coming in to settle this Mueller. Can you please just say that the answer is four so we can end this?

Mueller: that answer is outside the scope I was given.

Dems: if you were able to use the number 4, would 4 be the answer?

Mueller: Yes.

GOP: Mr Mueller, I’m sure you are aware that this equation is based off Arabic numerals. Can you definitively state that these symbols were not used by anyone prior to their use in Arabic math?

Mueller: um, no..

GOP: Gotcha! The credibility of the entire number system has now come into question, and has proven that the equation is a lie and a waste of time.
Mueller saidPresident Trump could be indicted for obstruction if he wasn't president. And that he could not indict a sitting president nor could the department of Justice. Obviously we need to investigate a whole bunch of things. Mueller is a Republican and they stick together as much as they can. James Comey the same thing

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