Democrats think they’re morally superior, but....

Democrat (soon to be commie-socialist) Party. They are the ones trying to pass off this democratic-socialism as the newest and bestest thing EVER, and they are the ones trying to demonize the Conservatives as fascists. It's all called propaganda and disinformation.
Now THAT IS CON$ervoFascist disinformation!
The demonizing and dehumanizing also continues non stop
That's right, only CON$ervoFascists are allowed to dehumanize people.
The Nazis depicted the Jews as rats:

October 9, 2008
RUSH: I call Obama a squirrel. What's a squirrel? Nothing but a rat with better PR.
It is one of the things that make us morally superior to Republicans

Standing up for gays, immigrants, women, working class Americans

God is behind the Democratic Party

The democrats stand for the working people

YA know the dregs ,bitter clingers and all you fly over country deplorables
my god leftwingers are so fucking stupid
Republicans sold out the American worker under Reagan

16 years of democratic rule since then to reverse his policies.
Name them

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

I mean, seriously? Are you on crack?
They had to deal with asshole republicans in Congress

Same assholes who tried to impeach Clinton
Why do white progressive move to ghettos but steer clear of the local P.O.C'S all while screaming tolerance and diversity ..

you could go on and on and on
I live in a white minority city. We are only abut 20%. It's literally impossible to steer clear of the local P.O.C.s. Dotard.
Last edited:
The democrats stand for the working people

YA know the dregs ,bitter clingers and all you fly over country deplorables
my god leftwingers are so fucking stupid
Republicans sold out the American worker under Reagan

16 years of democratic rule since then to reverse his policies.
Name them

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

I mean, seriously? Are you on crack?
They had to deal with asshole republicans in Congress

Same assholes who tried to impeach Clinton

Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King

My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.
Dems are morally superior

Republicans hate

Non Christians
Poor people
Republicans sold out the American worker under Reagan

16 years of democratic rule since then to reverse his policies.
Name them

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

I mean, seriously? Are you on crack?
They had to deal with asshole republicans in Congress

Same assholes who tried to impeach Clinton

Both had congress at some points of their administrations.
but only Obama had 60 votes and only for about thirty five days in session, all used for Obamacare. Next time I believe we should go nuclear. Pass Health Care daycare help living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Then the GOP can repeal them LOL.... At least the dupes might find out what Democrats actually want...
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King

My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

LOL you don't know the term? Its on you. It is a common term. The fact that you don't know the term "Progressive Leftist" speaks volumes. I admire zero about Omar. NOTHING. She is an open antisemite. Period. End of story.
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King

My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

LOL you don't know the term? Its on you. It is a common term. The fact that you don't know the term "Progressive Leftist" speaks volumes. I admire zero about Omar. NOTHING. She is an open antisemite. Period. End of story.
Actually she is just anti right-wing a****** Israeli governments, like most of the world not listening to garbage propaganda..
My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

LOL you don't know the term? Its on you. It is a common term. The fact that you don't know the term "Progressive Leftist" speaks volumes. I admire zero about Omar. NOTHING. She is an open antisemite. Period. End of story.
Actually she is just anti right-wing a****** Israeli governments, like most of the world not listening to garbage propaganda..

Dumbass. Israeli Gov't is elected by the people aka Jews. This is not a dictatorship like Islamist countries. You may be the dumbest person on this board. Well, no. That would be Caddo Kid. You're a close 2nd.
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King
Afraid of losing your freedom to suppress minorities?

When racists are called out, they are invariably white and used to smearing minorities with impunity. When sexists are called out, they are invariably men who are used to repressing women's rights. When religious bigots are called out, they are invariably bigots who use Christianity the same way the Taliban uses Islam. As an aegis to justify hatred.

And, invariably, racist squeal like a stuck pig whenever their resentment and hatred is called out as racism. What defense to they mount? Why, the old 'so's yer old man' defense. Pathetic. They don't recognize their racism, but like to see what they perceive as racism in others.

Shallow minds offer shallow arguments
Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

LOL you don't know the term? Its on you. It is a common term. The fact that you don't know the term "Progressive Leftist" speaks volumes. I admire zero about Omar. NOTHING. She is an open antisemite. Period. End of story.
Actually she is just anti right-wing a****** Israeli governments, like most of the world not listening to garbage propaganda..

Dumbass. Israeli Gov't is elected by the people aka Jews. This is not a dictatorship like Islamist countries. You may be the dumbest person on this board. Well, no. That would be Caddo Kid. You're a close 2nd.
Netanyahu and Sharon are right wing assholes who were racist scum as far as I'm concerned. A disgrace. And GOP blind allegiance to them is the major Arab Muslim complaint against us...
Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

LOL you don't know the term? Its on you. It is a common term. The fact that you don't know the term "Progressive Leftist" speaks volumes. I admire zero about Omar. NOTHING. She is an open antisemite. Period. End of story.
Actually she is just anti right-wing a****** Israeli governments, like most of the world not listening to garbage propaganda..

Dumbass. Israeli Gov't is elected by the people aka Jews. This is not a dictatorship like Islamist countries. You may be the dumbest person on this board. Well, no. That would be Caddo Kid. You're a close 2nd.
Netanyahu and Sharon are right wing assholes who were racist scum as far as I'm concerned. A disgrace. And GOP blind allegiance to them is the major Arab Muslim complaint against us...

As far as you're concerned. LOL. Israel is the only country in the ME with actual elections. You're so dumb you make walls look brilliant. Typical Leftist, anti semite.
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King

My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

LOL you don't know the term? Its on you. It is a common term. The fact that you don't know the term "Progressive Leftist" speaks volumes. I admire zero about Omar. NOTHING. She is an open antisemite. Period. End of story.

I doubt anything you've posted has been researched by you, but to give you some benefit of my doubt, define "Progressive Leftist" (if there is a response, I will bet it is funny).
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King
Afraid of losing your freedom to suppress minorities?

When racists are called out, they are invariably white and used to smearing minorities with impunity. When sexists are called out, they are invariably men who are used to repressing women's rights. When religious bigots are called out, they are invariably bigots who use Christianity the same way the Taliban uses Islam. As an aegis to justify hatred.

And, invariably, racist squeal like a stuck pig whenever their resentment and hatred is called out as racism. What defense to they mount? Why, the old 'so's yer old man' defense. Pathetic. They don't recognize their racism, but like to see what they perceive as racism in others.

Shallow minds offer shallow arguments

Yes, you are a shallow mind with shallow arguments.

I’ve never suppressed any minority. No one in this country has the freedom to do so. Yo make sweeping generalizations about whites and Christians with no factual evidence supporting them. Everyone can be racist and bigoted. You’re the one who wants immunity for your bigotry. Racism against whites has become part of the democrat foundation. Your victims aren’t just limited to whites, your racism of low expectations applied to blacks is sickening. To you twisted minded, sheeplike creatures equality is a zero sum game. You create protected classes that you want to prop up and apply different rules and behaviors to at the expense of other people. Nowhere is your bigotry more obvious than with the distain you have for people who do not agree with your flawed ideology. You’re not the party of tolerance and justice, but in fact the opposite.
My issue is that if you disagree with Progressive Leftists you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamaphobe when in reality you just disagree.

Have you not read many of the posts by trump supporters who regularly acknowledge their racism?

Yes and I attack them for it. Difference is I acknowledge this. Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them. See the difference? I destroy Odium and his ilk on this board consistently.

STATEMENT: "Progressive Leftists defend assholes like Omar all the time here and posters like you NEVER attack them"

RESPONSE: "Progressive Leftist"? Is that a new pejorative, or one you made up?

But, I digress.

Part One: I don't defend Omar; I admire her assertiveness along with her three other colleagues - I don't agree with their politics, but can't walk in their shoes or the residents who elected them.

Part Two: Why would I attack them. As to their criticism of Trump, I agree 100%; as to their methods, I excuse them for their youth and lack of experience.

LOL you don't know the term? Its on you. It is a common term. The fact that you don't know the term "Progressive Leftist" speaks volumes. I admire zero about Omar. NOTHING. She is an open antisemite. Period. End of story.

I doubt anything you've posted has been researched by you, but to give you some benefit of my doubt, define "Progressive Leftist" (if there is a response, I will bet it is funny).

Left progressive - Wikipedia
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King
Afraid of losing your freedom to suppress minorities?

When racists are called out, they are invariably white and used to smearing minorities with impunity. When sexists are called out, they are invariably men who are used to repressing women's rights. When religious bigots are called out, they are invariably bigots who use Christianity the same way the Taliban uses Islam. As an aegis to justify hatred.

And, invariably, racist squeal like a stuck pig whenever their resentment and hatred is called out as racism. What defense to they mount? Why, the old 'so's yer old man' defense. Pathetic. They don't recognize their racism, but like to see what they perceive as racism in others.

Shallow minds offer shallow arguments

Yes, you are a shallow mind with shallow arguments.

I’ve never suppressed any minority. No one in this country has the freedom to do so. Yo make sweeping generalizations about whites and Christians with no factual evidence supporting them. Everyone can be racist and bigoted. You’re the one who wants immunity for your bigotry. Racism against whites has become part of the democrat foundation. Your victims aren’t just limited to whites, your racism of low expectations applied to blacks is sickening. To you twisted minded, sheeplike creatures equality is a zero sum game. You create protected classes that you want to prop up and apply different rules and behaviors to at the expense of other people. Nowhere is your bigotry more obvious than with the distain you have for people who do not agree with your flawed ideology. You’re not the party of tolerance and justice, but in fact the opposite.
What was that about sweeping generalizations again?
Their party is overtly racist against whites, overtly sexist against men, religious bigots against Christians and Jews, ageists, etc.. I really get a kick at these buffoons that claim to be about equal rights yet they support the most divisive party in America.

Nosmo King
Afraid of losing your freedom to suppress minorities?

When racists are called out, they are invariably white and used to smearing minorities with impunity. When sexists are called out, they are invariably men who are used to repressing women's rights. When religious bigots are called out, they are invariably bigots who use Christianity the same way the Taliban uses Islam. As an aegis to justify hatred.

And, invariably, racist squeal like a stuck pig whenever their resentment and hatred is called out as racism. What defense to they mount? Why, the old 'so's yer old man' defense. Pathetic. They don't recognize their racism, but like to see what they perceive as racism in others.

Shallow minds offer shallow arguments

Yes, you are a shallow mind with shallow arguments.

I’ve never suppressed any minority. No one in this country has the freedom to do so. Yo make sweeping generalizations about whites and Christians with no factual evidence supporting them. Everyone can be racist and bigoted. You’re the one who wants immunity for your bigotry. Racism against whites has become part of the democrat foundation. Your victims aren’t just limited to whites, your racism of low expectations applied to blacks is sickening. To you twisted minded, sheeplike creatures equality is a zero sum game. You create protected classes that you want to prop up and apply different rules and behaviors to at the expense of other people. Nowhere is your bigotry more obvious than with the distain you have for people who do not agree with your flawed ideology. You’re not the party of tolerance and justice, but in fact the opposite.
What was that about sweeping generalizations again?

I’m making generalizations about democrats that are true. The evidence is in this thread and all over all of these threads.

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