Democrats, This Is On YOU! How Much More American Blood Do You Want On Your Hands?

42% are from visa overstays. The rest are border jumpers.
And the Visa Overstays are every bit as criminal as the border jumpers.

Build the wall whether it be physical or through electronic means.
That should severely curtail the border jumpers leaving ICE with more resources to round up the visa overstay illegals.
Of course end all gov services and fine the shit out of employers who hire illegals.

The solution is easy,getting the left to support the implementation is damn near impossible. And we all know why.

Send the democrat Party base back to Central America
Hey frank, the one I heard yesterday was that obammy brought in all the muslim refugees to put omar into office in Minnesota!!! think about it.
CrusaderFrank and why they want the illegals, it is true, California then have people leave and go to texas and bring in texas, these are very evil people who wish us to die. and they want us to suffer while they watch. Schiff is an example of that, so is Manafort.
If all they did was enter the country illegally to get a job to better themselves and/or their families I personally don't have a problem with them. Our economy and country is big enough and great enough and can certainly handle them.

“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.

I read through the grape vine that Trump wants to add at the end of the above statement “If and Only If you are White & pledge an oath of loyalty to da trump.

He also wants to abolish the Presidents two (2) term limit

Documented or undocumented, a citizen or not, a guy with " prior convictions for kidnapping, drug possession, battery on a police officer, trespassing and burglary." all before he is 24, should not be out on parole. Furthermore protecting innocent law biding undocumented workers should not include protection for violent offenders, should it?
You cannot be both law abiding and illegal! Dummie!

If all they did was enter the country illegally to get a job to better themselves and/or their families I personally don't have a problem with them. Our economy and country is big enough and great enough and can certainly handle them. I wish we had an unlimited guest worker program that documents everyone who enters the country. Companies using undocumented workers should be fined accordingly and the workers registered and put back to work (and paying taxes)

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," President Reagan said.

I just can't believe I get to quote Raygun.
what's funny is, that's what we do legally. And those who paid to come here are offended by the lack of law on those illegals getting away with coming in illegally. illegal is illegal is illegal.
no one should murder anyone. why is it you are ok with someone murdering anyone?

Actually YOU seem fine if an illegal immigrant from Sweden kills someone but not if they're from "south of the border".

Still waiting for an explanation of why that is
They planned on flooding Texas with Illegals and making the nation a One Party democrat Communist country with 5 gun grabbing SCOTUS justices who in mid January 2017 would have ruled that there is no individual right to own any firearm

There is a selection of one click response like "like", "informative", "agree", etc. but they left one out that should stand for "crapola post" because that is just what I felt when I read your post.
So I will just have to do it long hand------
cropla post!!
try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......

I watched my father dye from smoking and yet I started smoking when I was in my early teens and at 70 I'm still smoking two packs a day.

some never learn
such is life; I can promise you this, the day I die I will quit smoking for good

I complete understand. I smoked for 40 years or so till my wife had open heart surgery. If I didn't quit, she wouldn't either. So I quit.
If all they did was enter the country illegally to get a job to better themselves and/or their families I personally don't have a problem with them. Our economy and country is big enough and great enough and can certainly handle them.

“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.

I read through the grape vine that Trump wants to add at the end of the above statement “If and Only If you are White & pledge an oath of loyalty to da trump.

He also wants to abolish the Presidents two (2) term limit


You mean the poem that was added added to raise money for the pedestal?
no one should murder anyone. why is it you are ok with someone murdering anyone?

Actually YOU seem fine if an illegal immigrant from Sweden kills someone but not if they're from "south of the border".

Still waiting for an explanation of why that is
well I thought I was rather clear with my statement that no one should murder anyone. but I see you're too ignorant to understand or you don't speak english, I'm never sure anymore with you all.
Wait so if a Swedish guy kills someone we should ban all Swedish people? If we had that murder wouldn’t have occurred. Isn’t that the “logic” here?

And we know that must have occurred at some time. We banning Swedes now?
If the Swedes were coming by the tens of thousands and If this Swedish guy was in the country illegally and committing crimes and then killed somebody.... then hell yeah we should crack down on it.

Quite apart from our local rubes commit way more crimes


Based on their percentage of the population they commit crime at a high rate compared to citizens....

Areas where non-citizens account for a much larger share of convictions than their 8.4 percent share of the adult population include:

  • 42.4 percent of kidnapping convictions;
  • 31.5 percent of drug convictions;
  • 22.9 percent of money laundering convictions;
  • 13.4 percent of administration of justice offenses (e.g. witness tampering, obstruction, and contempt);
  • 17.8 percent of economic crimes (e.g. larceny, embezzlement, and fraud);
  • 13 percent of other convictions (e.g. bribery, civil rights, environmental, and prison offenses); and
  • 12.8 percent of auto thefts.
Areas where non-citizens account for a share of convictions roughly equal to their share of the adult population include:

  • 9.6 percent of assaults;
  • 8.9 percent of homicides; and
  • 7.5 percent of firearm crimes.
try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......

I watched my father dye from smoking and yet I started smoking when I was in my early teens and at 70 I'm still smoking two packs a day.

some never learn
such is life; I can promise you this, the day I die I will quit smoking for good

I complete understand. I smoked for 40 years or so till my wife had open heart surgery. If I didn't quit, she wouldn't either. So I quit.
so you smoked as long as her and only she had the problem. see it is genetics that play a part, not so much the cigarettes. just saying, you are the 50%. I smoked for 30 years plus a few cheats for a couple of years. I'll be 63 next month, and my lungs are clear. I don't just blame cigarettes, I blame genes as well. How is it some kids get brain cancer and some don't? it's all a crap shoot. I hate blame games to put a person down. no humility in that. My first wife died at the age of 30 due to diabetes. Had both legs amputated, was blind and lost kidney function. It took but four years to take her out. I fking hate diabetes. anyone can get it.
no one should murder anyone. why is it you are ok with someone murdering anyone?

Actually YOU seem fine if an illegal immigrant from Sweden kills someone but not if they're from "south of the border".

Still waiting for an explanation of why that is
When has sanctuary been given to an illegal from Sweden that has already committed several crimes here before he killed? When has sanctuary law enforcement refused to cooperate with ICE in turning over incarcerated criminals that are Swedish?

Never. What's the explanation of why that is. Maybe racism against white illegals.


Chief Blasts SANCTUARY CITY Policies after illegal immigrant charged with Murder

"The San Jose police chief blasted California’s sanctuary city policies Tuesday after a previously deported illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was arrested for murder in the brutal stabbing of a 59-year-old woman.

Chief Eddie Garcia said the murder of Bambi Larson, who was killed inside her home Thursday afternoon, demands that police and the county have an honest conversation over the refusal to honor U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests for violent criminals.

“This isn’t about politics, this is about public safety,” Garcia said during a press conference Tuesday, during which he also spoke about the arrest of 24-year-old Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. “He could have been turned over six times.”

THIS is an example of the type of M*er F*ers the Democrats stood with against the American people to shutdown the government so they could ensure the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, and their criminal sanctuary cities that protected Pieces Of Shite like THIS and FACILITATED his murders of Americans!

The brutal death of Bambi Larson is not a 'crisis' to Democrats. It is not even 'significant'.


Cops blast California sanctuary city policies after previously deported illegal immigrant arrested for murder


“Sanctuary city” policies have nothing to do with this woman’s murder.

How did a man who has been previously deported, get back into the country?

He walked in.
Documented or undocumented, a citizen or not, a guy with " prior convictions for kidnapping, drug possession, battery on a police officer, trespassing and burglary." all before he is 24, should not be out on parole. Furthermore protecting innocent law biding undocumented workers should not include protection for violent offenders, should it?
You cannot be both law abiding and illegal! Dummie!

If all they did was enter the country illegally to get a job to better themselves and/or their families I personally don't have a problem with them. Our economy and country is big enough and great enough and can certainly handle them. I wish we had an unlimited guest worker program that documents everyone who enters the country. Companies using undocumented workers should be fined accordingly and the workers registered and put back to work (and paying taxes)

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," President Reagan said.

I just can't believe I get to quote Raygun.
what's funny is, that's what we do legally. And those who paid to come here are offended by the lack of law on those illegals getting away with coming in illegally. illegal is illegal is illegal.

My God! Reagan would be a Democrat!

I think I just threw up a little......



Chief Blasts SANCTUARY CITY Policies after illegal immigrant charged with Murder

"The San Jose police chief blasted California’s sanctuary city policies Tuesday after a previously deported illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was arrested for murder in the brutal stabbing of a 59-year-old woman.

Chief Eddie Garcia said the murder of Bambi Larson, who was killed inside her home Thursday afternoon, demands that police and the county have an honest conversation over the refusal to honor U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests for violent criminals.

“This isn’t about politics, this is about public safety,” Garcia said during a press conference Tuesday, during which he also spoke about the arrest of 24-year-old Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. “He could have been turned over six times.”

THIS is an example of the type of M*er F*ers the Democrats stood with against the American people to shutdown the government so they could ensure the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, and their criminal sanctuary cities that protected Pieces Of Shite like THIS and FACILITATED his murders of Americans!

The brutal death of Bambi Larson is not a 'crisis' to Democrats. It is not even 'significant'.


Cops blast California sanctuary city policies after previously deported illegal immigrant arrested for murder

These low life Democrats don’t give a shit. She was white so Corey, Kamala, Alexmarxia, and “Maxine the Idiot” cheer her death. What the whole issue comes down to. Bring in non-whites illegally for the votes...and if white people are murdered so be it. What kind of ignorant assed white person can vote Democrat. Pricks.
The sanctuary policy directly caused this woman's murder. The killer had been picked up on a drug charge before Bambi was killed. Because of the sanctuary policy the killer was released instead of being turned over to ICE. He had been picked up six times. Every time it was known that he was here illegally and had been deported. He was released because of sanctuary policies that prohibit cooperation between the police and ICE.
Wait so if a Swedish guy kills someone we should ban all Swedish people? If we had that murder wouldn’t have occurred. Isn’t that the “logic” here?

And we know that must have occurred at some time. We banning Swedes now?
If Swedish immigrants were responsible for a disproportional number of murders, then, yes, we should stop giving them visas.
try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......

I watched my father dye from smoking and yet I started smoking when I was in my early teens and at 70 I'm still smoking two packs a day.

some never learn
such is life; I can promise you this, the day I die I will quit smoking for good

I complete understand. I smoked for 40 years or so till my wife had open heart surgery. If I didn't quit, she wouldn't either. So I quit.
so you smoked as long as her and only she had the problem. see it is genetics that play a part, not so much the cigarettes. just saying, you are the 50%. I smoked for 30 years plus a few cheats for a couple of years. I'll be 63 next month, and my lungs are clear. I don't just blame cigarettes, I blame genes as well. How is it some kids get brain cancer and some don't? it's all a crap shoot. I hate blame games to put a person down. no humility in that. My first wife died at the age of 30 due to diabetes. Had both legs amputated, was blind and lost kidney function. It took but four years to take her out. I fking hate diabetes. anyone can get it.

I can't disagree with that. Sorry to hear about your first wife. Mine had a defective value. Smoking aggravated it, but it would have killed her in time. I'm still amazed they can replace that. I feel very lucky with my health.

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