Democrats, This Is On YOU! How Much More American Blood Do You Want On Your Hands?

42% are from visa overstays. The rest are border jumpers.
And the Visa Overstays are every bit as criminal as the border jumpers.

Build the wall whether it be physical or through electronic means.
That should severely curtail the border jumpers leaving ICE with more resources to round up the visa overstay illegals.
Of course end all gov services and fine the shit out of employers who hire illegals.

The solution is easy,getting the left to support the implementation is damn near impossible. And we all know why.
So before the Regressives succeeded in derailing the thread and turning it into daycare, again, let's review:

“This isn’t about politics, this is about public safety,” Garcia said during a press conference Tuesday, during which he also spoke about the arrest of 24-year-old Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. “He could have been turned over six times.”

While the Regressives are having fun with this death (we can only imagine how happy they are over this), let's remember the point of the thread.
Thank you again for another whiny-assed emotional half-truth story that seeks to make the US the 'bogey man'.

When I read a winy third graders profane response like the above; I can only hope his mother swat’s his behind four (4) times and sends him to bed without desert.

The US did not force these people travel thousands of miles, dragging their children along with them

For once, I agee

, in measles and other disease-filled caravans.

Now you are making things up. Just because Trump does it all the time doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

The Mexican govt offered to let them stay there -

Please provide the evidence to prove you are not just making something else up

An investigation was conducted and ICE was cleared of any wrong-doing

Please provide the evidence to prove you are not just making something else up

but please, don't let that stop your whiny-assed assault on the US and anyone who points out that the fact that their life sucks

The only whiny-assed assault is coming from you

does not give them the right to violate US Law!

Wow, that's twice you and I agree on something!!! The chances of a third (3) time is a million to one.

The ranting, the anger, the frustration, the impotence... All plainly apparent in your posts.

Actually it is not. You're projecting once more. You cannot even answer a simple question but instead deflect in frustration and then you claim, me who is schooling you is getting "emotional". When you lose on facts you get desperate and start making shit up like your BFF MarcATL, whom I've embarrassed numerous times as well.
I’ve answered plenty of questions. I’ve also seen MarcATL post before, though I don't know him. He must be deeeeeeeeep inside your tiny little brain, though.

You guys post the same stupid one sided drivel without any solutions. You're projecting yet again. The next debate you win will be your first.
You really need to look up what irony is

Find one post where I ask for the Gov't to fund anything illegal? You do it ALL the TIME! You don't know what Irony means. You're an idiot. I ask again what have you done to help with the cost of illegals? Do you house them, feed them, pay for them? What do you do other than meander that some nebulous body should pay for them being here. Stop avoiding the question and man up. But you won't. You're a typical Leftist Loser.
they are only talk the talk people never a walk the walk people
You guys will never achieve your dreams of medicare for all and free college if you insist on letting the entire 3rd world enter this country to leech off of it.
That's right, as the trumpie said, "keep the gov out of my Medicare"
So we have 360000000 and how many of these dreaded 3 rd world are there?
Like the Italians, Germans, Asians, the first generation costs. After that their taxes support old white farts like me and you

Approximately 1 million illegal aliens enter this country every year and it's been going on at that rate for decades. You can tax every American corporation at 100% and it's still not going to be enough to cover the health and education costs of that many people.

You forgot the taxes they paid even working illegally (going to your SS, not theirs)
And most of them are Asians.
Think they don't contribute?
You think they hang out in emergency rooms?

Actually many of the employers deduct the SS portion from their pay but never pay it or the companies SS matching contribution. Thereby fucking us all.

"Many"? You mean some and that is illegal and eventually they have to pay the piper. Try again. Man your nose must be a mile long with your numerous lies. Tell me again how Omar is not antisemitic...LMAO.

Many? Some? What cares? Many more, or some more simply pay them under the table with cash, thereby not paying any taxes on the wages at all.

You and your canned canards. I never said she wasn't did I? I don't know if she is or not. I don't think you proved she was with the limited and partial quote(s) you cited.
The ranting, the anger, the frustration, the impotence... All plainly apparent in your posts.

Actually it is not. You're projecting once more. You cannot even answer a simple question but instead deflect in frustration and then you claim, me who is schooling you is getting "emotional". When you lose on facts you get desperate and start making shit up like your BFF MarcATL, whom I've embarrassed numerous times as well.
I’ve answered plenty of questions. I’ve also seen MarcATL post before, though I don't know him. He must be deeeeeeeeep inside your tiny little brain, though.

You guys post the same stupid one sided drivel without any solutions. You're projecting yet again. The next debate you win will be your first.
You really need to look up what irony is

Find one post where I ask for the Gov't to fund anything illegal? You do it ALL the TIME! You don't know what Irony means. You're an idiot. I ask again what have you done to help with the cost of illegals? Do you house them, feed them, pay for them? What do you do other than meander that some nebulous body should pay for them being here. Stop avoiding the question and man up. But you won't. You're a typical Leftist Loser.
I hire one to paint and install or take out things around the house. He and his crew earn the pay. I expect them to make their own way if they can. Why would I house or feed them? :cuckoo:
Always a hoot to see hard core right wing posters pretending to be upset about people losing their lives because of illegals. They never seem to care about people in this country dying from lack of health care, which we are famous for worldwide, thanks to our politicians on the right. One link below. Of course, we're also famous for breaking all records among first world nations in people dying from firearms. One link below.

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years
Documented or undocumented, a citizen or not, a guy with " prior convictions for kidnapping, drug possession, battery on a police officer, trespassing and burglary." all before he is 24, should not be out on parole. Furthermore protecting innocent law biding undocumented workers should not include protection for violent offenders, should it?
You cannot be both law abiding and illegal! Dummie!

If all they did was enter the country illegally to get a job to better themselves and/or their families I personally don't have a problem with them. Our economy and country is big enough and great enough and can certainly handle them. I wish we had an unlimited guest worker program that documents everyone who enters the country. Companies using undocumented workers should be fined accordingly and the workers registered and put back to work (and paying taxes)

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," President Reagan said.

I just can't believe I get to quote Raygun.
You are the problem then.
Pelosi should spend more time in her home district. Unarmed and without guards. Shouldn't take too long for permanent (though then useless) education to take place.
The ranting, the anger, the frustration, the impotence... All plainly apparent in your posts.

Actually it is not. You're projecting once more. You cannot even answer a simple question but instead deflect in frustration and then you claim, me who is schooling you is getting "emotional". When you lose on facts you get desperate and start making shit up like your BFF MarcATL, whom I've embarrassed numerous times as well.
I’ve answered plenty of questions. I’ve also seen MarcATL post before, though I don't know him. He must be deeeeeeeeep inside your tiny little brain, though.

You guys post the same stupid one sided drivel without any solutions. You're projecting yet again. The next debate you win will be your first.
You really need to look up what irony is

Find one post where I ask for the Gov't to fund anything illegal? You do it ALL the TIME! You don't know what Irony means. You're an idiot. I ask again what have you done to help with the cost of illegals? Do you house them, feed them, pay for them? What do you do other than meander that some nebulous body should pay for them being here. Stop avoiding the question and man up. But you won't. You're a typical Leftist Loser.
It estimated that illegal immigrants add $245 billion in Gross Domestic Product to the economy and account for 2.8 million jobs. <--- from your favorite news outlet.

and pay alot of taxes.
While the Regressives are having fun with this death (we can only imagine how happy they are over this), let's remember the point of the thread.

Obviously the point to harass and bash Democrats and pretend that they love it when criminal pieces of shit murder Americans, especially if the perp is and illegal alien.
Documented or undocumented, a citizen or not, a guy with " prior convictions for kidnapping, drug possession, battery on a police officer, trespassing and burglary." all before he is 24, should not be out on parole. Furthermore protecting innocent law biding undocumented workers should not include protection for violent offenders, should it?
You cannot be both law abiding and illegal! Dummie!

If all they did was enter the country illegally to get a job to better themselves and/or their families I personally don't have a problem with them. Our economy and country is big enough and great enough and can certainly handle them. I wish we had an unlimited guest worker program that documents everyone who enters the country. Companies using undocumented workers should be fined accordingly and the workers registered and put back to work (and paying taxes)

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," President Reagan said.

I just can't believe I get to quote Raygun.
You are the problem then.

Companies who hire an exploit the undocumented workers are a bigger problem than my opinion.

People who ignore that side of the equation are part of the problem too.

That's why the enforcement portion of the 1986 Amnesty package was ignored. Business wanted cheap labor and they got it.
Always a hoot to see hard core right wing posters pretending to be upset about people losing their lives because of illegals. They never seem to care about people in this country dying from lack of health care, which we are famous for worldwide, thanks to our politicians on the right. One link below. Of course, we're also famous for breaking all records among first world nations in people dying from firearms. One link below.

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years

Psssftttt, that's nothing. We sacrifice that many Americans to the Gods of Second hand Tobacco smoke every year. In fact half a million Americans sacrifice themselves to the Tobacco Gods every year! Well to be honest they were convinced as young teens mostly, to try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......
EASYT65: I searched for evidence to support your claim and instead of finding something to support you I found this instead~~~~~~~

ICE Is Imprisoning a Record 44,000 People

Congress told the immigration agency to reduce its detentions. Instead, ICE detained more people than ever, The Daily Beast has learned. Where did it find the money?
ICE Is Imprisoning a Record 44,000 People

IG: Trump administration took thousands more migrant children from parents

A government report released Thursday said the Trump administration probably separated thousands more migrant children from their parents at the U.S. border than has previously been made public, but federal efforts to track those children have been so poor that the precise number is unknown.

Rampant Abuses in Immigration Detention Prove ICE Is Rotten to the Core
Last Friday, a Honduran asylum seeker suffered an unthinkable tragedy when she had a stillbirth while in ICE detention in Texas. While the facts of this case are still coming to light, it is only one of many tragic incidents involving immigrants detained by the federal government in recent months.

According to reports, the 24-year-old woman who was six months pregnant had spent days detained in Border Patrol custody before being transferred to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Port Isabel Detention Center in South Texas. From there, she was taken to a hospital where she suffered this terrible trauma.

ICE repeatedly contends that its own inspections ensure adequate oversight and protect the safety and well-being of people in its custody. Based on these reports, and the countless incidents of death, abuse, and mistreatment of those in immigration detention, we know nothing could be further from the truth.

During negotiations over the federal government shutdown, we learned that ICE was detaining over 48,000 people, well over the number permitted under its appropriated funding. We also know that DHS was raiding other federal accounts like FEMA to cover the costs of detaining more immigrants. Given what we know, this unchecked spending and expansion must end.
Rampant Abuses in Immigration Detention Prove ICE Is Rotten to the Core

EASYT65: , I couldn't find the evidence to prove your claims so it's up to you to prove you are not just making things up like Trump does
That's right, as the trumpie said, "keep the gov out of my Medicare"
So we have 360000000 and how many of these dreaded 3 rd world are there?
Like the Italians, Germans, Asians, the first generation costs. After that their taxes support old white farts like me and you

Approximately 1 million illegal aliens enter this country every year and it's been going on at that rate for decades. You can tax every American corporation at 100% and it's still not going to be enough to cover the health and education costs of that many people.

You forgot the taxes they paid even working illegally (going to your SS, not theirs)
And most of them are Asians.
Think they don't contribute?
You think they hang out in emergency rooms?

Actually many of the employers deduct the SS portion from their pay but never pay it or the companies SS matching contribution. Thereby fucking us all.

"Many"? You mean some and that is illegal and eventually they have to pay the piper. Try again. Man your nose must be a mile long with your numerous lies. Tell me again how Omar is not antisemitic...LMAO.

Many? Some? What cares? Many more, or some more simply pay them under the table with cash, thereby not paying any taxes on the wages at all.

You and your canned canards. I never said she wasn't did I? I don't know if she is or not. I don't think you proved she was with the limited and partial quote(s) you cited.

Rahm Emanuel, a total Blue Democrat agrees with me. Go figure...And many is not the same as some.
Actually it is not. You're projecting once more. You cannot even answer a simple question but instead deflect in frustration and then you claim, me who is schooling you is getting "emotional". When you lose on facts you get desperate and start making shit up like your BFF MarcATL, whom I've embarrassed numerous times as well.
I’ve answered plenty of questions. I’ve also seen MarcATL post before, though I don't know him. He must be deeeeeeeeep inside your tiny little brain, though.

You guys post the same stupid one sided drivel without any solutions. You're projecting yet again. The next debate you win will be your first.
You really need to look up what irony is

Find one post where I ask for the Gov't to fund anything illegal? You do it ALL the TIME! You don't know what Irony means. You're an idiot. I ask again what have you done to help with the cost of illegals? Do you house them, feed them, pay for them? What do you do other than meander that some nebulous body should pay for them being here. Stop avoiding the question and man up. But you won't. You're a typical Leftist Loser.
I hire one to paint and install or take out things around the house. He and his crew earn the pay. I expect them to make their own way if they can. Why would I house or feed them? :cuckoo:

How do you know they are illegal and you likely pay in cash and less than you would pay an American.
Actually it is not. You're projecting once more. You cannot even answer a simple question but instead deflect in frustration and then you claim, me who is schooling you is getting "emotional". When you lose on facts you get desperate and start making shit up like your BFF MarcATL, whom I've embarrassed numerous times as well.
I’ve answered plenty of questions. I’ve also seen MarcATL post before, though I don't know him. He must be deeeeeeeeep inside your tiny little brain, though.

You guys post the same stupid one sided drivel without any solutions. You're projecting yet again. The next debate you win will be your first.
You really need to look up what irony is

Find one post where I ask for the Gov't to fund anything illegal? You do it ALL the TIME! You don't know what Irony means. You're an idiot. I ask again what have you done to help with the cost of illegals? Do you house them, feed them, pay for them? What do you do other than meander that some nebulous body should pay for them being here. Stop avoiding the question and man up. But you won't. You're a typical Leftist Loser.
It estimated that illegal immigrants add $245 billion in Gross Domestic Product to the economy and account for 2.8 million jobs. <--- from your favorite news outlet.

and pay alot of taxes.

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds -- Thanks.

The other piece was disputed....
how so? don't post and run, explain.

She is a little girl who died from malnutrition and dehydration while in the custody of ICE. Others have also died for the same reason but I don't have their pictures.
A child who was rescued from her traffickers too late to save. Their tiny bodies cannot physically hold up to being raped over, and over, and over, and then having their own weight in drugs stuffed into their orifices before being thrown over the fence to their *families* on the other side.


Chief Blasts SANCTUARY CITY Policies after illegal immigrant charged with Murder

"The San Jose police chief blasted California’s sanctuary city policies Tuesday after a previously deported illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was arrested for murder in the brutal stabbing of a 59-year-old woman.

Chief Eddie Garcia said the murder of Bambi Larson, who was killed inside her home Thursday afternoon, demands that police and the county have an honest conversation over the refusal to honor U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests for violent criminals.

“This isn’t about politics, this is about public safety,” Garcia said during a press conference Tuesday, during which he also spoke about the arrest of 24-year-old Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. “He could have been turned over six times.”

THIS is an example of the type of M*er F*ers the Democrats stood with against the American people to shutdown the government so they could ensure the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, and their criminal sanctuary cities that protected Pieces Of Shite like THIS and FACILITATED his murders of Americans!

The brutal death of Bambi Larson is not a 'crisis' to Democrats. It is not even 'significant'.


Cops blast California sanctuary city policies after previously deported illegal immigrant arrested for murder


“Sanctuary city” policies have nothing to do with this woman’s murder.

How did a man who has been previously deported, get back into the country?
If they’re violating U.S. law, then come arrest them. Oops...
You said Democrats were violating U.S. law. So come arrest them, then.
The prosecutors are criminal as well.

But we're getting there. We also said the colleges were being run as rackets....remember when we said that? It was also true before charges were officially brought.

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