Democrats, This Is On YOU! How Much More American Blood Do You Want On Your Hands?

Always a hoot to see hard core right wing posters pretending to be upset about people losing their lives because of illegals. They never seem to care about people in this country dying from lack of health care, which we are famous for worldwide, thanks to our politicians on the right. One link below. Of course, we're also famous for breaking all records among first world nations in people dying from firearms. One link below.

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years

Psssftttt, that's nothing. We sacrifice that many Americans to the Gods of Second hand Tobacco smoke every year. In fact half a million Americans sacrifice themselves to the Tobacco Gods every year! Well to be honest they were convinced as young teens mostly, to try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......
we also put them into cars and let them speed and read email and die. not sure your point.
try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......

I watched my father dye from smoking and yet I started smoking when I was in my early teens and at 70 I'm still smoking two packs a day.

some never learn
such is life; I can promise you this, the day I die I will quit smoking for good
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try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......

I watched my father dye from smoking and yet I started smoking when I was in my early teens and at 70 I'm still smoking two packs a day.

some never learn
such is life; I can promise you this, the day I day I will quit smoking for good
my grandmother smoked four packs of nonfiltered cigs a day and lived to be 87 years young. She lived the longest out of all of my relatives. And most of them didn't smoke.


Chief Blasts SANCTUARY CITY Policies after illegal immigrant charged with Murder

"The San Jose police chief blasted California’s sanctuary city policies Tuesday after a previously deported illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was arrested for murder in the brutal stabbing of a 59-year-old woman.

Chief Eddie Garcia said the murder of Bambi Larson, who was killed inside her home Thursday afternoon, demands that police and the county have an honest conversation over the refusal to honor U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests for violent criminals.

“This isn’t about politics, this is about public safety,” Garcia said during a press conference Tuesday, during which he also spoke about the arrest of 24-year-old Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. “He could have been turned over six times.”

THIS is an example of the type of M*er F*ers the Democrats stood with against the American people to shutdown the government so they could ensure the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, and their criminal sanctuary cities that protected Pieces Of Shite like THIS and FACILITATED his murders of Americans!

The brutal death of Bambi Larson is not a 'crisis' to Democrats. It is not even 'significant'.


Cops blast California sanctuary city policies after previously deported illegal immigrant arrested for murder

Another rightwing lie; as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
Always a hoot to see hard core right wing posters pretending to be upset about people losing their lives because of illegals. They never seem to care about people in this country dying from lack of health care, which we are famous for worldwide, thanks to our politicians on the right. One link below. Of course, we're also famous for breaking all records among first world nations in people dying from firearms. One link below.

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years

Psssftttt, that's nothing. We sacrifice that many Americans to the Gods of Second hand Tobacco smoke every year. In fact half a million Americans sacrifice themselves to the Tobacco Gods every year! Well to be honest they were convinced as young teens mostly, to try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......
we also put them into cars and let them speed and read email and die. not sure your point.

Falling trees trees kill people too. Yet we let them live all around us. Life is full of dangers. Guns are not really that different. Growing up in the 60's most every family I knew had guns and all my friends knew where their parents guns were too. Of course there were tragedies too. Two bothers I knew were horsing around or rough housing, there was a loaded shotgun in the room, and one of them got his brains blown out. A very sad lesson.

But something's changed since then, nobody was shooting up schools, malls, movie theaters or churches. First it started with the post offices I think.....
Always a hoot to see hard core right wing posters pretending to be upset about people losing their lives because of illegals. They never seem to care about people in this country dying from lack of health care, which we are famous for worldwide, thanks to our politicians on the right. One link below. Of course, we're also famous for breaking all records among first world nations in people dying from firearms. One link below.

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 Years

Psssftttt, that's nothing. We sacrifice that many Americans to the Gods of Second hand Tobacco smoke every year. In fact half a million Americans sacrifice themselves to the Tobacco Gods every year! Well to be honest they were convinced as young teens mostly, to try their luck with the big tobacco roulette wheel.......
we also put them into cars and let them speed and read email and die. not sure your point.

Falling trees trees kill people too. Yet we let them live all around us. Life is full of dangers. Guns are not really that different. Growing up in the 60's most every family I knew had guns and all my friends knew where their parents guns were too. Of course there were tragedies too. Two bothers I knew were horsing around or rough housing, there was a loaded shotgun in the room, and one of them got his brains blown out. A very sad lesson.

But something's changed since then, nobody was shooting up schools, malls, movie theaters or churches. First it started with the post offices I think.....
people die in cars. people die in planes. your point was stupid and will remain stupid. people die because of cancer too. people die of many things.


Chief Blasts SANCTUARY CITY Policies after illegal immigrant charged with Murder

"The San Jose police chief blasted California’s sanctuary city policies Tuesday after a previously deported illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was arrested for murder in the brutal stabbing of a 59-year-old woman.

Chief Eddie Garcia said the murder of Bambi Larson, who was killed inside her home Thursday afternoon, demands that police and the county have an honest conversation over the refusal to honor U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests for violent criminals.

“This isn’t about politics, this is about public safety,” Garcia said during a press conference Tuesday, during which he also spoke about the arrest of 24-year-old Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. “He could have been turned over six times.”

THIS is an example of the type of M*er F*ers the Democrats stood with against the American people to shutdown the government so they could ensure the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, and their criminal sanctuary cities that protected Pieces Of Shite like THIS and FACILITATED his murders of Americans!

The brutal death of Bambi Larson is not a 'crisis' to Democrats. It is not even 'significant'.


Cops blast California sanctuary city policies after previously deported illegal immigrant arrested for murder

Another rightwing lie; as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
what is the lie? no fair post and run.


Chief Blasts SANCTUARY CITY Policies after illegal immigrant charged with Murder

"The San Jose police chief blasted California’s sanctuary city policies Tuesday after a previously deported illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was arrested for murder in the brutal stabbing of a 59-year-old woman.

Chief Eddie Garcia said the murder of Bambi Larson, who was killed inside her home Thursday afternoon, demands that police and the county have an honest conversation over the refusal to honor U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests for violent criminals.

“This isn’t about politics, this is about public safety,” Garcia said during a press conference Tuesday, during which he also spoke about the arrest of 24-year-old Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. “He could have been turned over six times.”

THIS is an example of the type of M*er F*ers the Democrats stood with against the American people to shutdown the government so they could ensure the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, and their criminal sanctuary cities that protected Pieces Of Shite like THIS and FACILITATED his murders of Americans!

The brutal death of Bambi Larson is not a 'crisis' to Democrats. It is not even 'significant'.


Cops blast California sanctuary city policies after previously deported illegal immigrant arrested for murder


“Sanctuary city” policies have nothing to do with this woman’s murder.

How did a man who has been previously deported, get back into the country?
None of your business!
There is not a question in my mind that these self-loathing-American liberal traitors get off on brown people murdering white Americans. That's the whole purpose of sanctuary cities; to punish Americans with the 3rd world liberals think is so wonderful. San Franshitsco cheerfully acquitted the killer of Kate Steinle, I rest my case.
There is not a question in my mind that these self-loathing-American liberal traitors get off on brown people murdering white Americans. That's the whole purpose of sanctuary cities; to punish Americans with the 3rd world liberals think is so wonderful. San Franshitsco cheerfully acquitted the killer of Kate Steinle, I rest my case.
yep. they show they have no humility, that is for sure.
42% are from visa overstays. The rest are border jumpers.
And the Visa Overstays are every bit as criminal as the border jumpers.

Build the wall whether it be physical or through electronic means.
That should severely curtail the border jumpers leaving ICE with more resources to round up the visa overstay illegals.
Of course end all gov services and fine the shit out of employers who hire illegals.

The solution is easy,getting the left to support the implementation is damn near impossible. And we all know why.

Send the democrat Party base back to Central America
42% are from visa overstays. The rest are border jumpers.
And the Visa Overstays are every bit as criminal as the border jumpers.

Build the wall whether it be physical or through electronic means.
That should severely curtail the border jumpers leaving ICE with more resources to round up the visa overstay illegals.
Of course end all gov services and fine the shit out of employers who hire illegals.

The solution is easy,getting the left to support the implementation is damn near impossible. And we all know why.

Send the democrat Party base back to Central America
Hey frank, the one I heard yesterday was that obammy brought in all the muslim refugees to put omar into office in Minnesota!!! think about it.
Wait so if a Swedish guy kills someone we should ban all Swedish people? If we had that murder wouldn’t have occurred. Isn’t that the “logic” here?

And we know that must have occurred at some time. We banning Swedes now?
If the Swedes were coming by the tens of thousands and If this Swedish guy was in the country illegally and committing crimes and then killed somebody.... then hell yeah we should crack down on it.
Wait...if one guy out of thousands murders someone...that's worse than if one guy out of hundreds does?

That makes sense to you tards?
Wait so if a Swedish guy kills someone we should ban all Swedish people? If we had that murder wouldn’t have occurred. Isn’t that the “logic” here?

And we know that must have occurred at some time. We banning Swedes now?
If the Swedes were coming by the tens of thousands and If this Swedish guy was in the country illegally and committing crimes and then killed somebody.... then hell yeah we should crack down on it.
Wait...if one guy out of thousands murders someone...that's worse than if one guy out of hundreds does?

That makes sense to you tards?
no one should murder anyone. why is it you are ok with someone murdering anyone?
Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds -- Thanks.

Trump’s fake claim came from FOXnews

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

Published July 6, 2010
Last Update December 1, 2015

The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed” household in America -- according to a study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

The study, a copy of which was provided to, “is the first and most detailed look at the costs of illegal immigration ever done,” says Bob Dane, director of communications at FAIR, a conservative organization that seeks to end almost all immigration to the U.S.
Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds (FOX NEWS)

The DHS report did not mention a September 2018 study from researchers at Yale University, which estimated there was an average of 22.1 million immigrants in the country illegally in 2016. A conservative estimate is 16.7 million, the Yale study said, with the high end at 29.5 million

Trump said, "We are not even into February and the cost of illegal immigration so far this year is $18,959,495,168. Cost Friday was $603,331,392. There are at least 25,772,342 illegal aliens, not the 11,000,000 that have been reported for years, in our Country."

The source of Trump’s claim is unclear. (FOX NEWS) We asked DHS and the White House to back Trump’s statement, but neither provided studies or any other data to support it.

Trump previously falsely claimed that the cost of illegal immigration was $250 billion a year. Even the highest annual estimates we found were significantly lower than that amount ($116 billion, after factoring in tax contributions).

Most estimates say there are around 11 million immigrants in the country illegally. A recent study from Yale University researchers said a mean number was 22.1 million, but several demographers have pointed flaws in the assumptions and findings of that study.

Without evidence from Trump or his administration to back this statement, we rate it False.
Fact-checking Trump on illegal immigration costs, population

The truth will set You Free
Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds -- Thanks.

Trump’s fake claim came from FOXnews

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

Published July 6, 2010
Last Update December 1, 2015

The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed” household in America -- according to a study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

The study, a copy of which was provided to, “is the first and most detailed look at the costs of illegal immigration ever done,” says Bob Dane, director of communications at FAIR, a conservative organization that seeks to end almost all immigration to the U.S.
Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds (FOX NEWS)

The DHS report did not mention a September 2018 study from researchers at Yale University, which estimated there was an average of 22.1 million immigrants in the country illegally in 2016. A conservative estimate is 16.7 million, the Yale study said, with the high end at 29.5 million

Trump said, "We are not even into February and the cost of illegal immigration so far this year is $18,959,495,168. Cost Friday was $603,331,392. There are at least 25,772,342 illegal aliens, not the 11,000,000 that have been reported for years, in our Country."

The source of Trump’s claim is unclear. (FOX NEWS) We asked DHS and the White House to back Trump’s statement, but neither provided studies or any other data to support it.

Trump previously falsely claimed that the cost of illegal immigration was $250 billion a year. Even the highest annual estimates we found were significantly lower than that amount ($116 billion, after factoring in tax contributions).

Most estimates say there are around 11 million immigrants in the country illegally. A recent study from Yale University researchers said a mean number was 22.1 million, but several demographers have pointed flaws in the assumptions and findings of that study.

Without evidence from Trump or his administration to back this statement, we rate it False.
Fact-checking Trump on illegal immigration costs, population

The truth will set You Free
prove it wrong. why didn't you do that? you aren't debating you are projecting.
42% are from visa overstays. The rest are border jumpers.
And the Visa Overstays are every bit as criminal as the border jumpers.

Build the wall whether it be physical or through electronic means.
That should severely curtail the border jumpers leaving ICE with more resources to round up the visa overstay illegals.
Of course end all gov services and fine the shit out of employers who hire illegals.

The solution is easy,getting the left to support the implementation is damn near impossible. And we all know why.

Send the democrat Party base back to Central America
Hey frank, the one I heard yesterday was that obammy brought in all the muslim refugees to put omar into office in Minnesota!!! think about it.

They planned on flooding Texas with Illegals and making the nation a One Party democrat Communist country with 5 gun grabbing SCOTUS justices who in mid January 2017 would have ruled that there is no individual right to own any firearm

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