Democrats, This Is On YOU! How Much More American Blood Do You Want On Your Hands?

Peaceful murders, terrorists and human traffickers?

Yeah right.

BTW those who hope to enter our country who are fleeing starvation and death can apply LEGALLY and will be admitted.

Your buddies don't do that because they know they are criminals, they are conducting criminal business, and they don't want to be arrested.
Obviously, you have no idea what the immigration process is
I actually do, as I help people navigate it.
Then you know the obstacles these people face. Though with how callous I’ve seen you be towards disabled children, religions you don’t like, refugees fleeing death, etc., I suspect you couldn’t care less.

My parents were immigrants but came here legally. They have helped 10+ families since by housing, feeding, educating and teaching them the American way. All you do is whine and complaing. STFU. Loser.
They are far better people than you, then. Maybe they should have given you more attention.

They are different. Better is subjective. Notice the part about "LEGALLY". You should learn the difference between illegals and immigrants. They aren't the same.
how so? don't post and run, explain.

She is a little girl who died from malnutrition and dehydration while in the custody of ICE. Others have also died for the same reason but I don't have their pictures.
how is that on trump? explain? she was sick from walking weeks without water and food, how's that on trump exactly? The agents got her food and medical help. so again, you need to explain what he did.
Wait so if a Swedish guy kills someone we should ban all Swedish people? If we had that murder wouldn’t have occurred. Isn’t that the “logic” here?

And we know that must have occurred at some time. We banning Swedes now?
another incoherent comment from a lush

His name is Herr Lesh the Jew hater.
its a he???? sounds more like an unhinged women thats been drinking since the sun came up
DemNazis, Same as Them Nazis
Will you let these people stay at your house and pay for their food, clothing and education? How many illegals have you had stay with you?
Those are retarded questions

How ironic....
Proof that BlackFlag is a Liar and Hypocrit. He has ulterior motives for wanting Illegals to come in to this country, but he himself is unwilling to support them. He wants everyone else around him to do that.

Every Leftist is like that. They want illegals to have the best of the best but not at their expense. It is a YOU problem not a ME problem. That latest college fiasco is case in point. All Democrats, all cheated to get their kids into the best schools via bribery and fraud. They didn't really care that some poor children, who had better qualifications lost their spots to them. Hypocricy indeed.
Will those frauds get the same sentence as Manafort?

They should as it is the biggest education scam in US history. We'll see how it plays out.
She is a little girl who died from malnutrition and dehydration while in the custody of ICE. Others have also died for the same reason but I don't have their pictures.
Thank you again for another whiny-assed emotional half-truth story that seeks to make the US the 'bogey man'.

The US did not force these people travel thousands of miles, dragging their children along with them, in measles and other disease-filled caravans. The Mexican govt offered to let them stay there - the US did not force them to say no.

An investigation was conducted and ICE was cleared of any wrong-doing, but please, don't let that stop your whiny-assed assault on the US and anyone who points out that the fact that their life sucks does not give them - OR DEMOCRATS - the right to violate US Law!
You guys will never achieve your dreams of medicare for all and free college if you insist on letting the entire 3rd world enter this country to leech off of it.
That's right, as the trumpie said, "keep the gov out of my Medicare"
So we have 360000000 and how many of these dreaded 3 rd world are there?
Like the Italians, Germans, Asians, the first generation costs. After that their taxes support old white farts like me and you

Approximately 1 million illegal aliens enter this country every year and it's been going on at that rate for decades. You can tax every American corporation at 100% and it's still not going to be enough to cover the health and education costs of that many people.
Most of them come on planes. I wonder what percent is white coming from countries like Poland and Serbia?

I know it's pointless talking to you because you don't want solutions, you only care about scoring internet points on behalf of your party. But I am serious and want whats best for this country. Medicare for all, free college, sounds great. But it's not going to work if we keep bringing in more and more people. People who have a much higher birthrate than American citizens who were born here. It just wont. Oh, and "racism" won't just magically disappear if you replace the majority ethnic group with another. It's just going to switch focus.
well it can't work no matter what happens. we have free public schools and they suck. imagine we do that for college's no one will go. there'd be no commitment.

I dont know, maybe you're right. But there are countries in the world that have that sort of social program and seem to be doing alright. You know what no country in the history of civilization has ever done? Intentionally replace it's ethnic majority with people from other countries. There's zero precedent to support the notion that this experiment will be beneficial to America.
Wait so if a Swedish guy kills someone we should ban all Swedish people? If we had that murder wouldn’t have occurred. Isn’t that the “logic” here?

And we know that must have occurred at some time. We banning Swedes now?
another incoherent comment from a lush

His name is Herr Lesh the Jew hater.
its a he???? sounds more like an unhinged women

Call dare I assume a gender, "Herr Lesh" and see for yourself. IT embraces that name.
Obviously, you have no idea what the immigration process is
I actually do, as I help people navigate it.
Then you know the obstacles these people face. Though with how callous I’ve seen you be towards disabled children, religions you don’t like, refugees fleeing death, etc., I suspect you couldn’t care less.

My parents were immigrants but came here legally. They have helped 10+ families since by housing, feeding, educating and teaching them the American way. All you do is whine and complaing. STFU. Loser.
They are far better people than you, then. Maybe they should have given you more attention.

They are different. Better is subjective. Notice the part about "LEGALLY". You should learn the difference between illegals and immigrants. They aren't the same.
Obviously. Do you think that’s a hard difference to make out? :cuckoo:
Because it’s true Dummie! All of it! You just voted to kill live infants just before, during, and right after birth.

Except it's a complete lie. No State in the country has legal infanticide. You Anti-Choice Social Justice Warriors are simply taking an edited clip and reciting a false narrative about that edited clip.

Hmm, that reminds me of someone or something......
Peaceful murders, terrorists and human traffickers?

Yeah right.

BTW those who hope to enter our country who are fleeing starvation and death can apply LEGALLY and will be admitted.

Your buddies don't do that because they know they are criminals, they are conducting criminal business, and they don't want to be arrested.
Obviously, you have no idea what the immigration process is
I actually do, as I help people navigate it.
Then you know the obstacles these people face. Though with how callous I’ve seen you be towards disabled children, religions you don’t like, refugees fleeing death, etc., I suspect you couldn’t care less.
Same thing those sheriffs have refusing to enforce gun control, I suppose

I don't support them coming in to America, but I am forced to support them through taxation.

I believe that any City declaring itself a Sanctuary City should lose all Federal Funding used to house, feed, give medical care and other goods and services to Illegals.

It should be an automatic process.
I actually do, as I help people navigate it.
Then you know the obstacles these people face. Though with how callous I’ve seen you be towards disabled children, religions you don’t like, refugees fleeing death, etc., I suspect you couldn’t care less.

My parents were immigrants but came here legally. They have helped 10+ families since by housing, feeding, educating and teaching them the American way. All you do is whine and complaing. STFU. Loser.
They are far better people than you, then. Maybe they should have given you more attention.

They are different. Better is subjective. Notice the part about "LEGALLY". You should learn the difference between illegals and immigrants. They aren't the same.
Obviously. Do you think that’s a hard difference to make out? :cuckoo:

You equate the two seamlessly. Because you're an idiot.
That's right, as the trumpie said, "keep the gov out of my Medicare"
So we have 360000000 and how many of these dreaded 3 rd world are there?
Like the Italians, Germans, Asians, the first generation costs. After that their taxes support old white farts like me and you

Approximately 1 million illegal aliens enter this country every year and it's been going on at that rate for decades. You can tax every American corporation at 100% and it's still not going to be enough to cover the health and education costs of that many people.
Most of them come on planes. I wonder what percent is white coming from countries like Poland and Serbia?

I know it's pointless talking to you because you don't want solutions, you only care about scoring internet points on behalf of your party. But I am serious and want whats best for this country. Medicare for all, free college, sounds great. But it's not going to work if we keep bringing in more and more people. People who have a much higher birthrate than American citizens who were born here. It just wont. Oh, and "racism" won't just magically disappear if you replace the majority ethnic group with another. It's just going to switch focus.
well it can't work no matter what happens. we have free public schools and they suck. imagine we do that for college's no one will go. there'd be no commitment.

I dont know, maybe you're right. But there are countries in the world that have that sort of social program and seem to be doing alright. You know what no country in the history of civilization has ever done? Intentionally replace it's ethnic majority with people from other countries. There's zero precedent to support the notion that this experiment will be beneficial to America.
we are the only country that exists as a capitalist society. it's why everyone wishes to come here. people leaving socialism to enter capitalism and then try and convert it to the same program failure they just left. can't write it in a movie any better.


Chief Blasts SANCTUARY CITY Policies after illegal immigrant charged with Murder

"The San Jose police chief blasted California’s sanctuary city policies Tuesday after a previously deported illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet was arrested for murder in the brutal stabbing of a 59-year-old woman.

Chief Eddie Garcia said the murder of Bambi Larson, who was killed inside her home Thursday afternoon, demands that police and the county have an honest conversation over the refusal to honor U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests for violent criminals.

“This isn’t about politics, this is about public safety,” Garcia said during a press conference Tuesday, during which he also spoke about the arrest of 24-year-old Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. “He could have been turned over six times.”

THIS is an example of the type of M*er F*ers the Democrats stood with against the American people to shutdown the government so they could ensure the borders stay open, illegal immigration continues, and their criminal sanctuary cities that protected Pieces Of Shite like THIS and FACILITATED his murders of Americans!

The brutal death of Bambi Larson is not a 'crisis' to Democrats. It is not even 'significant'.


Cops blast California sanctuary city policies after previously deported illegal immigrant arrested for murder

If you were concerned Sergei you’d take guns away from the white trash who are actually committing the mass killings.

Thanks for playing

Vlad loves you
Obviously, you have no idea what the immigration process is
I actually do, as I help people navigate it.
Then you know the obstacles these people face. Though with how callous I’ve seen you be towards disabled children, religions you don’t like, refugees fleeing death, etc., I suspect you couldn’t care less.
Same thing those sheriffs have refusing to enforce gun control, I suppose

I don't support them coming in to America, but I am forced to support them through taxation.

I believe that any City declaring itself a Sanctuary City should lose all Federal Funding used to house, feed, give medical care and other goods and services to Illegals.

It should be an automatic process.
Cool, bro. Get enough representatives in there to change that then.
Then you know the obstacles these people face. Though with how callous I’ve seen you be towards disabled children, religions you don’t like, refugees fleeing death, etc., I suspect you couldn’t care less.

My parents were immigrants but came here legally. They have helped 10+ families since by housing, feeding, educating and teaching them the American way. All you do is whine and complaing. STFU. Loser.
They are far better people than you, then. Maybe they should have given you more attention.

They are different. Better is subjective. Notice the part about "LEGALLY". You should learn the difference between illegals and immigrants. They aren't the same.
Obviously. Do you think that’s a hard difference to make out? :cuckoo:

You equate the two seamlessly. Because you're an idiot.
Nope never have.
My parents were immigrants but came here legally. They have helped 10+ families since by housing, feeding, educating and teaching them the American way. All you do is whine and complaing. STFU. Loser.
They are far better people than you, then. Maybe they should have given you more attention.

They are different. Better is subjective. Notice the part about "LEGALLY". You should learn the difference between illegals and immigrants. They aren't the same.
Obviously. Do you think that’s a hard difference to make out? :cuckoo:

You equate the two seamlessly. Because you're an idiot.
Nope never have.

Keep telling yourself that. LMAO. Idiot.

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