Democrats - Too Many Old People


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
And by that, I mean too many old leaders and not enough young ones.

Among the many questions Democrats might ask as they ponder their course after last week’s electoral drubbing, here’s one that gets relatively little attention: Where are the party’s fresh young leaders?

Even after a stunning defeat, the Democrats’ hierarchy in Congress figures to be unchanged when leaders are picked for the new year.

In the House, Democrats will continue to be led by Nancy Pelosi , 74, who has been atop the Democratic caucus since 2002. The No. 2 House Democrat still will be Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, age 75.

In the Senate, Harry Reid , 74, will remain the party’s top dog, as he has for a decade; he now merely moves from majority leader to minority leader.

In the White House sits the still relatively young Barack Obama , 53, though, obviously, the clock is running down on his tenure. At his side sits Vice President Joe Biden , who turns 72 this month.

The party’s top vote-getter Tuesday was Gov. Jerry Brown of California, a 76-year-old political veteran who first won his current job in 1974. The runaway favorite to win the party’s presidential nomination in 2016 is, of course, Hillary Clinton , 67, who has been a fixture on the national scene for more than two decades.

Indeed, one of the most puzzling questions about the Democrats is this one: If the presidential nomination doesn’t go to either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Biden, who are the plausible younger alternatives?

Whatever one might think of the Republicans, they have more people in their 40s and 50s taking prominence in the party.
Yeah, what do old people have to offer other than Life Experience and Wisdom?

I don't know about YOU but when I need real solutions to lifes tough problems I look for the youngest, least experienced person I can find!
Yeah, what do old people have to offer other than Life Experience and Wisdom?

I don't know about YOU but when I need real solutions to lifes tough problems I look for the youngest, least experienced person I can find!

true, but they (Democrat cult followers) call themselves, PROgressives. Doesn't seem to be that to me
Strange as it is, this is at odds with their excitement that the old white men are a dying breed

Seniors are living longer and becoming the majority and last week they voted RED. Seniors are onto Obama's policies and the Dem base is running on scared and they should be. :thup:
Yeah, what do old people have to offer other than Life Experience and Wisdom?

I don't know about YOU but when I need real solutions to lifes tough problems I look for the youngest, least experienced person I can find!
Gee I look for the person most qualified to answer the question. Someone who is clueless at 40 will be clueless at 50 and 80.
Nancy Pelosi is a prime example.
Strange as it is, this is at odds with their excitement that the old white men are a dying breed
It's old white hippies running the Democrat Party and they don't want to give up their power to younger people. They waited for years, being on the outside. Now their time has come. However, their time has also gone. Hillary is 69 years old and she's the great hope for the party.

It's pathetic and very sad, indeed.
Strange as it is, this is at odds with their excitement that the old white men are a dying breed

They seem to believe that only Republicans age...
How odd.
They drank their own piss. They saw all those cool young people in 2008 hoisting Obama banners and chanting Yes We Can and believed they represented the party.
Fast forward to today and those same young people are now unemployed college grads drowining in debt and if they dont vote GOP at least they arent turning out for the Dems.
And by that, I mean too many old leaders and not enough young ones.

Among the many questions Democrats might ask as they ponder their course after last week’s electoral drubbing, here’s one that gets relatively little attention: Where are the party’s fresh young leaders?

Even after a stunning defeat, the Democrats’ hierarchy in Congress figures to be unchanged when leaders are picked for the new year.

In the House, Democrats will continue to be led by Nancy Pelosi , 74, who has been atop the Democratic caucus since 2002. The No. 2 House Democrat still will be Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, age 75.

In the Senate, Harry Reid , 74, will remain the party’s top dog, as he has for a decade; he now merely moves from majority leader to minority leader.

In the White House sits the still relatively young Barack Obama , 53, though, obviously, the clock is running down on his tenure. At his side sits Vice President Joe Biden , who turns 72 this month.

The party’s top vote-getter Tuesday was Gov. Jerry Brown of California, a 76-year-old political veteran who first won his current job in 1974. The runaway favorite to win the party’s presidential nomination in 2016 is, of course, Hillary Clinton , 67, who has been a fixture on the national scene for more than two decades.

Indeed, one of the most puzzling questions about the Democrats is this one: If the presidential nomination doesn’t go to either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Biden, who are the plausible younger alternatives?

Whatever one might think of the Republicans, they have more people in their 40s and 50s taking prominence in the party.

This election voted in many "first time" young, black and woman Republicans....Seems some people want their party back.
Yeah, what do old people have to offer other than Life Experience and Wisdom?

I don't know about YOU but when I need real solutions to lifes tough problems I look for the youngest, least experienced person I can find!

I like old people. In my business, I trust them more than young people because they've seen it all.

However, organizations need constant rejuvenation, and that requires a pipeline of talented young people who take on more responsibility. That's especially true in politics, where parties risk becoming stale without new people and ideas.
Yeah, what do old people have to offer other than Life Experience and Wisdom?

I don't know about YOU but when I need real solutions to lifes tough problems I look for the youngest, least experienced person I can find!

I like old people. In my business, I trust them more than young people because they've seen it all.

However, organizations need constant rejuvenation, and that requires a pipeline of talented young people who take on more responsibility. That's especially true in politics, where parties risk becoming stale without new people and ideas.
I'd rather that we not talk about this. What's that thing that liberals did back in the 70s - consciousness raising at encounter groups (see watching the Partridge Family gave me a pipeline in kooky 70s things) - no need to raise liberal awareness of this, better to just keep liberals worshipping Reid and Pelosi and the corpse of Teddy Kennedy.
Yeah, what do old people have to offer other than Life Experience and Wisdom?

I don't know about YOU but when I need real solutions to lifes tough problems I look for the youngest, least experienced person I can find!

I like old people. In my business, I trust them more than young people because they've seen it all.

However, organizations need constant rejuvenation, and that requires a pipeline of talented young people who take on more responsibility. That's especially true in politics, where parties risk becoming stale without new people and ideas.
i find it interesting this sudden shift in the media and talking heads that now the dems have a problem. before it was the GOP who had this huge issue, which they seemed to solve by having nobody vote.
Yes. This is absolutely happening. Young people are definitely gravitating toward the GOP. Right alongside minorities and the LGBT community.

Just keep doing what you are doing, GOP. You'll blaze into the WH for sure!
And by that, I mean too many old leaders and not enough young ones.

Among the many questions Democrats might ask as they ponder their course after last week’s electoral drubbing, here’s one that gets relatively little attention: Where are the party’s fresh young leaders?

Even after a stunning defeat, the Democrats’ hierarchy in Congress figures to be unchanged when leaders are picked for the new year.

In the House, Democrats will continue to be led by Nancy Pelosi , 74, who has been atop the Democratic caucus since 2002. The No. 2 House Democrat still will be Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, age 75.

In the Senate, Harry Reid , 74, will remain the party’s top dog, as he has for a decade; he now merely moves from majority leader to minority leader.

In the White House sits the still relatively young Barack Obama , 53, though, obviously, the clock is running down on his tenure. At his side sits Vice President Joe Biden , who turns 72 this month.

The party’s top vote-getter Tuesday was Gov. Jerry Brown of California, a 76-year-old political veteran who first won his current job in 1974. The runaway favorite to win the party’s presidential nomination in 2016 is, of course, Hillary Clinton , 67, who has been a fixture on the national scene for more than two decades.

Indeed, one of the most puzzling questions about the Democrats is this one: If the presidential nomination doesn’t go to either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Biden, who are the plausible younger alternatives?

Whatever one might think of the Republicans, they have more people in their 40s and 50s taking prominence in the party.

that is a problem

one that got magnified after this election

with so many state legislators flipping republican
Yeah, what do old people have to offer other than Life Experience and Wisdom?

I don't know about YOU but when I need real solutions to lifes tough problems I look for the youngest, least experienced person I can find!

I like old people. In my business, I trust them more than young people because they've seen it all.

However, organizations need constant rejuvenation, and that requires a pipeline of talented young people who take on more responsibility. That's especially true in politics, where parties risk becoming stale without new people and ideas.
i find it interesting this sudden shift in the media and talking heads that now the dems have a problem. before it was the GOP who had this huge issue, which they seemed to solve by having nobody vote.

I noticed that too.

I do think the Republicans are swimming against a demographic tide. However, that doesn't mean Democrats don't have problems.

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